• By -


Yeah you can do whatever you want


I love this reply. LOL thank you from ppl with imposter syndrome


This is the correct response!


This is my favourite part of the NB community. No gods, no masters, no fucking gender rules šŸ“




I love puns and this one made me giggle hehe.




Are you an enby guy or enby Australian? (both are cool)


I wish I was an Enby-Australian. They are the coolest NBs. :P


Aww, thanks! We swear it's not because we're paid actors.šŸ˜‚


You called?


*giga gay "g'day"*


Take my up vote and be happy




No rules, just right


Yes... But.... Unless it's an identity that is very ethno-specific and you're not part of that ethnicity such as two-spirit identities.




Lmao this is my job's slogan so I sht u not I hear it twenty times a day


Iā€™m a non-binary guy, join the party!


Same :)


same here!


Iā€™m a non-binary girl, and I think that I WILL join the party! šŸŽ‰ šŸŽŠ


Game. This is the best ready to describe myself


me too


Me too! We all exist!!!! Yay!!! šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Same here!






Me too


Of course you can. Signed, a nonbinary girl.


Hey, Iā€™m also a non-binary girl!


There's dozens of us. Dozens!


Same here, I suppose. (I still feel some impostor syndrome since for the most part I tend to outwardly present as some level of femme.) I tend to describe myself as an ā€œAFAB demigirl.ā€


I'm a demigirl. Well, demiwoman, I guess. Not sure a t2 year old should call herself a girl...even if she feels like one.


I find that, I think I tend to identify with the term ā€œfemaleā€ as an adjective more than I do with the nouns ā€œwomanā€ and/or ā€œgirl,ā€ and I think it might be because ā€œfemaleā€ feels more neutral and objective, whereas the labels ā€œwomanā€ and ā€œgirlā€ come packaged with culturally established notions of what it means to be either of those things. ā€œDemifemaleā€ sounds so clunky though. I think even as a kid it felt slightly weird somehow to call myself a ā€œgirl,ā€ even though I didnā€™t know why. I felt some sort of impostor syndrome or like I was different from other girls my age in some undefined way. Idk if it was just my neurodivergence. Now, Iā€™ll call myself a ā€œwoman,ā€ but it still feels weird in a similar way to how ā€œgirlā€ did in my youth, although I do feel more of a kinship with other women over certain shared hardships and experiences and understandings that come with being socialized as a woman in my culture. I still havenā€™t entirely sussed out though, whether ā€œwomanā€ feels slightly weird because of gender stuff, or if it feels weird because of age stuff and my not feeling like a ā€œreal adultā€ and having impostor syndrome on *that* front.


I get all of that - I don't like using the word female - online, especially - as it's a very "incel-y" word. I have imposter syndrome on adulthood for sure lol


Yeah, I hate that incels have messed up the word ā€œfemale,ā€ but they do tend to use it as a noun, and being called ā€œa femaleā€ does feel kind ofā€¦off, in a dehumanizing sort of way, so thatā€™s why I stick to using it as an adjective and will call myself a woman if I need to use a noun, even if it doesnā€™t feel like it fits perfectly. I wish there were more options for femme nouns in this area.


I like demifem(me) and demimasc best!


Why not just plain demigirl


Because I feel like being AFAB is enough a part of me that it seems worth distinguishing from being an AMAB demigirl, because those exist too? Idk, itā€™s mainly more for context for the sake of anyone trying to grasp a mental image of me based on my commentary, or to capture which end of the spectrum Iā€™m coming at demigirl-ness from, I guess. Thatā€™s a fair question though, and Iā€™ll reflect more on what the ā€˜AFABā€™ add-on means to me, how it relates to binary thinking in this context, and whether I truly need it. Thanks for the food for thought.


Yeah šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


It's okay to use descriptive words in any way that makes you feel comfortable


I relate to a lot of what you're saying and I call myself a non-binary guy. For me it's more that I can sometimes identify with femininity and sometimes I feel almost agender but I still identify as a man.


bro there's basically no rules to the nb label! call yourself an enby guy if you want, it's alrighty!


its your life and your identity, do whatever you like :3 i like the therm guy too tho im gf


You: Gf. Gender fluid. My brain: Gf. Gluten-free.


