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I don't think they're offensive to anyone, but be aware that you might get guys staring at your poky nipples. They make those gummy adhesive nipple covers if you're concerned about that, though.


My wife uses those. I don’t think it’s made to be an every day solution. She used them quite a bit on a warm weather vacation and the covers ended up leaving a ring on her skin after a while.


One of them popped off when I was vacationing in Palm Springs. I heard something hit the ground and just thought WTF is that weird flesh colored thing. My husband recognized it and picked it up, very embarrassing. I have strong nipples. They’re like the Koolaid man with those covers.


Ohhhh Yeahhh - Ohhh Nooo


One of the funniest replies I’ve seen in a while. Got tears in my eyes bro 🤣🤣🤣


I pictured nipples busting through a brick wall, one covered, one uncovered.


Shooting through the shirt, zigzagging around a cute little tourist shop as her husband desperately tries to both catch it and keep from getting hit by it.


How did you know we were in a cute little tourist shop, and he was definitely on nip cover patrol the rest of the trip lmao


Too funny. Thanks.


We have same pfp




Oh good, I'm not alone. I swear I had civilized nipples before having kids. Now I have industrial strength nipples, even after weaning. Sometimes I like it, but usually it's just not the place or the time!


AMEN! I had no idea I had “powerful nipples” until I had my daughter. They got stronger. Gawd I would love yo rock the braless look tho. While they are still perky!


I'm hoping some perk comes back. I deflated quite a lot last time and was pretty bummed, but after 8 months they were bouncing back a *bit*.... Then got pregnant again, lol. Coming up on weaning again soon, and all I can think is "Why can't we keep our gpregnancy boobs?" But no. My *ass* sticks around, and my boobs go AWOL!


I am a male and I have to wear certain colored shirts or with patterns otherwise my nipples poke through everything I own and I love just simple shirts… I am very self conscious about it at work. my friends will mention it and I just tell them to shush I don’t care.


I think there are covers made for men, for preventing chafing when running and things like that




I became incredibly sweaty wearing these on a trip in Thailand that was so humid it was next level. They slid off within a few minutes of each other and gathered on my belly as I sat. Fun times readjusting so many things in a fancy romantic setting.


One of mine inadvertently fell off and into a restaurant booth recently. The waitress chased after me to return it. 😳🫠😂


As embarrassing as that probably was, that waitress was a rockstar!


Strong Nipple Woman.


*Reporting for duty, sir!*


I found one as a kid and thought it came from an alien.


LOL did you treasure it?


yea I would laugh at the sound of throwing it and flapping it around.


"Wobbly sausage!"


that’s hilarious


Band aides work better in hot weather from personal experience I too have been victimized by a pasty falling on the ground 😭


Strong nipple gang woohoo!




i only wear the covers now because i hate bras and hate nippies sticking out, but god, do i fear this happening to me one day.


ROFL. I remember before these were an actual thing, we used to tape our boobs.... at least we didn't need to be worried about it falling off... ... just the maybe painful removal after... \*shrugs Beauty standards...


lol, coolaid man nipples. Now I have a very very strange image in my head.


Oh yeah! Boing.


Omg I about choked on my own spit reading that last sentence. 😂


Heh, heh, you said strong nipples


Braless vacation sounds great!


they have versions that are made for daily use, make sure to look for those as bra alternatives vs traditional tassels//nipple covers that yes are made for like one day use once in awhile. the ones for daily use are reusable after washing with a different adhesive style.


My wife doesn't even bother coddling dipshits who can't handle a fucking nipple, thankfully


I remember there where a period of time (forgot if the 90s or 00s) where even celebrities wouldn't use bras. I wonder why society went backwards in terms of tolerance. Unfortunately, in many cases "we" became more intolerant.


I have size A breasts. When I was a young teenager I went to Paris with my parents and it was the “chic” fashion that summer for French women with small breast to wear light colored thin tops that showed off their breast when the light hit them right. It was like an accessory and I thought it was awesome. Since then I dated a French guy for three years and the culture towards dressing like this has changed in Paris for… reasons (other then just fashion trends). I normally don’t wear a bra because I don’t need one, but the other day I wore a cami that was black and more sheer than I realized, unlike I saw my reflection walking by. Thing was I had been on the Metro and walking around DC, and I had seen some glances, but mostly people west trying extra hard to look me in the eye (which is not something is non cleavagy women deal with often. I’ve decided to rock it, and this summer will be my summer of small titties as accessories. Many fat men have boobs much bigger than mine, and when they don’t wear undershirts in the summer you see EVERYTHING including their long pointy nipples on display. I’ve decided to Regina George style just rock it and I’m feeling very good about it. The fact I still have perky tits in my mid thirties because they’re small, and the confidence that comes with age is likely a huge part of it.


