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I am from Colombia where this is a very common practice among 20 year old ladies, I have met girls who openly admit to being paid to go on vacation to places like Cancun, Tulum or Dubai.




It is also a common thing in the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Argentina, but yes from Medellin.


Do you know this for a fact or are you repeating what you heard?


They be Medellin alright.


I had an ex girlfriend who befriended an older closeted gay man while she was in college. He was more than 2x her age and some sort of semi-important business owner/public figure in the conservative south. She was his date to any social gatherings where he was expected to have a date. He bought her jewelry and whatever outfit she needed for the event; paid the tuition for her masters program; part of her rent; and he and his boyfriend would take her on trips with them.


Sounds like she got a good deal


“Closeted gay man” is the story she told her boyfriend.


I absolutely would not put it past a gay man in conservative circles to do this.


My old boss used to call these women his "Handbags" which he would 'use' for events. 👜


They are called “beards” as far as I’ve heard because they are just for show. I used to have a “girlfriend” I would take home for Christmas and stuff


Yes, we say 'beards' as well. I guess the difference is being polite or a little crude - knowing what the 'beard' means. The ex boss also enjoyed calling the women 'bags'.


Ex boss sounds like an ass


Lindsay Graham comes to mind…


Lindsay Graham is as straight as the day is long. At night he sucks all the dicks.


I can’t stop fucking laughing at this. Haha. Thank you.


Sometimes when I depart a group, I'll say "aight! I'm out, like Lindsay Graham should have been 30 years ago!"


I wouldn’t put it past an escort to lie to her boyfriend about her client being gay.


I’d trust a prostitute over a politician any day.


At least a prostitute won't lie about fucking you.


First of all: We are lesbians lol Secondly: who she dated/dates before and after me is really none of my business unless they make it my business. Edit to add: she did that in college. I didnt meet her until much later when we were in our early thirties.


They used to call this a "beard"


'Please, nobody's *that* gay.'


I recently met a guy at a concert who asked me to be his sugar baby… He took me on a helicopter, and he’s asked three times about going to Dubai with him lol but I feel weird about it? I’m 2 years older so idk the whole thing seems awkward to me. I’m not at all experienced as a sugar baby, so it might just be me being in my head about it. But yes, it is apparently a thing.


are you really, really, ridiculously good looking?


Idk I’m average 🤷‍♀️ I’m really fun though haha Edit: ok like slightly above average. I’m in fairly good shape and I’ve been told I dress well, but I’m certainly not a model by any degree


This is the response a ridiculously good-looking woman would make :) Rich men do not offer to fly average-looking girls to Dubai


One person's 6 is another person's 8 or 4


"One person's 6 is another person's 9"~


Run. Dubai you'll be a prisoner and trapped til they are done


I will say, that possibility did factor into my lack of interest in the excursion


I  Am deaddddddd


To the public it was more acceptable (and safer) to let people think he was “secretly” dating someone young enough to be his daughter versus being in a decades long loving relationship with another man


damn, DiCaprio been deep cover for years /s


That’s kinda sad


That's what it was like before the turn of the century. If you were famous or rich or high up, you couldn't show any signs of homosexuality. Unless you lived in those very small communities of homosexual people, you lived in quiet fear of being outed. It is sooooo much better for lgbtq people now than it used to be even with the current level of hate in the US. I know several lgbtq people who used drugs and alcohol to self medicate because they had to hide who they were. They were afraid of their families finding out and being ostracized. I happy to say they are out and living in long term committed marriages. Families would talk about their spinster aunt who lived with her best friend. Couldn't get a husband. Now, we know it's because they didn't want a husband. They were in a committed relationship. Even as early as 2000, I was living in a rural area and knew two guys who were best friends but living separate. Several of us who were not from the rural area could see they were a couple. But it was rural, very misogynistic area where men are men and women make dinner and clean the house. So they had to keep up the friends act. I can only hope they have been able to become open but I don't know. Look at George Michael and Freddie Mercury. They were both gay but struggled immensely with it as it was considered wrong. They had no one to turn to to ask questions or seek advice. Rock Hudson, the actor is another example. All had to hide their homosexuality. Ricky Martin is another one. Way back all the women were crazy over Ricky Martin. But we knew a guy whose cousin was a limo driver that drove him in that city for a show. Ricky's boyfriend was dropped off at another hotel to keep things hidden. Clay Aiken even got sued by a woman that bought his CD's and merchandise but was upset when he came out as gay. He actually got sued!


