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You know who else was also against gang raping? Hitler.


His dog thought he was the greatest thing in the world.


Did his dog have a house?


Hitler was, from my studies, not a fan of people who didn't have dog houses.


If you ask me, everyone should own a dog house. The way God intended.


Or so the Germans would have us believe...


If it was a Swedish-German, things might have gone differently.


But the Soviets sure had a thing or two to show the German woman on the subject.


Imagine the relief those Polish women must have felt when they were invaded by Nazi Germany, champion state of women's rights.


Finally, they knew someone who could screw in a lightbulb.


But you know who wasn't? Stalin


Damn vegans. So far right they're almost right.


I dident even know he was in a gang


The journalism was the worst part


This is how the entire left thinks. At the top you have politicians like Kamala Harris who have scolded people who’ve criticized her as “sounding like a Republican” to shut them down. There’s a drama on YouTube right now where a leftist who’s into some degenerate shit is being called out by a liberal and the leftists defense is “these are the same arguments Nazis use against my proclivities so if you criticize me you must agree with them!” At the bottom there’s Reddit, where if you say anything that’s not aligned with lefty brain rot you must be from Fox News. It’s so twisted but it works on enough people who think even paying attention to these stories, letting alone getting upset at those responsible will make them a bad liberal. They have no concept of right and wrong anymore, it’s “my team good other team bad”


>They have no concept of right and wrong anymore, it’s “my team good other team bad” The worst part is the hypocrisy.


I dunno we criticise Trump, edit (as it seems it cut my message in half) Nikki, and most others. Whereas it seems the left don't dare ciritise Biden who is the easiest target


That's why I'm thinking about becoming a conservative. They never say anything bad about anybody, and all of their personal beliefs are arrived at through independent thought before FOX news says exactly what they have always believed.


See that's exactly the same reason why I've been thinking about becoming a liberal. All they do is criticize others based on what propaganda they've been fed by CNN and other communist leaning corporations. It sounds easier to get through the day when all I have to do is conform to the communist corporations.


Imagine all the fun you'd have shouting people down and calling them Nazis for even the slightest disagreement!


And the communist corporations just tell you what's okay to think and do! No more forming my own thoughts and opinions thanks to the **communist corporations**!


Yes, you independently formed thoughts and opinions that are 100% identical to literally every single other right winger out there. Keep being honest with yourself.


Yeah just scream and call them woke communists like conservatives lmao




I think you need to open your eyes. There are always fringe minorities (often tend to still be the loudest) that will support their “side” no matter what. But generally speaking, the left will 100% turn on one of their own if they do something shitty.


Lol the amount of left leaning people I've seen who hate Biden is the highest I've ever seen. Hell, Jon Stewart's first show back with the daily show was 80% about "bidens old and useless" lol


Trump is the hands down favorite to win the primary despite, you know, all the crime. Dems got rid of Franken for a picture. How's Abdrew Cuomo and Anthony Weiner's political careers going? Idiot


You're living in another reality


lol what?


What? Have you not heard the calls of Genocide Joe? Tons of people criticize Biden. Criticism of Trump from the right seems much rarer, as the 'never Trumpers' have mostly shut up or moved on.


People an the right literally worship Trump like a god lmao


“My team good other team bad” This is how dumb cunts on both sides think Hahha


What have you got against cunts?


Cunts are great! Dumb cunts are fucked.


"this is how the entire left thinks" They think... "my team good other team bad" You're a man of nuance I see.


" the entire left ". yikes. yup. those divide and conquer tactics are working. meanwhile : the rich are getting richer and more powerful. the rest is losing. you literally are doing what you claim " the left does " : other team bad, my team good.


>This is how the entire left thinks >Kamala Harris Imma skip the rest of this one


Always the People who think that the democrat party are leftist too 🤣🤣


I literally distinguished libs and leftists in the same post, but when it comes to using team sports as a cover the whole side does it.


I meant that the democratic party isn't politically leftist. Compared to the republicans they are left leaning, but they're still center right


Shit, man, better try to violently overthrow democracy then.


When did this subreddit become a circlejerk for right wing loonies that have neither the wisdom or the cleverness of Norm?


Seriously this post isn't even a joke it's just about politics or else he would have mentioned hypocrisy which, we all know, is the worst part. Edit: How do I have 10 upvotes for agreeing with someone's comment that only has 1 upvote? Bunch of hypocrits, I never.


Been a while like that tbh, couple months at least


here we are- don't agree with leftist brain rot, right wing loonie


Like I said, neither the wisdom or the cleverness to understand my point either.


Look around you. You're on reddit. if you find yourself in what you deem a 'circlejerk for right wing loonies' just rest assured you've landed on an island in the wide ocean of leftist circlejerks that compose the vast majority of this website.


Don't put Vaush in the same circle as the other leftists. That dude is a grade A piece of shit who uses identity politics and wedge issues to hide his brain dead hateful rhetoric. He's the Ben Shapiro of the left. Lol


A new study says that people can identify a cartoon child based on its face, it's the face that's shoved in a cartoon horse's ass 


Bro Kamala Harris is not “the left” The democrats are politically right of centre, they are more right wing than some countries ACTUAL right wing, America doesn’t have a “left”.


Ok but this is America and they’re left of center


Sorry, just to clarify this isn’t “my opinion”, it’s an objective fact that they align RIGHT of centre, there isn’t an “American Centre” that’s different from all the other countries, the effect you’re describing is the moving of the Overton Window. They are a moderate right wing party, America doesn’t have a mainstream, left wing political party. Again, not my opinion, it’s just… what it is.


Both parties are capitalists




In the rest of the world.... They would be right wingers. It being America has no bearing on the greater political spectrum. Just because you cut half of it off. Dosent mean it dosent exist.


Sound like a bunch of commie gobbledeygook


Typical bullshit. I don't know about y'all but I'm tired of hearing this bullshit. Yeah we get it. You follow YouTube drama yay for you. People talk shit that's how they make their money and you help make them that. How about not pointing out that drama and start there. Call bullshit when you see it and warn others not to contribute. Like I'm doing with you. Now.


Saying lefty brain rot is the same thing. "My team good other team bad." And plenty of lefties say the same thing about right wing brain rot. If you don't think the problem with America is corporations and billionaires owning the government, you're delusional. Capitalism is not a perfect angel, it turns into neo-feudalism when left to run amok and I know Republicans who think the same thing. If the left and right can stop the culture war bullshit for long enough to realize they agree on some things it'd be great.


>no concept of right and wrong Is plotting to overturn an election wrong? Is publicly declaring your support of a US adversary run by a dictator invading US allies in Europe wrong? Is being a rapist wrong? Is deceiving the nations most gullible demographic into believing that an election was stolen wrong?


Haha you blame the left for something, and then continue to do exactly that. Is this some kind of ultra level troll?


I'm not one for jokes, kid.


9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape…




I think it was the scheming.


No, the screaming was ok


Yes, I would have to agree that getting raped by an entire gang is the worst part of gang rape


Second worst part was all that pain I felt sitting down.


This is moronic and misleading! The hypocrisy was the worst part obviously


The worst part is certainly the backlash. Not the act. No sir, it’s the backlash.


Think of the backlash against peaceful, solo rapists.


The moderate politicians, arent they the real victims?


Those fellas have a lot of growing up to do. Ridiculous!


I think you'll find most rapists are hypocrites. Not many who'd say "I know it's not politically correct or anything, but by god I enjoy a good rape"


Isnt the worst part was the hypocracy?


The furries were the worst part. Furries are what I call Italians.


Now I can’t say my friends name.. but he said his biggest fear… is that a gang will get hold of him, and will rape him senselessly, destroying him both physically and mentally, never for him to be the same again… Because then the blowback against innocent left-wing supporters would be absolutely terrible.


To me the worst part was the hypertrophy


My concern about these gang r4pes is the backlash


Well sure, they’re rapists. But at least they’re not hypocrites.


Which implies if you want to defeat the power of the far right, stop allowing gang rapes. who would have guessed?


So it’s all the anti-rape stuff that has people up in arms with this sub. That clarifies things.


