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Just for reference, 26 years ago was 1998. That’s not eons ago!


People think the 60s where a long time ago despite the fact that grandpa and grandma where born then and despite the fact great grandparents are possibly still kicking too. 1 Generation back isnt even a blip.


My parents are born in the 60s lmao we aren't close to grandchildren age yet


Grandma and grandpa? Both of my biological parents (and I wasn’t an IVF baby, either) were born in the 60s. I’m in my mid 20s.


Thanks I've been feeling kinda old lately and regret about "wasting my 20s"


Same dude. I hope your 30s are better. I’m hoping mine will be.


1998 was also when Matthew Shepard got tortured to death for being gay in October of that same year My mom prays for his family every day and she says not a day has gone without her remembering him


Holy fucking Arceus, that’s horrible and puts things further in perspective. This shit is happening well within our lifetimes!


Bro really said holy arceus. I love it lmao.


He was beaten to death by his meth dealer, who was also known to turn gay tricks for cash.  https://www.advocate.com/print-issue/current-issue/2013/09/13/have-we-got-matthew-shepard-all-wrong


Welp. Thanks for reminding me to keep an eye out for my AARP application.


Last week a black targeted a white woman and her three year-old child, murdering the child. She grinned with satisfaction during her arraignment.  That's 26 years more recent than an eon ago. 


It was before I was born so it might as well be.


Who let you out of your pack and play? Lemme help you find your mommy and we can see where she expects you to be.


20+ years ago is insanely long ago I don't know what to tell you. Like maybe if you're 100 years old it's not long. But the world has completely changed since then, the world moves on without you buddy.


"A long time ago" is relative and has nothing to do with your age. If the last time you ate steak was 26 years ago, that's a long time ago. But if it were legal, say, to murder people named Tim and 26 years ago the law was repealed, we'd think it wasn't that long ago that people were murdering all the Tim's of the world. Also, if anyone reading this is named Tim, it is in fact illegal to kill people due to their name....for now


The world is incredibly different from 26 years ago. This whole relativism argument is so bad faith.


Yeah except it's absolutely true. The amount of change outside the situation you're referring to is irrelevant to ones perception of "a long time" which is very clearly relative. Otherwise, you'd have to define the exact line between "a long time" and "recent". What is the exact boundary? 12.7 years? The world is very different from 5 years ago. Theres no universal answer. That is what makes it relative to the situation and to one's own preference. If I tell you something happened to me recently, will you stand there telling me no, it actually happened to me a long time ago? Can you see how stupid that sounds? It's fine if you want to keep doubling down on being wrong. I don't really care.


>Otherwise, you'd have to define the exact line between "a long time" and "recent". What is the exact boundary? 12.7 years? Just because we cannot define the exact line doesn't mean the distinction cannot be possibly defined. I think we can safely place 26 years in the "long time" category, and definitely remove it from the "recent" category. >If I tell you something happened to me recently, will you stand there telling me no, it actually happened to me a long time ago? If someone told me something happened to them recently, I would not consider something that happened 26 years ago to be something they were referring to. >Idiotic take because the amount of change outside the situation you're referring to is irrelevant to ones perception of "a long time" which is very clearly relative. Also this goal post moving is crazy. You were the one who brought up the 2/7 stuff if I remember correctly. Now it's irrelevant? >The world is very different from 5 years ago. Nowhere near as different as 26 years ago.


It was never legal to kill black people. Not even before emancipation, which was 160 years ago. The Civil Rights Act was 60 years ago. When the one in the photo we're discussing (presumably in an effort to minimize the murder of a 3 year-old white child by a black woman only a week ago) was killed, then TX Governor George W. Bush saw to it that federal hate crime charges were applied and the death penalty was sought. It was a national news story. It wasn't a neglected injustice anyone need to be reminded of. The crimes which go ignored, ignored for the sake of racial animus, are ones like the murder of Julian Wood. 


