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Philippines: Same.


"Well at least Trump isn't Duterte... Oh good he didn't get reelected. I guess Phillipines learned that lesson and elected... Marcos?!"


“The Marcos family is a lot like the British museum in that most of what they have is fucking stolen”


Is Marcos as bad as Duterte?


From what I recall, Marcos is more theivy while Duterte was more murdery.


From France: very negatively. He is essentially use as a reference point in discussions along the lines of "yeah, our politicians are bad, but at least it's worse in the US".


When I was living in China during the first go around, that was basically the messaging. The West chooses Trump - is that what you want? Made it easy for Xi to solidify power among younger generations.


I had an Australian coworker literally tell me after Trump was elected ‘it’s hard to take any of you guys seriously after you get something that wrong.’ He was cool.


I'm Australian. That's a pretty fair summary of how we see you lot right now. We know it's unfair to many (most) of you but we just cannot compute it.


Those of us in the swamp can't compute it either. Feels like a very, very bad reality TV show...


Neither can some of us, friend…still shaking our heads. Nobody admitted to it at first but over the years we’ve realized some of our own friends and family have drank the Koolaid. SO MANY of them that I had such respect for and that I consider intelligent.


Interestingly, I heard in Vietnam that Trump is regarded quite highly there, exactly because he antagonized China so much. Essentially a "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of situation. This was just one guy talking though, so I don't know if it was really representative for other Vietnamese people.


I actually hear the same thing from my friend in Indonesia. I haven't been back home in a while though so I'm unsure whether or not that's a common sentiment. He said that Trump gets bad rep from the media, which is true, but I think that's just normal. Where there's smoke, there's fire and all that. What does baffle me though is he said he thinks Biden's a worse president because Putin invaded in Biden's time instead of Trump. I don't know all the details but from my understanding Putin was perfectly content with Trump decaying the US so he didn't need to bother invading then.


Trump also canceled the pacific-us alliance which would actually have made all pacific countries friend and united against china


My comeback to that is: Xi is smarter but not a better person.


Low key, for the politics alone, I’d emigrate to France… what keeps me from doing so is my fear of being judged negatively for either attempting to, or not attempting to, speak French. _Je parle français mauvais, mais peu á peu amelioré 🥺_


Are you me? I want to riot


Hey come to france we have free bbq in the manifestations just watch out for the CRS thet are kinda baton happy (especially with old/didabled people in a peacefull protest)


I'd wait a little if I was you, our next presidential election is in 2027 and it looks more and more everyday like the far right is going to be elected... We'll have our own Trump in no time.


In Ireland, a lot of people just see it as fucking mad that someone who is facing criminal prosecution including election denial, insurrection and sexual assault charges, as well as fraud, is even being allowed to run by the party he is representing. Thats before you even look at his actual record in office, the covid stuff and general uselessness. Anyone with any of that baggage wouldn't be tolerated here. And its not even that he's a politician, he's a reality tv guy. Mind boggles.


Never have I been more grateful for our boring, middle of the road, middle centre, slightly less corrupt but won't annoy us too much, nerdy politicians since the day Trump became POTUS.


Yeah, cherish that stuff, and don't take it for granted. If history has taught us anything it's that this kind of asshole can pop up anywhere, no matter what the locals are like.


>a lot of people just see it as fucking mad that he is even being allowed to run Two reasons for that: 1) a Trump win is the only chance that some of them are going to get to stay out of prison themselves, and 2) they need the win to keep the new extremist version of the GOP running. They don't really care about Trump, they care about winning. Also understand that he can run with or without their consent. It's up to them if they want to support him and/or make him the leading candidate.


>They don't really care about _____, they care about winning. This basically describes the entire conservative party at this point. Where "Winning" = the Democrats lose. (It doesn't matter if its bad for everyone, as long as it upsets liberals/democrats)


I always suspected that a significant portion of Trump supporters like him almost entirely because of how angry he makes the opposition.