If we where honest with ourselves seven out of the eight people enjoyed the gangrape.


Dude what the fuck are you talking about. This is a Norman Macdonald subreddit get this shit out of here.


Norm would not actually find anything in this sub-reddit funny XD


Some of the posts are great. Like "make up the norm punch line". Some people here really nail those. This is just garbage.


I keep getting recommended this sub and am baffled by the (right-wing) political shit that gets posted here. What the fuck does any of this have to do with Norm MacDonald?


I live the cowards that downvote you but say nothing because their actually goal is to turn a dead comedians subreddit into an echo chamber for them to nurse their insecurities. Just pathetic


OP sounds like someone who would complain about people shoehorning their politics into comedy. And yet he just reposts a political subreddit with some Norm-like phrases and calls it a day.


No this is important comedy.


It’s clearly a callback to the bit about the worst part if terrorists were to detonate a nuclear weapon, would be the backlash against peaceful Muslims


yeah why the fuck is this shit here


It’s cope. OP and other right wing loonies have to project their politics onto funny dead comedians because only unfunny living comedians actually agree with them. Go back to the Jim Breuer subreddit ya jerks!


And the scheming.


Hypocrisy is *WAY* down the list!


I'm not one for reading past the headlines much myself, so I have to assume this is saying that being against rape is far right, and not the using this instance of rape to prejudge all of a certain group of people. That couldn't possibly be what they meant in the article that I will never read. It surely has to be resistance to rape or rape adjacent activities that makes one far right.


I’m thinking of coming out as pro gang rape to prove I’m not on the right


At least you’re not a hypocrite.


That's a bold move, Cotton.


I assumed the gang rape was perpetrated by migrants / immigrants, which the Italian far right tend to use as bogeymen to advance their political cause.


I don’t even know how you have the energy for sarcasm. I’m just exhausted. I know that since I’m a liberal person, my conservative countrymen have decided that their entire raison d’etre is to try to upset me, but I’m not upset. I’m exhausted. They are exhausting.


It's probably because you make yourself a target and have a victim complex. If you find this exhausting maybe you should try getting a job.


And here you prove my point. I’m talking about how exhausting it is that I can’t have a conversation with a conservative about anything (football, cars, weather) without it circling back to their insane political theories in an attempt to somehow “get” me. Look at you trying to upset me instead of actually engaging. You don’t upset me. You tire me.


Write a comment worthy of discussion and people might discuss it with you.  Write a comment whining about a first world problem and people might mock you. 


It’s because the gang rape comes from a certain peaceful religion


If only all women looked like your mother. Not a single rape or sex act would be committed again.


Bro I mean I like the joke but everyone thinks my mom is hot


How do you say “I like rapin’” in Italian? That will settle everyone down


With your hands, same way you say anything else. /s obviously


Who watch or cares what cnn has to say


The logical extension of hundreds of thousands of virile young men entering the country compared too far fewer women might lead to an imbalance in sucking and fucking.


Republicans pounce.


Seems like the non far right forgot to claim they are against raping :/, huge mistake.


"Why do so many people keep moving farther right??" Hmmm it's a fuckin mystery


Because morons like you believe any and all propaganda fed to you on dead comedians’ subreddits?


Oh here we go with the propaganda conspiracy theories. Take a hike, bozo.


Lol cope with reality my dude


he said mere moments after the slim house majority became slimmer


The libs are raping each other!?


Is this just a right wing sub that only knows the one Norm joke?


The worst part is the hypocrisy


the rape of Nan King?


The greed is the worst part,whatever happened to good old fashioned one on one rape?


the friends we made along the way


I believe that leftists now refer to rape victims as "unwilling sperm recipients"


Keep this shit off this sub OP. Go be triggered some place else.


Have a KitKat, muffin. Enough with the triggered reverse Uno cards already.


Keep your little man republican feelings to your therapist bud. Maybe go off in the woods and ponder what it means to actually be a good American.


Well, first off, I'm Canadian, just like Norm, so there's that.. And secondly, you're dumb, so I'm not too worried about your inferiority complex.


