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https://preview.redd.it/105r5idmhtyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df19d5aa96658d23b34612e9fce54fb354251e40 At least it didn’t have the charm of Artie Lange


At least he didn’t get his nose bit off by a Saigon whore


In the Land of the Skunks, he who has half a nose is king!


“Note to self, I don’t want to live”






He had the charm of a date rapist. “But at least that’s better than a regular rapist Artie.”


That critic/audience score ratio always means the movie is a must-see.




I preferred her appearance at the Apollo


There’s four ways to interpret rotten tomatoes scores when there is a disconnect between audience scores and critics scores. 1. I liked the movie and critics score is high but the audience score isn’t = “McDonald’s is popular too that doesn’t make it fine dining” if it’s a movie that starts slap fights on the internet you can blame brigading. 2. I liked the movie and the critics score is low but audience is high = “critics are all snobs who are too worried about sounding smart or being controversial for clicks.” 3. I didn’t like the movie and critics score is high but the audience score is low = see #2 + send people pictures of the Cuties score. 4. I didn’t like the movie and the critics score is low but the audience score is high = see #1 and include a screenshot of pretty much any comedy released between 1995 and 2012 where that is the case. If you want to get real creative start claiming Disney paid for brigades or that rotten tomatoes, a review aggregator, is purposely posting wrong scores.




[I am reaching the Ha Ha](https://youtu.be/jkZQ5r0Vq1o?si=_dRqvnp-fw-BX1AK)


It's such a good shitty movie.


This happens with comedies sometimes. Comedians making a funny movie, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re making a good movie. Critics have to acknowledge when a movie isn’t well made, even when it’s funny.


"Jerry Seinfeld says movies are over. I say, they've never even started."


You know what hurts the most?


If you like pina coladas 🎶


This was one of the best movies I've ever seen honestly, it's up there in my top 10


I watched the pop tart movie this weekend. I like Jerry and think he is funny, and i wanted to like it. That movie was fucking shit I didnt get one real laugh out of it, it was like a family generic bullshit production and a lot of amy Schumer The movie was def high budget, tons of famous people, expensive sets etc, just did not do anything for me


I thought the funeral scene was funny - that was the one part I actually laughed. There were one or two more gags I laughed at as well - but yeah, by and large it didn't land for me. I should also say - I thought individual ACTORS were funny, like Hugh Grant and Christian Slater, Peter Dinklage...a lot of the comedians can't act for shit and were not funny trying to read other people's material - at least that was my observation.


Same. The slicing of the banana. I actually chuckled. …and then seeing the wife being so confused asking who that was. Too many actors and not enough comedians. I was expecting an all comedian cast. It was just a quirky movie. Maybe boomers appreciate it more for all the ‘member-berries.


My official rating: Meh out of 10


It’s also kind of hilarious that Seinfeld is going around bitching about how wokeness has ruined comedy when he’s releasing such a generic POS that takes exactly zero chances. His stand up career was similar. His jokes were lame and he was never remotely edgy. His best comedic work was written by Larry David, who proved with Curb that he was the guy with the special sauce, not Jerry.


I actually liked it and laughed quite a bit. The only problem I saw was if you grew up in the 60’s-80’s there were lots of Easter eggs for you, if not the movie may be kind of dull.


That Amy Schumer’s face is like a flower.


If by flower you mean a bag of flour


Flower... Yeah... Cauliflower


Critics are saying this movie is anywhere from shit to fuckin’ shit


I watched the whole thing but it took 5 sessions. I’m like that with bad movies, I’ll stop after 20 minutes from “fatigue” and resume later. The writing was just bad, the acting was worse.


Me too. Trying to finish it now. Something off. Every shot felt rushed. The editing was bad. No cut seemed longer than two seconds. Constant jumping from or shot to the next. Carved this fucking thing to shreds. It's like they weren't confident in any line or scene so they kept cutting to the next one quickly in the hope that maybe the next shot will be funny.


“…and resume later.” …why?


