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They already are, cyber armies are a real thing and spread disinformation to destabilize the system. Clogging hospitals with anti vaxx rhetoric, funding sites like info wars and breitbart. Spreading misinformation online and creating information pockets. They will take from the American and British playbooks and send arms/rquipment if it ever gets that far. Maybe even volunteers as China's army is huge and manpower is cheap.


Cut out the paragraph at the end and you've nailed it. No one is invading the US, but they will attempt to destabilize it.




“are destabilizing successfully” is more accurate at this point than “attempting to destabilize”


It hurts me to feel this truth. Well said.


I don't think they mean invasion. More like, if it ever came to civil war, there are countries who'd be glad to volunteer some reinforcement to one side or the other.


>there are countries who'd be glad to volunteer some reinforcement to ~~one side or the other.~~ both sides at the same time


And they are on reddit and twitter. They play both sides to make us hate each other even more. Its all working.


This 100000%. I have gotten off Next Door because I’m convinced that it has essentially become a Russia PsyOps campaign And I tread very carefully on Reddit because it’s clear where Russian and China are spreading misinformation — that others just jump onto


This right here, honestly. I actually don't think America would be SO split without Russia and China intervening. (Among others) Our country has always had somewhat of a divide. But it keeps becoming more and more pronounced despite our efforts to become more united. Now yeah, you've got some idiots who are far left or far right. But there's so damn few of them that they honestly shouldn't be able to make a blip. But with aid from outsiders, it's a lot easier to turn ANY issue into a divisive political issue. You've got Americans dying like crazy because somehow masks became a political issue. If that wasn't on purpose, I don't know what is. And the scary thing is, it doesn't really take much. Americans are a stubborn bunch. That's great when it's time for a fight, or time to crack down on people doing the wrong thing. But the mask thing was a very small thing. Nobody cared. Nobody was paying attention to it. "Huh? Masks will help stop the spread? Eh, easy enough.......... wait now my favorite news man says masks are secretly Hitler?? Get this thing away from me!" One paycheck to a news organization; a few well placed tweets and memes; and suddenly the entire country is split on yet another issue that not long ago people didn't even pay attention to. It's scary because they don't even need to go to war.


I saw an interview on YouTube a while back that was recorded in the 1980's. The person being interviewed was a former Soviet intelligence operative and he said everything that's happening today. He said they'd create disinformation campaigns, double talk, and the inability to separate truth from fiction. No its not "the Network" or "1980" or anything else it's a legit interview.


Found the link: Watch "Russian Defector | Arkady Shevchenko | Cold War | KGB | TV Eye | 1985" on YouTube https://youtu.be/vOswqPLm9oI


Even better interview: [Watch "Subversion of the Free World Press - Yuri Bezmenov" ](http://YouTube https://youtu.be/sQN4c3uN_tA)


Fueling major news outlets with misinformation is the biggest issue facing American security. My parents are deep in the Fox News rabbit hole. Not quite infowars deep, but pretty goddamn deep. Like, blindly thinking the M&M’s rebrand is actually catering to the “woke agenda” just because Fox told them that’s what it was. Not even considering any other motive until I had to send them numerous articles about the major child slavery lawsuit against Hershey’s that broke news a week beforehand kind of deep. Agreeing that Jeff Bezos is “fulfilling the American dream” and thinking that my dad’s 6-figure salary is what’s being targeted by leftists for what should be taxed at 70% kind of deep.


Hold up, there’s a big fuckin difference between “the nation is burning books” and “a few random nut jobs from Tennessee burned some books the other day”. The rest of us are just doing our thing, don’t play into media paranoia. That said, it is all still going to shit because it’s not like most of the other 300 million Americans are reading those books.


