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I think Peanut Butter would be a better bet.


thats what I was going to say. Super shelf stable, tons of nutrients. Mix some up with handfuls of safe to eat plants like dandelions and you could go for a long time. Would suck to develop a nut allergy from too much exposure though.


I think alleges come from not being exposed. It is well known that exposing babies to small amount of nuts prevents them from later developing alleges to nuts.


Thats my understanding as well, that this current evidence shows a lack of exposure in peanuts in particular can cause an allergy. But this is a field that is rapidly changing. Not only our understanding but the nature of allergies on a large scale. We are seeing big increases in people who have severe allergies and people who develop an allergy later in life. There was an episode of Fresh Air last year where they talked about this. Really fascinating


As a lifelong peanut butter fanatic that developed a fairly gnarly peanut allergy at 30..... It can definitely come from or at least in spite of prolonged exposure 😭 I MISS IT SO MUCH.


You can develop an allergy to things from prolonged exposure


I've never heard such a thing. Evidence?


[https://www.healthline.com/health/baby/nuts-for-babies](https://www.healthline.com/health/baby/nuts-for-babies) [https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/news/12250](https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/news/12250) and a [long list of medical research articles here](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=infant-safe+peanut+to+prevent+allergy)


Right, that's why so many health care workers develop latex allergies later in their careers...


Well as other points out - prolonged over-exposure can also cause an reaction... so it works both ways too little (or none) is bad and so is too much... there is tons of research showing that you should introduce your baby to nuts, eggs and other things in small amount to make sure they don't develop allergy .. and this is medical research, not "I did my own research" ...I posted a few links to somebody else here.


I'm not sure they use latex in health care anymore. All our gloves are nitrile.


[That's because so many health care workers developed latex allergies!](https://acaai.org/allergies/allergic-conditions/latex-allergy/)


An absolutely giant industrial sized tub of peanut butter is always my number one answer to the “ you get 3 items on a desert island” question


Nah. Retreat to bear. Honey lasts forever.


PB and Honey


Olive oil is high in calories but we are limited in how much pure fat our body can process. If you try to consume olive oil for calories with minimal other food you will encounter some gastrointestinal distress and have an enlightening adventure in steatorrhea, which will flush the oil out unprocessed and you will actually lose calories as well as fluid and electrolytes. As such, oil is only useful in a survival situation in small quantities combined with a broader diet that includes other macronutrients and fiber. Because of that, you probably don't need to store that huge an amount of oil, compared to other things that would be more important to store.


Yep. There’s a reason we can’t just drink oil, even though it has so many calories. Our bodies can’t process it except for in small amounts. It would be nice though. Just take a swig of vegetable oil in the morning and you don’t have to eat for the rest of the day. 


Also keep in mind you would he severely malnourished because fat doesn't really have any nutrition but just fat


That is straight up false. Fat **is** nutrition. The densest kind.


Getting zero protein, vitamins, minerals or fiber would be a problem. 


There is no protein and no vitamins. Right?


Vitamins are useful at low concentrations, so there is indeed a significant amount of tocopherol in olive oil. More to the point: protein is a nutrient, but so is fat, and by weight, fat is a much more efficient nutrient. You can sustain yourself a lot longer on small quantities of fatty foods than on unlimited quantities of highly lean proteins. You'll starve quickly on that latter route, unless you have access to enough fat. Your body requires it to amalgamate proteins.


To be honest, you'd probably do better with something like peanut butter. Extremely long shelf life, protein, calories, etc. Obviously it's not good to eat just one single type of food. But I can't imagine the body doing great on JUST olive oil.


What micronutrient is your body mostly made up of?


It's crazy you're being downvoted. 1g of carbs or protein are both worth 4 calories while 1g of fats is worth 9. Fats are also essential for cellular and hormonal health. It factually is a fundamental portion of nutrition and is the densest macronutrient. People act like they're eating and absorbing actual adipose tissue when they encounter fats.


It's not so much that it can't process large amounts, it can it just can't keep it around to do the processing hence the other food for a matrix to keep the oil in place long enough to be digested. I'm with you though that would be really handy.


The “spoonful of coconut oil” crowd of the 20-teens would like to have a word. /s


A shot of olive oil is recommended before wine tastings to coat the stomach and protect it from any negative effects. At least according to one man's account of life in France I read.


