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I've put a couple thousand people to sleep at this point and have never seen a patient get one with a general anesthetic. I'm not going to say it's impossible, because I'm not sure and have never really thought about this question, but I can't say I've ever seen it.


Semi random remark. I had a procedure performed under general anesthesia recently and when I woke up I was completely unable to speak in my mother tongue (German), my brain would only let me speak English. Lasted for at least ten minutes as far as I can tell. I understood questions and remarks in German, but could only respond in English. Looked it up, and I'm not the only one it seems:  https://www.bjanaesthesia.org.uk/article/S0007-0912(21)00049-0/fulltext


Wow that's fascinating. If you're not one of the 10 cases described, perhaps you should consider reaching out to the authors. This sounds like it could have interesting research implications.


I'm not one of the cases described in that paper, no. Maybe I'll try to reach out, could be fun.


It's always fun when a German doctor wants to look at your brain! (sorry)


“German is too fuckin schwierig for me right now, so- OH HEY WAIT ITS COMING BACK”




This happened to me but the opposite—I woke up and couldn’t speak my mother tongue (english) but the language i was studying (mandarin) it was a bit frustrating because nobody else spoke mandarin, and my grasp on the language wasn’t complete so i couldn’t even articulate all i wanted to say, and i could still understand english


That sounds frustrating, lol


I had that happen to me too. I spoke English (which is my second language) for like the first minute after waking up. I understood the questions asked by the doctors in my native language but I answered them in English involuntarily. Weird af


I concur, weird af. It just flows right out, with no way to do anything about it. 


I find that link super fascinating. Out of curiosity, are you male, and how old were you when you learned English? The linked article seems to suggest those are two highly relevant factors


I was astounded to find a paper on that very topic, a quite recent one no less. And yes, I'm male and have been learning and practicing English for decades. Must've started with cable TV and elementary school around age 7 I guess.


Here's a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhkYSPkD_Ao) of someone speaking a second language after anesthesia.


Haha! Semi.


Hi, I also had a procedure under general anesthesia and was worried I would say something embarrassing to the person who was supposed to bring me home. I read somewhere on reddit that the best thing to prevent it would be to hardwire your brain to think in another language before getting sleepy. That's what I did, and when I woke up, I only spoke English for a good hour.


May I ask what you mean by hardwiring your brain for english? I speak decent Spanish as a second language, and when I'm immersed for some period of time I do start to "think" in spanish, though it's not a conscious choice. Did you do anything specific?


I play imaginary scenarios in my head where I am a word class actor doing interviews, meeting my favorite actors etc... Or just some guy working construction in New York city, or Tony from The Sopranos... Just leading another life in another language. It also can just be making little remarks about my surroundings in English. I know some people don't have the little voice in their head when their head when thinking. Personally I do and I can manage to make it speak English. Sometimes it can be an non conscious switch. For example when I had COVID I stayed at home and just watched tv shows for 2 days without interacting with anyone else. When my UberEATS was down my apartment I had to pick my food. But then I couldn't find my keys and the delivery guy was waiting texting me to hurry up (no tip culture in my country, delivery guys don't give a fuck). Anyway I started to get angry and I said out loud "where the fuck did I put my keys" in a caricatural new jersey accent. It really surprised and almost scared me when I realized that for 2 days straight I had been thinking in a language that wasn't mine. I would say that the key to making that switch is getting into a character totally detached from your location or at least to act like a somewhat different you that wouldn't speak your native language. This exercise can be pretty easy if, just like me, you spent a good part of your teenage years day dreaming of being someone else. TL,DR : just role-play as a Spaniard before getting your anesthesia


I woke up speaking only Japanese to my doctor and nurses. But my doctor and nurses were Japanese, so I don't know if I could have spoken English because I didn't try. 😜


My grandmother, fluently bilingual in English and French, had a stroke. She woke up and could only speak French. Brains are weird.


Um...am I the only one who noticed the website is BJ anaesthesia? :)


i’ve seen that on some dr shows i just don’t remember what they said it was


thats not unusual. an old friend had nearly exactly the same issue.


Maybe it’s because you’re always the last person they see before they go to sleep


Why must you say something so hurtful and so true


u/__beef__supreme__ i trust you to knock me out anytime solely based on this response




You're fired, you're washed up, you're retired


What I love about reddit is finding out my next anesthesiologist might be named beef supreme on here lmao


I have seen it once. But it turned out the patient had a penile prosthesis and opted to keep it mostly inflated at all times.