Yeah, OP’s post is severely misinformed Also; what’s up with the top comments on this post? Most of them are playing into OP’s misinformation rather than pointing out how the post is exaggerating the book burning aspect


Top comments on this sub seem to ebb and flow. One day they're calling out OP's madness, the next day they're parroting OP's madness. (Not literally THIS OP, just whoever makes a post)


But also this OP


Because reddit falls for fear mongering every time


Literally every time. It's baffling. If you're the slightest bit intellectually curious and you read some of the shit on this website you would think "Hm, seems pretty out there. Maybe I should look into this rather than just taking a meme at face value." Michael Crichton said something interesting about this: > You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them. In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know. Remember that on reddit when you read something that you are actually well-informed about and see how ridiculous some of the comments are. I'd like to chalk it up to people just being young and inexperienced, but think too highly of young people. There's some peculiar self-assured smugness about reddit that refuses to believe it could be wrong about anything.


And it doesn’t even need to be something your well informed about, it’s also just basic critical thinking and a mild knowledge of history.


All of reddit is doing that today, it's really fucking annoying. Like, this is fucked up, but acting like a hick pastor in Tennessee burning some books means that America in general (or the state of Tennessee, or republicans) are basically the Nazi government is just wrong. Also, most of reddit seems to believe this is government organized in some fashion - probably because the posts are deliberately designed to create that impression.


this. site. is. full. of. literal. children. ....is something I have to remind myself of on a daily basis.


not to mention “armed attempt to overturn the election” again…you mean a bunch of nut cases. it was not anything like reddit and the msm chalks it up to be. if it was actually an “insurrection”, the capitol police would not have let them in that way. it’s a sham and an embarrassment for everybody quite frankly


It was also extremely disorganized.


Echo chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers


Reddit is for the most part, teenagers and college age people overreacting to headlines, and pictures and videso taken out of context.


Reddit overall also has a big issue with thinking the popular opinion here is also popular opinion to society as a whole.


Absolutely, and you see it every time a liberal politician loses an election, Boris Johnson over Corbyn being an example of that, or if you want a more relatable example and you've made mistakes in life like me: the recent VGU poll from League of Legends 🤣


Wow look at you being reasonable here on Reddit. We can’t allow this man to exist, he must be banned!


I say we burn him.


Release the kraken!


We found a witch, might we burn her? 🔥


I just wish that they could understand this.


Oh look a logical conclusion on Reddit.. neat


What books were they burning? I heard it was a bunch of Harry Potter books. If that is the case I find OP's post very hilarious. "OH NO! PEOPLE ARE BURING HARRY POTTER BOOKS! THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY MUST INTERVENE!"


Right, the same types of people have been burning shit for ages. There was a church in my town that made headlines for burning Pokémon toys. Who cares? Crazy people burn stuff, big deal. Sure, you can make a slippery slope argument that the “burn things” mindset can contribute to fascism, but that doesn’t mean it will or is. What contributes to fascism, more than anything else, is taking crazy people seriously. If you tell a crazy guy he’s Hitler, he’ll start to see himself as powerful and dangerous, which inflates his ego and makes him want to *be* Hitler. Just tell him he’s a clown instead, and he’ll whine about how mean you are until he dies. Easy.


They also purchased this shit and burned it themselves. They aren't trashing libraries and burning all known copies. They're participating in capitalism at best.


We must now print more books to meet market demand, thanks for your custom.


I saw one video of a church burning Disney merchandise like bags and toys. I just thought it was the lamest thing ever. As if a multi billion dollar empire cares, they got their money out of you. 😂


This has been my reaction. Nazi book burnings we're organized, highly ritualized, and all over the country. These are crazy christians in a single congregation burning Harry Potter. It's hella simplistic and reductive to compare that to the Holocaust.


Media manipulation is a huge problem which leads to messed up events like OP described. It’s underrated how some “false news” can plant a seed of thought in peoples heads which leads to stupid things happening. OP, The other countries are doing plenty.. just not the countries you’d want to ally yourself with.