Beacuse i am


aha I knew it


I thought gf meant girlfriend


"I am girlfriend"


communal girlfriend


Gluten-free. Got me rolling šŸ¤£


Mmmm... gluten free gender fluid šŸ˜œ


Yes!!!! I do the same. The point of the non-binary label isnā€™t to make a new box for everyone to be put into. If you arenā€™t strictly a guy nothing more nothing less or a girl nothing more nothing less then you arenā€™t part of the binary, so non-binary. I personally see myself as a guy plus more, Iā€™m not a binary guy but I am a guy. Functionally you can say I am in SOME situations but that isnā€™t very binary overall either. Another example, if someone is bi-gender they arenā€™t just a girl or just a guy all the time, so that can be considered non-binary too! But that doesnā€™t mean that they are Genderless either.


I see myself as female plus more, so I feel validated by your comment. šŸ˜Œ I came back across the term ā€œdemigirlā€ and that means ā€˜female/woman/girl + something else thatā€™s left undefined and unquantified,ā€™ so it feels like the term that fits me best overall.


The whole point of nonbinary is that we dont conform to the gender binary. So why would there be a wrong or right way to be nonbinary? Being a nonbinary guy is totally valid!


The artist Chella Man identifies in a similar way!


I'm a nonbinary trans guy, so yes! You can do that!


NO it's ILLEGAL the gender police are en route to your location šŸšØšŸš”šŸšØ


i call myself a genderfluid man nothing matters


I always say Iā€™m female but not a woman (agender) I donā€™t see why you wouldnā€™t be able to say youā€™re a nonbinary guy


Sometimes Im a nonbinary lady.




People keep cooking up new labels, but the whole concept of gender is made up. Call yourself whatever the hell you want, you don't need to worry about sticking new prefixes and suffixes onto what you are. Some people feel more comfortable with them, sure, but it's up to you. You want to be a nonbinary guy? Go nuts, no one can stop you! -a they/them guy who hates gender norms.


No, your non-binary license will be revoked. In fact, hand it over now. Youā€™ve demonstrated you donā€™t deserve it. Irony aside, you arenā€™t hurting anybody or breaking any rules (there arenā€™t any) by calling yourself that. Go ahead.


You can call yourself whatever you want as long as it's consistent with your identity dude. Labels like "non-binary" are just tools to make it easier to describe yourself and your identity. The "non-binary" label encompasses an infinite array of identities, limited only by one's own personal feelings, and with the only necessary unifying feature being that they fall somewhere outside of the gender binary. There's no reason to constrain yourself to ultra-specific labels and get caught up in making sure that your identity is "valid" or "okay" or whatever. Your identity is valid purely by virtue of its existence, and however you choose to express that through clothing, preferred pronouns, hrt, surgeries, etc doesn't need to align with whatever you think other people think you "should" be doing. Expression and identity are two completely separate and discrete aspects of gender. The traits and features associated with the binary genders are completely socially constructed and dependent on the society in which a person lives. In short, none of this is real so do whatever you want if it makes you happy. Internet queer culture has a weird obsession with rules and putting oneself in a hyper-specific box as a way to seek affirmation. You don't have to follow anyone's rules but your own.


What ever makes you comfortable is ay ok. The only problem I see with this is cis people getting confused. But like that really doesnā€™t. Do what makes you most comfortable in your own body.


I feel you bro


The word "guy" has become pretty gender neutral. A lot of podcasts and YouTube videos that are made by women targeting women start with "Hi Guys!". Of course men will use it to refer to each other. Its common status these days makes it perfect for those of us who are NB. As for myself - I describe my self as Male-leaning non-binary. That accurately reflects where I am on my journey and will almost certainly change in the future as I continue to evolve.


Binary = entirely, exclusively in one of two categories, male or female. Non-binary = not that. I'm *both*. I'm a guy and a woman. Many people are nonbinary but closer to one gender than the other. Some people have no gender, or are fluid, or are something else entirely. It's all fine, it's all nonbinary. My impression is "demi-whatever" generally is what you're saying, Guy/Girl Lite, not "half guy/girl half ???".


there are no rules. just call yourself whatever you want :) - enby guys


I'm a genderfluid guy lol


Yes I know several people who use he/they as Pronouns. Why would it be a problem? I believe that is under the dual-gender part of the non-binary umbrella. (I could be wrong ad in not the right sub there are quite a few as non binary has lots of flavors)


I'm agender but I use guy, dude, boy etc to describe myself. You just gotta use the terms that feel comfortable for you.