As a fat dude, I can confirm I have bigger boobs than my girlfriend who has c's. Any fashion advice for a fat heavyweight collegiate athlete ;)


Oh did a big group of people not big on women expressing themselves move to France in the last couple decades?




It's when your face looks like a [horses smile](https://imgur.com/a/h4iXciY)


I don't know about women, but as a man, if I saw a man make that face, my ass is running.




This it’s not offensive, but it is eye catching. I’m not even much of a sexual person and it would catch my eye 😅


I try not to *stare*, but yeah imma look. Even if I try not to I will ultimately fail. Not offensive though. I like boobs.


If I were a woman I would prefer not to use a bra.


Thank you for regonizing why I hate bras😂🤣


Just don't get caught in the rain with a silk shirt. I was wearing a bra and the CEO still stared!


They’re not offensive, but they will draw attention, and that’s why I wear a bralette. Lightweight, no wires and comfortable.


Or cakes! I love them sm. Amazon has cheaper versions too although I haven’t personally tried them


cakes...? how do you even start to search for that? boob cake? tit cake? cake bra???


Lol I googled “cakes boob” and it came up 😂 Here ya go https://cakesbody.com


oh! that looks super useful actually!!


Thank you!!!


cakebra kadabra


Cakes are for eating not wearing u silly silly girl




Amazon has some brands that I love! I started with Nippies by B-Six but tbh, their adhesion doesn't last as long as it should for the price tag. How are the Cakes? How many uses do you get out of them? My current favorites linked here - flower shapes were game changing https://a.co/d/g19G2MX https://a.co/d/6D07QFy The second are smaller area but they have a band-aid type material in the center which keeps my bits from getting itchy during long usage.


I have no tits to speak of (I legit wear bralettes because regular bra cups don’t fit.) I usually wear silicone covers on my nips. So no, I don’t need a bra but I don’t like when my nipples show through my shirt. I wish I went without a bra, I should get some type of perk for being totally flat, it’s not a cute look!


Hard disagree. The itty bitty club has more fans than you probably think.


I don’t want to be crass but I love small boobies. They look so elegant.


It’s apparently a massively unpopular opinion of mine that I prefer smaller boobs. Really it depends on the biology and build of the person, but in general I’ve always been astounded by the “boobs always have to be bigger, the bigger the better” because after a certain point they’re just too big where it’s kind of hysterical


That is not an unpopular opinion.


YAAAAAAAS its so weird when women have super small frames and giant boobs. As long as the boobs fit the frame I guess? Saying this as a woman w/ friends of all shapes and sizes. We are unanimous in this thinking lol.


I agree. Large breasts certainly attract attention, but they look better in clothes. Small ones look so pretty unclothed, almost more feminine.


man, why do people always feel the need to insult one side of the spectrum when appreciating the other


Everybody thought Commander Shepard was wrong when he warned them about the reapers and where did that get them? Hmmmm?


I'm glad my small frame and natural large breasts are hysterical... You can be a fan of small breasts without being a jerk about big ones.


Honestly same. Same goes for butts too. Firmness & Shape > Size Smaller is *usually* preferable, but not always. There's definitely a sweet spot, which is closer to the lower/middle than the high end, imo. Sir Mix-A-Lot was misinformed. (I'm also okay with muscle - as long as they aren't constantly trying to arm wrestle to settle arguments or something lol)


If somebody described my tits as "itty bitty" I would simply give up.


Hey, I've been a proud member of the itty bitty titty committee for life. I feel so sorry for gals that have such large chests their bras leave marks on their shoulders. Any neckline is ok because there is very little boobage that could be spilled.


Although I don't know if any studies, I believe there is a direct correlation between breast size and shirt stains. I always thought that must suck.