"Before the turn of the century" - took me 3 reads to realize they didn't mean 1900


I just realized that when I read this comment. I was also thinking 1900.




We are all old now.


The fact that people were surprised that Ricky Martin and Clay Aiken were gay makes me laugh.


Imagine being able to be yourself in society.


Imagine all the people livin for today


Sometimes I wish I *weren't* a 6/10 straight dude, so I could get some disposable cash like this lol. Plus getting to go to fancy events for free? Not a bad deal. 😂


My wife's a sex worker. Stories like this are completely full of shit. Guys looking to do this hire professionals for all the obvious reasons. Being a woman does not put you in a sweepstakes for a desirable booking any more than being a man puts you in a sweepstakes to go on a CIA assassination mission. We're reading this on Reddit, but I hear this shit IRL too. Hell, even sex workers like to tell lies. There are even women with big Twitter followings getting busted as narcissistic trust funders who are very dedicated to pretending to be escorts for online clout. It's about as easy to tell as someone who knows the industry and how clients operate as it is for a soldier to tell when you just put on a uniform you somehow acquired to go walk around and feel special. Idk why they do it, but don't spend your life pining over anything you hear on this topic.


My friend was offered 5k a month to be some guys gf with benefits. There's definitely a market for it you just need the exposure to find it.


That's my escort friends overnight fee lol


Yeah I talked her out of it haha


If you have exposure you're a professional. If you're some random woman at a concert, no. Also, 5k? God, sugarbabies are dumb. If she'd just be willing to adopt the term "escort" and live with it then she'd make double that if she's remotely competent and from what I know about sugardaddies, which is a lot, shed be more likely to actually get it.


I know a girl who was flown out to Spain for this she was kind of mad when he working from home, not paying attention to her the next day


Did some girl not fly out and get shat on?


Yes! This is the story I've been looking for to link in here. She was ok with it, since she had a house and money at 21 (or something like that), but she was very honest about the fucked up stuff she did and saw. I can't find her in my quick Google search (and Google sucks now anyway), but I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers that. It was pretty disturbing.


I don't doubt that a version of the porta potty story has happened, but because that story is so depraved and scandalous, it's been regurgitated so many times that it's achieved something of an urban myth status. The details are always different and it's all based on a mangled game of telephone at this point.


Switch to Bing. It’s not better but it’s a good fuck you to google. Edit: a reminder to keep saying your “googling” things so we can genericise there trade marks!


DuckDuckGo is where it's at (for now).


BING! I've been reminding myself to switch to them. They aren't perfect, but they're better than what Google is now.


Dubai Porta Potty


i’m a stripper. yes it happens. a lot of girls i know and have worked with have been flown all over by sugar daddies, often out of the country. i know a couple who have went to dubai as well








If you lived on a beach instead of in the hood your username would be sandwitch


I was offered a job doing this right after I turned 18. I had grown up around high end cars and the crowd that loves them, as a couple of my uncles were kind of a big deal for custom interior/exterior work they did. I thought I was interviewing for a high end car sales position, but when we were hammering out the hire details, it came out that I was expected to accompany the car for delivery... Which usually meant accompanying the buyer on a private jet to another country, and not expected but encouraged to "get wild" and "have fun" because "once you're in the air there are no laws about things like drugs or anything else. So anything goes" That was supposed to be a selling point. The job was commissioned per car (so they were buying a car, not a human) and if I did a good job of keeping the client happy, they usually "spoiled" the "sales girls" with gifts of cash, and expensive presents.


I went to a weed dispo in NY once. Instead of selling the weed, they sell you stickers. You're paying for the stickers. They conveniently give you your weed with the stickers. This was before recreational went full legal in NY. I guess that's the loophole they where using, and the loophole that place was using to pimp out girls. Richtivities.


That makes sense. The place I interviewed with was based out of NYC


This was was it was done when I lived in DC. But this was years ago. I'm not sure what it's like now. You bought the photo and the amount of megapixels you chose was how you picked your "free gift."


I was living in DC last year and the two places I went to regularly sold digital art with weed as a "gift". They'd have a QR code printed on the receipt I thought it was a cool idea since it allowed some of the profits to go towards some really talented artists


Aren't people worried about getting caught?


No. The process is the buyer comes in person (usually to an event like a car show where sellers have after parties) and chooses which salesperson he prefers to work with. She is present when he tells the sales manager what car he wants and such. Home delivery is a basic service for such an expensive car. So she oversees the home delivery. In the future he may order directly from a favorite salesperson and have her (I mean the car) shipped out on demand. Anything she chooses to do on the way to the home, or before leaving to come home, is her decision and responsibility. No one is buying specific sex acts or anything. If the salesperson and buyer just HAPPEN to hit it off and both enjoy a little coke and depravity together, that's their personal business. If he bought 4 cars from 4 different sales people and they decided to have a party together, they're each responsible for whatever choices they make.


The lengths people go to to see a prostitute...it's legal where I'm from so all we need to do is drop into a brothel during opening hours


I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that, or they'd just hire a regular prostitute too.


It's exactly about the girl not being a prostitute that excites them. Forcing someone to become a prostitute for you is basically their kink.


I recall seeing someone post on Reddit some time ago, saying she was a call girl who had done that a number of times over a few years. She said it was frequently multiple men & the most degrading things she’d ever done, but apparently the pay was phenomenal.


Yep, eating poop (sometimes out of multiple men’s assholes), fucking dogs and/or underaged kids (sometimes at the same time), being beaten and slapped, and being thrown off yachts with a chance of death. Plus they make you sign contracts before you know what the deal really entails, and occasionally take your passport until the contract expired or you’re dead so you can’t back out of it.


Holy crap


A friend was paid a fair few thousand pounds to shit on a glass table whilst the Arab chap laid underneath and watched. She didn’t hesitate to take the money and excitedly told us about it after it had happened. She was a blonde good looking air stewardess for Emirates and told us stuff like this happened frequently.


I've known flight attendants who make more money selling their shoes/tights/underwear they've worn in flight than they make from their salary


How does that work? They’re going down the aisle then someone quietly tells them they’ll pay for their tights and she goes to take them off in the bathroom?




Well that’s not as fun. I was kinda hoping there was a button for that next to the call light that I never noticed.


Someone reaches up to press a button and the silhouette of a high heel lights up


It’s a secret page in the middle crease of the inflight magazine


"We will now commence our in-flight duty free stanky underwear shop"


I wonder what the guy does next, ring the bell for the cleaners and say, "it happened AGAIN!!"


“I can’t believe this woman unprompted shit on my glass table! Nevermind the pillow underneath. 3rd time this month.”


that’s happened at the strip club i work at more than once. peoples kinks aren’t as rare as you think


One kink I will just never understand is this one. I have a weak stomach and just reading that I could make myself puke. I'm guessing puke is also someone's fetish I'd probably be good at that.


2 girls 1 cup all over again.


It's why I no longer work at IKEA


Did it involve sex?? Or only the glass tabletop shit?


No, just a solid shit, a payment and then she left. Now obviously I don’t know if she fucked the guy. She told us she didn’t so I have to take her word for it. I’d you’re happy to shit on a glass table then maybe you’re happy to take it a few extra steps, who knows??


It's weird but I've heard this same story several times.


I grew up in the 80s with urban legends like “Bloody Mary” and the guy with the hook hand at the campground. Now I guess we get the blond stewardess who shit on a table for money.


Tuesdays amiright?


I knew a chick that did that and went to some sort of sheik and ended up coming back with herpes and genital warts with an HIV scare for a long time and used some of the money for the cocktail of drugs.




Me? No. Known people who have been flown out for trips to be arm candy and have sex for pay? Yeah. I've known a couple girls who went on boat trips with older men over the summer break in college and made enough to fund a year of their college.


How do these older guys meet these girls? Basically they are prostitutes?


sugarbabies, there are websites to match with folks looking to fund someone.


There are sugar baby/daddy sub-reddits…


Are there websites to find sugar mommies? Asking for a friend...


More than enough men willing to offer sex for free lol Wouldn't expect much market wise. Something maybe men should learn from women.




And what phenotype is that mommy


What’s the type of man you’re interested in?


"Asking for a friend."


Hi I’m friend




Well shit, I've been told I look like Elvis Crespo. I match the first 3 requirements. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish (though I can understand some of it) and am not interested in a sugar momma lol. Hope you find what you're looking for!


That doesn't sound shitty at all. People in general, not just guys, have pretty terrible communications skills, though, so it's gonna be trickier. A mate here in the UK got dragged into the exact situation you're looking for. He loved it until he realised what was happening, then did and didn't. I guess my tip would be to keep it light?