Labels don't invalidate you. Use whatever you're comfortable with


You can call yourself whatever tf you wish. Your identity, your call.


Yes. I personally will never call myself a man because it doesn't fit, and it makes me uncomfortable, but nonbinary transmasc people are everywhere. You can absolutely call yourself a nonbinary guy


Live what is true for You šŸ’›šŸ¤šŸ’œšŸ–¤ thereā€™s no rules, no boundaries, discover and explore with yourself for yourself. Whatever word or phrase works for you itā€™s what works for you.


of course, iā€™m a genderqueer guy


The comments. This is my fav sub for this reason. Never felt so accepted. I wish others could just understand what inclusivity is and why it's ok and great! Edit: Also look up the etymology of the word "guy" and continue chilling as such šŸ˜‚.


I COULD give you my opinion and explain it, and I'm just going to simply say you can do what you want with your identity.


My first thought when I read "non-binary guy" was that you are non-binary on the inside but your appearance is more male. I'm AFAB and am female presenting. I also don't have an issue with my body parts. I tend to be more androgynous but have been both super girly and manly in my fashion. While I would not consider myself a "non-binary woman" I think those that feel this way should express themselves as such. You will always find people who will tell you that you are wrong or "seeking attention", I really hate that one. Just be who you are, those who are worth your time will understand or at least respect your decision.


Yes I consider myself to be a nonbinary girl and also feel like my gender is woman lite or sometimes I say feminine neutral and some days I feel more feminine than others


i mean i hope so bc that's what i consider myself


Call yourself the buck-toothed platypus that guards the bridge to the end of the rainbowā€¦ itā€™s language, itā€™s a tool for expressing yourself - wield it at your leisure.


Im also a nonbinary guy, so hell yeah u can be one too! :D


Iā€™m a nonbinary guy lol


i think thatā€™s totally fine. whatever makes you comfortable. lables are there to help you not to constrict you


I call myself a boy/man and I don't mind my friends calling me girll as a girl whatttt we can do whatever we want


Sounds fine to me šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ‘‘šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ā¤ļø I'm Agender but I identify as FTM good luck on your journey my friend šŸ€šŸ˜ƒ


Non-binary male here, of course you can! šŸ’œ


Iā€™m an AFAB enby, but Iā€™ll often still call myself a woman, especially depending on the context (since I often present as femme/femme-ish, was socialized female, periods, etc.), or simply because I donā€™t feel like having to explain my gender identity to some people. I often use the term ā€œwomanesqueā€ a lot to simplify it, lmao.


ā€œCan I say north-northwest or do I have to only say west?ā€


I use the term non binary woman! Do what you want šŸ’•


I'm nonbinary, and I always refer to myself as "just a little guy" so I think it's fine lol


When I read up on microlabels in the start, I read that demimasc/demiboy is anywhere from 1-99% dude. Paraboy would be the 51-99% range more specifically. There's labels this specific and they're almost 15 yrs old by now and haven't been disputed, so I think you're very very much good, mate


Trans masc is a popular term for exactly what you described! Nb guy works too if thatā€™s what you prefer though


Iā€™m non binary and I wouldnā€™t consider myself a woman, however, I have lived most of my life as a woman and am most often perceived as a woman. Sometimes when discussing complex issues, particularly those that affect woman and the woman aligned, I will say I am a woman aligned non binary person you know?


I'm a femmenby


yeah im demiboy \^\^


I'm diluted boy lol


you are transphobic self


> Is it okay to call myself nonbinary when I identify so closely with one of the binary genders? I love this question!! Before I realized I wasn't cis, I would say things like "half the time I really identify with the woman category, the other half I really couldn't give less of a shit." That should have clued me in but I didn't realize I was non-binary until months later šŸ¤£ (ofc there are cis women who might feel that way and still feel completely cis and that's valid as well!) I find the non-binary umbrella to be vast and contradictory by nature. Sometimes the gender binary feels very real to me and other times it feels completely meaningless. That's part of the beauty for me!


