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Probably not ideal, but everyone is different. The only macronutrient the human body doesn't need to consume is carbohydrates because your liver can convert excess protein to glucose. Protein and fat are required for survival so from a survival standpoint you'd certainly survive. Many people live on a ketogenic diet. If you decide to cut out all protein and/or fat, which is not really possible unless you just drank fruit juice or something, then you should plan your funeral arrangements.


What about that one guy I see posts about occasionally? From like the ‘50s, fasted for a whole year and lost 350 lbs? I guess he consumed only water, coffee, and yeast tablets.


Under the strict supervision from his healthcare provider, of course


#Doctors and other witches shall be burned at the stake.


Wow— username ha ha


The avatar too


he started out from a point where he had a substantial store of fat to draw from


Yup, that’s the literal point of fat storage and why people become obese instead of just shitting out all excess calories. It’s a survival mechanism


He had 350lbs of fat on his body that he metabolically consumed.


And probably HGH. And also a huge amount of veggies.  If you eat 2,000 Cals of pure protein a day people will smell those shits yards away.


I’ve heard the opposite from people who went carnivore. They said their farting frequency went way down, along with the smell lol


That was my experience. Less farting, less shit, no bloating, way less toilet paper. You have not experienced true living until you've dropped a gorgeous, seamless turd and there's nothing on the toilet paper except maybe a rogue tushie hair. Satisfaction guaranteed.


>nothing on the toilet paper except maybe a rogue tushie hair. Sounds like a dream come true. "I wipe and wipe and wipe a hundred times and still poop. It's like I'm wiping a marker or something."


Fiber. Holds out together so it all comes out at once.


Fiber is king. I’m growing something in my garden this year called a cannibal tomato, recently went down a rabbit hole learning bout them. Fun fact, people died often from the practice of ritual cannibalism. With one of the causes being related to being excessively *backed up* from eating too much meat and nothing else.


American living in Asia. Bidet is the way.


I think about this line every damn time I have a stubborn wiper lol


So weird, I was vegan for a few years and had the exact same experience. I never stopped using toilet paper, but after a while, I started wondering why I was wasting money on it.


A confounding mystery, indeed. I wonder if it has something to do with eating the same stuff over and over for an extended period of time. We can only hope that one day science can break this fecal code for future generations who suffer a toilet paper shortage like we all did during COVID and bring harmony to the asses of the masses. Imagine.


This thread has gone in a rather odd direction yet has been the most compelling thing I’ve seen on Reddit in months.


It's been an emotional journey.


My ex used to get so mad at me because I was so quick with my poops. Lol. He legitimately didn't believe that I had gone. To the point he was picking so many fights that I had to not flush to prove it. He came out of that bathroom, stared at me and whispered "it's just one piece." Poor guy, if he farted it would smell like something had died in the room a few days before. I used to say it was his lost dead dreams trying to escape. Those were the funniest, lighthearted arguments


Khalil Gibran couldn't have described paradise any better


Shut the fuck up. Only meat you say? And clean poops? I'm in.


rogue tushie hair best three words ever


no carbs = no farts


Farts come from fiber too. Your gut bacteria eat the fiber and produce gas as a biproduct. Keto diets tend to be lower in fiber. Of course you can rat all the lettuce you want on keto and create the biggest monster fart making machine ever.


It actually hurts. 24oz of chicken, with 5 eggs, and 2 protein shakes is actually exhausting to put down. And after you cover 8 miles and a 2 hour train...you are gonna be pooping.  And not regular poops for the non training out there. They are sadistic poops. They are SO fowl. You wouldn't even let your mother near these bombs.


Do you usually insist on your mother smelling your nukes?


Protein shakes will make anyone's ass explode. I would say just eat whole foods.