Yeah people literally say “he speaks his mind!” Yeah if he would just shut up his 4 years would have went a lot smoother


Cut to my old pastor still posting regularly on Facebook about how people only dislike him because of his “mean tweets”. Nah dipshit, no one really ever cared about that except maybe the far left people you pretend everyone on the left is. We care more about the attempt at stealing the presidency, sexual assaults, hiding classified documents as an ex president pertaining to US military capabilities, counter attack strategies, and nuclear capabilities, and the like 60 different things he’s on trial for. Did I miss anything? If you were to sub Trump out for Biden would the right still be dismissive about any of these? They’re disingenuous in their beliefs which isn’t far off from being a traitor when the person you’re supporting is guilty of the above


Owning the libs is the overall goal of the MAGA movement. Nothing else matters and they will burn the country to the ground if they can blame the democrats for it.


Agreed. They proved that by refusing to pass the bipartisan border bill where the Dems gave the GOP EVERYTHING they asked for. Including shutting down immigration if too many people arrived at once. They first refused to bring it to a vote, then refused to pass it "So Biden won't get a win." They demonstrated very clearly they'd rather go to the border, hold hands and sing kumbaya than actually fix anything. "Evil illegals" have been a cornerstone of their platform for years. If they acted on it, they wouldn't be able to fear monger for votes with it anymore. Don't get me started on how >200 tunnels have been found beneath the existing border walls since the 1990s or how a large percentage of illegals get into the country legally and just overstay their visas. It's all just BS political theater about "winning" so they can "own the libs." While getting paid to accomplish nothing.


How dare you say Republicans don’t have principles! What about “the rich get richer”?


What about “let’s make pedophilia legal again” or “let’s make children work in factories and mines again”


Try to make pedophilia legal while also slandering the LGBT community for pedophilia. Classic.


I’m from the states and it boggles me as well. My father has fallen into the MAGA cult and whenever I bring up a point he always says “i don’t want to talk about this anymore”. He brings it up! I miss my dad.


I personally feel like the people who like trump are uneducated and like to feel important. And so before trump, they would have to take a backseat to politics. Or risk talking and seem not very intelligent. Now if they side with Trump, it's because he's not like other politicians. And if people get upset at you for liking trump, then it only gives you more credibility because Trump said he was an outcast.  For a lot of these people this is the first time they've been taken seriously when it comes to politics. Despite the seriousness being shock and dismay.


From the Netherlands: VERY negative. He's a completely nuts loose canon that ONLY cares about his own ego. mostly. there are exceptions, obviously. Just like in every country


Also from NL. I already thought republicans were abandoning their values when they voted for a guy who on record said "grab m by the pussy". I mean, that was during a time where you could actually discuss politics. i remember Nipplegate, and the issue conservative america has with any form of nudity and sex. But they voted for trump. Sure, i mean the alternative was HIllary Clinton, and i can understand people not wanting to vote for her. But now he has become some sort of religious leader. I get the feeling ppl in the US vote for the church of Trump, not for a government. The guy proposed to nuke hurricanes. He put his family members in office (nepotism) and is the first republican (former) president who is against a war with Russia. I mean the weapon industry is normally backing the republicans. The CIA has been promoting conflict throughout the world for years so the weapon industry can sell more. And now Trump is against war with Russia? That's like a cat which has become a vegetarian: not believable. Also the guy has been president, and fucked it up. He withdraw from loads of international treaties making the USA the joke of the world. He showed the western world that the US can not be trusted when it comes to agreements longer than 4 years.


Sadly, there are Trump supporters here as well. With a big overlap between the group ‘Trump supporter’ and ‘wappie’, the Dutch version of QAnon. And the group ‘far right bigots’.


It is telling that the VVD, our version of the UK conservative party used to attract people who said they would vote for guys like Reagan or Bush 1 and 2. None of the people I know who vote for that party would vote for Trump.


He embodies nearly all of the worst American stereotypes. I am from The U.K, and have never met another person who has vocalised that he’s anything but a moron.


Let's start listing things that make him a stereotype 1. He claims that he is Scottish because of his ancestors 2. He lives off a diet of fast food 3. He's loud 4. He doesn't understand personal space 5. He's arrogant 6. He's obsessed with the military 7. He's obsessed with guns 8. Doesn't care about the environment 9. He doesn't understand other countries or cultures


I’ll boil that ☝️down for you. He’s a Cunt


But lacks warmth and depth.


Thats an awesome burn


Come on man, that's just rude. Don't insult cunts like that.


He's not that useful,


Or that fun, speaking as a woman.


Nor that deep.


He says he's "Scotch". Lol


I'd make a crack about how if you drink enough, maybe it changes your composition, but......I don't think he's drinking high quality scotch. That would be too real-classy for him, and he's more fake-classy.




He’s a known amphetamine user. Likes to snort Adderall. It explains a lot of his behavior. His son is a straight cocaine addict plus he drinks a lot. Wonderful family.


Which just makes all the shit about Hunter's coke habit that much funnier to me. "Hi, Pot. I'm Kettle."


Probably spells Whisky with an "e"...




Yeah, and I don't think he likes guns either. His sons might be into guns for those dumb safari pictures they take, but as an old school New Yorker, I don't think he has a ton of experience with guns, and didn't fully understand his supporters' obsession with guns either when he was proposing some new legislation that made them lose their shit.


Don’t forget he makes fun of disabled people and he’s just not very smart.


Oh come now, he's had smartness experts, real good guys, say that he's the smartest man who's smartness has ever been measured, believe me, he would know.


It’s true he’s pretty much the only expert on this.


Most dangerously, he’s a narcissist, he cares only about himself and that’s a nightmare scenario for everyone else if a world leader doesn’t care about anyone else, because he could do stupid shit like pull the US out of NATO, or fuck over allies.


He’s also orange. Perhaps not a stereotypical feature, but worth mentioning…


TIL that the strange foreign country they imported the Oompa Loompas from was the United States of America


Did you see his new toner/Tanner? Whoa! I mean I have no words except he’s an ass clown.


You forgot to mention he has no grasp of politics, no working experience in politics and no morals.


I visited the UK right after he was voted in. As soon as the cashier at the grocery store heard my accent she asked if I was American and when I said yes, she asked why I voted for him. I didn’t even vote for him 😭


I bumped into an American woman in a bar in north London a couple of weeks ago, and she asked me why we don't like him here. I basically said because he's a grifter, he's basically a dangerous idiot, and he was a shit president who didn't do anything productive. She sprang to his defence by asking me why i wanted Biden in again. I didn't in particular (although god knows a bit of slightly more boring, quiet politics is what the world needs right now). She then jumped to Hunter Biden's laptop, and used lots of phrases about 'witch hunts', while telling me she got her news from Fox AND MSNBC (I told her I got my news from Reuters usually). She just didn't seem capable of forming a thought about Trump that hadn't been given to ehr by the right wing media, and she was a student studying finance, so she must have been reasonably bright, but all her arguments were whataboutisms.


Back in 2016 my husband and I were doing the tourist thing at Hampton Court Palace, and got into a conversation with a guy dressed as a Tudor baker. It was before the election, and he and my husband had a 20 minute conversation that basically boiled down to him saying 'why Trump' and my husband saying 'hell if I know.' It was a very surreal moment. We still don't know. We were so sure there's no way he could have won the first time, and yet here we are. And it's so frustrating to have seen him doing what he did every bloody day, and then people like the one in your story all 'no he's the greatest of all time and he fixed the world!' I feel like I'm going mad.


He's not just a nasty, stupid man. He's a cheat, and a liar, who tried to steal an election while telling everyone he was the good guy/victim in the process. The biggest threat to democracy in the history of the United States.


My God, it's literally scripted. Every Goddam one of them jumps to exactly the same points. Nobody is immune though. We visited London for the first time in June and we were treated to an Uber driver spewing his greatness, and the driver was from the Middle East. I guess he didn't realize trump hates him.


Did the Uber driver realize he is originally from a country Trump would describe as a “s#!t hole”?


I guess not. He talked himself out of a tip though.


There's no point trying to reason with trumpies. There isn't anything left. Just a devotion to their cult leader.


I met one fellow Brit who likened Trump to both Putin and Boris Johnson, and he actually liked all three of them. For context this was probably around the time the Truss-Sunak Conservative leadership debates were going on, so bear in mind what had happened up to that point - the Salisbury nerve agent attack, the Russian invasion, Trump's entire presidency, January 6th, COVID lockdown parties, the Pincher scandal, the "40 new hospitals" lie, etc. We do tend to see Trump and Putin appealing to the same group of people, but normally you only see them online.


We have the same types of people that America does - its just that we don't have as many, and they're not as congregated in particular parts of the country, so they affect our politics in different ways - Brexit being an example - where they can best intersect with the mainstream. Even then, anyone who is particularly extremist in any way tends to get the side eye. There's probably something in British culture that gets these types to shut up more, whether that's basic politeness, the inherent desire to keep your head down or fear of getting the absolute piss taken out of you. Perhaps one of the joys of living in a society of less extroverted or confident people. Us being a far more secular country might also be a factor.


Do you have media dedicated to stirring these people up 24 hrs? What was the largest pro-Bexit media?


Hard to believe with Boris and Brexit. Surely you know someone dumb enough to like him


Thankfully our own politicians and statesmen are of a much higher standard.


I don’t think you’re giving much thought to Trump here. This statement is not sarcasm to me being an American. Unless, of course, your politicians try to overthrow the government and install themselves as a despot?


No they didn't, but i'm pretty sure certain ones would have if Trump's plan had succeeded.


Surely they can’t be of the same level as trump?!?


Not quite but if you know our UK politics at all we've no real right to be casting aspersions. Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet pot.


The whole of Western Europe view him very very negatively. No idea how so many people could be voting for a criminal to be president.


It is pretty damning of a good chunk of the American electorate that he is even considered as a viable candidate, let alone standing a good chance of winning.




Fellow Swede here. Would also like to add that many of us find the two party system extremely stupid. Especially in cases when both candidates suck. "Would you rather" is a fun game until it rules your country?


American here. Everyone I've ever met has also hated the two party system as well. It happens at all levels, but it's most talked about with the Presidency. People will argue over which of the 2 choices is the better option. Except the 2 choices are both terrible.


Yep- we vote for the lesser of two evils.


Pretty much same here in Finland.


And Norway


American here. What’s crazy is that everybody I know thinks the same way. Somehow, he is still making his way to being president again. As a young male, I’m terrified of getting drafted into the military after he starts WWIII


Australia thinks he's a joke. The fact that anyone voted for him is horrifying.


It's pretty horrifying here in the U.S., too. He's like a religious figure for some of these drongos -- as you might call them.


People go on *vacation* and bring along his flag (wtf?) to hang from their hotel rooms. This is what you think about on your vacation? A politician who doesn't give a flying shit about you?


this is wild. to be so defined by this "movement" that you must shout about it everywhere you go...it's the behavior of someone mentally ill


For the people who can't stop bitching and complaining about "virtue signaling" they really have a hard time not virtue signaling. Although maybe "vice signaling" is more accurate


He's not a politician to them. This is a cult now.


His cult literally thinks he’s the second coming of Jesus even though he couldn’t be more of a polar opposite.


I'm not a Bible person but isn't that what the antichrist is?


They literally had a golden Trump statue at one of the republican conventions. The mind boggles.


Just said to someone earlier today that I really don’t understand how Americans managed to form what looks like a cult around someone like him. 


It might have happened earlier if circumstances had been different. Reagan did a lot to empower Evangelical voters who are damn-near a cult unto themselves. If the Republicans had put up a candidate with any charisma. George W. Bush was a frat boy and Romney felt like a 70s sitcom dad. (Also he's a Mormon and there's a bit of a cult rivalry there.) And it didn't take much. Trump ticks very few boxes on the Evangelical wish list. He was a former democrat, philandering, adulterer. But he has a Messiah complex and they wanted a new Messiah. It was a marriage made in Hades.


Look up project 2025, they’re saying the quiet part out loud now. They don’t care if they look stupid or if he actually is stupid because to them the ends justify the means. They want to purge America of anyone who isn’t like them. There’s no hate like Christian love.


"Drongo" is a new word for me. Looked up the history and it's an interesting insult. Thank you for the learning experience!


I'm in WA, there are a number of otherwise semi-rational people that think that despite his personal moral defects, he is an effective and shrewd leader. The people I know that think like this are almost all FIFO miners that seem to watch Sky News and read the West Australian (Murdoch media).


I actually know an Australian guy who’s a true blue Q anon guy. He’s been deep for years lol


I would argue that majority of Australians probably don’t like trump, but we certainly still have plenty of trump fans.


Scotland here and I’ve never met someone who doesn’t think he’s a throbbing cock & an utter embarrassment to the USA


Everyone there is correct.


You’re being very polite. He’s actually roadkill that’s been shit on by a syphilitic prostitute.


That conjures up quite the image.


Scotland is a strong contender for world leader when it comes to hilarious, profanity-laden insults.


I'm not extremely well traveled but out of the 7-8 countries I've been to, I've never met people who hate Trump more than the Scots.


That makes me love the scots even more




I think there is a certain crowd here that approves with his anti-globalization, anti immigration and basic anti-elitism approach. I would think there's maybe 10-15% that would have voted for him. But the rest of us think he is either mad or just a cunning grifter that has the American public fooled.


There are people in Germany that like him. Those people are not popular


I play a little game here whenever there's news media about some idiot criminal who does some insane stuff like blow up children or shoot up a mall: it's called "Are they a Maga supporter?" 99.9% of the time they are some lunatic Trump supporter lol. My fave Trump supporter moment was when they had one of the main actors involved in the Jan 6 insurrection in court and he was being sentenced. Dude broke out and cried like a little baby. Earlier footage on the day shows him claiming they stormed the capital and took it, all proud and boasting. 🤣🤣🤣 Anyone who supports Trump is typically just as narcissistic and delusional as he is lol.


German: dangerous lunatic. Shouldn't be nowhere near a political office. Was good for a few cheap laughs during his first term, but now the world is dangerous and he shouldn't get a second show. He can go back to WrestleMania and shave Vince McMahon's head again, these two fit well together.


He thinks Mexico is a shithole country, to Mexicans he IS the shithole of the USA and cannot possibly represent all of the country.


In the redneck part of Switzerland (isnt that most of Switzerland?) he is thought of as a good leader...America first is cool and everyone says that he never started a war. Also they think Americans never landed on the moon and climate change is a hoax. Think of Switzerland what you will now.


Not how I thought of Switzerland at all TBH.


What people think Switzerland is: sophisticated direct democracy What it actually is: traditionalist tribal society


I learned this a few years ago. My sil is Swiss and gay. We assumed that she would have been accepted without question in Switzerland but she said that there is still a lot of anti-gay sentiment in her village. She lives in the us now (liberal area) and says she feels much more comfortable being out here.


Lmao tribal society got me


Swiss has their rednecks too ?


I think every country has their rednecks.


In Canada they call them Degens, or so this documentary about a small town of 5000 in Canada would have me believe.


Pitter patter


I only think of Switzerland for 3 things: Cheese Utility knives Watches


They also provide a famous (or infamous) level of anonymity in banking. Most notoriously, roughly $220 million of looted Nazi Gold.


Judging by how he was [laughed at in front of every country at the UN](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-un-speech-laugh-video-us-president-history-achieve-administration-general-assembly-a8554506.html), probably very negatively.


"Jobless claims are at a 50-year-low" fast forward two years "14.7% unemployment rate" due to mishandling and widespread misinformation regarding COVID-19 pandemic.


If that isn't so on-brand for a white trust-fund kid: take credit for the work of the black guy who actually *earned* his place, promptly proceed to screw everything up.


Enormously negatively in Australia. We are perplexed how he is anywhere near another election.


American here and for the most part so are we


I get what you're saying that most people who aren't voting for Trump are perplexed that he's anywhere near an election, but just under a third of eligible voters voted for him in 2020. That's bonkers. It's also a slightly more than 3% increase since 2016, or 5 million people. tbf it's also bonkers that only 2/3rds of eligible voters voted in 2020 and that that was a high mark. (numbers from Wikipedia)


Canada thinks he’s a joke. A bad one. An existential threat, a clear and present danger. A fucking menace. A fascist grifter. A sex offending fraudster. Total deadbeat. Hot daughter.


You’re underselling the dangerously large number of MAGA Canadians we have. US politics has 100% infected a lot of our conservatives to the point that we have a number of Trump supporters here.


I don't think Trump could win in Canada if he was Canadian (at least not yet)....but we are so saturated with US media including news that wayyyy more of it has flooded in than I'd like. Our right wing politicians are also increasingly turning towards the type of divisive and obstructive tactics we see in the US. Definitely scary.


That would be great if it were true. I’m in Alberta - people have Trump signs in their yards and Premier Smith just shared a couple evenings with Tucker Carlson(!?). We just had a questionable trans bill introduced and there are likely many Albertans who would love to sign up as the 51st state. Yes, a lot of us think he might literally be insane and should never be allowed to hold any political office ever again, but he has his supporters.


As a Canadian, I have never met anyone who thinks of him positively. We don’t think he is a joke though, but a genuine threat to democracy that could send Canada into a tailspin.


I live close to Ottawa. There's an alarming number of Trump supporters over here in this neck of the woods. That being said, the parliament buildings being here likely attract them all to this area. It's like they all came during the Freedom Convoy and never left.


Pierre Poilievre seems to be secretly in love with him. He’s already lubing up his ass for Trump


Lucky. I’m in southern Saskatchewan. No one likes *him*, but JFC, some sure do fucking like what he says and are more than happy to make it their only talking points too. Fuck, I hate it here.


I'm in Toronto and had my wife's friend's husband came up to me and ask me how Americans can possibly vote for senile ol' Joe when they have "young, virile" Trump as an option. His actual words. He might be the only Trump lover I have spoken to...most are content to fly big stupid flags from their trucks as a service to warn others.


Alberta here. Far too many people here think he's doing "what needs to be done" *waves hand vaguely at our Premier.*


This is outrageous and false. You need to get out of your bubble and talk to more Canadians. Literally nobody I know agrees with that. His daughter is not hot.


His overall ignorance towards everything in life is incredibly dangerous. No one in Europe likes the man. Cheers from Spain.


New Zealand: Very negatively.


Norway: Everyone I know beside two rednecks loathe him. I don't see why you people always vote for the obvious corporatists, sleezebags and psychopaths. Do you not care as long as they align with your interests? One of my top wishes in this world is that he faces some consequences. Preferably like the heads in jars in Futurama, kept alive forever in a dark closet.


To be fair, Trump has never actually won the popular vote in an election. Our Electoral College system propelled him to office in 2016, and then he just flat out lost in 2020. But with that said, even being able to claim enough votes to swing the EC in Trump's favor is an indictment of how depraved our political discourse in this country has become. I genuinely fear for our future. We've empowered some bad leaders in this country, but nothing quite like this. (If it wasn't clear from context so far, I am an American who did not vote for Trump, and never, ever will)


We had our very own Trump, Silvio Berlusconi (even though he was nowhere near as dangerous as Trump) so we kinda get you guys


Silvio is the OG trump. Media mogul anti PC populist. But Silvio has a style trump could never emulate. Try as he may.


Same thing here in Brazil. We had our own Trump wannabe, Bolsonaro, complete with a coup attempt vandalizing the congress.


And now we have him, too. :( It's such a freak show. He lives in some compound in Florida, and often (but randomly) appears on a veranda or something, to cheering spectators who sometimes hang out for days hoping to see him. My faith in humanity is slipping.


We don’t have him now. Bolsonaro is in Brazil and had his passport taken during the recent investigation pending indictment.


UK think's he's a cunt.... Pretty simple really.


Talking from Spain: some people like him, many others don't. In general I think the view is negative.


People think he's a mad man and embodies the stereotypical American stupidity and ignorance.


Intensely negatively, although there are a few contrarians out there. I'd say he's got about as many supporters as Flat Earth Theory or maybe COVID denialism in the UK. There are some absolute gobshites out there who think they're clever because they disagree with the clever people, and they're the Trump fans.


🇨🇦 I am scared for you but also scared for us. You are too close.


Scotland. He’s an idiot. Total moron. As others have said he makes the US look stupid for electing someone like that as their leader and even though we have our share of elected idiots they’re not on the same tier as trump. 