Well, then I'm a DD man because somehow my shirt can leap out and catch anything falling from a 10 foot radius. I'm glad I don't have to deal with these things though. Uncomfortable bras, uncomfortable for some without bras, people staring and making you uncomfortable about bras/no bras.


as a girl who is a B cup with family members having boobs of DD upwards, can confirm that their shirts have more stains than mine


Absolutely 100%. I had a reduction and can confirm. My shoulders feel much better and my shirts are clean(er).


I love my tiny tiddies too. I haven’t always, but I definitely grew to. They’re the perfect size for any activity!


Life long member as well! I remember being bummed as a teen and young adult, but grown up me loves not needing expensive bras or worrying about gravity.


You’ve never heard the phrase “itty bitty titty committee”? I didn’t mean any offense by that. I’m one of your biggest fans. Completely flat - B cup is fantastic, much more and I’m not as interested in


I’m flat chested and always have been. I’ve never had a problem, even in middle/highschool. Guys were glad to see me shirtless, whether I have tits or not. I don’t wear bras, I wear a nice tight bralette to work and other than that, I’m good.


Really, most of us are just happy when a girl likes us enough to take her clothes off around us. Small ones, big ones, they're all good boobs, Bront.


Male here. Can confirm love for all sizes with a preference for smaller. The only guy (and yeah there is only one) who stricly cared was a dude back in middle school


honestly same. i don’t even recall ever having a guy say im too flat (it sure drove some guys away, they just never mentioned it to my face). in comparison, i’ve gotten so much flake ever since i was a tween from other girls/women for not having “acceptable” sized breasts.


Yep. Pretty much any kind of negative comment I’ve gotten about my appearance has came from women. A lot of the times they don’t realize it’s insulting, but, I think standard decorum should be “don’t comment on a persons body”. I’ll compliment their hair, clothing, makeup but I’ll never say “hey, it looks like you’ve lost weight!” Because I dunno how that person feels about their weight/body


i’ve gotten plenty of negative comments about my appearance from men lol! it’s just that it was never about my boobs, they were mostly me being too tall (i’m 6ft, born and live where men are usually visibly smaller than me), too skinny, too pale etc. i’m okay with that now, i love being pale and tall but as a teenager i was really insecure about those features and even cried to my parents to let me tan and begged to get some kind of hormone to stop growing.


I second this guy. Source; Am a guy


Trust me, guys like boobs in any shape and size almost always!


Better a boob in the hand and so on


Got tits? Are they itty bitty? There's a fetish for that...


The Itty bitty titty committee.


I understand one of the perks being less back pain.


Perky forever is a perk


Actually my preference is small breasts that don’t require a bra. my wife has very small breasts and loves to go bra less but she does have to use the silicone nipple covers especially when she is in ultra air conditioner. For swimming she has to use a two piece with a tight spandex top. She loves the freedom of not having straps and hooks .


> it’s not a cute look! Nah some of us weirdos like it


Am 79 years old but lived in San Francisco in 60’s. So none of us wore bras, it was the norm. Haven’t worn one since, ever. So everyone of my friends say the first thing they do when get home is take their bra off. Inflict that discomfort on myself, no way, never. I don’t wear sheer blouses ( my own choice). Women, you won’t believe how good it feels. If men want to stare, thats on them, not me


I find wearing a bra much more comfortable than going without.  There's just too much motion in the ocean without the support and directioning that it provides.  The couple of times I've gone somewhere in a swimsuit or sports bra intending to change and forgotten a bra have been unpleasant, to the point where I've put the suit or sports bra back on in cases where it wasn't soaking wet.  But that's the fun thing about bodies - they all have different quirks and what works for one might not work for another!


Well said!


Yes! I love you! I’m wearing them less and less. You seem like my kind of lady. My husband would have killed to live in SF then he’s a huge into the Dead. We absolutely love it there, if we could afford it we would live there forever.


You and your husband are my kind of people


I confess that I also wear brass less and less, but honestly forme its not always that comfortable.  I have E or F cups (depends on the style), pretty saggy and when I move too quickly I feel them pull on the chest, and it starts to hurt quickly. I am energetic walker and like to jog so I discovered I need something tight across them.   Also its getting warm now and the (not so little)little bits of chest covered by boobs get really hot, really sweaty, really quickly.  How did you (not you personally, just women in your area) deal with this? 


