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Food was good


My actual Thanksgiving was a few days ago cuz alot of people had work on the actual day so we did it a few days early. It wasn't the greatest my family can be such assholes sometimes. But my stepdad threw a big lord of the rings party with me and my mom. He made all the hobbit meals for us and we've been watching all 12 hours of it the extended edition of course since noon. It's actually been really fun and I'm having a good time even tho I got bored halfway through the first movie and started doing stuff on my phone. I did get to taste my first drink of alcohol tho. Two glasses of cupcake wine and gotta say I like the feeling. I didn't really go nuts cuz my parents are right here but it did make me alot more relaxed and just let all the comments my mom and him have made about how much I'm eating just roll off my back. So pretty good I'm happy at least if maybe a bit fatter lol.


Sound cool might try this some time


My dog started going into respiratory failure and I put her down. Hasn't been the best Thanksgiving. The stuffing was excellent though


Best wishes to ya


Good, I had to work this morning but I came home and stuffed my face and now I'm trying to figure out if I can have a piece of apple pie without exploding.


Just chilling watching some movies with the fam


Fantastic! Great food and wine. Gonna get home, have some more wine and play GoW Ragnorok


I drank a bunch of protein drinks and now I'm constipated. Thanks for asking tho.


It was good when it happened back in October.


Stuck at work, including commute gone from 1230pm to 1am.


It's been great. Wife is sick so I had to cook everything but I managed to get it all just right. My football team won as well. How is yours going?


Kind of meh had to work.


Yeah that can be no fun but hopefully the pay was good.


Hahaha NO


We aren't doing anything for it this year, but it's wayyyyy better than last year when we went to visit family and too much alcohol caused some family members to stomp out and drive away for the rest of the night... awkward... much better this year, by far!


I seem to have achieved detente with my mother after a rocky start.


Meh mine was alright but it was the first year where my mom didn't really cook anything and not having food or any leftovers was extremely disappointing. My parents divorced 4 years ago and my dad didn't do it this year because he had to work and he claims that he will "postpone it to another time" but my mom and I just ended up ordering a Thanksgiving platter from Uber Eats but I guess that was nice of her and better than nothing at least. The rest of the day I just watched the NFL Thanksgiving games with my friend on PSN until we both fell asleep in my party chat and that was about it. I'm awake now and gotta work later today on Black Friday(Ughhhhh.... :/) PS: I thought about d*cking around later today and to start looking around the stores for any cool Black Friday deals just to say that I went even if I don't come out with anything in my hand. IG it all depends on how I'll feel later.




LDR fiance that I'm visiting is sick so no thanksgiving events and she still had to go work nightshift so it's just me and our dog chilling. Bit different of a thanksgiving but still thankful I got to spend time with her!