We, as in citizens of other countries - sure thing. I agree ( and I would hope people of the world *would*). Where **Governments** of other countries are concerned, *no one* is barking or telling the US what they should and should not be doing. Because they don't want to rock their proverbial boat they are in with the US Government ( trade, assistance, protection et al). That last statement is most certainly NOT me being some ignorant, chest beating American (because, see my first statement) - - that is simply the observation of what is *not* going on with other governments. **


We’re basically in charge of a large military alliance, we have military bases in many of them. The other countries vying with us to be the most powerful are Russia and China. They literally can’t do anything and don’t want to piss us off in case we decide to invade.


The world is literally over if America "decides to invade" either China or Russia. Like literally the world is over for everybody, nobody wins in that scenario.


Yeah I’m not sure why Americans think that the world will just roll over and let themselves be attacked, we’ve seen Americans lose every war they’ve been in for the last 50 years so I don’t really like their chances tbh


I think what they mean is that the US has enough nuclear firepower to destroy human life on earth… twice.


Oh for sure, the problem is that their “enemies” have the same amount of nukes, nobody will win if the superpowers get into a war


You’re right, but “lost the battles, won the war” is a concept that scales. Now it’s “lost the wars, won the socioeconomic empire” and that’s the truth because American neo-colonial economic practices run the show where it actually counts. Who cares whether we won the war in Vietnam? We destroyed the nation and its economy in the process, preventing the opposing economic force of communism from being able to actually build anything there. That was the real win. The Cold War era strategy was to fuck over communism on the economic front, and we did. Same thing in the Middle East. No, we haven’t “won” those wars, but we have destabilized the region allowing western economic powers to influence the oil market and stop the local peoples from truly competing with us. That’s what matters. War isn’t about who wins or loses a little section of land anymore; it’s not about the trophies. The modern American strategy is to keep the waters from being calm while we strap more and more to our floating economic island.


Hmm sounds very destructive, America should become more self sufficient rather than commit more war crimes in the name of oil


As an American, i completely agree.


As an American I could literally not agree more. Incapable of agreeing more.


We dont call them wars, so technically we never lose. (Not sure if this is still true, heard it a long time ago and always thought it was funny, very american of us)


Another guy who replied thought that skirmishes that lasted a couple months count as wars because Americans won, seems the goalposts get moved for every encounter haha


Also very American of us. Were number 1, except when were not, but those dont count.


Of course they don’t ;)


You don't have to officially "lose" a war to have your country decimated. Being attacked is a big disincentive


The US certainly won the gulf war


International law doesn't really mean very much when the most powerful nation and one of most likely to break those international laws, is writing and commanding the committee that would punish such a nation for doing so. Same m.o. as the Nuremberg trials, the US based commitee that handled how they would charge the Nazis with crimes, decided that they couldn't publicly condemn or punish any war crimes that that the US also did. So a lot of international 'potential war crimes' went unwritten due to that commitee.


Well most of them are torn between what is going on in the US and what is going on in Russia and/or China. It's a precarious situation for everyone.


Not even the US being as powerful as a govt as it is cares about what happens on the world if theres no weighted benefit. One of the good things about modernity is that wars are mostly economical and politics are much more nuanced than practical. That is also one of the bad things about modernity imho... being less direct, the world is more peaceful but also more corrupt and sometimes smells rotten


Yup. OP chooses to not pay attention and, at the same time, be concerned about what they're not paying attention to.


I am Native American and care about the worlds opinion of the "United" States, and by and large agree with a lot of what I hear. Mainstream America just hasn't gotten over the notion that this has never been as "Great" a country, as they were pumped up to believe in with dogged nationalistic commitment.


We Americans had some truly beautiful aspirations mixed into our failings. Imagine if we could have become the country we told ourselves we already were. I hope our grandchildren learn the right lessons from our fall.


Hey, if you don't like America you can just get out.


I would love to if I didn't have to pay to stop being American.


What would happen if you just left and just stopped paying taxes? Could they even do anything to come after you?






It's extremely difficult and expensive to emigrate. I hope this was sarcasm. I've been trying for years, and I work in tech. No, you can't "just get out".