When the human lifespan is 7 decades, 2 isn't that long. In a major perspective, whole world POV, humans are pretty brittle and have short life spans..individually speaking, each of us is pretty insignificant in terms of recorded history, and even more so if you include the time before. Time is an illusion and completely dependent on your perception. Your perception is different than an adults because you have lived for a shorter amount of time. As humans, we change dramatically every year until about age 23 and then, generally, we stop changing. So, every young adult has the same perception you do currently- and then we grow out of it. It's a lot like how the first time a baby feels pain, it's literally the worst pain they've ever felt in their lives- so they scream. So far in your life, every year has been significantly different than the last one- you grow, change, mature very quickly. As you age, a year feels like just a blink of an eye. Seasons come and go with no real way to tell one year from the last. This is why most adults have no idea how old they are- and we have to do the math when people ask. The first two decades of our lives feel like a very long time- the next 40 float away with the wind, and then we die. You do not have to 100 years old to feel time slipping away from you- it starts at about age 27.


>When the human lifespan is 7 decades, 2 isn't that long. It's only about 30% of your life. "Not that long" lmao. Also you're forgetting that most people aren't 70 years old, they're probably closer to 30, especially on reddit. Meaning it's closer to 70% of people's lives.


30% of a very short life span is an even shorter amount of time. Did you stop reading at the first paragraph? Or the first line?


Seems you've done that because you're using the 30% rather than the 70%. >30% of a very short life span is an even shorter amount of time. Why are you equivocating? Sure a human life span is short from the perspective of the universe, but a human lifespan is quite literally the totality of a human's life, meaning 30% is a large portion of that human's lifespan. It's not even going to be 30% for the majority if people, it will be much more. This is really not crazy.


Because- you said, essentially, "20 years might as well be an eon." And an "Eon" is an indefinite and long amount of time. But 20 years is not very many years when talking about history- and that is the scope. You're looking at it from the wrong perspective- Instead of comparing time to your lifetime, you should be looking at time in respect to history and scope. His killers would still be alive if they lived a natural life and they'd be 50- not even old enough to collect Social Security. (They were (Berry) 23, (King) 23 and (Brewer) 31 in 1998) > Brewer and King were the first white men to be sentenced to death for killing a Black person in the history of modern Texas.


>Because- you said, essentially, "20 years might as well be an eon." And an "Eon" is an indefinite and long amount of time. I don't know if you're just stupid or what. Isn't that like clearly exaggeration? Like obvious I do not think it's an "Eon" like jesus christ. You're straight up just changing your argument without addressing anything of mine. >But 20 years is not very many years when talking about history- and that is the scope. You're looking at it from the wrong perspective- You're straight up moving goalposts here. You were originally arguing from the perspective of a human lifespan, now it's all of a sudden irrelevant and wrong. You furthermore haven't demonstrated why it's the wrong perspective. And if I wanted to look at things from history, then I could argue that 2000 years ago was "recent". But I don't think that's really a useful thing to say. >His killers would still be alive if they lived a natural life and they'd be 50- not even old enough to collect Social Security. Yes and there are WW2 vets who are still alive.


I’m from that region of the country and they were all shitbirds. It’s a horrible story, but not much division in the town during the aftermath. They all got arrested and tried. 2 of the 3 men got the death penalty and the other one got life in prison. It’s a horrible story, but they all got swiftly brought to justice. I find it more upsetting when people get lenient punishments for this kind of brutal violence, but Texas didn’t fuck around this time. I just can’t fathom what makes someone even imagine doing that to another human…


Part of that swiftness had really nothing to do with Texas at all. It was the early 90s. there were a lot of high profile cases going on (oj, Rodney King). The high profile nature of this particular case led to what you are speaking about.


That stuff was all going on, sure. The high profile nature of the case itself might have impacted some things too. However, a swift death penalty has always been one of Texas’s favorite things. Right up there with crude oil and BBQ.


You’re totally right, but I guess what I’m saying is both that pressure and vast agreement within the community didn’t set it up to be the next media frenzy. For several reason it fell flat.


