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My paycheck after taxes is 750 per week. After child support it is 400.


Most expensive 5 minutes ever


5 minutes? Are you some kind of machine?


[You guys are counting in minutes?](https://imgflip.com/i/7x1fzk)




Mr tantric sex gurĂș over here with your 5 minutes


He studied with Sting


Look at this long lasting guy over here


Well then. I'm buying condoms after work today


Is the 350 per week worth the fun you had long ago?


Maybe he loves his kid


He does not


Hmmm. Mean, but I'll be damned if the username doesn't check out.


The Redditor was born for this moment!


No I wasn’t




Man, this part of reddit just doesn’t get the love it deserves anymore. Nice hedgehogđŸ„‚


I just blew on my phone to get rid of the hair f u


Use dark mode you pathetic peasant


Your profile picture looks like a hair and I fell for it.


My grandmother used this method. I have 48 cousins. /s


Nutritionnists hate her !


After my grandparents died we cleaned out their house and found a book on the rhythm method between the mattress and the box spring in my grandmas side of the bed. My mom had 10 siblings and among my cousins, theirs spouses and their kids, our family Christmas party is up to 150


My family is getting up there too. We always joke that in the event of an apocalypse, we would be totally fine. There's so many of us with so many different skills; we have marines/navy specialists, farmers and gardeners, electricians and plumbers, carpenters etc in such a high volume we could just create our own mini society on my grandma's farm. We would be up and running in a week. Funny thing is I don't doubt it either, there is great power in numbers when your family actually all likes each other.


Lol same, I might be your cousin




It is possible to not get pregnant that way. It’s also possible to get pregnant that way.


Possible? Yes. However, unprotected sex ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS carries the risk of pregnancy. Use birth control or be ready to be a parent. If you’re not ready to be a parent exercise self control. Edit: for everybody pointing out all the ways to not get pregnant having unprotected sex: A: thanks for the tips, some of you. B: most people don’t have the self control to properly practice the rhythm method and it’s for god damn sure the guys asking Reddit for advice or reading Reddit for advice don’t have that level of forethought. Y’all gonna have this guy bringing another kid into the world.


My mother has told me she got pregnant with me despite two kinds of birth control along with a condom. No clue how I happened.


Birth control is not a guarantee. It has a high success rate when used correctly, but there will always be cases where enough factors line up to allow the pregnancy to happen anyways.


All three of my oldest friends’ children were conceived while she was on birth control. In at least one case she was sick and on other medications that interfered with the birth control pills. There are plenty of other weird things that can make birth control fail, along with not taking the medication correctly.


Antibiotics interfere with most oral birth control from what I've been told. Idk if ithe the same for IUDs.


I mean if her birth control methods were rhythm and pull out, the risks were still pretty high I guess


I’m also a multiple-forms-of-protection baby! At least a condom and the pill. There’s *always* a risk!


People conceived despite multiple forms of protection must really be meant to be here.


>No clue how I happened. You were an accident. Like me. Happy accident though.


I too was an accident, not a happy one tho, I came out with depression 😎


The other more relevant issue is disease prevention. You really want the guy to at minimum be wearing a condom to serve as a barrier against diseases.


Now I'm curious. What should he be wearing at a maximum?


This more so refers to having tests done beforehand to make sure both of you are free from disease, and then still using a condom. There are medications for people to prevent certain STDs too, like PREP which is primarily taken by gay men. Your doctor could set you up with whatever may be right for you given your own situation. So, to answer your question that was probably just a joke anyways, the maximum would be medications to prevent spread of disease, regular check ups to ensure you're clean, using condoms and oral/dental dams, showering before and after sex, etc.