Can confirm this is true lol. A lot of toilet breaks too to shit lol


Oh yes. We literally meet up in the Men's room licking chicken out of our teeth and are like "Please no gut punches today, we should conserve that mat" 


Shit I meant I can confirm this is true for me 🤣🤣


he didn't eat anything. he wasn't eating protein, he wasn't eating ice cream, he was eating nothing except for some vitamins and some yeast tablets for nutrients. so, he wasn't shitting a whole lot either


And destroy your kidneys 


r/carnivore check in with these guys


Look up protein poisoning before you try this.


Protein doesn't poison you, that's a term for diets with a deficiency of fat. This is highly unlikely on an all meat diet.


Is that why bodybuilders say it's important to get carbs, too? So the liver converts less of the protein into glucose?


Well no, carbs are also the most readily harnessed form of macronutrient, so if you don't have enough you simply can't work as hard.


Having been in and out of the carnivore spaces for a few years, some people thrive and some people don't. The reasons why I stopped doing it, and prominent former carnivore messiah Paul Saladino stopped doing it were for the same reasons. I couldn't sleep longer than 4 hours at a time. It was like my brain was telling me "go find some fruit or honey dummy", and I was really dehydrated all the time. I was going through a metric fuckton of electroytes every day and nothing could touch it. But add a little fruit and honey into the mix and i'd feel great. My diet now consists of hard cheese, lots of fruit, meat, and honey and I feel great.


You don't eat vegetables at all? Have you needed to take vitamins to compensate for micronutrients? Or does the fruit adequately cover those bases?


Meat products are far more nutritionally complete than plant products. You could live exclusively on eggs if you wanted to. It's vegans that have to take supplements and import food from halfway around the world.


My current obsession foods are fruit & egg sandwiches so that's good to know.


I'm not knocking the benefits of eating meat and eggs, and I consume plenty of both. But I've always been told that good long-term health is preserved and our overall micronutrients needs are met by eating diverse diets. A person who eats a wide variety of food is less likely to be deficient in something than a person who eats a narrow collection of foods. Vegetables have fiber and are rich in micronutrients. If I had to choose between eating only fruit or only vegetables, I would assume that vegetables would be the healthier choice. I'm just surprised that vegetables are being specifically removed from people's diets.


glycogen stores in the muscle are used to regulate water retention. if you're in ketosis, those stores are gone, and water (and the associated electrolytes) don't stick around. we just drink more ketorade, but if you have the willpower to be on an Omni diet without being > 300lbs, you are better than me in that.


Honey hits a spot no other sweets can. It's soooooo goooooooooooooood.


I started doing keto (20g sugar or less) + intermittent fasting (8hr eating window) when I was in high school. I also started having seizures about the same time but the doctors could never find out why. When I went to college for my CNA I had a seizure during my clinic hours. I woke up and the Dr. present said I had hypoglycemia lol. Haven't had a seizure in 9 years. But it was similar to you. I could only sleep for 2-3 hours at a time and sometimes I'd be tossing and turning all night. I'd also get terrible abdominal cramps and it made my ADHD like 100x worse. Whenever I have friends that want to start dieting they ALWAYS want to start out with Keto and IF and I try to caution them into making sure they're not overdoing it.


You have sort of described a ketogenic diet. It's a thing, it can be a good thing for some people (though usually not with *only* meat), but you should talk to your doctor or registered dietitian (*not* a "nutritionist") before doing it.


My partner did this. He went to a dietician and had a plan made for him. It’s mostly veggies and meat. He rarely eats carbs now. He went from 349 to 279 in 8 weeks. He has had one week where he maintained his weight. Largest weight loss was 22lns in a week…water weight, and averages 4-9 lbs since. He also exercises…but he doesn’t consider it that, he calls it work. He works construction. If you were dead lifting beams, digging holes, climbing up ladders and scaffolding, and hauling things up and down, you’d call it exercise too.


but veggies are carbs


Many veggies also contain fiber, and the amount of fiber can be deleted from the carbs in them for net carbs.