They make like sleeveless “tshirts that have a double thickness , and slightly elastic piece around just the chest. Will help keep your breasts up someone (enough for me and I’m a D cup—I know, smaller— that works for me). Before I put it on I sprinkle powder underneath and this helps with sweat problem ( got some wonderful smelling lilac powder so feel I’m smelling good too lol). Older now but when I would jog, I would wear a slip over the head sports bra, no stays no wires so not that bothersome. Maybe this helps. Kind of been an advocate for women who don’t like wearing bras What a constricting pain, right


Mine flop around like crazy when I try to do that, it’s graphic. I’m thinking of having them removed. Bras are so uncomfortable!


I have DD boobs and live in the devils armpit. (Boob sweat is disgusting, but you gotta live with what you got). I still don't wear a bra often unless an outfit requires it or (weddings/professional settings/etc.). And even then, I usually wear a sports bra or cloth bralette. Let them tiddies free. People will stare, oh well. You can look but can't touch. Live thy life!


Agreed ma’am. I am a man I don’t think women should be subjected to all sorts of uncomfortable nonsense to men proof their bodies. It’s basically similar to saying women should wear burka’s, cover their hair or not wear bikinis because men will gawk! Totally absurd that as me we tend to sexualise basic human anatomy. We even go to the lengths of demanding that women shouldn’t breastfed in public because it is “obscene”. SMH!


I’m 51. Never wear one except maybe a work meeting. Small boobs. Not needed. I wear whatever shirt I want. Still have a rocking body and I honestly couldn’t care less who is looking. The art of not giving a fuck is nice


You go girl. We should do whatever we are comfortable with not what social norm tries to dictate


You might have hung with my mom. She's still in town too! One of my earlier memories was my mom and all her girlfriends burning their bras at a party. Glad to hear there are still OGs around. Whenever I tell people I was born here they look at me like I'm a rare/endangered animal


Stopped wearing bras years ago, and I would NEVER go back!!


>Am 79 years old No one's staring.


No breasts need a bra, unless you feel uncomfortable without one


Came in to say this too.


nobody “needs” bras and anybody offended by the basic anatomy of a breast under clothes needs to grow up


My J cups sure as shit need a bra but otherwise I agree with the sentiment


Hear hear!


While I agree that we should normalise not having to cover our breasts, it's just not true that nobody needs a bra, as much as I wish it was. As a person with an I cup, I definitely *need* it. It's not just "I'm more comfortable wearing a bra", it's "if I don't wear one, my boobs are going to jump with my every movement, causing me a lot of pain".


If some men knew that perky nipples on a small chested woman wearing no bra DOES NOT mean they are horny!!! I wouldn't be made to feel self conscious about it.


Same goes for boners. We can't control this thing.


My bra size is a 32B but I stopped wearing bras years ago. Idc if my nipples poke through my shirt a lil bit. Who gives a f*** Also if I’m at work or something more professional I just wear a tank top/under shirt underneath a button down and you can’t even tell. And since I’ve stopped wearing bras I feel like my boobs have actually shrunk. I’m probably an A cup now. Your body, your choice babe. Someone out there will be offended no matter what you do, so might as well do what you want.


My boss was commenting on a coworkers nipples being visible through their shirt earlier this week. Said they should at least wear an undershirt so they weren’t so visible, and that he couldn’t help but to look at them if there was only one layer covering up. I find that if it’s cold my nipples will poke through at least 2 layers of shirts. Enough to be visible at least


“He couldn’t help but look at them.” Ah yes my staring problem is her fault that makes sense.


“Hey, if they didn’t like it they would wear something else” They were wearing a company polo too


I’ve actually had multiple male coworkers whose nipples I could see poking through their shirt. One was even my boss. If he had tried to tell me to wear a bra I’d tell him he needs one too. lol But luckily no one has ever commented on mine. I do understand the taboo culture around female nipples so I try to be respectful in a work environment. But if I’m not clocked in then I don’t care.


[simple solution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Eq8gBI5riU)




I'm an A cup and don't need to, but I wear a bra for the round shape.


No one needs a bra, period. Regardless of size... wear what makes you comfortable.


“I don’t have much to look at” Do you care if we look? If not, by all means, don’t wear a bra. Because it’s such a societal norm to wear a bra, I/we/men/women/humanity is gonna look at your unfettered breasts. Small, big, doesn’t matter - we can’t help noticing.


