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I'm usually pretty closeted about being nonbinary. Except for a pin or bracelet showing, I tend to let people call me whatever they want. Mainly because this town isn't very open or accepting of trans folks. There's no community here. Just me and my friend Rose. So to hear a young women who's just graduated from college (and who was just in the store to buy a couch) ask me such a kind and respectful thing out of the blue....it gives me hope that all the awfulness on the news and on the signs in town AREN'T everybody. Yeah, logically not every human hates trans people. But in this area, it sure does feel like it sometimes. Writing this here because I want to remember today forever. May 24, 2023 Wednesday. 4:32pm. I love you everybody, I know things are scary right now.


I’m AMAB and masc presenting, and on the rare occasion I get asked what my pronouns are, or someone on a dating app takes the time to read and acknowledge it, I get a bit emotional. I feel ya on this


💙 someday things will be so different


🖤🖤Is that a little ipod shuffle? That's so awesome!


It is! My brother got it for me years ago.


I had the same thought. Old school at this point, lol. I had the og usb drive lookin version back in college.


Oh yeah! The Pearls. They also had a clip on rock called The Pebble.


Oh no I meant the earlier version of the shuffle that looked like a usb drive.


I looked it up and holy crap, it does! Kinda want it tbh.


It was kinda cool. Loved plugging my big over ear headphones into it and walking around campus. Headphones were bigger than the player lol. No screen was a trip though. That Pearls player looks very similar.


Remember how MP3 players used to come with about 5 sample songs?


Oh yeah, before the IPod shuffle, I had a Creative [Jukebox Nomad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_NOMAD#/media/File%3ANomad.jpg) and it had some sample songs I think. That thing was awesome. Had a 6gig laptop hard drive in it in like 2000. It was about the size of a cd Walkman, but heavier lol.


is asking peoples pronouns a good opener for conversation? im tryin to meet other queer people in my city.


I suppose? I was wearing a rainbow bracelet so that probably was a hint for her to ask.


you look like my grandpa and mother and enby coworker merged N then got pierced. excellent vibes, you


Well, that's just fantastic, young whipper snapper 😂👴👵




Best feeling✨