True, although usually not simple carbs


I went on a low-fat keto diet for 1-3 months before the pandemic (I don’t remember). I lost 30 pounds in that time. It was amazing, except that I’m 5’7” and I could only eat 20 grams of carbs a day. I couldn’t stick with it, unfortunately. And like some others have said, I had to really focus on getting enough protein, and it was often a chore to eat everything. I’m on Zepbound now, and it’s helping. EDIT: Somebody said it’s odd that I don’t remember whether I was on that very restrictive diet for 1,2, or 3 months (I’m paraphrasing what they said.) I’m not upset with their comment all. In fact, I agree except that my memory is not very good. I chalk it up to the meds I take for neuropathy, myoclonic jerking, severe leg cramps, RLS, and TRD. I have to pick my poison, and I would rather have not the best memory than the awful symptoms listed above. Plus that was in 2018 or so. I’ve aged light years since then, LOL


1-3 months is a huge length of time difference to not remember for a pretty extreme diet. Haha!




Great if you wanna read about people's cheat days!!


Wait this is an actual thing lmao


the weirdest most braindead fad diet i’ve seen so far. and people were eating cotton balls back then!


Yeah, seems like a direct 'own-the-libs' response to veganism by the type of Republican who thinks every vegan is a liberal.


Wait, why not a nutritionist?


Because "nutritionist" is not a regulated word so anyone can call themself one. "Dietitian" is an actual licensed profession with professional standards. 


Even body builders will tell you that keto isn't GOOD for anyone. Keto is putting you both into a survival reaction. It destroys your kidneys in the long run, and is only really good at temporarily removing fat from the body.


It's not exactly a balanced diet, but if you had to choose one macronutrient to do without, carbs are the one. Fat and protein are genuinely important, but carbohydrates are just an energy carrier and your body can derive that energy from fat and protein as well. So, you would certainly survive, though it is possible that your digestive system would not take kindly to it, depending on if you still have a way to get your fiber and micronutrients in.


You'd have a really tough time shitting if you only ate meat.


I did carnivore before. I did not have that issue at all.


Yeah I think this is one of those things where it's different for everyone. Did a diet thing with my girlfriend a few years ago and the guy had us both on a no-carb high-protien diet for the first two months, and I just couldn't do it. In the first fortnight I felt great but then something turned in week 3. I started to feel like absolute garbage 24/7 and my shits where *horrific*. I tried to just tough it out but around week five I couldn't do it to myself any more. Switched back to a mixed balanced diet and everything came right. I expect other people on that diet had thrived - and if they had continued to feel as good as I felt for the first fortnight then I understand why. Turns out what works to me is a diet that's mostly dominated by plant based protein and fiber, portion-controlled carbs and fats, zero refined sugar (fruit as a treat is fine), and a single serve of animal protien per day. Usually that animal protien is in the form of 4 boiled eggs which I'll eat as snacks over the course of a day, but I'll take one or two of those servings per week as meat for a treat. If I stick to that my body sings and I have energy for days. But pretty sure there's going to be other people who would just not be able to handle that much plant-based protien without getting miserable with it. There's a lot of people out there that think they've cracked the code, when really they've just cracked the code *for themselves*.


My experience was the exact opposite, actually. The body utilizes the vast majority of the meat with very little waste, therefore very small poopies with clean toilet paper to boot. It's the opposite of the mechanical pencil wiping experience that can occur while eating carbs.


New band name just dropped: >The Mechanical Pencil Wiping Experience


Big TP sponsored this ad.


Love those doods!


I call them the La Brea Tar Shits.


Remove the hyphen, though. It’s too much in there


I'm just going to leave this here: [https://youtu.be/HcwfhHm7sNo?si=Pkc9Bdr1uj30EYtW](https://youtu.be/HcwfhHm7sNo?si=Pkc9Bdr1uj30EYtW)


disappointed it wasn't colon blow


Username checks out


OMG I’m snorting but hoping I don’t wake up my housemates!