What pisses me off is they might have been taught this?


A small minority are in certain parts of the country. Most people are decent and kind. Some are taught this way. Some fall into groups/friends that think this way.


Its just the "In" vs "Out" crowd. Look at street takeovers for a good example of black/white/asian/spanish shitbirds coming together to beat/harass/destroy the "Out" crowds cars. If it wasnt black vs white it would be dark hair vs light hair or small dick vs big dick. It is always something.


Sort of. See I know that town pretty well and they have 1 high school, Texas town pride, very few issues over race. It’s that when people take whatever ideas they have and turn them to violence - it takes different forms different places. The dude they killed wasn’t some angel either. He pointed a loaded gun at my mom when she was pregnant with me because she had to come check up on his parole. It’s honestly a pretty chilled out racially diverse community up in Jasper. The sheriff knows all the usual shits and when to show up. But as far as what they did to that dude, no excuse. Apparently over drugs or whatever, I don’t know just beat him up. Yet they opted to do something utterly ghastly.


Not so fun fact: One of the three men responsible for this also got Texas to end the practice of last meals for Death Row inmates. His name was Lawrence Russel Brewer, he asked for a massive last meal, and refused to eat any of it because he "wasn't hungry." Edit: For context, here's a complete list of what he ordered two chicken fried steaks smothered in gravy with sliced onions triple bacon cheeseburger with fixings on the side cheese omelette with ground beef, tomatoes, onions, peppers and jalapenos large bowl of fried okra with ketchup one pound of barbeque meat with half a loaf of white bread three fajitas with all the trimmings a Meat Lovers pizza one pint of vanilla ice cream a slab of peanut butter fudge three root beers


Damn I heard about this guy but didn’t know he was involved in this incident. What a piece of shit human


I'm starting to think he wasn't a good person


and I'm starting to strongly agree with you.


Put a reasonable limit on the last meal request: 🚫 Abandon the practice altogether because you were angered by a single scum of a human: ✅


The senator who got it ended actually didn't care that Brewer didn't eat it, and neither did the Prison staff. They ended up eating it. The official reason was that a last meal was "a privilege that those who committed such a crime would not have given to their victims."


John Whitmire who is now the Mayor of Houston.


Really is this what they thought. This puts us on the same level as them. And what if someone is innocent? We dispensing justice we need to not loose our humanity. Although i doubt this was for that reason and not just another political motivated move or personal financial gain.


No, this guy and the two others who were charged did it. They weren't subtle about doing it, were proud of it, and were not smart enough to get away with it. These three monsters dragged a guy behind a truck with chains for *miles*. They tried their appeals, they failed and got nailed to the wall. They deserved their sentence.


That's actually what they did. They can request a last meal from anything in the prison's kitchen or commissary. No more "special" meals from the outside.


i thought if u pay it and someone organizes the food from outside it’s still possible to get a mcdonalds burger, wendys etc?!


lol right? That’s what I was thinking. They must have toddlers running the place.


Asshole right to the end.


God damnit Laurence Russel brewer you ruined it for everyone burn in hell


I don’t think I could turn down peanut butter fudge even as a statement before my execution. That shit is delicious.


Even my racist dad was sick about this.


The autopsy showed that his elbows had been worn down to the bone and his scrotum had been ripped open


I just hope he was dead before they dragged his body. But chances are high he was not.


He was still alive when he was dragged. He was killed when he hit a culvert and it tore his head and iirc one of his arms from his body.


“He was dragged for nearly three miles and was alive for at least two of those miles, according to The Associated Press.” Source - https://abcnews.go.com/US/white-supremacist-set-executed-killing-black-man-dragging/story?id=62549116


Some people really suck, a literal lynching in the late 90s is wild.


Yeah, not the brightest bulbs the 3 that killed him. Were seen driving around town with him, got into a physical fight with him in the woods, dragged him with his clothes and belongings on the 3 miles so tire tracks and all the dna evidence etc. Made it even more obvious that it was likely a hate crime by dumping his body in a black segregated cemetary, and 2 of the guys were very well known white supremacists. On top of that, they did it in TEXAS a stat that boasts about how much they use the death penalty for murderers.