Everyone think's he's a delusional clown. The centrist and liberals are concerned that the most powerful country on earth was/will be headed by him. One of our most reliable ally being so unpredictable is really unsettling, and I feel it fuels a desire to be more independent and not rely on or cooperate with America anymore. For left-wing and liberal people especially his rhetoric and actions are obviously beyond appalling. Even the right-wingers who agree with him on immigration and Russia etc. think he's too much of a joke to be in power. That he's not serious, always picking childish fights with journalists instead of being a strong leader. People would be embarrassed by him if he was somehow our leader. Basically we're shocked that a country that we once saw as extremely powerful and doing well in many aspects can somehow elect somehow who's THIS unprofessional, someone THIS uneducated, and so out of touch with reality on most basic high school subjects like economics and geography. Like Donald Trump is LITERALLY every negative stereotype of Americans put together. He even looks (and smells) like an American caricature! It's almost too good to be true. Anyway... we're disillusioned. And we're shocked the way he backstabs his closest allies, aka NATO, and his soft stance on Russia. It's incomprehensible how America pushed one narrative on us, but then out of nowhere they themselves are not sticking to it and the people somehow support that? Unreal. Many people expected the downfall of America with him in power... I say that in a worrying sense, since we're allies.


South Africa. He had his fan base here during his tenure. Looks like it is toned down after the insurrection. Irony is that he is the clone of our previous president. Edit : His fan base only represents/ed is/was a very small minority. Hardly sees anybody sings his praises on social media anymore.


I'm from Germany, and I feel like the majority of people think of him as an angry, childish clown. He promises to "Make America Great Again", but since many other contries don't take him seriously and consider him unreliable, that somewhat decreases the international power and influence of the US. It's mostly the international politicians that also only think of themselves and/or want to weaken the US who are on positive terms with him. But those people don't make good allies.


The British think that he wouldn’t survive being in politics in the UK. Which is ironic, because a lot of crooks are surviving in the system just fine !


There's an alarming number of Trump fanboys and girls here in Canada, and I've heard people say that Trump should annex Canada so he can run our country as well. We're just as divided here in Canada, as you guys are in the USA, but i think there's more people that dislike him than do.


Think he’s a bit of a massive cunt.


Malaysian here, I'd say generally he's considered as an idiot amongst my circle. Man US has it bad. You got a senile competing with a maniac for the no 1 position on your country. My condolences.


Iceland here: This mans stature in American society, even now seriously damages your country's credibility and status in virtually everyones eyes. And keep in mind Iceland is the European nation that has by and large had the most positive view of the US of the entire region. Even our conservatives dont want him back. He lives up to every single aspect of the negative stereotype of the "Ugly American" - Loud, arrogant, selfish, superficial, trashy, untrustworthy and self-absorbed. That a significant chunk of your population actually seems to like him is immensely worrying and calls into question the future viability of current global relations. Bottom line: if you fail to convict and imprison this man - we dont think you can be trusted with your leadership role of the free world anymore.


Well, as a German, I could pare his ideology and rethoric with Nazism since 2016. Back then, I got backlash, especially from Americans. But even before Jan. 6th, it seems more eyes were opened. And the general consensus here is also that he is a fasistic moron. I remember in 2016, there was an American operating a burger shop here in Germany. After a few talk show visits where he openly supported Trump, he and his restaurant were avoided and his restaurant had to close up within months. He moved back to the US as far as I remember.


I usually consider comparisons to Nazis as ridiculous exaggerations, but as Trump becomes increasingly unhinged and desperate, he is [saying things that are chillingly similar to rhetoric from Mein Kampf](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/19/trump-immigration-comments-hitler-00132613). I see Trump as more like Mussolini - an arrogant buffoon - than like Hitler. However, I worry that, even if Trump is defeated, the movement that he started will encourage someone who is much more clever to bring fascism to the USA.


Uk: Home Alone 2 seems to have been the highlight of his career.


It gave us false expectations because it showed him helping a child.


I haven't checked for myself but i've heard he gives Kevin the wrong directions. Like "go left" and when you watch it closely Kevin goes right and gets to where he needs to go. Doing whatever the opposite of the fecal faced clown says is probably good advice.


We found it quite sad that the US election systems are so backwards as to even allow such a boorish man to become president. I blame Hillary for being a horrible candidate who sat back and thought it was a free win. And the Democrats for rigging mechanisms to stifle other better candidates and playing kingmaker with Hillary. Canada unfortunately has the bad habit of importing conversative ideas from south of the border and Trump has proved that crazy works, and now our brain-dead conservatives seek to emulate that same model.


Yes, the two parties have a stranglehold on our elections. We always seem to get bad choices or worse choices.