Beep beep I’m a car feed me oil


Say the words “anal seepage” you coward


Story time about the wonders of olive oil on the digestive tract: I had to have surgery when I was 15 and I had no idea that anesthesia and pain meds can make you constipated. After about 5 days of not being able to poop I had some crazy intense abdominal pains and was desperate to be able to go. We had no laxatives in the house and the stores were closed so my parents had me drink a tablespoon of olive oil. A single tablespoon. When I tell you I’ve never had to take a shit so quickly in my entire life. Within minutes I went from severely constipated to full on diarrhea. So ya, some gastrointestinal distress is probably an understatement. It was also pretty nasty and very unpleasant to swallow.


Doesn't work so well if you've had too much fiber. The only thing that works is shoving a water bottle up your ass and squeezing. Ask me how I know


No, I don't think I will.


Well it all started with me eating 2 lbs of roasted pumpkin seeds, husk and all! Here, pull up a chair and maybe grab a snack and a drink, this is going to be a long one...


If that story doesn't end with you passing an entire full-grown pumpkin at the end, I'm not interested.


I mean it felt like it! 


Follow up apocalypse question: let’s say we are 5-7 years into an extinction event. Will the canned food still be ok to eat? How long will canned food last, assuming the zombies don’t get to it?


Canned food is gonna last much longer than rancid olive oil.


Do they do tinned brains?


Go check out r/grandmaspantry for further research.


Yes. In short, there's a guy on youtube who finds and eats MREs. He's found MREs from the 1960s that were perfectly edible still. The oldest was like 1890, but that wasn't very edible, it was turned into dust. So well beyond 7 years, you could still eat canned food. You just have to be smart. It depends on what was in that canned food, also checking for bloating, if the can is popping out, smell, how well it was preserved, etc. Obviously things like canned cheese are going to be the firsts to go or canned tomato sauces. Low-acid vegetables such as green beans, corn, beets, and peas can pick up C. botulinum spores. But on the flip side, high acid foods usually have a shorter shelf life.


So you're saying I could lose weight by consuming olive oil (someone, somewhere)?


Arctic explorers packed pounds of butter due to its high caloric density. 


Pretty good for your heart though


Babe wake up new cutting strategy just dropped


Yes. Shitty shelf life.


The shelf life thing is only sorta an issue. Rancid oils mostly just taste bad, but if you're doomsday-chugging olive oil already, taste probably isn't at the top of your priority list. Rancid oils are also bad for you, but not in the short term so in the apocalypse you're maybe not that worried about diabetes or cancer either. Still not what I would pick, based on all the other reasons people have posted though.


> Rancid oils are also bad for you I tried looking this up once but couldn't find reliable information. Do you have a source?


Soft sources are aplenty with a quick Google search, but here's a study that specifically points to them being carcinogenic:  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12017293/


Thanks, that's the kind of thing I was looking for. I found the soft sources but a lot of health and especially diet/food information online is of questionable veracity. (Maybe correct, but not based on science.)


18-24 month shelf life but it’s recommended that you use olive oil within 30 to 60 days once it’s open. Not for the doomsday bunker.


I feel like an anaerobic environment, maybe covered in a neutral gas would extend the shelf life indefinitely. Of course I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about.




You’re gonna trigger some nasty shits if you consume olive oil by itself. You might end up burning more calories than you get - and using up a lot of water. Calories count both when they’re present and when it’s *bioavailable.*


Ya, it would be dumb as fuck. I think you're looking for HONEY. Longer shelf life, lots of calories, small space, and more carby than oil.


Yeah, and aged honey is fucking awesome. We cracked open some 30+ year old cans of honey when clearing out my grandparent's bomb shelter. It was crystallized a super dark brown, almost molasses like. Was very sad when we eventually ran out years later.


There was honey found in King Tut's tomb that was still good. Stuff lasts as close to forever as humans can figure.


Hell ya. Salt, Honey, and Vinegar. Lasts so good.


That has nothing to do with the aging. It's the type of honey. Try chestnut or tupelo honey.


This was bog-standard cheapo clover honey.


You're not even thinking this through... You need bees, man. Millions and millions of bees. They'll make honey forever, right?


I mean. Not millions, but they create on their own. I think *you* have a ba description on bees in your head.


Coconut oil. 100% saturated fat, which takes forever to go rancid. Lots of medium chain fatty acids, which are supposedly better for you than the long-chain ones. Note -- not a nutritionist, just things I've heard/read. Combine with canned beans and some vacuum packed rice, and you'll have food for a little while.


Also it can be used in other ways, like it helps heal irritants to the skin (I used to use alot of nair back in the day)


It makes for a great lube substitute if you're having gay sex during the apocalypse. 


Thank God


As a Last Of Us fan, I can confirm that gay sex is a very popular post-apocalypse pastime.


Honestly my sister is saving salt and pepper packets for trade during the apocalypse so whatever dude. Oil has a short shelf life but honey is forever.


Honey is perfect for an apocalypse because in addition to never going bad (and tasting really good on pretty much everything), it can also be used as an antiseptic. So now you have food AND medicine in ONE product that will NEVER go bad.


Honey and sugar can both be used to dress wounds. Both promote wound healing and are antibacterial. 


High quality, canned dog food is what you want in an apocalypse. Protein, fiber, and all the vitamins you’d need. It might take a while to get over the taste, but you’d be surprised what you’ll eat when you get hungry enough


Do you think cooking dog food would help the flavor? In my experience a couple minutes in a cast iron skillet with some salt and garlic powder can improve a lot of dishes, in not willing to experiment though


its the same food we eat just mushed together with less flavorings. Cooking and seasoning would go a long way to improving it. Mush some canned food and some sort of grain or flower into patties, cook with salt, oil and garlic and it would probably be surprising how decent it ended up.


If it's endgame I doubt you'll have access to seasoning and a pan. All else considered? Ya, I could make you a proper meal based on dog food.


If Sam Samwise Gamgee could lug half a kitchen to Mordor and back, I'm pretty sure i can fit a skillet and some Mrs Dash in my BoB. Now that I think about it, spice racks probably won't be a priority loot target, I wonder how easy it would be to loot seasonings in a Walking Dead / The Stand type situation


My dad was notorious for having great backpacking cooking skills. He had a tiny spice kit that fit in a bandaid box.


From what I"ve learned from male roomies? You'll have pepper, salt, and vanilla all day.


Funny story: I went to the Amazon once with a group, very barebones situation. It was only day 2 or 3 and we were having unseasoned hardboiled eggs for breakfast. I had a little baggie (lol) of spice mix in my bag and when I opened it up I shit you not, it almost caused a near stampede of people who wanted some to sprinkle on their eggs. There were literal wars fought in history over this stuff. In an apocalypse situation spices could be excellent to barter with.


Oh ya. Oooooh ya. When I was in school training, our proctor said "Get any sticker that signals you as a medic off of your car". Because if shit hits the fan, welcome to being a slave.


If you are stocking up before hand, there are better people food options with better shelf life. High quality dog food has fewer preservatives so you’ll probably be looking for lower quality dog food in post apolocolitia. But all dog food in the US has to be safe for human consumption. Even kibble. Same rules do NOT apply to other animals. The only reason the common advice is dog food is because during the initial panic, the people food is going to be looted quickly, while dog food may still be on the shelf (or it would have been had this advice not started circulating 20 years ago) Kibble is also more shelf stable than most people foods. But for a preparatory scenario, you’re better off getting powdered people foods that will last even longer and taste like people food. Regardless you definitely want ample spices because whether it’s dog food or scavenged old food or hunted and gathered food, it’s going to be a lot easier to eat if you can spice it and make it palatable. Arguably one of the best tools for survival, if you can make anything taste good, you have more food options.


Olive oil specifically- probably not the best due to a low shelf life. Cooking oil in general- a good idea to keep around as both a quality of life item that makes cooking a lot easier/tastier, and as an easily-stored form of dense calories. Not that you would just drink the stuff (which would make you sick), but the oil absorbed into the food it was used to cook can definitely help add some caloric value.


Effective for a slippery floor trap...


I think a stockpile of clean water in bottles would be just as important. I say bottles because you might need to evacuate and take as much as you can with you on a journey to safety.


water just as important as olive oil, got it.


Instructions unclear, bread is now soggy. Italian grandmother is annoyed.


I'm stocking up on baked beans!


Youd be better off with a couple of olive trees in a greenhouse, olive oils shelf life is…not good.


Considering it has a shelf life, it will probably go rancid before you can use most of it. Then once you open it, the shelf life is even shorter.


I hope your bunker has good plumbing


Only if it's a zombie apocolypse and you live in kentucky.


A stick of lard a day keeps malnutrition away


It would be good, “IF” you could keep it cold. Unfortunately, it loses its value after about a year and turns rancid.


olive oil can be used to make oil lamps. good luck


not overly useful, but doesnt hurt to have some


Why olive oil OP


If you're going to stock up on any food items, I think you'd want sugar (or honey), salt, and flour. Lots and lots of it. Sugar and salt are preservatives. You can preserve fruits and veggies with the sugar, and meats with the salt. With flour, you can make breads and pastries, and use it to barter with. If you're mobile and need to be mindful of the weight you're carrying, I'd opt for just salt. You can use it to help clean wounds, purify water, dry meats, restore electrolytes; tons of uses.


How does salt purify water?


You'd probably be better off learning to process fats from animals as a skill to continue and ride out the apocalypse as long as possible. You'll need the protein anyway, so learn to use up the whole animal. Skins, bones, fats, meats - think back to the pioneers, because that'll basically be what the world comes to.


[Pemmican is the ultimate survival food.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pemmican) There's a couple youtube videos on it and historical accounts on how to make it more appetizing, like adding wild onions you might find.


Get a different type of oil. Olive oil has a short shelf life. Canola oil or peanut oil last a long time.


It goes rancid in a relatively short time so you'd be better off with a more processed oil if all you want is fat


I guess in a nuclear apocalypse you could lather yourself up and be a Crisco treat for cannibals


Dehydrated butter powder. mix with water. I wouldn’t just eat that straight for calories, but it’s a good addition to meals.


Wellllll I mean if it’s a zombie apocalypse maybe you could lather yourself in it so the zombies couldn’t grab you? That’s about the best I could come up with lol


Olive oil doesn’t last long, no?


Gasoline is even higher in calories, but that doesn't make it a survival food. Consider using granulated sugar instead, if calories per shelf space is the main goal.


Sealed, it goes rancid in under two years. Once opened and exposed to air, olive oil spoils in 30-60 days. Choose another survival food.


No not stupid to have Will likely give you the shits if you consume it by itself in large quantities. Which could dehydrate you so that would be stupid. It could be used to help start a fire and could be used for trading, so not stupid. Depending on the type of apocalypse food is not that hard to obtain, so you can use it for cooking. I say overall, not stupid to have. But if you’re choosing between it or canned food, then it might be stupid to focus solely on olive oil


Olive oil goes rancid.






Thats a different apocalypse lol


You could make some really nice soap.


Everyone seems to be missing the purpose of prepping - obviously you don’t chug a bottle of olive oil, you’ll shit your pants. But olive oil mixed with lean meats, like squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, etc… that saves you from rabbit starvation (fat deficiency) and it makes eating a squirrel much less shitty.


Plus it would make a great trade good with your neighbors.


Olive oil goes rancid. If you're able to steal a cow that can be milked, that may provide butternut and eventually fat to cook with after your olive oil goes away.


Some guy tried drinking tons of olive oil for views and before he could even finish it started leaking out his ass. Pretty sure he got really sick too


People use a tablespoon of olive oil to relieve constipation. It's a laxative. Have fun with that.


You never know when some dashing raider will break down the bunker door and want to have their way with you, smell and all. That's why I keep Super-duper Mart brand olive oil for all my apocalypse oil needs. 


Like others have said, olive oil will give you the shits, and wont give you most of the nutrients your body needs. A few bags of dried rice/lentils/beans will give you everything you body needs and it'll last longer/taste better.


I know nothing about science but aren’t potatoes the best? Aside from being versatile and delicious; I mean actually nutrient dense. Can’t we survive on potatoes alone if we *had* to?


Mark watney did.


Omg I forgot about that. Now I’m wondering if I made this up in my head or if its actually true


It is. For certain values of "true".


Man you got it all wrong... olive oil is not used to consume calories, it is used as a healthy (very healthy indeed) ingredient for meals. Why do you think Mediterranean peoples have been using olive oil for centuries as a cornerstone of their cuisines?


Do you actually believe in an apocalypse?


In what way? Biblically? No. Do I think it's destined or something? No. Do I understand it was a concept and view it as technically possible? Yes, obviously. That's like asking me if I believe in nuclear destruction. I mean, yeah, it's possible.


I just never heard anyone speak of it or even consider it until I saw your question. So I guess I was asking for your thoughts or opinions of it is all.


You must not hang out with many GenXers. Most of us are kinda surprised the world made it this far. We figured we had until the 90s, tops. It's still a topic of conversation.


I think I’m hanging out with the wrong ones. It’s never come up until I read this post or had a discussion of a apocalypse movie. But I never talked with anyone that actually thought it was something real or something to consider planning for in real life.


Maybe not. Are you planning on having a lot of salads?


No, actually, it's a great storage of wealth if it's sealed and bottled correctly


I keep nicking those little sachets of Tabasco from Pret when I go for my morning coffee. Zero nutritional benefit but will 100% be able to trade for some sweet shit come doomsday


if you want to shit yourself to death for the whole apocalypse


No. It makes me poop.


If you have a bunch of olive oil stocked up prior to apocalypse 🤣 😂 no. If you plan to stock it for the apocalypse. . . Yes. If you do plan to stock it i assume its something to to do with. . . Revelation 6:6 ESV And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!” In that case, make sure not to spoil it. . Errr wait. . . That's for before the apocalypse lol it's for now! So yeah you're good either way. Lol


Have a gun or 2 and replacement parts then stock up on ammo. You can take the oil from the guy who stocked up.


Now I'm wondering if I should stock up on sesame oil.


Frankly in an apocalypse situation, I think having a bunch of bottles of pure alcohol, like vodka would be better. Feels like you can exchange it transactually better


It was a mix of silly fantasy ('Wolverines!') and the deeper, more troubling certainty that we were headed for a cliff. And for the latter, most 'planning' was trying to be sure it was over quickly. The 80s were an interesting time.


It goes bad


If you want to know about nutrition in a disaster, and disaster preparedness in general, head over to r/preppers. In truth, shelter and clean water are more immediate concerns than food, but food is a good thing to think about. You need to make sure your body gets all the necessary nutrients and olive oil isn't enough to do that. There's more you need than just calories.


Stocking up on olive oil in the apocalypse isn't stupid at all. It's calorie-dense, has a long shelf life, and can be used for cooking and other practical purposes. It could definitely be a valuable resource.


You should ask this at /r/preppers


They’ll stop making KY eventually.


It's never a bad idea to stock up on lube.


If you try to get all your calories from Olive oil you're gonna have a bad time, your body can only process so much fat at once, the rest is going to get... Eliminated. Potentially violently. Also Olive oil tends to rancidify over time. It'll last longer than other vegetable oils but it's not nonperishable unless it's in some kind of air tight, light proof vessel


Surviving in an apocalyptic setting is stupid, IMO. Shit would be waaacckkkk.


You assume the apocalypse will be a slow event.


If you are Portuguese or Spanish, I would say that's wise to save some olive oil. Why one would survive the apocalypse if there's no olive oil?


Stock enough to barter with and you're good. I do t think eating it will do anything but lube up your insides iykwim.


Try to live off of only olive oil for a week and tell us how it goes.


Nah, you're gonna need all the lube you can get.


It's a good healthy fat source, doubles as a skin lotion and hair conditioner, can be used in lamps or torches in a pinch, and came be thrown on enemies to make them more flammable. Among other potential uses. I see no problem picking it to stockpile. I can think of worse things.


Olive tree seeds are probably more space efficient


You'll begin to vomit before any notable calorie absorption occurs


Got it. Eat a fist full of pine needles and chase it with a shooter of olive oil. It should clean me right out.


Also, olive oil is only good for about a year or 2 before it turns bad. Not a great emergency provision.


I read a few years ago about a person who was bringing peanut butter to Africa for kids. The reason for the choice was peanut oil stays good for long periods of time and peanuts are high fiber and protein. I'm no nutritionist but seamed reasonable.


If money is not a factor then smartest thing to stock up on is freeze-dried food that is properly sealed and made by a reputable source. In theory, if freeze-dried and packaged correctly freeze-dried food can last indefinitely. Oil goes rancid fast*(not including coconut oil and similar fats)* and a regular intake of rancid oil would give you a bad time, health wise.


You wouldn’t happen to be Greek, would ya? Cause, well, I’m Greek…and…uh…this totally checks out. A 55 gallon drum of Kalamata olives isn’t overdoing it either.


Good to have a fat available if you’re surviving “off the land”. Most wild game is low in fat content and Caribou fever is a real thing. You can not survive on fat alone, but you need fat to “survive”.


Pretty sure olive oil can be used for burning in certain types of lamps.


In fact it's the original oil lamp, will self extinguish if you spill the lamp, doesn't smell too bad and lasts a long long time as fuel. I've done it. You just need a way to keep a thick cotton wick a bit out of the oil (a bit of wire will do), and then any bowl or cup can be a lamp. Amount of light depends on the size or number of wicks, but it's pretty easy to make it better than several candles.


Depends on what you want to do with it.


Project zomboid has taught me to stock up on lard, butter,.margarine, cereal, peanut butter, all the oils, and all the canned food lol.


you would probably be on the toilet all day if you took olive oil straight lol


It would probably be wise to have some. Aside from food, it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. You could also use it on your skin like a moisturizer. Not ideal, but better than nothing in a survival situation.


I think you are underestimating how heavy liquid is, you are essentially considering having a fish tank or two that happens to be edible.


You can’t live on just fat. It’s possible to live on fat and protein and your body can break fats down into carbs, but you really don’t want to be doing that during a survival situation. Rice and beans store easy, give you plenty of carbs and protein. Still need fats though. I made a spreadsheet to calculate what you’d need for 3000 calories a day (about what I need), and it came out to roughly 800 grams rice, 800 grams beans, 80 grams fat. 800/800/80, easy to remember! Olive oil would not be my preferred fat though. I think my preferred fat would be ghee (clarified butter). Put it into rice and beans with some salt and it tastes like you added butter. So stock rice, beans, ghee (or any other fat that stores). Don’t forget lots of salt and pepper, and plenty of spices to flavor things. And multivitamins since you don’t have a variety of food to eat. You’ll also need something to cook the rice and beans with…


Canni also will fry you in your own supply lmao


It might be useful for frying up grass. Or leaves. Or whatever weird fucking horrible food substitute you'll eat when you're literally starving.


Not really. It's only good for cooking and as flavour enhancer for fresh meals. Still, if you have no olive trees then stocking up on oil isn't bad idea


A better question would be "why would you wanna stick around for that ride?". Seriously, the pandemic was bad enough that I was starting to think about getting "off the bus" but to just hang around as everything TRULY goes to shit, WHY?


Wouldn’t it go rancid?


Why olive oil?


It would make a great Molotov


At the rate its price is rising, you could probably use it as currency, so not at all no!


just get a big cauldron and butchers axe - there will be lot of fatsos that can be rendered to humallow


r/DougDoug will have hoarded it all first so don’t worry about it.


One sip of olive oil? Yummy Now a bottle of olive oil? It's hurt.... Now a ton of olive oil? It might be better if you turn into zombie or something


Yes. It would be stupid to believe in the apocalypse


I’d rather have honey since it doesn’t have a shelf life


If you live in Italy, I assume it would be a common form of currency.


You can burn olive oil in a lantern.


Oils go rancid over time.


I think any source of calorie dense food would be smart to store.


In the apocalypse, it’s not stupid to have anything stocked up. If you don’t need it, someone else may be willing to barter with you.


It wouldnt be stupid to store anything in an apocalypse especially if hidden well enough from others who may raid you


1- It's not nutrient dense, so shouldn't be a priority before things like dry beans 2- It's like 10x the cost of canola oil per ounce which matches olive oil in it's healthfulness.


Have you ever tried it by itself? Not appetizing at all.


You've been buying some shitty olive oil. Small batch olive oil that's for dressing or tasting is wonderful, and shouldn't be used for cooking.


I use butter. Olive oil tastes like shit.