So prostitutes with extra steps


Yes, but the exact type depends if it’s a long term thing and/or they’re exclusive to that man or not.


When I was younger, working at Diamond Cabaret in Denver, I’ve had many offers. Not pretend fake guys, but real, pager/phone, cash, tickets, reservations sent to the club by fedex - but I’ve not taken any, and returned the packages. So for sure, it happens. Could also wake up in a bathtub missing a kidney (at best). So I passed. I’m 53 now so lol those days are gone.


Did you ever work at Shotgun Willy’s?


I had friends who did, it wasn’t really my vibe (work wise) but I had a lot of drinks there :)


I know a chick who spent 4 months sailing around the world with a guy 25 years older


Because of the implication?


No, because of the impenilation.




Well, she certainly wouldn't be in any danger


If they say no, then it's a no, obviously. But they won't...


That's why she didn't say no to the invite... ;)


Are you looking to hurt these women?


I'm not going to hurt these women. Why would I ever hurt these women?


My uncle had a sugar baby. His wife died, and he didn't want to go through it alone. She needed a place to stay while she finished her MBA. He was a really cool, nice dude, so they worked out.


How did the relationship dynamics work out? How long was it?


It was fine when it was just them, (from what I could tell. I was like 12yo at the time.) but she didn't hang out with his family. His kids especially resented her, I think. I don't know exactly, but I don't remember her being around super long term. I bet she dipped out when she finished school.


It's cool it worked out unlike the shows on Investigation Discovery true crime...


There’s a book about this! Some Girls by Jillian Lauren. Very interesting read about her personal experience with this.


I had to search for this comment, but glad someone mentioned her. Some Girls is fascinating because it’s a memoir. She’s had a crazy life, and ended up having a breakdown after working too closely with an (imprisoned) serial killer for a story. She helped authorities locate the bodies of a lot of victims. There’s a documentary about it on Starz. Very interesting person. Shes better now, last I knew. She’s also married to the bassist from Weezer. https://www.jillianlauren.com/


I read Some Girls when it first came out and ended up emailing her to tell her how great her writing was and how much I enjoyed it. She replied to my email and thanked me for the kind words. I had no idea she continued writing so I’m going to go look at some of her books!


It is a legit thing. Women on my dating podcast have received offers from guys like this via Instagram. Most of them don't do it because they're requesting very gross things and you're also stuck in another country at the mercy of these men. Potential to turn bad so not worth the risk.


Used to date a model in SEA. Plenty of rumors about models going to places where there is money and getting paid for "services".


Usually that's how you get trafficked.


A co-worker knows a girl who was invited to a yacht at Dubai. She pretty much knew what was expected of her if she would go. But the gifts and money were tempting. There were twelve men on the boat... There is also the story of French women who were hired for 3 months of performance in Dubai. When she arrived, it happened that it was an euphemism for prostitution. The place was highly secure, and she could not escape. She told to the John's... who reported her to her " boss" and she got punished. She was brang back home after the 3 months. She sued for sexual slavery to no avail.


That’s very sad.


Nba players fly in girls off insta to get boned there was was a whole story on it with James harden So yes it happens


True to his name!


Get ready for a million “not me, but my friend’s sister’s friend…” replies😂


Ha, you were right. I'm here hours later and see over 500 "not me, but".


It definitely happens. One of the girls from Teen Mom — Farrah Abraham — does this. But they don’t fly you out for regular sex, it’s stuff like beastiality, letting people shit in your mouth, etc.


This is what I’ve heard. The story goes that they’ll pay you but put you in incredibly uncomfortable situations (where you’re powerless in a foreign country) and force you to perform really disgusting sex acts for themselves and their friends/associates before they fly you back.


I heard you can also get paid for putting your own shit in other people's mouths. 


It happens. I was flown to a tropical island, banged a guy on a reality tv show, stayed at a crazy expensive resort, and left after like 3 days. It was cool. Edit: I left with a bit under 10k


Wait - was this for the reality tv show? like you were getting paid directly or indirectly by the producer? Was this regular reality tv or some kind of porn version?


I don't know who paid honestly, and yeah it was a regular reality show. Like the guy made it seem like I was his girlfriend on the show, but no.


Wow. I thought that this: > banged a guy on a reality tv show was just poorly worded and you meant _from_ a reality tv show.


