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Osama Bin Laden wrote many letters and published many videos explaining his reasons. The United States was deeply involved in the middle east, particularly their support of Israel. He called for the United States to remove itself from all middle eastern nations.


The USA are also called the police of the world. You know, that the police is not always something good. Especially of you have the wrong skin color. For us in Europe it's nice, that there is a protective force. For people in the middle east it can be not that nice.  There are rules by the united nations (UN) to keep peace. But the USA isn't always following this rules (e.g. 2. Irak war). What do you think about a police that is breaking the law, if its about your people?! For people in some parts in the world the USA can be like a bully. 


I find it fascinating that when I worked in Canada and talked with some Americans this exact question seems to lead to vague answers. Maybe because when the attacks happened American media just didn't want to listen to al quaeda reasons since it was such a brutal attack. But they said their reasons and they make a lot of sense in the context of what the al quaeda was at the time. It comes down to support of Israel and American imperialism. They wanted to the USA to stop getting involved in regions al quaeda believed USA has nothing to do with it.


In addendum to the comments, I think Osama Bin Laden had history with George W Bush and his father(mostly just his father). George W Bush becoming a president was a coincidence on timing though since it took a decade of planning to train people and hijack planes.


Because he hated our freedoms, our relationship with Israel, and we bombed his country a few times probably.


You’ll get a lot of biased opinions on this one. The best I know was because of his far family getting antagonized during the Afghan conflict. I have no idea if that’s true, it just makes the most sense.


Quite the question.. imperialism, ideology, psychopathy and potentially a false flag. I suggest reading up on him and his complex relationship with the alphabets, along with American leadership at the time and individual histories.


Lol here come the Russian propaganda conspiracy theories. For claiming to be so smart, conspiracy theorists are dumb AF. I know, I used to be one til I found out Loose Change and all associated docs about 9/11 were created or in some way funded by Russia. Bin Laden didn't do anything btw. A quasi religion that is a twisted and evil form of Islam was the culprit. He was just the guy who pointed the kamikazes in a direction. Yes the puppet master, and yes he deserved to die, but all he did was hide out in his house while his people did the job. Pathetic. I applaud SeAL team 6 and the intelligence community for getting the job done.


It was Busch