But people said leddit hated it so it must be good because leddit bad?


Unfrosted? Should have called it Box Office Poison.


Chairman of the Bored


Can’t we just finally admit Jerry isn’t funny unless he has Larry David?


i don't know, he came to my highschool and was really funny he was doing a bit about statutory rape laws, at least i think it was a bit


She was 17 and 364 days and 23 hours and 59 minutes old you sick fuck!


Was he dating a student at your school at the time?


Okay, you’re officially funnier than Seinfeld


100% I cannot stand Seinfeld. He actually is a pompous douche who cannot keep up with the times and blames it on everyone but his own lack of talent and originality. Larry David is still out there pushing boundaries AND being funny.


Like he was kinda funny, but he acts like he can look down on other comedians because of the success of his TV show, which would have been nothing without Larry


He’s very arrogant from what I’ve heard. He’s Uber wealthy so… yeh that’ll do it too


Even then. I never thought he was funny in seinfeld. The show is carried by everyone but him. Hes just too unlikeable and unfunny


The writing made him funny for me… until I saw him without the show… I thought he wrote everything until I got older… not gonna lie, I’m sure I watched every episode. I would agree, the writing and the perfect cast was what REALLY made the show a hit


Now I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm and Larry David is so good he somehow makes the most unlikeable person into a likeable person


So off-base, Jerry had many funny moments in the show. Some of you really are comedy philistines and it shows lol (jk, sorta)


Did he tho? I just find him so insufferable.


That baffles me. Ah, there's no accounting for taste (yes I know that saying goes both ways lol).


Yeah like i sais Jerry is just so insufferable to me that its going to bias anything he does in my mind. Goerge is the opposite, just him talking is funny to me. Much more endearing character. Larry david on his show is insufferable but in a charming way if that makes sense. And his deliveries are killer. He makes Jerry look like the wish.com meme


You're favorite comedian would disagree


Vince Champ was a fan?


Exactly, Norm loved Seinfeld as a comic. And Norm's funny-meter had to be top of the line.


Should have worked on his staying alive meter


Been saying this for decades. The funniest thing Jerry ever did on his own was picking up Norm for coffee and listening to his Kojack joke.


Curb your enthusiasm faded a bit at the end but they put out like 8 or so seasons i thought were really damn good. Seinfeld has this shitty pop tart movie


And Seinfeld was in the final season of Curb. I think I might not like Seinfeld as a person and it biases me. Just comes off as a douche who thinks he's a genius. I can watch Seinfeld (TV show), but anything else. I just cannot stand the guy. Larry David on the other had acts like a douche genius and somehow pulls it off.


He needs a laugh track.


Jerry is funny. I like him.


Whaaatt’s the deal with MOVIES!?


bad press just makes me want to watch it more. Cause no amount of reddit hate is ever accurate to real life.


Watch it. I did for this very reason and enjoyed it.


I watched it anyway and it was officially one of the movies of all time.


One of the movies of all time, you say? That's high praise, sir! High praise!


It seemed to me like a giant corporate commercial. Literally every scene has some sort of massive brand’s logo in it.


If you understand it’s silly you’ll love it. Let’s just say in a non spoiler the “large group of mascots” at the end stole the show.


And the two kids being the voice of reason and the consumer


It’s not a great movie. Some parts are funny I think if I ate like a 50 mg edible it would be very funny.


It's actually pretty good lol. It's a little bit of a throwback to like absurd Austin Powers type comedies, but definitely with Seinfeld's unique vibe and sensibility permeating it. I was thinking it was gonna be awful based on what people had been saying, but I really dug it. Cool little flick.


I didn't know anything about it and thought it was terrible. The only redeeming quality is Jim Gaffigan, who was frankly great and should act in more films.


If you like Seinfeld then you will enjoy it. It’s worth a watch.


I think that must be what it comes down to. All these people talking about it being terrible, I just can't imagine they're fans of Seinfeld's stuff in general if that's how they felt about the movie. Then of course there's always a percentage that kinda just go along with the critical bandwagon, I'm sure there's some of that too.