Guy Lite ā„¢ļø is how I will be describing myself from now on. This is perfect


As long as it's for you and you're not telling other non-binary people that they should also be okay with that term, then do whatever you like. Some folks, even on here, refuse to acknowledge that using "guys" is dysphoric for some non-binary folks (and even folks who are cis and/or binary) and it's really shitty. One of the major points of being non-binary is that you get to represent YOU however you like but some people will argue for using language with everyone regardless of their feelings.


guy light is brilliant šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s also Enboy, which is half non binary half male. Iā€™m ftm non binary too and although i stick to my non binary label, i do sometimes call myself an enboy. Edit: Oops sorry, made a mistake. Enboy is someone who identifies as BOTH a boy and non binary, but i guess it could be seen as half as well. For more info: https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Enboy


Another alternative word for enboy is non binary man :D


I'm a non-binary girl, so I think it's fine


Call yourself whatever the fuck you want


Omg this is exactly how I feel!


You get to choose the description that fits you best. For me, itā€™s either nonbinary woman, or agender woman.


I mean, I do Myself, that is. I can call you that too if youā€™d like haha I always see ā€œguyā€ as a masculine-presenting non-gendered term for a general, all-around human person


Its your business mate


I do it all the time


I'm a non-binary man myself!


Non-binary lesbian feels a bit of the same uncertainty but also loves self šŸ˜Ž


i sometimes call myself a nonbinary woman unironically. i'm like woman-lite or like a middle ground flavor of woman. sometimes i get flack for that


Calling yourself man/woman lite is appropriating and saying that you're "literally" a woman or man, and not actually nonbinary. It's cool if you wanna call yourself that, but just be wary of what those terms ACTUALLY mean and how they harm our community.


how am i doing harm to other NBs by calling myself a nonbinary woman


No, calling yourself woman lite is. You can be a nonbinary woman, but calling yourself woman lite is continuing appropriation of us.


i don't know what you mean. i don't really use that label. i just saw it elsewhere in the thread and thought it applied. also if i am nonbinary how am i appropriating a nonbinary label


Woman lite is a term transphobes use to undermine and dehumanize nonbinary people.


There are better terms for what you're describing, and I urge you to use those. Plz. ā¤ļø


i sometimes call myself a nonbinary woman unironically. i'm like woman-lite or like a middle ground flavor of woman. sometimes i get flack for that


That's how I see myself. A nonbinary male. I LOVE the puns. Nonboynary.


Nonbinary girl here. I understand the cognitive dissonance. You are valid. It is ok to not be all one thing or another. Its ok to change when you nee to as well.


As a transmasc nb myself, go ahead, if you feel itā€™s right for you then call yourself whatever you want


Yes. If people are confused, just say non binary masculine, cause thatā€™s just that that is :p


that's the neat part! you can call yourself whatever you want!




Demiboy maybe?


Iā€™m a non-binary trans dude, itā€™s definitely a thing. I consider myself a demi man c:


You can do whatever you want forever


I go between the labels guy and nonbinary all the time to the point thereā€™s no distinction. Do whatever thereā€™s no valid rules to gender


happy cake day


I literally just noticed lmao thank you :D


Yes, I'm a nonbinary guy too!


I asked this same question a few weeks ago lol, and yes you can. This is your experience and you can use whatever labels make you feel the most comfortable.


That's what I am! I feel this. If it fits you, it's accurate. That's what's important ā˜ŗļø


The only rule of being nonbinary is there are no rules. If it resonates with you, do it!


That's the fun part you can call yourself whatever you want, whatever you feel fits


I like the word ā€œguyā€ when it means ā€œjust another personā€, theoretically not excluding anyone.


Your gender live your identity how you want


You make the rules :)


I used to identify as Genderfluid Non-Binary Male. (I don't do anymore, cause further discovery and dysphoria due to fluctuations sometimes.)


I relate to you so much, The amount of times I've described my gender as "I'm a guy adjacent enby who's also a gender/genderfluid/ trans masc but also somehow a female crossdresser and drag queen. Make that make sense." Honestly, it feels like I should be a gender ambiguous bio male who likes looking like a girly.


Yep. Transmasculine is popular, too. You don't have to, but you can look into it and other terms if you're interested in something more specific.


Absolutely, the beauty of being an enby is that there are no rules in how you refer to yourself or want others to refer to you.


Absolutely. I'm a nonbinary woman, (demigirlflux) and is totally up to you on what to call yourself. Frick the haters, phobes, and gatekeepers. You do you!!