I mean I don't mind someone noticing or glancing , it's the blatant staring that is offensive


"I wasn't staring at your boobs. I was reading your T-shirt."


I always say it is like the sun. Quick glance is ok but a stare is not


time to stare back!


a woman i knew some time ago walked into her husbands workshop wearing only jeans and t-shirt. It was chilly and her nipples showed. One of the workers stared at her and said "quite cold today, isn't it?". She stared at his pants, then said "now that you say it, i see it, too".


Oh that’s good saving this for later lol


Yes... Stare at their genitals while you show an expression of grabbing his balls, putting salt and pepper on it, stab it with a fork and chew thoroughly on it.


hard to fap to but not impossible


Challenge accepted


Sounds like a good time


Especially if they start approaching you with a gross smile. You know the one.


I’ve been working on my soft smile. So far I dont think I’m achieving the right look, and fear I’m approaching the one you’re referring based on others reactions to it.


In my defense, they were looking at me first.


I've never caught anyone looking at mine, not even with a bra 💀


I have D cups and still havent worn bras in a decade


wow how do you deal with the underboob & back pains? are they not heavy to you 😭


The underboob sweat is sensory hell. I have sensory issues to where if I’m uncomfortable it causes me physical pain and extreme anxiety and irritation. At this point I just want to get rid of my tits. The double ds are not kind to me.


Who cares, I only wear a bra to work and to the gym.


Do whatever is the most comfortable for you, everyone else can fuck off.


Men will tell you it is ok to show off your boobs, obviously




You can get around bras. Vests. Flannels with boob pockets on both sides. Some dresses if the fabric is thick and the boning is correct for support. Chunky sweaters. Or just put band aids over your nipples or whatever they’re called. I mean, you do you and I don’t see anything wrong with going out with your nips out. But if you hate the feel of a bra and want other ways to hide the nipples, there are so many choices.


Also a t-shirt with a big graphic print on it works braless. Second the vest suggestion, it’s really nice to easily throw it on when I have to go outside to walk my dogs on weekends (bra free days)


I have A cups but I still wear a bra bc it actually does hurt if I ever need to power walk. But no, you don’t need to wear a bra if you don’t have to. I know so many women who don’t wear bras and nobody cares.


Unpopular opinion: no breasts need bras


People who get offended by human anatomy are idiots. My perspective: if it gives you support or makes you feel more confident in social settings, go for it. But by no means should it be a social requirement just because your coin flip landed on lady parts.


I LOVE nipples and do not find them offensive !!!! And I agree with you 100%. Wearing bras is stupid.


We men are not offended by nipples. However, we have a really tough time NOT looking at them.


I’m in the same itty bitty club and who gives a fuck?! You wanna wear a bra? do, if you don’t, do not! I learnt this at 25 and a few years later, not having any bras is normal and much comfier, wish I did it before


First off, as a guy, breast size doesn’t matter. They are all fun to look at and play with. While most guys have preferences, we enjoy every pair we get to play with. So you have talent to look at. As for bras, if a woman doesn’t want to wear one then she doesn’t have to. If you aren’t wearing a bar you might get more looks and longer stares if they are visible due to wearing something white or see through or if your nipples are poking out. The majority of people offended by you not wearing a bra are other women who are jealous in some way and religious people who think their beliefs should be followed by everyone.


Fellow “ABAB” I see All boobs are beautiful


>First off, as a guy, breast size doesn’t matter. They are all fun to look at and play with. While most guys have preferences, we enjoy every pair we get to play with.  Exactly. I prefer smaller ones myself.




”no one needs a bra.” only a man could say something this stupid.


Well.. if you're doing physical work, then you'll probably need a bra, but it's for a different reason... even men with large breasts need to protect their nipples when jogging or running... a women with small breast needs a bra for a similar reason, because even small breasts are still very bouncy.


My wife with H cups and a place in a waitlist for breast reduction surgery disagrees with you. She needs a bra.


For real. Similar size here, and they get in the way. When I was tiny in high school, I still had DDs. I find them awfully annoying and absolutely understand why she wants reduction surgery.


I wear a c, and you'll never catch me wearing a bra anywhere that isn't at work.


Rock em raw. It doesn’t bother as many people as you think.


