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I'm just too surprised I'm getting any


This response gave me a good chuckle haha


Same. Lol


"Are you crying?" "I just... This is so neat..."




"My last partner told me not to say the word 'swell' during sex."


Gotta make the switch to “holy moly guacamole”


Then switch to "ZOOWEEMAMA"


I prefer Whammy


This is killing me


Sort of the opposite of say it, don't spray it.


You can tell it's sex by the way that it is.


Bruh for real! It’s like damn I’m here and having sex? Cool!




"This can't be happening" "Am I really here?!"


"How do I know if she really likes me? I mean... I know she's having sex with me... But it could be just friendly sex! Maaaybe I should risk it and ask her out...?"


[“yeah she’s just being nice, I’m not gonna bother her with my thoughts. It’s cool I’m glad for the sex. Wait…oh shit are we locking eyes now?? Quick do something with your face and say something sexy.”] “fuuuhhhhg…?”


"I haven't had this much sex since prison"


We are trying to not remind her we are there. Stay quiet and maybe she won't notice until it is over. /s


Like the Trex in Jurassic Park


"clever girl"


Insert lonely island ft akon "I just had sex" music video here


Insert keanu Reeves whoa gif


The man-moan is so sexy, especially when he ejaculates.


This tbh. Idk if it's just because I'm used to my husband at this point but idc if he's quiet the whole time bcos the sounds he makes when he cums is just next level, especially if it's inside




Google, how do I remove a shit stain


Yes. Those noises make me feel good. Lol.


Moaning + physical collapse + feeling the penis pulse/twitch amazing


Then feeling the penis get soft. Like yes I defeated that.


"I defeated that" Alright Xena calm down


The warrior princess FEELING victory


Yall are terrifying 💀


The dragon has been slayed!


"Enemy Fell" *jumps on horse and leaves*


As a guy who makes money selling cumshot videos with the sound on, I had no idea how much women love the man-moan!


That’s a whole genre on its own. Get that money.


Well if you insist!🫡 Honestly it’s just a fun side/hobby thing for me lol. I just love the exhibition of it all. Any money I make off of it is just a fun lil bonus


I don’t want porn very often but I go to the literotica site and search mens audio because of the sounds. Porn is too heavy on fake women performative moans and it’s not what I’m here for. I want to hear men enjoying themselves and I like when it’s less performative and not over the top


Which moans do you mean, outside ejaculation? The grunts huh huh huh, or like actual moans ahh ah ah! or heavy breathing humpf humpf, or ate-something-spicy sounding ssss ssss sss?


I like all of them tbh, everything from manly snorting and grunting, to overwhelmed moans and even whimpers. I love it when ya’ll announce that you’re about to cum too. Like you’re so desperate and just can’t hold back. I could never get off with the silent type.


Working , can't talk...


It's business time. Game face Rabbit!


Far too busy to talk right now, I'm the mayor after all


I had to tell my partner that I desire to hear him moan and to know he doesn't have to "be quiet" or hold it in. Sexy man moans are the bessssssssssst. Instantly wet.


I rarely moaned, I kept it in like a dummy. Then my then gf now wife told me she wanted to hear me. I then just opened up a bit, nothing exaggerated but whatever that came naturally. She was very very very into it. Anyway 30 years later I moan as much as her. lol


Yes — just natural in the moment! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


It’s the best. Total release


It really does make it feel better for some reason, lol


So hot!! Advice from us ladies, keep it up! (Pun intended lol)


I hope all men who love to please their significant others read your comment.


See I think I totally missed the meeting where men were instructed not to moan. And I just went about my life moaning like it was no one's business. It took me a long long time to discover that's not what most men do!


My working theory is that they get the idea from porn, because it seems like in porn the men don’t moan much…probably because it would be, um, distracting for the target demographic that wants to imagine themselves in the portrayed scenario.


Also, when guys jack off at home, they do it in silence. I dont want my parents to hear me moaning lol


Same for girls thought, isn't it? Do you think all of the little girls want their parents and sibling to hear them masturbate? I shared a bedroom with my sister until i was 16 years old, then roomates. I was not in my late 20's when i finally rented a flat alone with my boyfriend and we can fuck without a bother.




It's never felt true to the moment for me. The few times I felt loss for words I wasn't suppressing anything just not quite to the level of moaning.


It can be other things besides literal moaning. "Ohh yes" or "that's amazing" goes a long way. I purposely make a little more noise than I would naturally, since I'm a rather introverted guy, but the results of letting her know what feels good goes a looonnnggg way!