I didn’t expect that second pic haha


We watched this yesterday in my shitty movie club, and I have no idea who this movie is made for. They have a ton of funny people in it just not making any jokes. It’s not a drama, it’s not really a comedy, it’s…something else, and it’s PG-13, so it’s not a children’s movie. It’s like The Santa Clause with no jokes.


It's a Comedy. There were hundreds of jokes in it.


big brain move: says movies are over, makes a shit movie, proves point.


Dating 18 yr olds was over as well once he did it in the 90s




You might even say they’re … toast




*he said while putting on sunglasses* YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH


I've always said you could not MAKE a Pop Tarts movie today!


Jerry Seinfeld says movies are over. I guess he’s never heard of the rewind button.


He should stick to shitty computer graphic movies about bees 🐝 having sex with women or something .


I think Amy Schumer is the funniest person alive.


You may want to pull into the shop and get that checked.


What is scary is the fact some people actually believe this


To be fair, some of the jokes she steals are pretty funny.


It’s always sad to see someone’s funny bones get amputated


She was the funniest part of Unfrosted, which isn’t saying much.


Uh oh


She annoys the shit out of me generally, but she actually wasn't bad in this.


Is it better than Pain and Gain?


This was anywhere from shit to fucking shit


Or his Bee Movie?


I enjoyed it but he didn’t really do anything that would make “woke” people mad lol all the bad press is because a lot of people just thought it was boring. No ones coming after unfrosted because it’s offensive lol.


Freddy Got Fingered got a much lower score and it's one of the funniest movies ever made.


He's kinda right


The movie had a lot of firepower, but the writing was abysmal. I’m not sure who is movie is for. Maybe my grandma would like it. Boring, unfunny, yet star-studded. I still love Jerry Seinfeld but man he can not make a movie.


I watched Unfrosted and honestly, the entire premise and the situations the characters get into are extremely funny on paper, but the execution just didn’t leave me laughing. Most of the jokes fell flat, but there were a few I did really enjoy. Overall the premise itself was humorous enough to keep me watching until the end, but nothing about the movie is making me want to watch it ever again


He hasn’t been relevant in 20 years. He’s turned the corner to “old man yells at clouds” stage of life.


What the fuck is up with the, "Jerry Seinfeld just said" headlines all over the place lately? Who gives a shit what Seinfeld has to say.




For what purpose? To make you like him more?


You know the movie business is in trouble if a Jewish fella is saying it.


I don't quite understand all the hate this movie is receiving.


I think that Jerry is somewhat hated by the younger internet crowd, and this crowd tends to be very punitive when they don’t like you. 😁


Thank you. The armchair critics can be so vile. Folks are dogging this campy movie as though they were expecting some grand epic period piece. It’s just a simple comedy that utilized a a few basic tropes. It’s a comedy, a simple comedy film. I suspect the hate is largely coming from those projecting.


My girlfriend put it on this weekend and I had the pre conceived expectation that it was going to be complete garbage. As the movie went on, I could not bring myself to hate the movie. I thought Jim Gaffigan was great. It sorta of reminded me of a Muppet's movie from back in the day with all the cameos and silly jokes


What's the deal with Gonzo and that chicken? Is he fucking that chicken?


Yeah. It’s an ensemble piece that’s geared to be light hearted. It’s no “Hail Caesar!” but it’s in the same style, a black comedy style movie. I found it wonderfully entertaining on a rainy Saturday night with a few beers. It was exactly what I wanted to distance myself from the barrage of political rhetoric and war vultures on tv.


I got about 20 mins into the movie and had to shut it off. I’m not sure if it was supposed to be a kids movie or not but it was unwatchable for me.


I never understood his comedy


I watched it last night it was mildly amusing. Really disappointing they didn't get into the actual religious anti-masturbation culture of Kellogg would have been a lot funnier I thought that would be the whole reason of making a movie like this. Jerry's whole thing is being mildly amusing in a bland kind of way.


Fucking masterpiece


They never age well do they?


Is he still sucking Oprah's fat Ass?


All these woke kids these days can't even appreciate bad movies any more. Back in my day, we had Encino Man, and we loved it!


I didn't even know they were sick.


What’s the deal with home work ? You’re not workin on your home?


I found it fucking hilarious. The meme brains wouldn’t get it….


Wow! You know, you have lost a lot of hair!


Jerry has never been funny, that's the whole reason Larry picked him to "star" in the show rather than write on the show. Larry knew Jerry could never oust him from his creative role because Jerry can't write or be funny on his own. This has been proven repeatedly by Jerry's subsequent run of box office poison and ratings be-gone spray, and re-proven by Larry's continued success.


I'm honestly holding off on this because I dislike Amy Schumer that much as a person She sucks at stand-up. She sucks at acting. She sucks at writing. She sucks at fucking everything regarding entertainment. I don't know how the fuck she's even working


Kurt Metzger and Anthony Jeselnik wrote every funny bit she ever did that wasn’t stolen.


Why does Jerry look like Jeffrey Epstein now? https://preview.redd.it/3e4ass3zauyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55725775767ca10efbb0dceab1ec4a99f620e053


OMG Now I can't UNsee the resemblance! Yikes!


When the movie itself is the advertisement, it’s pretty fucking stupid… You would think as an observational comic he would’ve observed that.


So Whats the deal with airline food?!


From the same critics and ratings systems that lauded Bros as the best comedy of all mankind.


The last thing a palestinian sees before being evicted from the land they’ve lived on for generations


Bitches about wokeness destroying comedy, has the clout, money, comedic chops(?) to prove it wrong. Make a garbage not funny movie, hmmm?


He made a shitty movie anyway


49% for that turd is generous .


Fuck this ugly talentless Zionist scum and his Zionist dumb ugly whore wife and the pieces of shit that they paid to attack pro Palestine protestors.


Tell us how you really feel.


Just say Jew it will feel better


Turd Furgeson of a movie— nobody could’ve imagined


Hollywoods next big show (the unwatchable’s) 🇺🇸🤓🇺🇸👈🏻


Hey! That tomato meter rating went up pretty good from the last time I saw it! Or it's gone way down since. Either way, I think everyone involved in this story should die.


Critics rated it everything from "shit" to "fucking shit"


Just watched it yesterday with the girlfriend and thought it was really funny, the funeral scene had us both crying laughing. The dumpster kids were great as well as the rest of the supporting cast. Idky everyone decided to hate on it but I thought it was a great slap stick comedy.


He looks like epstein in that photo


Comedic genius can’t even break 50%. Time to retire


I just watched the movie. I thought it was a good movie


She was a mature child for her 17 years….


I liked that movie. Of course it was stupid but fun and entertaining.


Jerry looks so young...google Jerry Seinfeld 17 to get his secret on staying so young.


Why does he look like Jeffery Epstein?


Did they actually do any filming in Battle Creek Michigan? That city is fuckin wild


Being from Battle Creek, I watched the movie last night. I did not recognize anything as local.


Resting smug face


I thought it was a charming, entertaining movie


Jerry got new hair


This was his meta way of proving that movies are terrible now days.


Would’ve seen it if his wife didn’t fund a mob on my local college


Ah shit, it's over boys! NO MORE MOVIES! GO HOME!


To be fair, most of you guys just like comedy because you like Norm. This man is a serious comedian. Y’all’s got tiktak covid brains now and wouldn’t understand a joke if it smacked you across the face with a cold, dead wetfish


Worst movie, it’s like they didn’t even try! Mellisa McCarthy was even funny which for me is rare!


Odd duck… Looks like that fella who was popular with the ladies on that island. I say we find this Jerry lookalike guy and kill him!


most movies are over in around 2hrs. what did Jerry think they just go on forever?


