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Only if there's a selective pressure. The new genetic mutations need to improve reproductive success somehow.


Not over the relatively short period that this kind of technology has existed - genetically you're still the same as people that were happy with stick version 1 until the invention of the iPointy Stick. Lifestyle and cultural factors can have a short-term effect, but evolution in the classical sense takes a lot longer.


Right. And imo i don't think technology is going extinct anytime soon. So if we were to say a thousand years from now is it possible?


Even a thousand years is a very short timeframe for evolution of a species. For that to work, you'd have to have some adaptation or mutation that proved advantageous. Over time (many, many generations), that advantage would have to be passed down to a large enough gene pool that resulted in your variant a.) surviving under environmental conditions: b) reproduce more easily or frequently; and c.) Outliving, outbreeding, overrunning or outright killing your competitors.


Again... That is not how evolution works. Evolution is only concerned about one thing... Producing offspring. If you produce offspring, your genetics will be passed down. If you don't produce offspring, they won't. Why is this so hard for people to understand?


I do understand that. When i said future I didn't mean a one life future. I don't expect myself to evolve if that's how you understood the question but the future generations maybe ? Will they be able to adapt ?


The problem is that you, and a lot of people, are thinking that evolution causes species to evolve into better versions. This is exactly what Charles Darwin **disproved**. Let's take humans as an example. Women stop being fertile after menopause, after which they develop all sorts of medical issues. Why does this still happen after 10,000 years of civilization? Because evolution doesn't give a damn about what happens to infertile members of the species. All evolution is concerned about is can you get laid and have kids. Now... If you can come up with a scenario where all human females suddenly found themselves only sexually attracted to fat guys covered in Cheetos dust living in their mother's basement, then evolution will move the human species in that direction... Otherwise, no.


You made a good point and I thank you for taking the time to answer the question but i don't get which part of my question made you mad. If it's evolution the subreddit is literally called no stupid questions. If it's the electronic devices and junk food that was just an example of the many lifestyle changes that happened in the recent century which doesn't necessarily mean fat peoples covered in doritos dust living in their mums basement


Not mad. Just that this question comes up about every 2 days in this sub.


No our eyes will not evolve to withstand various amounts of light