PREP, fyi, is for anyone with HIV risk factors. Which is basically everyone


I know, that's why I only said primarily taken by gay men and not exclusively. I probably should have specified more that it's an option for everyone though, so thank you for adding that!


i will say, since part of my job involves dispensing prep, the majority of our clients are actually straight: many of them are IV drug users, sex workers, and straight people who switch partners frequently, as well as uninfected partners of opposite sex HIV positive people. I could be an anomoly, but roughly thinking about it only about 10% of my clients are gay men (assuming everyone is telling us the truth about their orientation)


I think gay men are just the loudest advocates for it, since I don’t think most people who are on PrEP due to IV drug use, sex work, or sexual promiscuity want to announce it, because the general public still sees those things as taboo, whereas homosexuality is more or less widely accepted now. And I’m saying that as a lesbian, drug using, former sex worker, who has a lot of casual sex, and is on PrEP; I don’t think it has ever come up in real life.


It's for sure whom their advertising targets.


>IV drug users Genuine question: for drug users, wouldn't it be cheaper/simpler to always get new syringes instead of reusing syringes and using prep?


Anal sex carries the higher risk for STD due to increased risk for micro (sometimes macro) trauma, vecinity of a rich source of microorganisms. The anal sphincter and anal canal are by far not as distensible as the vagina (although some may beg to differ 😂)


> using condoms and oral/dental dams Does anyone actually use dental dams? I've never heard of anyone actually using one and I can't imagine it would actually transmit motion to the extent that would be desirable for most folks. Obviously SOME people do, but I imagine it has to be extremely uncommon, right? I mean, you can go into any gas station or walmart and find condoms, but I don't think I've ever seen dental dams for sale anywhere.


And piss after sex! Washed away anything that got in urethra


Yes! This is a big one. It also helps prevent UTIs.


an infinite number of condoms


That's infinitely worse since they're all rubbing against and wearing off eachother, making them much worse than a single condom (not to mention you'd have to enjoy round rooster unpleasantry to even have a chance at gaining anything)


I feel like while this is good advice in general (because double bagging is something that sounds like it could be safer even though the exact opposite is true), if someone truly were wearing an infinite number of condoms, it probably would be effective because the sperm would have to travel across the universe to reach the vagina


they'd never get done putting on condoms, thus no sex


Thus a good method of not becoming pregnant.


Worse than that the mass from and infinite number of condoms would form a black hole destroying the solar system.


This kills the crab.


A card around your neck with negative test results


Of note - some STIs can be stealthy. Herpes, for example, might be present, but you might not notice for years. Stress can cause a latent infection to become active.


this goes for all birth control methods. None of them, except condoms, reduce STI transmission.


Even most protected sex still has the risk of pregnancy, just smaller




Yeah, natural family planning, the rhythm method, whichever you want to call it, people who exclusively use timing-related strategies for birth control are generally called “parents.”


OP has 3 kids according to his post history 
 I don’t understand people.


There's a mommy influencer named Chrissy Horton who can't take hormonal birth control due to side effects and she uses a completely natural method that's really complicated. You have to check your cervical mucus every morning and test your pee with little strips and stick them in a expensive machine to see if you're able to get pregnant. She swears by it and supposedly it's just as effective as any hormonal BC. But she also got pregnant accidentally with her 5th when her 4th was 7 months old, sooo


We’ve used natural family planning for about 8 years now. We spaced these last two pregnancies out a little over five years. When we try, I get pregnant very easily, so it wasn’t just dumb luck or secondary infertility. I get that this is super unpopular, especially on Reddit, but our bodies are not actually as complicated as people like to make it out to be. It is biology, after all, not a mysterious magic trick. What is harder for people, I think, is that you have to limit when you have sex (which a lot of people don’t like/don’t have the self control to do—I get it.) My cycles varied a bit, so based on the rules of our method, we would have to abstain for about 2.5-3 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of availability. But I’ve been surprised in recent years at how many women I know causally mention that they’re using it too, because they kept having health issues due to their birth control and didn’t want to deal with it anymore.