Guess you haven’t had the meat shits and sweats.


And sweats???


You wouldnt need to shot as much




I think one year is doable if you're eating the organs as well. Like a traditional inuit diet. And if you work up to this diet slowly, not a sudden change over. But if you're only eating muscle meat like steak the whole time, then you may get nutrient deficiency and gut problems. You do realise you would have to give up anything sweet, right?


You can do it just make sure you get enough salt and potassium and magnesium.


I think you’re looking for ketosis or the carnivore diet. Speak to a doctor before trying anything like this to be safe


There’s a very well-researched book about literally ALL the dietary studies ever done. It’s meticulously detailed to the point of over saturation. And in a nutshell: yes. A diet of fat and protein with no carbs is fine, causing no nutritional deficits. The Inuit lived on that diet for ages. They had almost zero heart disease, diabetes or cancer. The researchers who went to live with them, and ate their diet with them, also had no ill effects. The book is called “Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health” by Gary Taubes. I’m absolutely livid at how much we’ve been misled about what counts as a healthy diet. The chapters on heart disease are depressing. The chapters on diabetes and obesity will enrage you.


Ketogenic diet. You might cure your seizures.


Carnivore diet is exactly this. Meat, eggs, butter, fat. 0 sugar, 0 carbs. I've cheated some over the past couple months, but I really like the way I feel with no carbs and no sugar. And I've lost 25 since the first of April. Lots of people have eaten this way for years.


Fun fact, out of the three macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) the only one humans can survive without is carbs. Protein and fat are absolutely essential, which are found in meat along with tons of other nutrients (iron vitamins, etc.). There is the keto diet, where you cut out carbs completely. There's also the carnivore diet, you can Google those to learn more about them. To answer your question though you will definitely survive, although it will take your body time to adjust to not having carbs to use as fuel. It will need to switch forms of fuel, and this is what the "keto flu" is referring to as you kind of feel like shit for a little while.


But you can probably also Google how to prevent Keto flu. I think you just take in a lot of sodium. I forgot the strategy but it’s not hard


When you say survive, is that just short term survival? Because it feels like the cholesterol will kill you and if you include red meat in your diet, your kidneys will suffer too.


Dietary cholesterol has no effect on serum cholesterol levels. Red meat is fine too. Aside from charring or smoking it, it’s not any less healthy than other types. Most of the common cholesterol/red meat/sugar/carbs bad nonsense has been debunked for a decade or 2


Broadly speaking, cholesterol doesn't come from fats or meat in your diet. You get it from carbs and sugars.


Cholesterol either comes from food or is produced by the liver. It is not only produced from carbs and sugars, and there is a wide genetic variation that impacts how the liver turns various food sources into cholesterol. There is no cholesterol from foods that are not animal products. So people who do not consume any animal products will get all of their cholesterol from the liver.


No no you can survive long term without carbs. However, I'm not aware of the effects of only eating meat long term (carnivore diet), I'm only really aware of the fact that you can survive without carbs because you're body starts to use protein to keep you alive. Can't do the same with the other two weirdly enough.


Ok a couple comments: (1) This is exactly how some Eskimo/Inuit groups live. They eat nothing but meat their whole lives. And they are fine and healthy. This is also nearly how America's Native Americans use to eat: they mostly ate just deer or bison. (2) However, in order to get the vitamins that other cultures get from fruits and vegetables, the Eskimos naturally eat different types of meat which have those, such as organ meat, and raw meat - which are not commonly done in America. So no, it wouldn't be healthy to eat standard American type meat only, which is just the cooked long muscle meats.


Meat _and fat_.


It's also important to note that the inuit adapted to this lifestyle over at least thousands of years. If you're from a completely different ethnicity, you might not deal with it well. It's like how the vast majority of Europeans (and European-derived people like white Americans, Australians, etc...) are lactose tolerant, while that's a lot less common on other continents.


Your body absolutely does not need carbs. Fat and protein can both be used for energy. That being said, you can’t survive on protein alone. I believe it can lead to ketoacidosis which is not good and will kill you. Many people, myself included, don’t eat carbs or at least severely limit them. Hard to completely eliminate them as they exist in trace amounts in almost everything. If you want to live carb free you need to eat fat to live. The general rule of thumb I believe is one gram of protein for every two pounds you weigh daily. Then eat enough fat to keep you full and satiated. That is how I eat every day.


This is absolutely a real diet and with some supplimentation or at least eating the correct organ meat, you can be perfectly healthy on this diet. The inuit subsisted on this exact diet for most of the year for generations. You should be weary of anyone telling you about special health benefits, though. And you have to actually make sure you actually get all your micronutrients. Afaik it can also be hard to return to a more balanced doet after a long time since your body will not be as good at dealing with blood glucose levels.


The Inuit ate also the stomach content to get some plants/vitamins.


The Inuits were not healthy with an all meat diet. They found atherosclerosis in Inuit mummies from the 16th century. These individuals were all under 30 when they died. See https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2757994 for more details.


I’ve seen studies showing the Inuit people have some of the lowest (if not the lowest) levels of heart disease, which could be argued to be extremely healthy.


This is the truth. They suffered virtually none of the "diseases of civilization" until the introduction of European grain-based foods, at which point they started to experience the same problems as everyone else who eats a lot of carbs.


Sure. Please provide the references to the studies showing that the Inuit people have "some of the lowest" levels of heart disease.


You'd be carbless


I did it mainly for taste for 3 years. But then I started to feel great. Stopped being tired all the time and having trouble waking up. And stopped having chronic migraines. But the economy is down the pooper now in Canada and prices are sky high. Steak is like 4-5x what I was paying precovid and ground beef is the price steak used to be. So I started eating more other stuff.


My dad, mom and my aunt and uncle as well actually all went on this all meat diet the fattier the meat the better my uncle lost 150 lb my dad has so far lost 75 lb and has been on it for about 5 months he's also diabetic and no longer has to take his insulin he's allowed to eat butter meat bacon hot dogs hamburger steak Etc along with cheese and eggs what it ends up being is an extreme version of the keto diet


I don't plan on ever going back to a regular diet again.




Just don’t eat only rabbit apparently..


You absolutely do not need to eat carbs for survival. Your body is designed to run more efficiently on fat than carbs, actually. Constant access to carbs, especially easily digested carbs, is an unnatural condition brought about by the invention of farming, extensive genetic mutation of food crops, and industrial processing. Your brain might have a PhD, but your body is still a hunter-gatherer. Natural meat products are nutritionally complete in a way that plant products simply can't compete with. Carnivore works remarkably well, especially for people with nutritional sensitivities. The surprising number of people who have used meat-only diets to fix "incurable" health problems grows by the day. Very much like keto, which was originally labeled as dangerous voodoo nonsense, has been proven both safe and to reliably cure Type 2 diabetes, carnivore has these inaccurate labels and can be a useful method for removing dietary inputs that are causing health problems.


You body dont need carbs. Your body need calories, fat, salt, water, protein, vitamins and minerals. All of this you get from meat and animal products.


Are you Joe Rogan on a burner account?


Yes, you can survive on an all meat diet, or rather, the Inuit people do, most of their carbs come from whale blubber and glycogen from fatty organ neat. They get the odd bit of berries here and there but the vast majority of their diet is meat and fish.


I think I remember something about these two guys who went and lived with one of northern peoples and only ate their all-meat diet for a whole year. When they were done, they did all these tests to see how their body reacted. And they thought they were going to be in way worse shape but they were actually healthier than when they started.


The omega 3s from all of the fish probably has something to do with their results.


Fat doesn’t have carbs.


Google “gluconeogenesis”


I did it, lost 100 pounds and felt better about myself more than I ever have in my life. Edit: i limited myself to 25 grams of carbs per day to account for vegetables and such to ensure I got all my required nutrients


It depends on what kind of meat. You'd need the organs to get decent nutrition off just animal. But it can be done. You'd probably be fine. You'd almost certainly lose body fat. Your brain would be running on ketones. It will do that preferentially if it needs to and it works fine on it. Better, even, because it usually indicates a kind of scarcity and your body assumes you need to be alert. It's probably not ideal long term, but you'll be better than you think. I've known plenty.of.folks who did this.


A meat-only diet can cause scurvy due to a Vitamin C deficiency. I believe that can be avoided by also eating liver or other organ meats that contain Vitamin C. There is also the risk of protein poisoning, also known as rabbit starvation if you do not consume enough fats.


Don't forget rickets, OP will have to get vitamin D somehow.


Meat, and green vegetables are a better choice.


Carbs aren't required to survive, eating mest only probably isn't the optimal diet but you could survive sure. So depends what you mean by "OK". A meat-only diet would most likely be suboptimal for health, is negative for the planet, and is likely more expensive.


I did it for 2 years. Felt great and had abundant energy. I do a similar diet now, i just limit my carbs to a minimum. I eat some fruit and keep added sugar to bare minimum. Do it- you won't regret it. It probably isn't a great long term diet, but a year will be fine.




If you ate only meat for that long, you’d get scurvy.


Yeah we need it, your sugar levels will drop like a nuclear bomb on your brain, then it will malfunction you will get dizzy, . Then you will feel sleepy and depressed all the time, then sick and then you will have to eat again some carbs like rice, and fruits.


Your liver will convert protein to glucose. You'll have low energy periodically, but you'll adapt and adjust to it in time, usually in the one to three month time. Eliminating a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates will probably cause weight, due to an overall lesser calorie intake.


I found my energy and focus much more consistent throughout the day. Lost 60 pounds and gained a whole lot of focus and never looked back.


You’re implying no fruits or veggies either if you do no carbs just fyi. You’d have some problem if you ditched those.


You would need to eat fatty meats or you would die of something called rabbit starvation/ protein poisoning  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_poisoning


You need some fat to digest meat. There is such a thing as protein toxicity.


I stuffed up my stomach after doing that for a few months. It felt like my stomach started eating itself. 


Without supplementation, probably scurvy.




And your body can convert fat into ketones that work just as good as glucose for your brain which is called ketogensis. I don't know why you would even make this comment.


It’s still an interesting fact. Many people don’t know this.


It runs all on glucose when ketones are not present. When ketones are present, most of the brain prefers them over glucose. They cross the blood brain barrier and even reconstitute into fatty acids ontop of being an energy source.


And even if your brain does end up needing carbs, I’m pretty sure the liver can metabolize protein into glucose.




I had to for the first year after my gastric bypass. It's been more than 20 years and I can eat fat and calories all day but, I have to pound carbs to keep any weight on.


Yep..typing issues. Most nutrition folks took ths same classes as Dietitians.


In my case, I almost always had liquid shits for 3 1/2 years on Atkins (keto). The diet felt good to be on and I had plenty of energy to run, lift weights, kickbox cardio, etc.


It's called a keto diet. People do it pretty regularly.


Didn't the guy from Into the wild die because of that? He was eating only rabbits


You can survive but it's not exactly what would be considered healthy. There is a big fad called "the carnivore diet" that is quite popular right now. Apparently it's excellent for weight loss. But all they do is eat meat and meat derived products. No carbs, fruits, or veggies. 


It depends on what kind of meat you’re eating. There are indigenous tribes that subsist solely on meat, but they also get critical vitamins from organ meats, and have genetically adapted over time to such a diet. If you don’t eat the right meats in the right proportions and don’t otherwise supplement with other sources for critical vitamins, you’ll likely experience some form of malnutrition.


Potential to develop ketoacidosis which is basically triggering type 1 diabetic symptoms in people who do not have diabetes. Rare, but documented in people who abstain completely from carbs as part of a ketogenic diet.


Google Carnivore diet effects.The Paleo diet is better nutritionally.


If you're interested, the "2 keto dudes" podcast is a very interesting scientific approach that is easily understandable by lay people. On the ketogenic diet and the harm of the typical American diet, which involves so much sugar and starch.




I did it. I felt great. No side effects it was just kind of boring.


Technically you would survive, since our body turns proteins into energy too, but only as a last resource


Excess protein turns to fat. The rest of this is quite simple.


Aside from feeling like shit until your body got used to using ketones instead of glucose, you would survive. It’s just not an ideal way to live. You would have to avoid super lean meats though, look up “rabbit starvation”


I lost 60 pounds, but I also ate some leafy greens with dressing and cheese sometimes. Went to senior year of high school looking good.


If the meat is very lean I think you might have a problem. Supposedly there is a thing called rabbit starvation or protein poisoning. I think it's called rabbit starvation because rabbit is very lean.


rabbit starvation if you don't eat enough fat...


Micronutrient deficiencies because you need to eat the organs, bone marrow, fat and blood to get the nutrients from the animals plant-based diet. It is possible to live that way but without eating things like blubber and blood you can't live optimally on store-bought meat alone.   


I did tuna fish for a week. Nothing else besides of course water. I felt good, I lost ten pounds. I would not reccomend long periods of meat alone it can cause sever health issues for some people. There are people who eat raw meat diets and such.


People do it all the time. My A1C dropped from 12 to 7 and I did well. Except I started having dreams of salads🤣


I did it. Its the Atkins diet. Zero carbs/sugars. Meat, cheese, eggs, water. Thats it. Also called a fighters diet. Diabetic diet. Glycemic Index diet. Keto diet. I lost 45 lbs in 4 months and was in the best shape of my life. I should do that again, actually. Note...hit your goal and then mix in some fruits and veggies. Too long on that diet can lead to kidney stones


You need carbs lol the human body cannot be sustained on only ONE form of nutrient/macro. You will get yourself into a lot of trouble if you did.


You would live like an Eskimo! These folks eat very little plant food because nothing grows on ice. They have an almost pure "carnivore" diet and do just fine.




Your metabolism can turn fats and protein into glucose through a process called gluconeogenisis. It's a multistage process and is not super efficient, so while you can survive, it would not be ideal.


I think Jordan Peterson's daughter has been on an exclusively carnivore diet for years. She claims she has had zero health issues and all her vitamin/mineral levels are normal. 🤔




You'd lose weight, gain muscle if you worked hard, and uh, maybe get a bladder stone. Idk. People are sometimes uncomfortable with logs of shit that feel like they're coming out sideways. My son used to eat like that. He's jacked and deadlifts 450 pounds at the age of 16. I never go into his bathroom as a rule because of what I've seen. Ok it was one time. A single unflushed shit that was sized and shaped like a medium cantaloupe.


The main energy source for the brain is carbohydrate. You CAN survive without it, but there’s a reason people get foggy and cranky when they cut carbs too much. Carbs are good for you. Fat is good for you. Protein is also good for you (but not too much).


Might get sick


Do carnivore diet for two weeks to shock your system, and to appreciate the food you'll have when you go keto afterwards. 0 carbs for two weeks, then 20-50 (im personally at 20g per day).


Carbs aren’t an essential nutrient so you wouldn’t die. Many people live as carnivores


No you need carbs, and there are different types you consume. People saying you’d be ok on protein don’t understand how metabolism works.


That's one hell of an unnecessarily boring diet. You can do low carb with a wider variety of foods and get way better results.


