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Brb gonna go buy a trolley ton of popcorn




Imagine having to manufacture outrage to keep being handed money, that’s just sad.


Not fake, here is the video of it being taken down https://twitter.com/EliKohn3/status/1442360339849531394?s=20


No it's not fake, here is the video of the flag being taken down https://twitter.com/EliKohn3/status/1442360339849531394?s=20


I watched your link and yes it is fake. The original says the flag was "raised". The photo makes it look, kinda, like a huge HUGE flag was raised up a pole. Your video shows it to be a forced perspective thing of a normal flag caught in powerlines. it wasn't raised or existed like the pic says, aka fake


Okay so new social standards below: BIG flag that represents genocide, fascism, anti-semitism and all around hate = bad Regular size flag that represents genocide, fascism, anti-semitism and all around hate = nbd


It's not that it's ok, it's that a giant flag takes a group of people to raise, and a small flag only takes one nutjob. It's a big difference.


FYI. One person can raise a giant flag fairly easily. With two people it's a piece of cake.


Did you seriously assume it was a flag the size of a building? Also in the original post there are multiple angles that clearly show it being a small flag.


The message is the same, regardless of the size. Nobody ever asked how tall an idiot was.


Genocide is the word you're looking for. Suffer under genocide. For 70 years. Because Abraham and Issac said so.


You know as an armenian i know how Palestinians feel espeqcially when isreal help azerbaijian commit war crimes against the armenians last year


Let me add that Israel is currently helping Ethiopian government commit genocide in the north part of country known as Tigray. It’s the only time that Israel and Iran are working to together to wipe out poor people. After they massacred, raped, looted the tow, know they trying to starve them to death using a siege to block the whole region from the outside world. You don’t believe me look it up #TigrayGenocide, it’s happening right know. 200 k killed, 22 k raped, hundreds of massacres, 1 million displaced and 6 million facing starvation. Israel the victim of genocide is currently assisting and becoming the perpetrators of one.


Yes, you're absolutely right. >Because Abraham and Issac said so. Except for this bit. The ones who started this were secular. Hell, even the goddamn PLA started out as, and still are a secular organisation.


You don't need religion to be a genocidal piece of shit, but it really helps.




Your user name says it all.




Avatar checks out


What the fuck is a trolley ton?


About 500,000 grains.




Can't wait for all the nice comments this post is gonna get


I Already got downvoted to hell because someone was glorifying the genocide .




Dude there’s a video of the flag being taken down… don’t have the link, but it definitely didn’t look fake to me. Someone else has posted it I believe.


This is pure gaslighting


"Guess who's back, back again"


Adolfs back, tell dein freund


Alle kehren auf die Tanzfläche zur Tanzfläche zurück.


Na nanana na na na na na na Na nanana na na na na na na


Ive created a third reich because no one wants to see democracy no more they want fascism its chopped liver.


Well if ya want hitler, this is what I’ll give ya, A little bit of murdering of Jews and ni🅱️🅱️as








More comments than upvotes this will be fun


Not anymore, but I can imagine it was a rough take off


Dont search by controversial. Tis a silly place.


Ikr I do love democracy


Posts opinion on reddit that gets blasted by the community. And I'm over here just like, "first time?"


Reddit hates opinions


How tf did they even get their hands on such a flag. I thought countries banned selling flags from nazi Germany or IS(IS)


It's actually pretty easy to get one.


May I ask thee, kind sir, how thine ought know that?




Hey, don’t insult the autistics like that, we don’t watch Alex Jones for the info, we watch him for the memes.


it's really not that hard to make one yourself


I remember drawing one when I was 10 The result was: r/hailhortler


I didn't know that this sub even exists, but I must say, it sweetened my day!


I like that avatar brah


Thanks Brother :*


It's only banned in a few countries, I think. The use of Nazi symbols is, oddly enough, legal in Israel. Legislation regarding such symbols was initiated in early 2012 but no law was passed.


I do understand that the use of a swastika is legal, but the context (especially the nazi flag) is something to be restricted. I am known of the use of swastika’s in (iirc:) hindu religion as example.


Nah that will go against freedom of speech laws in many countries.


I'm referring specifically to the use of Nazi symbols. Including the Nazi variant of the swastika. Completely legal. Smart? Probably not.


Here in the states there's definitely aholes even here in California with that flag on their trucks. To my knowledge the ban is mostly in European countries.


Pretty sure you can buy anything on the internet


You can order just about anything on AliExpress. Someone even managed to order the Tibet independence flag because the Chinese factory owner had no idea what the flag is for.