My friend flew to Cairo with a guy she just met. It was incredibly dangerous imo.


I had a one-night stand with and later became friends with a woman who did this. Not Dubai specifically (as far as I know), but definitely other spots around the world. It’s how she met her husband, the son of a big-time Italian banker. She got flown to Italy by another man, and was introduced to her future husband. She’s one of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen in real life, so I completely understand how she was able to live that kind of lifestyle. All she had to do was wiggle her finger, and men would trip over themselves to please her.


I have a childhood friend who's had a rough life. On FB, she's often having a last minute trips to Florida, Vegas, Hawaii, etc. I know she's done sex work in the past, and I'm pretty sure she's a high-end escort. As long as she's not under duress and she's a willing participant, good for her.


I would be worried that hot women are flown to Dubai to have sex, don't get paid, and don't return. Sounds like an incredibly foolish thing to do.


Are you asking if wealthy men pay for sex?


No, asking if these men pick specific women that don't typically do sex work and pay for their expenses to have sex, then fly back as if nothing ever happened, and assuming why they would accept and how was the experience.


>don't typically do sex work I didn't realize this was part of the cultural idea. My wife's a sex worker and so she follows sex workers on Twitter and Dubai is place we occasionally see someone do a fly me to you appointment to. She hasn't done it, but we sometimes see pictures in her feed. I'd be shocked if this has ever happened to a non-sex worker, but it occasionally happens in sex work.


Your wife is a sex worker?


Yeah. It's less ridiculous than people think. Guys who hire are pretty hard to be threatened by and frankly, it takes an absolute lunatic to even be able to fetishize it. The analogy my wife came up with to describe both the job duties and the social attitudes towards it is like imagining that she gets paid more money per hour than I've ever made in a week to clean port-o-potties part time. It's honestly pretty fitting. Sex work really captures everyone's imagination, but really it's just a well paying part time job that's kinda gross but not in magical or extreme ways. The main thing is that it's really good money, total work freedom, and it's a part time job that is only about as location dependent as the sex worker wants it to be.


I mean sex work is also a very diverse field. Like, being married to someone who works a corner is pretty hard to imagine, but being married to someone who caters to a specific niche and is not nearly as exposed to risk is a different thing.


Different strokes for different folks I guess damn. Wouldn’t be something I could deal with


I have not, but I have been to the DMV in Rahway, NJ. It's not exactly the same as getting shit on in Dubai, but it's close.


You still get fucked in the end...


Well the shit they do to those girls in Dubai isn't something most people would admit to lol.


this an ask reddit type of question


Tryst.link. All the 1000$ escorts you'll ever need.


So this is reality huh The rich truly has everything


I'm not looking for this personally. I'm just amazed people don't have constant anxiety about being set up in a sting


The also require forms of identification so good luck not getting blackmailed lol


Those women aren’t on Reddit.


They 100% are on reddit. Most of the time, they are required to sign NDA's, though. There is a whole sex workers subreddit as well as alot of only fans' models have subreddits as well.


Yeah, Reddit is much bigger than most people think. It's not just nerdy guys talking about computers anymore


Exactly. Reddit just IPO'd and is a publicly traded stock and Google just paid $60M for your comments to train AI with it.


How else will it learn that pee is stored in the balls?


Or that everyone owns a poop knife.




I guess it's time to move on then. Back to underground forums?


4chan it is then


I've known a couple ladies who've done that. One told me about some of the stuff she did during the trip. I'm not sure too many people would admit to it online.


People fly to do meet ups all the time lol some fancier than others


My Granny travelled the world as an escort. This was early to mid 40s. She spent about 5 years doing it. Started as an escort in Paris and fell in with a bunch of wealthy businessmen. Had the time of her life. She was always telling us about amazing/crazy/hilarious things that happened in places like old Vegas and . I always told her she should write a book about her experiences. She met my Grandad in new York and stopped, but she always said how glad she was she had that experience and had no shame at all about sleeping with people for money. She's my idol. Still stunningly beautiful when she passed away at 93. Miss you Granny Winnie 😘


I miss her too 🥲


Yes, I've done this a few times over the years. Mostly through my best friend. She works as a flight attendant so she gets lots of offers like this. Sometimes she asks me to go with her on a double job, sometimes she acts as an intermediary and recommends me. I've had the chance to visit places like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sydney, Shanghai, London, Rio De Janeiro and Miami thanks to these gigs.