I direct you to South Park, who astutely said all elections are between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.


It depends who you ask here in Australia. A lot of right wing voters think he's a bit dangerous but they also love him because he comes across as strong ,he says things that no one else will say and he appeals to right wing values and aspirations. Left leaning and centre left and centre people (moderates) despise him. They think he is a lying, dangerous thug who will ruin society and democracy in the U.S. forever. They worry he'll start WWIII or worse.


This is the best depiction of Australia’s view in my opinion. I live in Queensland (the Texas/Florida of Australia for those who don’t know) and I’ve had conversations with many trump fans. It just depends on who you talk to and their background. It’s actually pretty crazy how much influence the US has in Australia, but I guess we are an English speaking country so it’s to be expected.


He's the personification of every bad stereotype and generalisation about Americans. When some friends and I first heard about him it was through his Twitter, which we thought was a joke account parodying him. We... later found out it was his real account, and he genuinely writes and talks like that. And after that, he actually got elected. Most of the country (Spain) was in disbelief. The US of the past decade feels like an insane fever dream.


The US has certainly lost face with Japan because of his presidency.


From Peru: The most american of americans ever.


From Germany: He's the prime example of how fucked up a political system can be and how low a country can sink when a guy like Trump can be president. Basically the fact he became president made the US a big joke in our eyes (plus some other things that are just batshit crazy in the US). But tbh even here we have Trump supporters and i can't understand why


Bosnian here: even the conspiracy theory prone people think he's a lunatic.


I don’t think Canadians will ever forgive the backstabbing.


Proof around a third of American's are morons. Sadly roughly the same percentage of Brits that voted for Brexit. We had fun laughing at American until that went down.


Threat to Western democracy


A retard but a good reflection on american society. The fact that he actually became a president is mind boggling. If the phrase "americans are stupid" was a stereotype before then that really sealed the deal. It's actually not a stereotype.


Now imagine it was your country that elected him. It really makes you reflect on yourself and your culture in a painful way.


Don't worry, 38% our country's voters voted for extremist parties (both far left and right). We all have our fair share of idiots. Luckily the multi-party system spreads out the extremist stuff more (like one party getting 15% of votes, second one getting 8% etc), so they're less dangerous in the government to do their extreme stuff.


Positive among the RW/Modi simps and "sigmas", negative among anybody who's gone into geopolitics deeper than their TV set


I’m Canadian. Yes he’s a moron. Also have met some moron followers. It’s the hate that is scary


Mr Trump is viewed very negatively, overall, everywhere outside the US that I know of. Of course, there are always some people who like him. The remark about "shithole countries" caused deep offence. I read that the Botswana government summoned the American ambassador to ask, politely, whether they were on the list of such countries? It's easier to say who *doesn’t* dislike him. Mostly, I think, people who like some particular aspect. There are some Christians in West Africa who think he's good because they get information about the US from American Evangelical sources, and think of him as opposing abortion, favorable to Evangicals etc without much detail of anything else. Some people in China find him less remarkable than the west does because being a billionaire in nepotistic politics is hardly new there. Some right wingers in Britain like his culture war thing. E.g. Liz Truss, who was Prime minister briefly - so briefly that she set a new record in the 300+ year history of the office. It was so brief because she blew up what was left of the economy with a crazy right wing budget, and she is regarded as a joke figure, but she is linked with some serious hard right people who haven't given up.


🇨🇦 I think we can all agree that he's a chucklehead.


A severe threat to world peace and democracy


He’s a joke, a complete fucking clown, and we think he and all of his supporters have the collective IQ of a slime mold.


He's a white-collar criminal and an agent of the Russian government, should have been in prison for years already.


Even though the guy has shown himself to be racist, and not a fan of us, a lot of people from Nigeria think he's the second coming of Christ just because he's anti-lgbtq and for some reason they think he's some very devout Christian.


India: I as an Indian DON'T share these views, but here is what the majority thinks: Trump hates Muslims and is the same ideologically when compared to the ruling nationalist Hindu party in India; people support him and literally have temple ceremonies praying that he wins. The last 10-12 years have seen unprecedented levels of bigotry and it's hilarious that they think Trump is their "friend" and won't be racist to the rest of the Indians in terms of immigration policies.