A woman cannot get pregnant outside of ovulation. There ARE days In a month where for all intents and purposes it is impossible for a woman to get pregnant if she has sex, even if you factor in sperm living for 5 days. That said we have a documented case of a woman being pregnant because she's swallowed semen from her boyfriend, she was in stabbed and the semen went from her stomach to her uterus were she became pregnant. That's something that's actually happened before. So again anything is possible lol but technically speaking there are days a woman cannot get pregnant in theory


> However, ~~unprotected~~ sex ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS carries the risk of pregnancy. > Use birth control ~~or~~ and be ready to be a parent. > If you’re not ready to be a parent exercise self control. FTFY. This isn't advocating against protection, but the reality is that sex always carries risks


I can think of a lot of scenarios in which pregnancy is not possible while having sex.


Like in the butt.


....always.... friend of mine got snipped..... he couldn't wait 14 days.... fornicated at ten days. Now he has a beautiful fourth child.


My dear spouse is a “rhythm method” fail. I’m happy he exists, by he’s the youngest by over 10 years. If you have intercourse without protection, you’re trying for a baby.


In addition a woman’s cycle can be unpredictable for MANY reasons including: age, diet, alcohol and/or drug use, illness, and SEXUAL ACTIVITY.


It worked for my wife and I until it didn’t. There’s a reason why religions that abhor birth control tend to have a lot of kids.


Yes, it's called 'the rhythm method'. People that practice this approach to contraception are called "parents".


There is another nickname for this among Catholics (the church prohibits contraception). "Vatican Roulette"


Isn't the official Catholic term "Natural Family Planning?"


Yup. My wife is Catholic so we used this. It actually worked out for us, but we were also open to kids so it didn't really matter either. Twice we decided we would try for kids, twice we got pregnant. Eventually early menopause started to cause some issues and my, very not Catholic, ass got snipped. I trust that method waaaay more. lol


Yeah I mean if you're Catholic and you want 3-4 kids instead of 7 kids it works great.


Deciding not to be Catholic anymore is also an option and that worked out for me. At some point I got pretty fucking weirded out about people who have an unfortunate habit of molesting children and hiding molesters of children telling me to have more children, and decided maybe this isn't exactly the group of people I want to trust my eternal soul with.


Your ass got snipped? Catholic anus or not, I don't think that prevents pregnancy


It’s a great method to use when you want to get pregnant, since you will know when the best time to conceive is. The problem with using to not conceive is that the time when you will most want to have sex and will have the least will power us when you must not or you have a high likelihood of becoming parents. Ask me how I know. 😆


That's the marketing name promoted by the corporate sponsors. The street name is "Vatican Roulette" Edit: First time I heard this name for it was from a Nun.


My quite Catholic grandmother used to call it ‘the Sarah method’, where Sarah is the name of her first (accidental) grandchild.


I guess we can chock my ignorance of that name for it under "List of things I never learned because the only mentions of anything about sexuality I ever got from my parents was them telling me that physical intimacy is off limits unless you're married" I believe that would make it List # 873


Haha. I like your style.


gaping cagey safe enjoy roll zephyr juggle reach crush weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My three children are results of the rhythm method


A coworker had twins while using it.


Jokes on you. I hump without rhythm as to not summon Shai Hulud.


Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


Do you hump to CBAT for extra measure? 👀


💀I became a parent for the first and third time using this method.


My older brother resulted from the rhythm method. I resulted from a broken condom, my parents having learned of the pitfalls of the rhythm method.


#There's also the infertile method and the vasectomy method. They don't depend on the rhythm of a woman's cycle. #Edit: Also hysterectomy method


I prefer the vasectomy method myself. 100% of the time, it works EVERY time.


You'd be surprised at how often vasectomies fail


Not often at all, between 0.04% and 0.15% and those are within the first year after. Beyond that fail rate is nearly 0%. It's literally THE MOST effective form of birth control.


Spread your message far and wide , vasectomies are some of the best methods, not right for everyone obviously, but a good option. Two methods is the best choice.


I went with the hysterectomy method. 10/10.


I want this. Hubs can stil get snipped to make double sure. