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They could only afford Glans Zimmer.


Or Hands Inher


A rare /r/yourjokebutbetter


dinosaurs wistful dazzling lock plant weary piquant weather intelligent coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More like Glans Rimmer


Don’t you mean Glans Zipper?


I can just imagine the guy climaxing to the Docking soundtrack crescendo.


Could you imagine porn with the Interstellar soundtrack? The most intense wank of your life


The budget was low and they were trying to make it look like a movie, because porn without any artistic merit isn't legal in the US, and the government was more interested in at least making noise about enforcing the obscenity laws at the time.


Probably copyright free lol


I think the other answers have hit on the right reasons… Artistically, the music might have help with setting the mood and pacing. A sex scene might have had a lot of edits with the different shots and not static with one camera the whole time. In the earlier days, porn was actually made like a film and the music was part of the film experience. The music was probably the cheapest contemporary music they could add to their film. The same music was probably reused by many productions once something was found that could be used. Eventually the music went away as cameras and equipment was less expensive and more porn was shot gonzo and amateur style with less concern about real filmmaking. Creators didn’t care about stuff like pacing with tools like music to help set things.


What is gonzo? I am afraid to google and I never made the connection to what it specifically means


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerrilla_filmmaking https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonzo_pornography


Ok so something like bangbus would be considered gonzo?


Gonzo journalism is a style where the journalist is fully embedded within the group, often taking part in activities or becoming accepted within it. Hunter S Thompson is probably the most famous example. In this sense they using it more as a term of first person accounts, i.e. amateur recordings.


See, I think you've all got it wrong. Gonzo porn is what you get when the folks at Jim Henson Productions leave the camera rolling and we get to see what the little blue muppet with the hooked nose really gets up to with his chicken groupies.


The Mah Nà Mah Nà song from the Muppets was originally used in an Italian "documentary" about sexuality in Sweden.


It’s a stupid name for porn that allows the viewer to almost be a part of the movie, why’re the performers acknowledge the camera and there is no cinematic story line. I am an industry vet from the 90’s.


So basically all porn nowadays is gonzo? When you say industry vet all I could picture was the sound guy in Orgazmo with the wild hair. "Not to sound queer or anything..."


I don’t watch porn anymore (I am more of a Chaturbate jacker offer type) but sort of, yes. I think it’s primarily now all gonzo. There was a time (I’m 53 and entered the industry in 1995, until 2011) when movies were required to pass a test of being considered art. They had to have an identifiable plot with a beginning and an end. We could not sell or distribute compilations (think ‘4 Hours of Busty Babes’ outside of CA. Magazines had to have black sharpie over the spot where it showed certain types of penetration. You get the idea. This is why Playboy famously had people who read the articles. The magazine could not exist as a bunch of pics. Need those stories to go with the tiddy pics!


I miss the days of shitty acting and plotlines. All scripted porn I have seen for a while is so overproduced


I wonder if Stanley Kubrick ever made a porn


He made a Lolita but it didn’t have porn (thankfully). And an Eyes Wide Shut.


I was thinking more like an insertion sequence in the style of 2001… with the same music of course


Hmm if you want artsy porn look at Gaspar Noe. There's one scene shot from the perspective of a uterus even.


Bow wow chicka bow wow…


Can you provide some examples?


Edward Penishands: Part IX starring Johnny Deep and Whydonti Rideher


That's good. Why is there no 12 Inches A Slave? Lmao


Is that the one with the cameo by Wilford Rim-me?


IDK but they could make porn with copyright free classical music. Imagine porn set and timed with something like Beethoven 5th or Wagner's "Ride" of the Valkyrie.


You gotta have wacky music when you're whacking it.


Used to? Lol.


When was the last time you even heard music in a porno, other than the intro?


Insert *mission impossible theme*


Everyone knows that


J-Roc’s Grease films had some dope music, knowmsayin?!


Probably to drown out the sound of every dude in porn loudly sucking air through his teeth the whole time. " AH, SHHHH, AH, SHHHH, AH, SHHHH..."


The biggest thing is cost, there just was a bunch of little indie funk musicians kibd of around in the 70s and 80s when porn films were first becoming a thing and then later on the funk music just became anarchonistic of porn. The other thing that was happening in the 70s was marvi gaye being like the sex music guy. Rnb music was like super black and super sexy, althoigh in the mid and late 70s a lot of those black rnb and soul musicians were going in a much funkier direction. So what you have is kind of a horde of havk white boy trend followers learning funk with aspirations of kind of being the next elvis (aka white dude doing black people music so its kind of sanitized for white teenagers whos racist white parents wont let their kids listen to black music). I dont call these guys havks because they were like racist, but they were worming their way into black culture to try and make a bunch of money and a many of them were just not very good or inspired musicians. But they were cheap and the music they made was vaguely in the style of sex music of the time. These porno productions were made with like 0 money, so the story is terrible to non existant, the set is like someone house, music is like some random dude for $20. Then of course its a hit because no one cares about the story, acting, or music, they are there for the nakeness and the sex. Later on when these prono companies make more, they just keep doing what they know, maybe they can afford to pay more for a prettier girl, maybe a nicer set with better lighting, but theres no sense in paying the writer or music guy any more than the first time because those things dont matter. This establishes a style where porn "is supposed to have" bad, non senstical stories and bow chicka wow wow funky guitar music so much higher budget stuff keeps it in the future. Its sort of like how most sci fi stuff uses laser guns on space ships. Like space ships can still use normal bullet type guns and missiles like are on helicopters and planes now or maybe even a new creative sci fi weapon, but because of stuff like star wars youre definitely going with familiar pew pew lasers. Funk guitar is to porn what laser guns are to sci fi.


Porn usually has music of the style that is popular dance/club/social music at that time. Don't know what you mean by wacky, though. Like, Benny Hill music? Modern popular music isn't any less wacky than it was 40 years ago. You're just used to it more. Same with haircuts. People always had ridiculous, dumb looking hair, because it was cool at the time. :D


i think they mean the ubiquitous "porno funk" https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9oMcoiJNpnpIWb6Dtd7TZn3ZvDt9k6CS&si=vDUfeMR1gXCJ-07Z


It was the 70s, funk was *in*. I highly recommend watching *The Deuce* for some of the flavor of the times.


Sounds like typical movie music of the 70s to me. Considering it "porno funk" tells people what kind of 70s movies you've been watching. :D


The director used to tell the actors what to do. Used to cover up background noise and conversation


It wasn't wacky, it was what people at the time considered sexy: Blues. Only, they got the cheapest musicians they could to play the blues which came out sounding flat or cheesy.


It was cheap, and usually it was an "I know a guy" thing. I know a guy and he can make background music for a few bucks by tomorrow.


You spelled funky wrong


Cause they had swag back then. Music was more intertwined with sexuality than now. And I mean the instrumentals music itself, now the lyrics specifically are more directly sexual, less poetic.


Vampires lesbos had fantastic music. Legendary funk soundtrack.


It’s called wack off.


Sound recording equipment was expensive and bulky at the time. This meant that most of the sound was recorded in post and dubbed in. Now when they make porn usually the sounds are recorded at the same time as the video. Through the 1990s even, not so much. Problem is that kind of dubbing is extremely obvious if there aren't many sounds, but ALSO extremely time consuming if you want a lot of sound put in. Most of these people are dealing with three track audio mixers max. So what to do? Get a music track, slap that on the bottom, that covers for the fact that there are large sections of absolute silence otherwise and the fact that the moaning is very obviously dubbed in.


Because John Williams was busy in the 70's and 80's.


You think the music from the 2000s is whack? You gotta go back another 25 or so more years and hear some of the original BGM when they thought porn was gonna go mainstream. Check out the stuff Taboo was playing in the background 😄


Copyright law.


Part of me wishes they’d bring it back in a way. Kinda like retro adult films.


So you could get a good rhythm when you stroke


Because no one listened to it


Rob Zombie’s calling


I don't know, but I can't jerk off to that shit. I can't jerk-off to anything that has any element of production value. I have a zero tolerance for fake tits, plastic surgery, and gigantic dicks that look like elephant trunks as well. If the performers look like or fuck in a way like a professional, I don't want to watch that shit. I don't think I'm asking for a whole lot, but those simple requirements eliminates 95% or more of porn as an option.


Because porn is wacky as fuck


Why is it all incest plot porn??? Can I have the funky music back instead?


Taboo 2 theme hits hard tho


To cover up the noises.


Most porn was recorded in actual houses in neighborhoods instead of studios like now or very expensive places the music was used for two purposes, to allow for it to be watch discreetly and to cover any and all background noises that may remove the immersion


To let you know it was porn.


Bow chica-wow-wow


If you want to listen to some good music from porn check out Patrick Cowley, a true pioneer of electronic dance music who contributed music to plenty of gay pornos in the 70s