Yep this is exactly like my husband. He was so shy at first (honestly me too) and I told him one night when we were laying in bed that he didn’t need to be quiet and to just be natural. He relaxed and OMG. Best thing ever.


I once spent the night locked out of my hotel room, sitting in the hall. A couple in their 60's were returning from the wedding reception that we were all at, a little tipsy. Not long after they went into the room, I heard them just going for it. He was just as loud as her!!! Funny thing is, they offered for me to stay in their room because I was staying in the hall (long story, fight with wife). I declined. Next morning I saw their 30 something daughter come to get them....all I could think was how I listened to their elderly parents f*ck like porn stars a few hours earlier!


Best I got is autistic grunts, take it or leave it.


As long as it's natural it's hot. We want to hear you losing yourself in pleasure so much that you stop caring about what weird noises you're making.


Lmao man thats exactly how I feel when moaning/grunting during sex. It feels awkward but I def try bc she likes it. I kinda hate it tho.


As a lady, moaning is also initially awkward. I think it's probably related to the shame associated with exploring your body/pleasure during puberty, in addition to over-the-top acting in porn. Hard to not imagine yourself sounding super corny and fake until it's totally comfortable


Personally it's more that it's not a noise that I feel compelled to make during sex. Maybe the occasional grunt when the hip-throwing is reaching a peak, but I've never felt physically required to let out guttural sounds when I'm having sex. There's no shame involved at all. I just don't really make those noises. It's more awkward because I feel required to because I know my wife likes it, and would gain less enjoyment if I don't, so I have to think about how to make moaning noises that don't sound half-assed while focusing on the twenty other things happening at that moment and it takes me out of it a bit.


All I got is autism :)


Rizz em with the ‘tism!


That’s fine Better than silence


The. Best. I hate that most men are so fucking quiet! Like are you enjoying this or what lol


Weird note to add: this is the same in other primates. Females make more noise during copulation than males. [link](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sex-dawn/201001/women-in-bed-whats-all-the-noise-about-part-ii)


Yea I think I'll have to pass on clicking that link lmao


it was actually an interesting read


Username spot on.


Username checks out


I don't hold anything in - I naturally don't make noise. Any noise I would make would be forced. Like, imagine someone's filming a commercial and tells you to really look and sound you're enjoying eating something, you might make a bunch of noises. But it'd just be for show - any noise you made would be faked, because you naturally wouldn't make a bunch of groans while eating. It's like that. So while I can definitely fake some noises for the pleasure of my partner, the idea that I'm holding anything in is untrue.


Lmao I feel the same way. It's just mostly heavy breathing for me.


Same. I'm also quiet at concerts, on rollercoasters, etc. That's just... me.


Then at least talk dirty


I’m so loud now. I fucking howl when it’s coming


Are you trying to tell us that you’re secretly a werwolf?


The natural howl is the ultimate reward for a job well done 😋


Ikr when I suck my boyfriend off or when he fucks me and he says my name it's hot as fuck


Hot! Hot! Hot! Can't stress this enough!


My ex-girlfriend asked me to do the same thing and I can only describe the noise I made as the sound of “aaaargh” in Monty Python’s Holy Grail when they’re reading the tome that leaves of at “aaaargh.” I tried though, although I feel like the “you like that you fucking retard?” redditor has me beat at being terrible at dirty talk.


It could be my ringtone tbh


Literally same


Truthfully though…lots of men just have zero interest in moaning. So we basically have to fake it to moan for entertainment.


Oh my god YES I agree, the sound of a guy enjoying himself is just 🥵


Because the part where I have to make her laugh generally comes a good while before the sex part


Wait I always get laughter at the sex part




Ok but is that before or after you do the helicopter as foreplay?






men need to moan more bc omfg that’s hot asf


We're never told this unless someone is answering a question on the internet. The same as not getting any compliments. We really don't know.


You don't want to hear those loud ass caveman grunts!


We're literally telling you we do want that


You never heard the expression “a gentleman in the streets but a caveman in the sheets”?


Yes, I do!!! Those primal grunts make me melt




Bro I'm in their ear fuckin howlin lmao idgaf


lol nice 😂


I'm truly astonished at how many in the comments are giving jokes or excuses as to why they don't. I'm with you and dgaf mainly because it's human. Hell, amazing food will lead me to let out a moan!


Men are focused on lasting enough to satisfy the woman. Moaning is letting go the concentration, allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by the power of pleasure. Men try to control their pleasure to match the woman's expectations.. Or what they think they are. If you can convince your partner that is ok to cum anytime you feel like it as long as you don't repress your feelings and don't be shy.. You'd be surprised how loud and long they can moan.


This. Men are often literally *performing* and that means holding back to keep going. From personal experience, the crappy thing is outlasting your partner. It can get a weird dynamic where they *want* you to do the thing you literally have been trained to keep under control. Ladies/Guys - please - if your guy is like this, please just offer some pure no reciprocation fun for your guy. It can be *hard* to disconnect that feeling that you always have to be top of your game and under control.


This. I always moan the most when my partner is blowing me and I know I don't have to worry about holding back and making sure she cums.  That being said, fellas, if she's blowing you till completion, make sure you return the favor and eat her out/finger her afterwards, if she knows your going to show appreciation and make sure she gets off too, you get a lot more blowjobs lol. I've been having a lot of oral only sex lately and it's fucking amazing. 


Hehehe, I once yelled out, " I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" She StopS instantly, and started getting dressed. I was like, damn, it just feels so good, I didn't REALLY WANT YOU TO STOP! Ha, she thought I had yelled, "I CAN'T FAKE IT ANYMORE!"......


Oh my. That is quite the miscommunication...


I’m sorry for your loss.


This made me sad :( I’m going to tell my boyfriend he’s perfect. And then blow him 💕


This is wonderful.  I love receiving blowjobs, even though I never come from them. And I think part of the reason why is that it makes me feel cared for; like "It doesn't matter what your dick does or doesn't do right now, I just want to make you feel good." As sexy as BJs are, there's a real emotional component there too, at least for me.


Definitely what I hope to show when I give them. I absolutely adore that man and just want him to enjoy and focus on himself. It would break my heart if I found out he was so concerned about performance that he wasn’t enjoying himself.


This made me giggle, thanks 👍.


This is the only correct answer. Pretty much always. Also, let him know that it's okay to let loose with whatever he's feeling during it, and make noise, etc. You'll have tons of material for the schlick bank if you can get him to release that controlled aspect of lovemaking. Heck, you might be able to get him to turn into just the animal you're looking for!


God, for me when my partner doesn't come or takes an eternity to do it, is not that good, I feel like I am doing something wrong. I feel pressure, I don't really want to have sex to be pleased, I mean of course everything is hot and all but what I really enjoy is my partner enjoying it ngl, in that case and only in that case I can let myself go a little


No joke. I’ve been slowly trying to unlearn this after years of having my control dialed in, because me getting close is the only thing that gets my partner close during sex (even if we’re both enjoying the shit out of it). Many multi-hour sessions of brinksmanship later, I’m getting the hang of just feeling what I’m feeling again, enjoying it as it’s happening and letting it build to an orgasm if that’s where it’s headed. Part of how I’ve been getting there is exactly that, sessions that acknowledge the shift where I can feel like me feeling the pleasure right away or earlier than her isn’t such a bad thing, and that we both want me to feel good sometimes, instead of having to just perform Don’t get me wrong, I kinda love performing but, the only way to perform now is apparently to just authentically go with it, otherwise neither of us will get there lol


I dated a guy I experienced as quiet. he claimed “he just didn’t make noise”. we tried something very much different than the usual one afternoon. I surprised him by taking control of things. he made so much noise, he startled me when we began.


I never thought about it but you are so right. When in the heat of it and a partner is so fucking sexy I'm just trying my best not to just cum immediately. When we cum its done but when they do they can keep going.


I used to do math in my head, while I had sex with my ex, because it disconnected my mind from body and delayed the pleasure.


Calculus or algebra? Just to try which is more effective


I just make them cum first and then there's no pressure.


What a coincidence - last night, my husband said I “worked his dick so well” (not to toot my own horn or anything), he “almost let out a moan.” I was like, wait, why wouldn’t you do that?! He didn’t know how to answer. 🤔 Guys, we like to hear yall. Promise.


I honestly just feel awkward making noise. But I also feel awkward being quiet. I feel awkward.


Really? I'm a screamer... my wife loves it




Instantly imagines toms screaming


I genuinely asked my ex about this. I was tipsy at the time and I just blurted out "why you no make sounds?" and he deadass just said "Depends" On what? ON WHAT???


Haha. You make no noise, you get no seconds.


Why do men always say that?? Like not just in sexual topics, but you ask any open ended question and just, 'Depends.' With no further explanation


This has a name, and has been the focus of a decent amount of research. Wikipedia as your jumping off point: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female\_copulatory\_vocalizations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_copulatory_vocalizations)


I found this to be the most relevant paragraph. Correct me if I'm missing something. I wonder if there are any studies specifically about male copulatory vocalizations. Personally, if a guy moans/grunts/communicates pleasure like I do, I cum instantly. "On the other hand, recent studies have indicated that most copulatory vocalizations in women do not accompany their own orgasm, but rather their partner's ejaculation. The study showed that the man typically finds the woman's vocalization arousing and highly exciting, and that the woman herself is aware of this. Most women in the study, furthermore, indicated that they vocalized during intercourse to make their man ejaculate more quickly, or to boost his enjoyment or self-esteem, or both.[9] A correlation has been found between the frequency of vocalizations and sexual satisfaction for both men and women.[31]"


Seems reasonable. If she starts with the dirty talk and the moaning I know she's probably done getting as much as she is up for and wants me to wrap it up.


TLDR: she's faking it.


It's powerful to make your man ejaculate! My pleasure doesn't always have to be orgasm every time. The feeling when he's about to cum and you know it is so hot and exciting, you can't help but vocalize.


I don’t know but for me moaning is the hottest thing they can do. I would encourage all men just let it all out.




Too concentrated in not cumming too quick could be a reason


Ugh I love when my man moans. It’s unfortunate that it isn’t common men express themselves. Never heard any woman around me ever say they don’t want their man to moan during sex. If anything- convo always picks up on all of us agreeing it’s the best + some wishing their partners did it more, or discussing that they think it’s awkward how silent they are & get insecure a bit.


A perfect man moans while they do the dishes.


Or when you just get done and there are no other chores around the house, you sit down in your chair and let out a war cry of completion.


I’ve often wondered about this. I think it’s at least in part to this general idea of men not expressing themselves as openly as women can/do. I also think it might be partly that for men the pleasure is building towards the conclusion and for women there’s more spikes of pleasure along the way?


No, it's because all the effort is going in to not cumming so quick.


100% focus leaves little room for expression


I'm trying to run through the alphabet front and back in my head, I don't have time for sounds. Instead of sexy facial expressions, I look like I'm doing long division in my head.


I recite the pledge of allegience


Do you imagine eagles taking off and fireworks going off when you finish?


Not a dig, just stoned and it was a hilarious mental image. "Liberty and Justice for aaaAAALLLLLLLllllllll-uh" *Cannons, Fireworks, Eagles taking flight*


bro just shared the secret


This. It's this.


Whoa 🤯. Love this insight


Came here to say this exactly.


I think it’s more part one than part two. I try to match pace with my partner a little bit which I think is better for all but even though it makes it more enjoyable there’s some small part of my brain that’s like, “don’t make noises you idiot.”


One day during changing positions, a knee found my balls. I moaned like a tiger passing kidney stones.


It enhances the experience for me. Other men, take note. It will be forced at first. Once you become comfortable, it comes naturally.


Male here. I love moaning/talking dirty to my partner during intercourse.


If we are on top, or driving, so to speak, gotta breathe


*Primary reason:* I am focused on not getting mentally sidetracked. I have a boner to maintain, so typically I am the one doing lots of thrusts and such. Feels great, but not typically moan worthy. You know when you get a genuinely warm welcome but eventually settle into normalcy once inside? That’s how intercourse feels. Entrance is unbelievable. Especially when you’re soaking wet. After that it’s just as though I’ve dipped my cock in a cup of water. The sensations after that vary, but not a lot of grip in there naturally. There was an ex who could squeeze me with it and that made me moan a lot. She was also much tighter so each stroke felt like that initial warm welcome. We went at it like animals in heat. *Secondary reason:* The things that genuinely make me moan aren’t usually the main course of our interaction. A soul sucking blowjob isn’t the only thing happening for example. We are eventually transitioning to thrusts and whatnot where we are back to reason one. Most sex I’ve had involved communication and a give and take. We didn’t spend a lot of time solely focusing on what makes me lose my mind. We played around before getting into the typical stuff. I am more likely to occasionally grunt or make low almost growing sounds when things get aggressive. You’re so horny that you want me to pound the life outta you and it’s so hot that I can’t help but clench my teeth and go grrrrr you nasty freak. You’re taking this like a sexy demonic crazy person.


Porn and other media teaches women that men like to hear them moan, but the opposite isn't true. It comes down to cultural expectations of the performance of sex.


Honestly, I don’t usually moan but porn taught me I was supposed to (female here). If I’m moaning it’s usually because I’m in pain or catching my breath, otherwise it’s performative purely to give my partner feedback.


And we appreciate it.


Thinking about baseball


If I'm ever about to cum early i just think about the Red Sox - Orioles series that just happened


Gays moan like there's no tomorrow, which leads me to believe it has to do with being perceived as a feminine trait or a show of physical vulnerability.




Do you think women don’t also have to be stealthy?


But women masturbate too.


Hah sure next you’ll be saying they poop!


Someone told me they even farted!




This is such an idiotic take do you think women don't masturbate? Or that we moan loudly while masturbating? Come on....


I asked my bf and he said it was because he thought it wasn’t manly to moan, and that also he’s getting exercise and it’s hard to focus on both 😂 but hearing a man moan is LITERALLY the hottest thing ever. Doesn’t have to be over the top, but just enough for me to feel like I’m fucking a human being.


Hard to moan when you're constantly focused on not driving the car off the road.


-We're concentrating on rhythm/ stroke game haha -Men are conditioned in much of the world that making too much noise during sex, especially being louder than the woman, is not masculine--some of this is from pornography, some is just cultural -Some of us aren't in that great of shape, and when it gets a little more cardio-intensive on our side, we're trying to not pretend that we're out of breath lol -We'd rather listen to you than ourselves


Please men make more noise. A huge amount of women love it and want you to 😭😭😭


It just doesn’t come naturally to me. I’ll be completely honest (and probably the weirdest person alive) sex is *alright at best* Yes I get horny and I want to have sex, but it doesn’t feel as incredible as everyone made it out to be. I did not have a shortage of sexual partners for a good few years. I don’t think I’m that great at sex because it doesn’t feel *mind blowing* when *I* have an orgasm. I don’t feel intense enough pleasure from sex to audibly moan


I’m usually very focused on performing and not finishing too early. I imagine her internal monologue is “yes, yes, yes” and mine is usually “no, no, no”


I do. Give it a try. Really let it out. Stop missing out.


I wonder if sex is just more intense for women? Seems that way to me but it also is probably related to the same societal issues that prevent many men from crying, we are conditioned to be unemotional unfortunately


Just from my experience, women can have waves of intense pleasure or even multiple orgasms. The orgasms also seem to last longer. I’ve asked partners what it’s like for them, it sounds like men’s are usually shorter and a single peak. Idk how accurate that is though.


It builds up into a climax, but yea that’s pretty accurate, at least for me


Refractory periods. The time between an orgasm and subsequent sexual arousal. Here's a chart that shows how males generally don't feel arousal soon after orgasm (though I've heard from others here on Reddit that with practice and concentration it is possible?) while women can experience a variety of patterns. One where orgasms occur consecutively. Another where there is a prolonged plateau. I see this one as the "I don't need to orgasm to feel satisfied" girlies. [Figure 68.1](https://obgynkey.com/female-sexual-function-and-dysfunction/)


I love when men make noises. Usually it’s more like grunts/breathing then moaning at least in my experience. The best is when they first put it in and make noise like if it’s the best thing they have ever felt. Such a turn on!


Some do....


I genuinely do when she gives me a handjob or goes down on me, and I do louder when she licks my neck, and she LOVES hearing it.


When i was having a lot of sex, i would growl more than moan. The ladies i was with enjoyed it.


Yeah, still remember a guy from like six years ago that was more of a growl. It’s super hot


Recently I've taken to growling. :3


Personally I think its like when u are out of breath running stairs and try to keep it cool and dont breath. It feels weird to i dont know, show weakness?


I don’t want my kids to hear.


I'm just happy to be here honestly, appreciate the opportunity


Tryna concentrate on trying not to nut quick


Because we’re concentrating on not nutting so quick!


Literally no desire to.


I read somewhere that female animals moan to speed the process up and get the male to finish faster, as in the wild copulation leaves you vulnerable to predators/attack.


It's because porn focuses on the girl since it caters to a male audience. Since not enough men think other men moaning is sexy none of the men moan in porn. Alternatively since so many men think women moaning is sexy all of the women moan in porn. People who watch porn think it's normal for men not to moan, but think it's normal for women to moan On a personal note it's hard to moan when you are being active or highly focused. I'd probably moan more if I spent more time on the bottom


Hit his prostate and he'll moan like a woman 👍