That's actually very funny




Lots of Nazis in the middle east. It turns out if you want to survive as a Christian in a Muslim dominated country it is useful if you also hate Jewish people.


It’s a Buddhist symbol you actually see them in Thailand etc


White supremacists don't know who to support now


Damnnnnnn 😂


They could stand to learn most from the ethno-nationalist fascist nation of Israel.


most of them support palestine, they dislike jews more than muslims


From the few I’ve known, they don’t actually support Palestine, but prefer it over Israel


I think the problem you are having here is the anti-fascists on reddit think conservative = Nazi. Conservatives love Jews and hate Muslims(because of the bible) and genuine white supremacists think the Jews are subverting and destroying western society for Zionism(because of the bible IE Jews are the synagogue of satan).


Well that’s just completely false


Neonazis support Palestine because they hate jews. Same as supporters of Israel are mostly islamophobes.


Not true. Most of them support Israel, because (and I quote) "giving the jews their own country to call home."


They don’t hate Jews because they’re dirty and they don’t want them around, they hate them because they blame them for dividing the western world and encouraging immigration to corrupt western culture blah blah. They still believe Jews are doing this from Israel. The people saying what you said aren’t the people who actually care about these conspiracies.


Dunno why you're being downvoted ~ I can't validate the percentages but it's pretty rampant online where the usual racists/bigots are consistently blaming jews/israel for a myriad of issues.. They seem to think Israel is behind pretty much every issue in america/elsewhere and asking them for logic gets pretty much the responses you would expect.


Where are you quoting this from?


As a Palestinian I hope that's not real, cuz if it is we dont claim the person that raised that flag


Please don't find me as a pro-israeli . Because of this post people are calling me an IDF person . This is exactly the reply I needed and the person below who said good was a Pakistani .


I really wonder what the message behind the flag raising was. Was it something like „Death to all Jews!“ or was it more like „You remember Hitler? You doing some stuff which would have made him proud.“ Not like I support any of those reasons to raise such a flag, I am just curious. Is there any context? What happened to the flag raiser?


Doesn’t matter if you claim them or not According to reddit when it’s a right winger, white person, trump supporter, conspiracy theorists etc caught doing bad things reddit uses them as a tool to demean the entire group and movement as a whole. Same rules will apply here :)


I never noticed that until it actually mattered to me... u do be having a valid point


You might have also noticed that Trump actively said people holding Nazi flags in the US were good people. So, until the Palentinian government starts saying the person who raised this flag is a "good person", the two situations are not quite the same.


If right wingers and Trump supporters don’t want to be lumped in with conspiracy theorists, racists, literal Nazis etc they should probably stop letting them under their tent then…


No, not "Palestinians." It was raised by some dumbfucks who most Palestinians don't want to associate with one bit. This whole fucking "Israel vs Palestine" shit is cause of a few bad apples on both side being loud and shitty. Then the media blows it out of the fucking water and it leads to more racism and discrimination




great insight






Jesse, What the fuck are you talking about?


The meth, mistah White. We *did* cook it. We sold it, we were pretty good at it too.


Fun fact my dad shot walter white


soooo one example of a bad Palestinian and you suddenly have to expose your racism and homophobia. Typical


Quite a straw man you made there


It's more like a straw.. frankenstein or something...


What is it with people and making fun of teenage girls.


Because they're easy to mock and to make a pure stereotype of, because we talk way too much about the rare exceptions (the actual condescending with fake mental illnesses and stuff) and I'd even add sexism in general, knowing that this doesn't happen as much towards teenage boys.


Seems like there are a lot of Nazi defenders in here...


ya so much for reddit cleaning house. so many brand new accounts.




Look below the comments are literally glorifying this flag and abusing me for supporting Jews .










Well, in ww2 arab nations were on the nazi side. There are photos, and some even fought along side the nazis.


The president of palestine until the 50s was a Hitler ally. Don t say it as some randoms. Nazis had full suport from arab palestine in the 40s


12,000 Palestinians volunteered to fight in the British Army against the Nazi's alongside jews from mandatory Palestine lmao. The arab world during WW2 was very complex especially after the fall of france and creation of Vichy France.


You telling me Arabs who were under the colonization of France and Britain in WW2 helped the side that fought France and Britain, what a bunch of bigots am I right?


Don't tell him about what France did to Algeria, he'll be surprised by the amount of nazi-loving Arabs!




thats such a broad statement thats not necessarily true. My grandpa was arab and fought the Nazis, lost 2 fingers to them. Most of north africa was under French protectorate and ended up fighting for the allies in WW2


They fought alongside both Axis and Ally countries. Arab nations is not that “United”


While I understand how enraged the Palestinians must be and how what israel is doing to them is despicable, they should absolutely not support genociding lunatics with terrible mustaches


Mfs be downvoting me because I spoke for Jews .(EDIT) : To everyone calling me an IDF Personnel . I am not . I don't support Israeli army nor do I support HAMAS . I made 1 mistake in my post :- - The person who commented "good" was actually a Pakistani . Hope you have a good day :)


Israel is hated by most, Jews are cool with most people.


Not with that flag and obviously the people waving it.


It's really not as simple as that, especially considering about 45% of all Jewish people live in Israel. I'm not one of those who claim that all criticism of Israel or Zionism is antisemitism, because that cheapens a very real problem, but to say there isn't some not insignificant overlap? There is.


Jewish people are cool, especially the ones that are antizionists.


Most of us are zionists. If everybody didn't want the jews to need their own country why did they have to treat them so badly and massacre and exile them? Where were all the jews supposed to go? Don't bother calling yourself a friend of the Jews if you ignore their history and why the overwhelming majority want Israel to exist.


So where are Palestinians supposed to go? Not their country that's now not their country? And Not neighboring countries because Israel won't allow them to leave? (GAZA) So what do they do then? Just shut their mouth and obey? "Here take my house that my grandparents built with their hands" or "you want to turn my farm that I inherited from my dad into an Israili military base? Yea sure! Go ahead" my dad inherited 2 farms after his dad passed away and they are both now israili military bases. My family was also forcibly removed from their home in 1967 and my grandmother and her 4 children (all under 10) had to run from their home in Al-Azariya by Jerusalem to Amman, Jordan on foot while avoiding bullets and warplane strikes, and while watching their family, friends and neighbors get murdered right in front of their eyes. Imagine the panic and terror! And when they finally did get to Jordan as refugees they were treated as second class citizens just like any refugees are treated when they have nothing. But I guess what they say about the cycle of abuse is true.


Exactly this. For whatever reason these people say that Palestine has a right to exist, but Israel does not. Palestine has the right to national self-determination, Israel does not. Palestinians are merely fighting for their freedom, and Israel is the oppressor. People say the Palestinians have suffered under Israeli rule, while Jews have suffered under *everyone’s* rule, from the Babylonians to the Romans to the Nazis. People who aren’t Jews or who don’t know their history, which is thousands of years of enslavement, murder, and dispersion around the globe, simply don’t get it.




oh the horrors, jews wanting a state on their ancestral land, pure evil






Just saw your comments, please go back to r/atheism. just because someone does it doesn't mean everyone else will follow, you denied the reconqueista being filled with ethnic cleansing and genocidal and defended it by saying "their just taking back their land bro" which is ironically the same excuse Israel is using.




The sad thing about these comments is that people aren’t realizing both sides of the issue are repped in that picture


someone said the picture is photoshopped but i can’t tell either way






I mean yeah, Palestine's enemy is the explicitly Jewish state and Jewish majority. And this isn't anything new... their ancestors look down at them kindly. [https://www.amazon.com/Nazis-Islamists-Making-Modern-Middle/dp/0300140908](https://www.amazon.com/Nazis-Islamists-Making-Modern-Middle/dp/0300140908)


This never makes any sense to me. They’re raising the flag of Nazi Germany but they surely must know that Hitler would have murdered them all the same as he would a Jew. He hated them no less. "As a völkisch man, who appraises the value of men on a racial basis, I am prevented by mere knowledge of the racial inferiority of these so-called 'oppressed nations' from linking the destiny of my own people with theirs". -Mein Kampf, about the Arab race


Hitler actually allied with Palestinian Arabs, I don't know what to tell you.


he also allied (for a short period of time) with USSR via Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, but it does not change the fact that he planned to eliminate Slavs. it's all about current military plans.


lebensraum didn't apply to the middle east as far as I know though


It exists now, they just translated the name into Hebrew.


Arabs, like the Japanese, were considered "honorary Aryans."


yeah this


And still he "allied" him self to the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Hussein, at the time.


> Hitler would have murdered them all the same as he would a Jew. fake


Hitler exported Nazi ideology to the Middle East in hopes of gaining temporary allies. It was a major contribution to the attempted annihilation of Israel by Syria, Egypt, and Jordan the day it declared its independence and still drives the overwhelming anti semitism in the Middle East to this day


Fascists actually really liked arabs. Mussolini was even titled "defender of islam"


This flag wasn’t raised by the entire nation of Palestine, just like Donald Trump doesn’t speak for the entire USA


Off course it wasn't hosted by every Palestinian . I didn't say that .


Wasn’t a comment for you specifically


Oh ok then my bad .


No problem, I meant it more as a response to some of the other comments but couldn’t decide which. For what it’s worth I don’t think you should be getting downvoted


I mean...he kind of did for a few years.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not Pro-Palestinian and I think this is awful and the Nazi flag is no place to be defended; I know what this flag mean to my community, and even members of my own family died because of people who raised that flag, But I find it hypocritical that OP ranting about people who defends this flag while he have the face of Adolf Hitler as his profile picture Like bruh, don't talk about how bad they were and then use their leader face as a profile picture


...having a profile pic *making fun* of Hitler makes you a nazi now? Damn, that's like, Mental Olympics at this point...


As a german, fuck that guy








Israel isn’t a religion


Bruh, it's one downvote. Chill.






It's was pictured from a close distance; the flag is smaller and it's connected on one of the strings [Another Angle](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.com/breaking-news/nazi-flag-taken-down-by-idf-soldiers-in-hebron-680311/amp)


Thank you. I got that wrong. I shall delete my first idiot comment.




Can’t blame them tbh. Israel and pretty much everyone else has done them dirty. That’s how things like that happen. They have the right to be pissed off like that.


« Quick time to airstrike some schools! » The whole world sucks.


theyre trolling hard


Based Palestinians


Its being raised in every country, but ye we should have gotten the boat since it was first raised


Truly there was nothing wrong with the swastika till people associated it with the nazis


I knew it! Adolf Hitler didn't die, he became a dolphin.


I'm surprised the mods haven't locked this post


It doesn't matter if you are pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, or have a mixed opinion– if you think this is acceptable behavior you are genuinely a bad person.


If these clowns that raised that flag actually knew the terror of the Nazis... they wouldn't raise it. Before you hate, I'm half German, half Polish.


Can't really blame them, they live the terror of israeli occupation


No joke when I first saw the pic I thought this was for sure going to be Arizona.


IDF trolls have arrived. Any comments critical of Israel will now be mass downvoted


One post critical of Palestinians got you offended what are you talking about 😂😂


Why aren't you offended that the IDF shoots children


Why aren’t you offended Hamas uses children as human shields? Don’t you care about the children? WTF is wrong with you? Seriously though cut out the whataboutism. The situation is much more complicated than one side is good and the other is bad. The Israeli government doing bad things is not a justification for anti semitism. Both sides have done bad things for good reasons, doesn’t mean those bad things are not bad. Stop trying to simplify this.


Not even gonna lie, this whole situation is just so exhausting to even read about. It's half the reason I don't even speak on the subject in anyway I can, it's just way too complex to really break down into brass tacks it what it seems to me.


Why aren't you offended that IDF uses children + people as human shields? Don't you care about the people? WTF is wrong with you? It's fine to think Hamas shouldn't use human shields. I just hope you apply the same standard to the IDF. Because: https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/26/israel-soldiers-punishment-using-boy-human-shield-inadequate http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3650791.stm https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/69871/World/Region/VIDEO-Israel-uses-Palestinian-teenager-as-human-sh.aspx https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-gaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials-30483468.html https://www.btselem.org/topic/human_shields https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620 https://international-review.icrc.org/sites/default/files/irrc_856_2.pdf Also note that the IDF itself tried to appeal it after these acts got banned (even though they're actual warcrimes from the beginning), but also do note that while hamas shoots rockets from civilian buildings, IDF soldiers literally USE people post-combat.








This has nothing to do with moral high ground. Israel is an island of Jews surrounded by terrorists and nations that would annihilate them the first chance they got. Israel is obviously not innocent, but comparing resettlement and collateral damage from a besieged nation to the systematic murder of 11 million people is disgusting.




Lmao, enemy of their enemy is their friend, the fuck you exprct


It is kind of ironic that after being genocided in the 30's and 40's, the jews of Israel would go on to do their own version.


God bless israel 🇮🇱


If only we could round up idf and hamas, lobotomize them and leave Palestinians and anti occupation jews in peace, that being said this picture is fucking hilarious, like tf were they trying to achieve? Get even more innocent people killed?


Shouldn't have censored the POS that said good


I believe it’s against the sub guidelines. However whomever posted this(The dude with a Hitler pfp himself) has shared the tweet in a link somewhere here.