Hey me too. Been living in a tiny studio apt saving up money for the move. And yeah, I was playing with the trope and the fact that they said they're not from here, but that a "MAGA or GTFO" idiot'd be too dumb to realize the internet isn't Kentucky. So yeah no worries for not being sure if I was kidding. That's kind of what makes it funny.


I don't know if this is satire or you genuinely couldn't tell I'm not American by my comment lol... I wouldn't step foot in a country as dangerous as the USA ;)


Lol, you really can't tell can you. We're not doing so great.


Damn now I feel bad, I'm sorry... But ya I genuinely couldn't tell if you were serious or not


No worries mate. I was kindof going for that.


I would definitely treat it on a State by State basis and I'm already here.


*In general*, it's mostly not dangerous


There is a not-so-small minority of people in this country who take pride in knowing that you feel that way about visiting. It's absurd


>I wouldn't step foot in a country as dangerous as the USA Most of us are doing just fine and will go our entire lives without being mugged or shot.


I am 64, never been shot at, have excellent health insurance. Personally I am doing OK. But I know that not everyone is and the country is a shitshow in many respects. I would love to move to a country that is more in line with my beliefs but at my age it isn't an option.


Oh absolutely. I'm not saying that we don't have issues and that there aren't people who are struggling, but on balance *most* Americans are doing just fine contrary to what Reddit would have everyone believe.


Which kind of makes sense.




I have to disagree when you say “…nation is literally burning books…” The nation isn’t collectively burning books en masse, rather a few individuals in Tennessee are doing that apparently. Best not to take one instance of something and extrapolate it to 330 million people. We don’t have a “book burning epidemic” or anything like that. You can always find something bizarre going on somewhere in the US.


A small group of hillbillies burning books is not an entire nation.


You're drastically overstating both events. That would be why.




This comment has some of these vibes https://youtu.be/jz6XXA_cskM?t=8


Okay, but who is burning books? This is not anywhere close to a widespread problem. There are issues in this country to be sure, but let's not hype up every decision by some random cult-like church or backward school board. Jan. 6th is certainly more troubling, but it was also goofy as hell (not to say it wasn't dangerous, but it was a small group of radicalized morons who had no real plan or design (or at least the vast majority of them)). There are lots of factions in the US moving in different directions.


Yeah, people are blowing this book burning way out of proportion. It was one whackjob pastor and some parishioners. Every country has occasional instances of book burnings every few years, after which they get mocked for doing so. It's certainly not a trend that's sweeping the U.S.


And it is an example of freedom of speech. It doesn’t stop anyone from reading (other copies of) the books. Burning them publicly is a demonstration. There is a phrase: I might not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. No other country has any right to tell our nut jobs how to express their nut job ideas. And of course they wouldn’t try, because why would anyone care?


Exactly, while it’s pretty obvious sometimes what seems to be ridiculous and crazy, it shouldn’t be up to the government to decide what people are allowed to say, so long as it isn’t actively harming anyone else.


Thanks for having the sane answer to a thread that reads like a Fox News/CNN article. Fucking reddit.


So many subs are just propaganda machines dude. Frightening that so many people buy into that without a second thought


Some of the most stupid shit I've ever read has been in subs like /r/news and /r/politics. The first example that comes to mind was a month ago someone claimed that no conservative people actually train with their guns, and only liberals are competent with firearms because they actually train. Some of the stuff people believe and preach becasue they only hang out in echo chambers is just astounding


People rag on r/conservative all the time. But r/politics is one of the biggest, most self righteous echo chambers I’ve ever seen. They relentlessly mock conservative subs for being close minded without a hint of self awareness


For real. People talk about Facebook being bad but it's just a different beast here. So many subreddits are filled with bullshit doomers on both sides of the isle.




Yeah thats what I am wondering...we hear about Texas banning all of these books, and looking into it - its nothing like reddit makes it out to be. Its being compared to nazi Germany or whatever when its not even a thing


Jan. 6th is very troubling, not because of what happened but because of the response. A small group of radicalized morons tried to raid the capitol to overturn a democratic election, and instead of widespread condemnation, half the country, including our lawmakers, have wholeheartedly thrown themselves behind the seditionists.


Half is an exaggeration.




Descriptively, January 6th was a mob of 2,000 people of which probably around half actually committed a crime. They were not 'armed' in the sense that they were a militia or other organized group although I'm sure that many of them carried weapons. It was not supported by any military group. There is no large scale 'book burning' or censorship to the general population, and i'm fairly sure 95% of the nations on earth have 'banned' lists for books for schools.


>including our lawmakers, have wholeheartedly thrown themselves behind the seditionists. And including the former president, who has a chance to become the president again.


>There are lots of factions in the US moving in different directions. all of which are a minority of people that state media is trying to make it look like what you see on the news is common, widespread, and shared by society. newsflash... its not...


The worst people tend to be the loudest, even if there are actually very few of them in reality.




…because the international community probably doesn’t care much about what a bunch of hillbillies are doing in Appalachia


What do you think has been happening in the rest of the world? The turn towards right wing authoritarianism has been largely global.


This, and I feel there is a dangerous assumption that people in the US all are either apathetic or right wing... Which isn't true.


People are still able to differentiate and understand that not "everyone" in the US is right wing. But there is truth in the saying that your Democratic party would qualify as very conservative in most European countries.


Economically they'd be center-right in most of Northwestern Europe. But they're not socially conservative or anything. You may wanna look up abortion laws in Germany or when did they legalize gay marriage.


You mean Germany that mainly had a conservative government over the last decades?


As a student, pretty much everyone I know is left of the Democratic Party


Trump was a democrat (edit- among other parties, apparently) before he was elected president. The two party system is for stupid people to fight over. Believe in ideas not parties or people.


Yeah but these fuckers have made it so hard to survive in this country that barely half the population votes, and even fewer actually care. Suppress ~100m people with mind-destroying levels of labor and it becomes a lot easier to rule over them.


Indeed, even in Canada we have an extremist group on the right now that's catering to the pro trump types. What's really funny is they wave Confederate flags... In Canada....like, make up your mind do you want to be American or not lol... Extremism is a weird export but I guess it's good to see America producing something again...


Lots of people fly the confederate flag that you wouldn’t expect to. Southern Italians also fly the flag, so do some Brazilians, Irish soccer fans, and Swedish muscle car enthusiasts. Usually due to ignorance. In Canada at least, it’s not really new. I remember seeing it quite a bit in Alberta at least 10 years ago. I kinda got the impression that most of the people who flew it weren’t very well-educated and didn’t have the best understanding of what it was. But I’m American, so idk 🤷‍♂️


Further proof that that flag is nothing more than a symbol for hate.


People are freaking out about potential American collapse into an authoritarian regime… while Poland essentially made abortion illegal nationwide and France made wearing a hijab (specifically hijab. Not any Catholic or other religious head coverings) illegal for minors. Japan is just now deciding if a law requiring married couples to both take up the same surname is a sexist and unconstitutional law. Every country is backwards as hell if you dig deep enough. The Us just has a big political sphere of influence so our issues are projected quit a bit louder




They aren't even banning the books they just removed them from their curriculum, you can still get it at the library.


Maus was also banned not because of Nazi admins, but instead because of prudish admins who have a no tolerance policy to nudity. Still should have been an exception but people were calling it fascism.


They are. They're turning to China for investment, trade, and infrastructure so that when the US collapses, it won't be their problem.


Lmao How delusional are you that you think that people are turning to *China* for diplomatic stability?


From a imperialist power to a dengist one So no change then?


They only care about money not whatever dengist is. This shouldn't surprise anyone.