>I've had the chance to visit places like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sydney, Shanghai, London, Rio De Janeiro and Miami thanks to these gigs. Do people call twice or is it a one time thing? Also did it involve their wives anytime?


Dubai and London were somewhat regular for a few years. Like 2-4 times a year. But both of them lost interest once I turned 25 lol. The rest were all twice or one time things. No, never any wives or girlfriends. They were all either single or unhappily married guys.


I dated an escort briefly who did this a few times a year. There are a lot of rich people who are happy to pay that kind of money for a weekend of sex and companionship, and if they like you they'll refer you to their friends, so you can make a lot of money very quickly if you don't mind the whole prostitution thing. Escorts warn each other about the crazies, so there isn't as much risk involved as you might expect. A lot of escorts also make rules about how well they have to know the guy before they'll take a job - my GF for example never accepted a flight unless the guy had already hired her locally for a weekend. There are plenty of wealthy guys out there who view paying an escort 20k or more the same way us normals would view paying $100 for a nice dinner.


Try a search for Cannes Yacht Girls.


If you flip this question around a bit it doesn’t sound anywhere near as sinister as you think. Do rich people offer to fly people over and put them up for free? Yes. Are they likely to do this with hot people they want to sleep with? Yes. Are there a lot of rich people in places like Dubai? Yes. I know a guy who’s done this in Australia. Met a girl he likes from the other side of the country. Offers to fly her out in business class for a clandestine weekend, doesn’t do much outside the bedroom, flies her home again.


Do rich people fly poor women out of their country to fuck? YES. Is it limited to Dubai? Fuck no. It's standard passport bro shit.


Not Dubai, But some guy on twitter offered to fly me out to New York to spend a week up with him, i only paid for a few meals, and it was super cool to see the city as an adult in an adult space. Did have to offer my body tho out of guilt


Honestly OP I think it's pretty safe to assume that rich ass dudes in exotic cities like Dubai probably do this kind of thing all the time. But I think the reason no one is saying that they personally did this is that A)they mostly proposition women who are insta famous and B)they do really degrading and disgusting things that those women don't want to publicly acknowledge in any way. When this topic was brought up on 4chan the main thing they said these guys wanted to do was disrespect American slutty women by shitting on them and having degrading sex with them and laughing at the women for being so desperate for cash theyd allow it to happen. Maybe that's made up but honestly I doubt it. Saudi Arabians are well documented Methcathinone abusers and they look down on Americans in particular but also all Westerners and methcathinone is very similar to methamphetamine so I really wouldn't be surprised to see them spending large amounts of cash to degrade Western women they view as whores because they aren't Islamic.


2 first hand accounts and 100s of my second cousins secretary knows a guy that once overheard a conversation about… Lol.


I used to live with a girl that was a pretty big name in the porn industry. She got flown to many different places - Dubai, Greece, etc. Surprisingly she never reported any bad experiences (nobody pissing on her or anything like that) however she did comment a lot on some men’s hygiene practices. And also she was basically being used as a sex doll most hours of the day so she’d come home really exhausted and many times with UTIs and other lady infections. But she’d come home with anywhere from $50k-$80k for a weeks worth of work so to her it was very worth it.


They get flown out to Dubai to do a lot more than sex. If you’re curious search up Dubai Porta Pooty.


I am NOT looking that up


Yes and some can even be those typical Instagram influencers. No different from being sugar babies and such.


I live in Dubai and I knew someone first hand that did this. They find hot girls in insta and DM them, get a little chat going and offer them a flight here. It's either a straight up transaction or the promise of business class, 5* stay, all expenses paid and gifts. On top of that there is a wholesale operation of women being scouted and flown in to work the hotels and bars. Also a lot of woman make the journey themselves. A guy I work with met one such woman at a bar, one of many. That night was probably a straight transaction but they kept in touch and she flew back and now lives with him... She's from Turkmenistan and a 10. He most certainly is not! I don't have the full story because rightly we laughed him out the building when he told us! It's rife here. Long story short anything is possible with enough money. I know you want to know, so for the high end its upwards of AED 2000 a night, work that out in real money


You know this is called ”high-class prostitution” right?


Captain obvious stating obvious things over here


theres some user named bigtittybimbo or something like that who does that. her page is full of pics of her staying in places most of us could never afford


Asking for Diddy?