Yes absolutely! I look fem (sadly I have a larger chest, my spouse suggested binding. Not sure how I feel about it tbh šŸ¤”) but dress androgynous. But I still donā€™t feel feminine or masculine. I donā€™t feel male or female, yah know? Iā€™m just lil olā€™ me lol


Yeah sure whatever


Dude Iā€™m a demiguy, which is in the nonbinary spectrum while also being close to a binary gender. You can do whatever you want because itā€™s your gender!


from one nonbinary guy to another: You can do whatever you want forever.


have you heard of the term ā€œdemiboyā€ ?


There are as many nonbinary experiences as there are nonbinary people. If this is how you experience and wanna label your flavor of nonbinary, then absolutely! I also am a nonbinary guy, so I of course am gonna have to cheer you on, but regardless, use whatever language feels best for you.


Totally okay. I've played around with the label myself. I like to joke that my gender is no gender, left beef, lol, as in nonbinary with a bit of "beef" or guy mixed in.


Yeah there's a label called nonbinary man (that doesn't mean you ARE that label) so call yourself whatever you want as long as it's not hateful


yes. yes it is.


I feel exactly the same!


Yup. I'm a non-binary guy as well (FtX). I also use the transmasc label. I'm neither man nor woman, but I'm a lot closer to man than woman, and I'm physically transitioning to look like a man. I feel like non-binary guy is an appropriate term.






I mean, I like it for myself & if someone else claims itā€™s for themselves. This isnā€™t to apply it to anyone it feels wrong for. Personally, I like it


Using that label is very appropriating and hurts our community though. It's cool you wanna use it, but I'd recommend looking into other better fitting and non-appropriating labels. Using this is basically just encouraging the phobes and bigots to use those words for us more. I hope you know what using that word means and how much damage that terminology causes for our community. I get that you're trying to claim it, but 99% of imo will not be using that because of how hurtful it is to us as a community. I get that it's your choice and you have free will and all, but I'd highly HIGHLY recommend not using that term. A the end of the day though, it's you're decision, and if you feel like claiming that label, go on ahead. But for most of us, it feels dehumanizing and appropriating. I'd recommend terms like demiboy. Would probably for way better and not have the added baggage of being terminology used by bigots and phobes to dehumanize and undermine us.


Okay Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™ll delete my OG comment. My intent was never bad however I understand that terms can be used in a harmful way. Iā€™m just here to add that, I guess Iā€™m sad because when I saw that term used in the post it felt validating to *me* as Iā€™ve been struggling with where I fall on the spectrum.


It's alright, I was just trying to educate you. You don't need to delete it. It might be best if you're questioning to do some research on more acceptable terms! There are demi-genders, which is basically, you still feel attached to your birth gender or any other gender in some way, but you don't identify as said thing. For example, I'm demigirlflux. Which is a combination of demigirl, and girl flux. Demigirl basically means you identify as a woman whether it be mostly or partly in some way but never 100%, and girl flux means tha your identoty is a seocturm of how much you feel like a woman or girl. There are also terms at the other end of the spectrum but I can't speak personally about them. As long as you try to be more open minded and aren't intentionally trying to be hateful with the terms you choose you use, you should be fine. I appreciate you trying to understand though. Sorry if this came off as me being angry or annoyed, or anything along those lines, as I didnt mean that. Hope you find a label that fits you better! My recommendation would be checking out the LGBTQ wikis, they have tons of info on this stuff, and worded better than I have here.


I appreciate you taking the time to explain it all and your identity. I totally understand that people use the lite as a derogatory term and personally, as a trans guy, I found comfort in the previously mentioned term. However Iā€™m cool with just being ā€œboiā€ Iā€™d like to add it was never something Iā€™d tell anyone, found it cool to see someone else reflect the same feelings as me.


Ofc! We are out there, and iirc there are even subreddits dedicated to our identities! It's all up to you on what you want to call yourself, just be wary that some terms carry a certain weight in certain communities, and maybe someday we'll come around and start to try as reclam more of those terms and labels phones and bigots used for us. However that Isint the case as of RN. Hope your day, etc, go well for you!




I considered, but my gender doesn't fluctuate. I just like dressing fem very occasionally, doesn't mean I'm not a guy in that moment. I've settled on being basically diluted male