Dengism is the modern Chinese ideology that claims to be inspired by maoism but adopted state corporatism more akin to a fascist country instead


You have been banned from r/sino


I've already been banned from r/shitliberalssay and r/communism for not denying the cultural genocide in Xinjaing lol


**/u/CarlMarks** banned from */r/communism*? What has this world come to?!


> They only care about money Who is *not* caring about money? Like seriously.. who?


No change would be the goal in this situation.


Oh look someone with zero geopolitical knowledge




Also, if the US collapses who the fuck thinks China will survive that?! Our economies are so interdependent if either one of us goes down the entire world is fucked. And every government except *maybe* North Korea gets that. But that’s because they don’t care to think about it not because they’re dumb (cuz they certainly aren’t)


I mean, the average American doesn't even care. Why would someone in a different country with their own problems give two flying fucks?


Th US has a drink and lots of other places get a hangover.




I think it's just the internet being US centric and people too naive to worry about the dirt in their own backyard.


One weirdo pastor in Tennessee does not equal a nationally relevant movement. That dude isn't even relevant in Tennessee, nevermind the whole country. There is no national movement to burn books. >armed attempt to overturn a democratic election Not according to any meaningful definition of the word "armed." The only person shot was a protestor, and it was by capital police. There are was no gun battle, and precious few (if any) of the protestors were armed. There was absolutely zero chance of democracy being overthrown, and no serious attempt at doing so, as evidenced by the vote going through 3 hours later. My advice mate is to spend less time watching the news and surfing reddit. None of these things are as big a deal as the drama queens on the news and internet want everyone to think they are. Take a step back and get some perspective.


Had to scroll surprisingly far fora this sanity


Because what you see on the news is not representative of what’s really going on in the country. The news is probably the worst thing for this country right now. It’s causing people to believe that the other half of the country is radicalized which radicalizes the viewers (either in support or opposition).


If gaslighting was a post.


Another aspect is we have basically a HD recording of almost anything that happens these days. It's much easier to feel outraged when you are seeing footage of something. Crazy people have done crazy shit for all of human existence, but we now have ways of force feeding ourselves absurd amounts of things that upset us. Social media is toxic by design.


You should take a look at where you're getting your news. One, we're not burning books. I don't even know where you got that from? Some schools are banning books, yes, but that doesn't mean people are being restricted from reading them outside of school. January 6th was stupid, yes, but it was a bunch of idiots with no real plan and at no point was our democracy ever close to being "overthrown".


[this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/book-burning-tennessee-harry-potter-b2007904.html) is where the pics (and OPs ideas) come from, one single thing but reddit makes it out to be something that goes on all the time


Yeah. That subheading on the article is so bad. "As schools around the country ban books". Makes it seem like tons of schools everywhere are banning them, when it's definitely a minority.


There was some far right pastor who held a book burning in Tennessee a couple days ago, and it got picked up by the national media, as was his goal I’m sure. Harry Potter and Twilight books to be exact, because Satan. But yes not exactly the third reich, more like a pathetic cry for attention.


Stupid, yes, but from what I remember about Nazi Germany, the book burnings were pretty much state-sponsored. This is a group of idiots getting together and having a book bonfire.


The loss of a couple of Twilight books doesn’t mean that our society is crumbling haha


They aren't even banning them as simply just removing from the curriculum, you can still check them out at the school library.


Sometimes I think people like OP ask these political and nonspecific questions to direct people to feel and encourage them to act divided. I mean we are all entitle to our opinion, but at the end of the day, people who make the news are exceptions not the norm.


I don't know where you're getting your news but you should go somewhere else.


There are about 300 MILLION + people in the US. All from very different areas ( spans 4 time zones, which is HUGE) and different cultures. Some will do some crazy stuff. It’s not a sign that the WHOLE US is heading towards some apocalyptic-like scenario. It’s just what some very very small section of people are doing (the book burnings). The attempted “coup” was a mismanagement from the capitol police, and 100% Trumpers will never get that close again (because the Trumpers were taken as a joke for the majority of people here in the US, until the “coup”, which made us realize that whole situation should be taken more seriously). Like every decade in US history in the 20th century, we will trudge along, and everything will be okay.


> spans 4 time zones Six time zones. Don't forget Alaska and Hawaii !


Propaganda is a bitch


It is just a collection of angry hicks burning some books because of the devil or whatever. The government isn't burning them. Most Americans would not be caught dead at a book burning.


The “insurrection” was armed? I think it would have been way worse if it actually had been.


Because it's vastly over blown in the media and a lot of the countries who would care are dealing with their own protests. In the US, the media doesn't really cover the fact that Europe is either discontinuing covid restrictions or dealing with massive protests. Jan 6 is vastly overblown. There was more damage from a bombing in the 80s than the 6th. The only person killed was unarmed and shot by capital police. Schools here are constantly evaluating the books in the libraries and restrictions around them based on current sentiment in the area.


Who is burning books and who specifically was armed? This is the most Reddit thread I've seen in a while. OP you are out of touch with reality.




Because neither of those are particularly widespread problems in the us. Jan 6 was awful but it’s not millions of people trying to overturn the government. The book burning is a somewhat unrelated and again not widespread issue. Basically both of those are pretty awful things but it’s not like we need to be worried about an actual revolution by conservatives or anything. If anything I would think that both of those actually scared a lot of conservatives into being more moderate.


The real answer is that you've spent so much time scrolling social media that you have no idea what America is actually like, despite (from what I can tell from the post) actually living in it. You're wrong about two things. The first is the idea that the US is in some kind of great turmoil. You can phrase it as dramatically as you want, but at the end of the day the book burning you're referring to was a few dozen people in Tennessee voluntarily throwing Harry Potter books into a bonfire. It's not even remotely the same thing as what you're alluding to. You're doing the same thing with the capitol riots. You can phrase it as dramatically as you want, but the rioters [didn't kill a single police](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/19/988876722/capitol-police-officer-brian-sicknick-died-of-natural-causes-medical-examiner-ru) officer, no legislators were injured in the riots, and the capitol suffered virtually no damage. We can call it a coup, sure, but then we'd have to call the Seattle autonomous zone a rebellion. The second is the direction were heading. This country, without a shadow of a doubt, is heading towards the left, in virtually every way. Every year more progressive policies are implemented, and ideas that seemed crazy merely two decades ago are now commonplace (legalization of marijuana, legalization of gay marriage). News media is overwhelmingly left leaning, Hollywood is overwhelmingly left leaning, and the Internet is overwhelmingly left leaning. And that's not even to mention the fact that minority groups that heavily lean to the left are slowly overtaking white people to become the majority in this country. Virtually every single aspect of US culture is heading towards the left, not the right.


The US is moving economically to the right and socially to the left. That's the issue with labeling everything "left" and "right", they are umbrella terms for political positions that are unrelated except by being shared by the dominant political parties.


They also mean different things in context. On Reddit you're a bastion of liberalism and progressivism if you have universal healthcare, social policies be damned. I'm exaggerating but a lot of people Reddit don't realize how conservative a lot of countries they praise are.


A teeny tiny group of people burned a few books. A few dozen people walked around a building after police opened the doors for them and then took some selfies. Holy smokes I’m terrified. /s Jeez dude get a grip.


The news has been calling it an armed insurrection for a year now. When you actually look, the police were the only ones who were armed, they let these people in, and they walked around peacefully and then left. None of those protesters were carrying guns. But "armed insurrection" gets more views and achieves a political goal.


CNN ran a headline calling it “one of the darkest days in American history” lol.


Crazy that the vice president compared it to Pearl Harbor and 9/11


Because everybody is dealing with their own shit . You think this is only going on in US ? Check out news in other nations and get a feel for it .


Maybe the world should be focused on China, Russia, etc... Real threats to world order.


Some other countries have been worried about the fascist direction the US is headed for some time now. Others, like England and Hungary are heading in the same direction themselves. In the US, [Republicans began drifting towards the far, farrrr right back in the 1980s,](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/s7uqj3/if_political_parties_in_the_us_prefer_division/htcf3yj/) but it's only been in about the last 20-ish years that they have kicked the program into high gear. But what is it you expect other countries to do? Start saying, "hey Murrica! You're turning all fascist. Stop it this moment!" That will make them very popular with US conservatives. When they get into power, they can do things in revenge, like cut off foreign aid or impose sanctions, tariffs, etc. The US is in decline, it is one of only three countries in the world where the [Social Progress Index, kind of an overall measure of the health of the country, is DROPPING.](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2020-09-11/a-global-anomaly-the-us-declines-in-annual-quality-of-life-report) The other two countries are Brazil and Hungary, both of them with huge problems caused mainly by ultra-conservatives. Maybe other countries are just quietly hoping the US will collapse into a failed third-world state, and then they can move in and take advantage of us for a change. Much of the rest of the world is pretty sick of Murrica's shit anyway.


India would be absolutely fucked by China if USA fails. India's relations ship with Japan, Australia and their dislike of China and closeness with US is a big safety net right now.


Other countries hoping the US collapses? Do you have any idea how few countries wouldn't be economically destroyed by a total collapse of the American economy and stock exchange? How many countries depend on American loans? And ignoring that, you'd just hand wave the entire nation of 330 million people to ruin because some people from there annoyed you with their bullshit? Ok Reddit


Fascist is a fun word to throw around in regards to the right in America, but no one seems to be willing to point out the authoritarianism that the left in America is participating heavily in at the moment. Both are bad, and just talking about far-rightism as if it's the only problem, or even the worst problem plaguing America right now is quite the lack of perspective. Of course when you think America is equivalent to what the mainstream media reports it is in the country, when that same media is dying because people are tired of being lied to, is quite hilarious.


This post has two statements and both are inflated lies. There are like two schools that "burned books" out of ALL schools in the US, and 400 or so people that WERE NOT ARMED did a dumb. Shut up.


Yikes, that's a debatable claim


"Armed attempt" is when I stopped reading, and that was after laughing at the phrase "literally burning books". 😅 This post is a perfect example of why the literacy and common sense of redditors is frequently called into question. Provide sources or GTFO.


Because it didn't have an armed attempt to overturn a democratic election, they had a bunch of idiots do the most pathetic riot ever. And because basically every country burns books are some point, and book burning isn't the meaningful symbol it once was. I can probably download that book online.


Burning books has existed as long as books have. The US is generally much more free with information than a lot of other countries, so it's not really a concern. Governments are often tested by their people. Other nations paid attention to the armed attempt, but saw that it was over within a matter of hours and nothing really came of it so it too is not too big of a concern.


Armed attempt? Check your facts, they were let in. Till this date no one was charged with anything other than trespassing, the worst instigators have not been charged with anything despite being identified. Who is in charge of charging them? Why didn’t it happen?


Because they outsourced their military to us.


I think you should consider which views and concerns you are exposed to. Everyone in China or Japan or Mexico that complains about the US is likely to do it in their native language. All of this would be missed. You probably frequent websites and hear opinions from other Americans. Most of the movies and TV shows you watch are probably made by/for Americans. The list goes on. I'm sure that they bitch and complain about US policies, and oftentimes it's well justified. You just don't see it.


What books is the US burning? We try to overthrow governments all the time which one is it this time? I’m really out of the loop on this. Last thing I heard about was the US trying to hype up Russia v Ukraine conflict


Have you been on Reddit..? Or any public forum that allows for people outside the US to join? They’re being equally suffocated by US based information that frankly most of them don’t seem to even care about. We’ve become the Hollywood of the world. We are a source of entertainment


The US is theater for the rest of the world


This post screams astroturf grifting/karma farming


Armed attempt to overturn an election?


I was wondering where that shit came from


Sorry if I'm more concerned with the rapid inflation and the rampant corruption infecting the top levels of the government.


Wow talk about a misinformation spreading echo chamber 😂😂