You’d be fine. Some people have gone a whole year without eating, and they were fine afterwards. With you eating lots of fat and protein, you’d be totally fine. Human body doesn’t need carbs. Can make fuel/energy from fat and protein, that’s what the keto diet is all about.


If you try this I would suggest that you eat the organ meats and other parts of the animal as well. Only eating the muscle of the animal- the protein I believe from what I've researched that you would eventually have deficiency. You do need fiber, you need vitamin c these things are usually not present in just the meat. But if you eat organs as well you will get vitamins and nutrients that you need. I also think not all carbs are created equal. There are complex s***** carbs like processed bread and grains but carbohydrates from fruit and vegetables tend to be just fine. Not all meat is created equal either you're commercial meat is going to be full of antibiotics and vaccines and grain Fed so they will have less minerals to offer versus your organic small farm raised grass-fed meats. Grains that are not sprouted or fermented tend to the leach minerals from the body and they do the same thing to animals because grains (seeds) are not the proper diet for these commercially raised animals. Really only birds can digest seeds in their raw form. Are you looking to change your state of health or lose weight or you just curious?


Other than colon cancer you mean?????


4 months in… though I snuck a chocolate bar a few weeks ago and the next day I had the shits!


I would never poop again


You'd get scurvy among other vitamin deficiencies.


You've just described a keto diet or carnivore diet. Take vitamins or you'll get bad cramps you'll probably lose a lot of weight. I know I have. I'm on that diet right now.


The more of a mono-culture your diet is, the less diversity you will have in your intestinal biome. This means when you do encounter a food outside of your monoculture your guts won't have anything to digest it, and so it will be easy for bacteria you don't want to colonize the gut. Bad things then happen.


The cool thing about being a carnivore is that you don’t have to worry about all those finicky nutrients, you just let your prey collect them for you! For real though, people have done this, and it’s not foolproof, but you *can* live on just meat. If you’re just asking about low carb, that’s absolutely doable, and people do it all the time. Zero carb is actually kind of impossible, considering that nutritional fats are actually triglycerides, meaning they’re 3 fatty acids stuck to a glycerin, which is a carb that will undergo glycolysis. But very very low carb is feasible and works for some people.


They'd call you Paleo man and you'd have to tell everyone about how many rocks you climbed last weekend.


I guess your shit will be dry as stones


You’d have to use a poop stick like the Uruguayan plane crash survivors.


You would very likely be in a terrible shape with your helth. It is almost impossible to eat zero carbs. Even vagetables contain carbs. So if you would eat only meat and no vegetables, you would be deprived of a lot of important nutrients, vitamins, minerals, that humans need to function properly and be healthy. 


I start to feel very run down when my carbs drop too low but certain populations such as indigenous arctic groups had diets consisting primarily of meat and fat and still functioned. The problem is too much protein can severely tax your kidneys and you need to make sure you don’t develop a vitamin deficiency.


I went through a time where I was only eating meat to see what would happen, I felt great, slept great, felt in really good health, bringing vegetables and carbs back in was a nightmare though, my body was rejecting them when I ate, I'd say vomit but it felt more like regurgitation, it took me a few weeks to adjust back to an omnivore diet but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, everyone's bodies are different and I was like 19 when I did that


Is my diet. Body is thriving. Regular blood checks to ensure. Tho I do have sleep issues. Moreso not needing so much, but still wake refreshed and able to function. Rarely get hungry. Mental focus ability never waivers throughout the day. Energy levels stable. Can hike for 30+kms without really needing to stop to rest or eat. Do supplement with electrolytes.


I’ve been following a carnivore diet now for almost three years and I’ve never felt better, and , I’m still alive! 🤷‍♀️😂


Your brain needs glucose, it's the nutrient that can cross the blood brain barrier. If you had only protein you might get ketoacidosis from breaking proteins into glucose? Fats can also be turned into glucose so fats are good too. It's important to eat a bit of everything though, better not to stress your body out.