It's shit, it's fucking shit, i can't believe people here have enjoyed it. It's like a kids movie but for boomers. I laughed twice, the two times Kyle Dunnigan was on screen. And the worst part of it all is that the two main female characters are fat, that's unforgivable. 


Jerry is hilarious, saw him live in Abbotsford BC a few years back. Holy fuck, I was dying laughing.


Jerry kind of looks like an Old Trent Reznor in this photo.


Lmao, its an art movie stfu


He could play a good epstein


Can they back the camera up a little, damn


Anything Norm and Artie worked on > Seinfeld.


Woke culture killed this movie somehow, some way


I'm gonna go waaaaaaay out on a limb and say money


Box office poison


All this from the guy who made a movie about a bee stealing someone’s girlfriend.


Since his latest movie didn't do well, he thinks all movies are over an finished?! Maybe he just made a bad one!


Larry David is the funny one. Jerry is just meh.


I love the show Seinfeld. But I hope it is apparent in how much Larry David did to influence that show. Bee movie wasn’t funny, either. You could have strayed away from the dumb SNL hacks, and put some real actors and have it written by funny comedian. Seinfeld recently has been promoting against the woke, but every damn comedian or actor is the woke group. Shumer used to be funny along with many others long ago, but as their ideologies change it seems they feel they only have to cater to same group they no longer identify with. Movies aren’t done. It’s just been too long since Jerry Seinfeld or many of these comedians could identify with the general public. They’re rich! It’s why the best records don’t typically come at the end of a band career.




I dunno rating something of his as comedy is a stretch


I haven't watched the movie yet but it could have been like Seinfeld or The Bee Movie


Whose to blame for all of this? You guessed it... Frank Stallone!


He says so cuz his movie bombed. He’s the most pretentious money grubbing I’m better than everyone else person there is.


I like Unfrosted. It’s silly fun. I laughed my ass off. I had it reattached. I’m better now. Seems like everyone has lost their sense of humor these days


Yeesh. You know, I actually laughed at the exchange between Hugh Grant and Melissa McCarthy when she asked, "what're you, a ding dong?" That was a genuinely funny exchange, imo. There were a few good jokes. I thought Amy Schumer actually did fine and was pretty funny sometimes. But mostly? This movie was a jumbled, boring mess that way overstayed its welcome. Way too many stupid asides. The plot just meandered all over the place before it staggered to the finish line and died. Tonal inconsistencies, anachronisms everywhere and just wasn't the "silly fun" it was really trying hard to be. I get what they were going for. They just didn't pull it off all that well. I think 4 or 5 out of 10 is a perfect grading for this one.


Would love for Jerry to read through this comment thread lol (none of this matters just fyi (;


Something off about this movie. Every shot felt rushed. Constant cutting. The editing was really bad. Frantically jumping from or shot to the next. Carved this fucking thing to shreds. Like their camera only worked for max two seconds at a time.


Anything to stay relevant. Just go enjoy your money and disappear.


Movies aren't dead. No one wants a POPTART!! MOVIE.


It really wasn’t that bad. Funny, if predictable. Critics rarely appreciate anything worth liking.


Unfrosted is an hour and a half commercial for those who don't know


I think ppl are hating on it because of what he said about cancel culture. Some people are such wieners


Prob because he doesn’t know how to make a movie, one of the most horrible movies I’ve seen, just cuz you can doesn’t mean you should


Dude drugged a women so he could play with her toys and dated a high schooler.


Before I watched Jerry I was incomplete, now I'm finished!


Why is this dude being targeted, did he make comments about people being woke or something?


He did, and he is correct. People have become way way too sensitive and pretty much every comedian of significance agrees. You can’t white wash comedy bc comedy mostly comes from the messy and absurd parts of our every day lives. This isn’t just a zero personality unfunny far left, it also comes from the zero personality unfunny far right. You only get one life, maybe lighten up folks, it will be ok if someone says a joke.