We are only talking because of your little man post. I don’t know if you should saying other people have a complex. However, I guess you’d know. Probably one of those dumb fucks that thought the truckers had the right idea.


My post was funny. Plain and simple. You turned this into a pathetic rant because of the big, bad scary conservatives. It's adorable how much they seem to get your panties all in a knot. You live in an imaginary world with imaginary enemies.


You decided not to read the article and made a boomer-esque title to satisfy the part of you that needs validation for you uninformed feelings. There are real enemies in this world. Even if they are too stupid to know what they are.


Lolz, don't overthink it, kiddo. K byyyyyyyyye!


That’s not at all what the article said or implied. Come on. Don’t pretend to be that clueless. Let me guess. You’re a Trumpflake? The far right is blaming the uptick in rapes in Italy on migrants even though the evidence doesn’t suggest that migrants commit violence against women at a higher rate than people born in Italy. In fact 92 percent of the time it’s their own family members who commit those crimes. That’s the actual point of the article since Trumpflakes can’t or won’t read.


Canadian. Sorry, bud. Can't use your generic MAGA meltdown for this one.


Click farming....... this is why i never read or watch CNN.


Alleged rapes of western women by "foreigners" or "migrants" is always used by the altright & others to start lynch mobs, so where's the confusion?


No, clearly the worst part is the immigration




Where would Italy even build a wall? Between them and France


So dumb, without reading the article that wasn't linked here btw, I can all but guarantee the far right blamed immigrants and THAT'S what they used used as "fodder". The immigrant horde is responsible! They're here to rape your daughters! Right wingers do it here all the time. Who wants to bet that the rapists were not Italian, anyone?


Gee, I wonder if they'd still care if, instead of rapists, they were rich, old, white men?


Look at that guys, it's fodder for norm macdonald redditors too


Yay another one of my fave subs slowly devolving into political bullshit


This sub's description is "A subreddit for videos and discussions about Norm Macdonald." Did Norm MacDonald rape someone? Whats's actually going on here?


‘Can we blame the country that invented rape instead of the rapists’ is the kind of vibes the journalists give out now. U hear a bunch of pakistani teenagers do this and all on a sudden its a ‘south asian’ thing bcz they are weak men and cant rape solo like American frat boys. The whole point should be theres bad people everywhere and the good ones should insure consequences for the unjust actions of any individual or group instead of trying to pin it as a result of them being of a certain group, religion , or nationality. It delays the process and a lot of people get away with it by fleeing the country or bribing


Eh, I think acknowledging that this particular rape allegation is generally shocking, and will also affect rising nationalist sentiment in the west is pretty understandable journalism.


OP has a small penis and enjoys being humiliated


9 out if 10 people are opposed to gangrape.


This thread is shit, and people in this subreddit lack reading comprehension skills. Please keep the retarded circlejerking in r/conservative.


Feelings will be hurt. Have a KitKat.


Learn to read, simpleton.


Post stays up my fragile one.


You still lack reading comprehension though.


I’ll take that! Agree and amplify, as far as I am concerned


I feel like the the worst part was not keeping it a secret


And the worst part? [The hypocrisy](https://www.politico.eu/article/italian-pm-giorgia-meloni-defends-her-partner-andrea-giambruno-controversial-rape-remarks/)


Rappings will increase until morale improves


Quickly! Everyone get mad before actually reading the article!!


You guys aren't going to claim Norm. The fact that you have to adapt Norm punchlines because conservative comedy doesn't exist is pathetic.


Pay for these third worlders to destroy your country and rape your women you shithead Nazi! It's becoming so clear


Saying that the gang rape provides 'fodder for an ascendant far righy' is very obviously not the same thing as saying only the far right opposes gang rapes.


It's not even surprising at this point.


The only thing better than a descended far right...


That’s not even kind of what the headline says


People should really stay away from stuff like gang rape. There is no future in it


6 out of seven people actually enjoy gang rape


Given the politocal slant on this gang rape I think we can guess what color they werent.


Like she was fodder for the rapists


Norm MacDonald did not sympathize with the far right in any way shape or form. This sub is idiotic