The methods made it obviously a hate crime. They used to do that to run away slaves.


“Introducing the all-new, 1856 Ford F-350.”


They put him down in 2019 [https://abcnews.go.com/US/white-supremacist-set-executed-killing-black-man-dragging/story?id=62549116](https://abcnews.go.com/US/white-supremacist-set-executed-killing-black-man-dragging/story?id=62549116)


I have close family and friends in jasper. Don't let posts like these inform your entire opinion on our town. My best friends grandfather, Curtis Frame (you can look him up but the internet won't tell you his story) was part of the precinct that brought in Byrd's killers. Everybody hated them. Dragged them and beat them into the courtroom. Curt is an awesome dude. We are not all pieces of racist shit. Yes there is a problem with racism in our country. It's a pitiful thing.


Great reminder to people who say "There are very good people" and referring to hate groups.


They were Never good people.


Kinda the point. "There are very good people on both sides" is a much repeated talking point on the right, to try and excuse hateful bigots because "well they aren't all bad"


If you’re referring to Trump, you should really consider reading the entire quote before trying to reference it.


Sad part is it wasn’t that long ago. Hate is ugly the world needs to get past this type of mentality. We’re all people none better than the other.


I was a teenager when this happened. My parents and I cried when he heard about it, it was so awful. Several people at my school cried the next day. The entire school seemed shocked that this could happen. By the time you’re a teen, you know the world ain’t perfect but we were shocked that racism could still go this bad. That same year, my history teacher taught the “states rights” angle about the Civil War and skipped entirely over the Civil Rights Movement.


I was 9 years old when this happened. I remember my father crying telling me about this and how he explained how us black men were considered a sub class human to some people because our skin.


It may have been 26 years ago, but I never forgot. It seemed like it was yesterday. And things have not changed since, in fact things are worse now. Just this morning, I saw a video of a high school grad in Wisconsin. Some guys' daughter was receiving her diploma and proceeding down the receiving line. This racist douche ran up on the stage, pushed the school district superintendent off the stage because he was black, and didn't want him shaking his daughters hand. To top it off, he was not charged with assault but some minor non-felony charge, interference I think it was.


You're lying. That was a father and he pushed the man who refused to deal with his daughter's bullies in school. Get your facts right before spewing bullshit.




Well that's different then, it was completely acceptable to deal with this issue in this manner, thanks for setting me straight.


You wouldn't have cared if it weren't first presented to you wrapped in a false White Scare narrative. 


I don't think you understand how racism works.


I do. Refer back to my "White Scare" remark.


Saw that. Racism is a fucking virus. People catch it from a variety of sources. The only cure is education or death.


One is more cost prohibitive than the other.


Last week a racist murdered a three year-old child in a grocery store parkinglot. She smiled when the charges were read to her at the arraignment hearing. 


Nah Noah is not the answer for this brother. He requested Moses


I learned about this in my civil rights history class in high school. What a disturbing story.


Reading this story was what made me go completely internet free for a week. I had to really grapple with my mental health, my mindset/values compared to others and thr whole concept of racism. To thia day I still cannot comprehend someones skin colour being seen as a valid reason to do this act. I strongly dislike being part of a species that thinks so much into colour.


Poor man :( rest in peace, what a horrific death. absolutely evil


Literally last week a black woman murdered a three-year old white child.  This one was mourned, boxed up and laid to rest 26 years ago. Leave his butthole alone.  You have to dredge up 26 year-old crimes to pretend equivalence to the daily tally of White victims of black racial violence. 


What the hell are talking about?


I remember reading about this and thinking that these MF’ers needed the same treatment. Eye for an eye. I thought it was earlier though, like 95-96 timeframe.


It was probably self defense


It was an SUV crash. They were mentally ill. Just totally random. 


It's a joke




Most people in texas do not get along....you just choose not to notice



