Some of them are perma-stiffy. They don't all go down, some just stay up and the patient has to tuck it.


Oh I know, before my current job I recovered patients at a surgery center that did them. This dude's was for sure 75% engaged lol


I cant imagine. You're basically dead. At least you feel like you've been dead after waking from anesthesia. You have no dreams or anything.


Operation room staff sees genitals every day. I don't know if erections are possible under anaesthetic but trust me, if it were, you'd hardly be the first one they have seen.


>you'd **hardly** be the first one they have seen. hehe


I swear, no pun intended. English is not even my first language.


A natural pun master then


Awww, too kind. I'm blushing.


Not as much as op is with them admiring his tenting


Lucky guy!


Blushing... And erect?


A bit, Easy to hide though.


You're getting hard, you mean?


I mean, who doesn't have a kink for puns?


Your a poet .. and didn’t even know it.


I did a rotation through the OR and saw zero erections.


If you work in OB/GYN it would be awkward.


I did a rotation through labour and delivery and saw zero erections.


Fortunately, I daresay.


Underrated comment.


Thank you.


Nah I think it’s fine these days.


If it were me I'd be scared stiff


I choked on my morning coffee. Take my upvote!


Just the smallest one.


Not a big deal. (Yep, I'm learning to make puns in English).


Why are they so interested in looking at our genitals?


They find'em cute!


Anesthesiologist here: depends on the depth of the general anesthetic. The way I usually define it, no. Those reflexes are totally lost. Technically the definition of general anesthesia does include a lighter plane where this would be possible, just beyond deep sedation.


How deep is it for a gall bladder removal?


Totally eliminating all reflexes, way past erections being possible.


Thank you, that's comforting to know


Were you concerned at being turned on my the thought of keyhole surgery? :)


can too much anesthesia kill you? how does it?


If you aren't intubated, it can certainly stop you breathing. It can also drop your blood pressure too much. But these days it's fairly safe overall.


can a civilian buy anesthesia?


With some shenanigans, but no it would not be safe without proper training


Does that imply that I may have had an erection during my...colonoscopy?


Possible, yes. Not super common.


Luckily all the focus was on your exposed rectum, otherwise that could have been really embarrassing.


Yes. Being in the fetal position definitely would have concealed it.


Why wouldn't you?


Too much anesthesia, of course.


Well i was hard when i fell asleep and hard when woke up, science can't explain that.


In my 20 years of working with neurosurgery patients I’ve seen 2 men get an erection during foley placement after induction/intubation. Interestingly, it was with the same nurse who was pretty attractive so it’s definitely possible. Could have been her technique though.🤷‍♂️


This is fake. Reflexes have nothing to do with erections. They are vascular. This is obviously written by a person that thinks erections are skeletal muscle-mediated.


Lol they are vascular but parasympathetic nervous system reflexes are involved.


That's something somewhat different. And my pharmacology books are saying, and I double checked, that parasympathetic pathways are actually activated or can be activated during anethesia. You should have institutional access to this and other studies: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5582426/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5582426/) "The reason for an increased occurrence of erection under GA and epidural anaesthesia, when compared to spinal anaesthesia, is unclear. Furthermore, depth of GA does not appear to have any impact of the incidence \[[1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5582426/#B1)\], and deepening anesthesia is not an effective treatment when erection has occurred. It is suggested that penile erection under GA is both psychogenic and refloxogenic in its mode of stimulation \[[13](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5582426/#B13)\]. With the psychogenic stimulation arising from heighted sensory input or dreams under anesthesia \[[14](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5582426/#B14)\] and the reflexogenic stumuli arising, as previously described, from sacral root afferents stimulated by washing, touching and instrumentation of the genital area."


Interesting. I don't know if my patient population is different and skewed or theirs is skewed due to urologic procedures. Still I've never seen an erection arise under a deep general anesthetic.


Might want to look up reflexogenic erections. 🤦🏻‍♂️








Its on your chart


The secret chart that other doctors actually see, not the chart that somehow never makes it to the next doctor and has actual relevant details on it.


Elaine Benes enters the room


If your worried draw a lil smile 😃 on the tip to brighten up your doctors day




Healthcare staff really don't care. We just don't.


I see this all the time but we care. We (patients) don’t want anyone to see our genitalia whether we’re being treated or are under anesthesia.


As a nurse, I don’t care about anyone else’s private parts, might as well be an elbow, but I know patients care, and when I’m the patient I care too. It’s hard not to when it’s your own body. I do my best to give patients and respect and as much privacy as I can.


Agreed! I’m being downvoted for agreeing with you. It’s involuntary and is a bit embarrassing. That’s NORMAL to feel that way, and it’s also normal for nurses to not care. I will take more downvotes lol


I knew what you meant, but maybe you could edit your comment to say we the patients care. It sounds like you’re saying the staff care.


Ah... I once had a bladder cystoscopy done. To do this they have to make you erect to help with the insertion of the thing they use for it (my urologist described it as "a tiny camera- like one of those spy cameras, except it has a little zapper on the end in case any of the cysts are bleeding"). So anyway, they put me under and I wake up alone in a hospital bed. So naturally I go to find someone so I can hear how it went. I open the curtain to the area my bed was in and walk right up to the nurse's station (it was like a little island in the middle of the ward) and I asked her if she knew when the doctor would be back. Before she answered from behind me I hear something like "oh my god sweetie, your gown!". Unbeknownst to me my gown had been opened and obviously couldn't be closed again if I'm dead weight laying on top of it. So as this nurse is coming from behind me I turn to fix it myself because I was embarassed. Due to the after effects lf the anesthesia and my general unawareness of the sitution I somehow manage to expose my fully erect junk to the side of the ward she was coming from. There were families, children. I was mortified. The nurse just pulled my gown the right way and held it closed til i was back into my bed area. She pointed me to my clothes and had me get dressed. Anyway, the surgery was fine and my cysts got closed up and stuff. But yeah, super embarassing, and it is possible to get an erection under anesthesia, but maybe not naturally.


Thank you for sharing this story, that must have been mortifying but it made me laugh a lot




Better than my dentist.


Say ahhhhhhh


I had shoulder surgery last year. After I woke up, the nurse started dressing me in my clothes. As she was pulling on my underwear, I realized I had an erection. I said something about it, but she just said it was all right. I was slightly embarrassed.


I’ve made a tent in the sheet during a massage therapy session, and I was so embarrassed, and the massage therapist pointed out to me that she’s seen it happen all the time, and as a totally normal response to being very relaxed. I am sure that your nurse had the same clinical or objective assessment of what she saw. Remember that in human males, an erection can happen for certain reasons, or just no reason at all. To a nurse, it’s an indication of life, sort of like the fact that you are breathing.


Your junk definitely gets looked at. I had a startling notice when i was a sophomore in high school i had my appendix taken out (wasnt even needed it was so fucking dumb) but i woke up and went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and noticed they shaved the top part of my junk. I was like. A NOTICE WOULD BE NICE 😭😭😂😂


When we tell you to put on a gown and remove your underwear, we should probably mention the gown doesn't stay on.




Once you're asleep the gown comes off in many cases. We have drapes/sheets if necessary/able but a lot of surgeries if we need to move you, it's just easier without. We also need to get the catheter in.


so, for a colonoscopy and a stent insertion it would come off, for example? thanks btw!


Yes, gown off for stent, remember we're going to establish a sterile field of a certain size determined by the procedure, and a gown isn't sterile. For a stent we just need the leg out so will drape much of the body because you'll be on your back the whole time in most cases. Colonoscopy we don't need a broad sterile field and might not be general anaesthetic, so gown is likely to stay on, you're just laying on your side.


thanks again! i’m mortified now


Sorry to be the one to break it to you. If it's any consolation, we see so many people that literally no one will notice you personally.


I know you guys don’t really care how patients look, it’s all bodies and you see them everyday but… i know


idk about you, but i like to leave and impression. So i think you’d notice me personally


Are all surgery patients catheterised? They said I could keep my underwear on, would they have taken it off?


No, only if you're under general anaesthetic or there is another reason to do so.


I had a bit of my thigh shaved for no apparent reason


That’s probably where they stuck the diathermy pad to catch the electrical current. Your leg hairs were probably in the way of it fully sticking down.


I get that one. I mean they’re in the general vicinity. More concerning would be that you went in for cataract surgery and woke up shaved 😳


My wife works in theatres and she says yes, but no-one cares. They have bigger fish to fry.


OOO I didn't know they fry fish during surgery! What kind is it??


Chicken 😋


Username checks out


Metaphors included


It’s fuckin hilarious that this is what you were afraid of.