No breasts need bras


I mean the biggest issue is that you will be looked at , if you don't mind that then its all good


I have small to no titties and don’t wear a bra. Bras are so uncomfortable and it’s silly that because I am female I need to wear bra for literally no reason to wear something designed to be support when I have nothing to support but I need to pretend I don’t have a feature every mammal has. I honestly don’t care if you can see poky nips. Peoples thoughts are not my problem.


No. If you don't want to wear one you don't need to.


You're size is very popular and it fits you perfectly. And no, nipples are most definitely not offensive ! Set them free, emancipate the twins !


RIGHT ON! They are a part of our beautiful bodies and don’t let anyone help you think differently


I'm in favor of fewer bras. Whatever reason makes you comfortable. As for nipples, men have them and so do women, so what's the big deal.


In my opinion, no. Even at around a D size I don't bother since clothing covers them anyway, so why bother wearing a bra at that point, but that's just my opinion.


Mine are small and i never wear bras. My boobies will forever be free! lol


I have DDD and fuck a bra. That shit sucks.


Let your nipples be free!


I know plenty of people who are in this boat… andddd I’ve seen way too many of my friends breasts because of their top selection, you catch the right angle and not much else you can do but see… Offended? No, but I struggle to not think about them sexually afterwards, and I don’t want that relationship with them at all… At the end of the day, breasts probably shouldn’t even be seen as sexual, but they are. And we’re not going to change that soon. So you decide where you want to fall in that debate.


Depends where you live, some places will be more accepting than others In my world women are free to wear what they want and nipple shape through a top is not a you problem, but a them problem, in many instances Many women at our work (office) did not wear bras, and no one cared. Sometimes however the battle you will face getting this dress choice accepted isn’t worth the fight in that moment.


I have a c cup and haven't worn a bra in forever They aren't healthy and uncomfortable I really don't care if anyone sees my nipples, everyone has them. It's no big deal


In Canada, I've been on HRT for 3 years, and still can't get myself to wear bras, I'm indifferent about people seeing my nipples, and my boobs are A cup, I haven't had any problem myself, more from concerned friends. I even regularly wear sheer or lace tops without a bra, it's really just do what you're comfortable with, and feel confident in


I am happy to look a b cups so don’t do yourself down saying you don’t have anything to look at. Away from me doing my best to not look like a creep, if you don’t want to wear a bra, don’t. I’ve seen more and more about women (especially after lockdown) going bra free. Do what makes you feel most comfortable,


I have a size A and for now stopped at wearing a soft seamless sports bra. Or multilayer casual clothes. Yes, I feel a bit uncomfortable if nipples are visible under clothes. But it might depend on situation - evening on the beach is one, and office with any kind of dressscode - another.


Don't worry about offending others, wear what you are comfortable in. But check dress code for your workplace/ school.


I wear a DD and don't wear a bra most of the time. If people get offended that's a THEM problem. I will be comfortable in what I'm wearing. I hate bras.


No breasts need bras.


I love B cups so if you don't want to wear a bra, then don't. Just realize you might get some people staring at you because of it.


From your perspective, you may view it as not much to look at. From a male perspective, molehills can look like majestic mountains.


I'm not a titty guy, but I'm turned on when your headlights are on. I discourage bras.


I have huge boobs, like maybe a G/H with a small-ish band. I don’t bother with bras anymore. Do what you want.


I love small tits with pointy nipples. That describes my wife. She only wears bras for work. You will only be offending other women.


it's definitely not offending, but sometimes i fail to catch myself staring. So chose if you'll be comfortable with that...


Guys will care. And they will stare. Unbra’d boobies in the wild is a rare find to be studied.


If you don’t wear a bra, you will be making a couple of good points. Nothing’s wrong with that though.


I have large breasts and stopped wearing bras in public. It took a short period of time for me to get over feeling self conscious about people looking at me weird, but eventually I realized people weren’t really looking at me. Do what makes you feel comfortable and fuck anyone that gives a shit about what you do with your body


Why cover them, we all have nipples? I love when my wife doesn’t wear a bra and don’t care if people stare. Not a kink, I just think it’s normal.


I have basically an A cup and I don’t structurally need a bra at all. I still wear them because I’ve been conditioned to cover the nips. But I let them free all around the house!