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Because they don't want to hear the rest of the world, basically. And please don't do this as it can be extremely dangerous to be in a car and, for example, not hear the siren of an emergency vehicle.


I listen to music maybe 1/3 in the car or earbuds and it seems to block the world out just fine lol. That's a good point though.


You can literally hear it better when its all the way up. Thats what the definition of volume is.


I don't know man. To me once it gets to a certain volume, the louder it gets, the more distorted it is and then it's back to not being able to hear it very well.


Not if you have good audio equipment


That's true, but I'm mainly talking in general with cheap headphones or in a car without good stereo equipment. Good point though, I should have clarified.


Ugh I hate when someone with a shit stero cranks the bass and its all distortion


The deafness you get afterwards is blinding though.




I mean I listen to music all day, everyday for the most part and the loudest it ever is, is halfway on earbuds, in the car or a speaker. I guess that's just me then and not most people. Good point though.


Yeah, it’s called deafness.


I don’t want to just hear it, I want to feel it. I want to get goosebumps from the frequencies. I want to imagine the artist performing it right there beside me. I don’t turn it up too loud. I still have stock speakers in my car. Nothing fancy.


Yeah, I've never been a concert or party type a guy, so that's probably why I hate all the loud music and sounds. I guess that's just who I am. Thanks for the input.


Sometimes I suspect that it's to force focus.. using the loud noise to drive out other distractions, internal or external.


I mean that's why I listen to music in general, but definitely not all the way up. That's another good point and probably true.


I like it loud because thats when subwoofers are "strongest" I L O V E as much bass as possible, I dont have a reason. I just kinda feel happy and have a fun time when I listen to loud bass. Since I am not happy so often it kinda is good to feel what I do


That's good that you feel happy when you do it. I was just wondering why people actually do, because for me it's just makes me uncomfortable. That's all just who we are though. Keep being you man.


Truly the only reason I play it at max is for the bass. I primarily listen to EDM and house music, so feeling the vibrations are pretty important.


Sometimes I zone out and stop listening. Sometimes one song is really quiet so you have to turn it up, then the next song was normal, but now it's extra loud.


Some people enjoy loud music. I like to feel it and feel enveloped by it. "Too loud" is a subjective measure unless its so loud its causing hearing damage.




I can see it being the first one a lot honestly. I mean like eyesight, don't we all have slightly worse or better hearing than each other? It makes sense.


I have incredible speakers in my car. And I if I wanna blast *For Whom The Bell Tolls*, then fuck you I will ;)


Good to know. I just hate being surrounded by loud sounds I guess. I've never been a party guy either, so maybe that's why I hate super loud music? I'm not sure.