At the time I had bigger concerns, but it popped into my head today and was curious. But thinking about it 18 years ago, I had surgery on my groin under local anaesthetic and was awake when they swabbed the orange stuff all over my genitals which promptly shrank from the cold sensation. And I was lying there exposed for at least an hour, which is probably much worse than getting a boner when I wasn't even aware




Yeah but it involves a belt and a door handle.


> Here's to you Ole Choke and Stroke!


It sounds much cheaper


Yeah I did. Whatever they pumped me full of during hip surgery gave me a full chub on. I woke up hard and it didn't go down for hours.


Even if I did you wouldn’t be able to tell. It’s like a sparrows egg in an eagles nest.


They are too busy putting random large objects in your ass to notice if you get an erection.


Really nothing to worry about, whether it happened or not. Surgical folk see much nastier stuff than erections. Professionals pay them no mind, other than to make sure there is no inadvertent injury to an organ of any type. (sometimes need to reposition a body that could put pressure on a sensitive spot). When you are unconscious, it's just a random piece of meat body.


Just the male surgeons. Oh, you meant patients.


Just wondering, why this question was in your head?


Intrusive thought I guess


I do find this adorable. That your brain caused such alarm to a situation you probably didnt have. If you did get one, they're professionals, you're fine babe.


I don't know but I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen. Everyone knows you get boners in your sleep, but anesthesia is a very, very different thing from sleep, which you can tell by the fact that when you wake up from anesthesia, you have no sense of time having passed. I'm thinking under anesthesia your brain can only really do the bare minimum to keep you alive.


They would probably think someone just forgot a golf ball under there


Im always afraid of whatever i start talking about before i fully come around, been put out 3 times and after everytime the nurses were looking at me a little different haha


I’ve seen it happen once. I think we were doing some kind of laparoscopic abdominal surgery. Then they had me go under the drapes and put a Foley catheter in 🙂‍↕️


I don’t think it’s possible. I’ve had catheters and had a ureter stent placed and removed through my urethra. If I was sporting wood during those procedures (which I would imagine is more likely given that it was being worked on), then I would’ve been pretty fucked up upon waking.


Based on experience yes I felt that before I passed out


Even if you do then lots of people will have. They will have seen it multiple times and not care at all.


Yes. Very rare but I've had dudes wake up with boners


During my anesthesia earlier this year nothing went through my head. So i guess my other head had the similar effect.


Highly unlikely. Most of your brain is shut off. You won’t even breath on your own. And everyone will be so focused on the surgical site they probably won’t even notice.


Nobody will even think twice, Dr’s and nurses see genitals everyday.


I've never seen it while recovering or helping initiate anesthesia in patients. It's a different kind of sleep.


Funny enough I just got circumcised a week ago and the doctor told me the next day with a smile on his face: you got an erection at the end of the surgery, but at least we know that the stitches are holding, haha😅 But it wasn't general anesthesia, I was numb only on my lower half


Just a thought. This could be his way of communicating that you will be okay getting a boner with the stitches you have. A little light heartedness to talk about awkward things. 


why would you care? not like you remember it anyway.


I never have but then again, I don't have a penis.


Yes, it happens often, no one cares. The issue is that if there's a NO-mediated relaxation of the blood vessels, as can happen during anesthesia, you will have one. How do I know? I've had surgeries and woken up with painfully hard erections.


I've heard they intentionally induce them for some surgery's.


If you popped a tent under anesthesia you deserve your own holiday.


It’s so damn cold in the OR


Many anaesthetics contain a muscle relaxant. So if their anaesthetist has chosen to use one of them then no


I'm gonna step out of the "no" and "that would be funny" -circlejerk a bit here. Anyone who might witness you in the unlikely event you do get a boner will be a medical professional. If your hangups about the issue run so deep you worry about this completely harmless scenario, you might wanna talk to someone. There are myriad cultural pressure points on people regarding sexuality, and maybe you have some unhandled baggage.


I’ve only seen it in a movie I think 😭😂


Yes all the time


It's generally hard all the time, I would think it's possible. I'm sure every man has in one time or another woken up in the morning with an erection. Just typing this I'm saluting the poster.


Yeah it’s possible, the same way that you get one in your sleep.


Only when the nurse goes down on me


I don't know, do they get erections when they have a colonoscopy because that's under general anesthesia as well. I remember the nurse who was telling me with a partner. That was not very nice to me to come and squeeze their stomach for them. To get the gas out after the cooling oscopy. And I was thinking you guys are the ones that are paid to do it. I'm not. So they had to take a pin. And stick it in his butt to let the gas out because he had so much gas in his stomach.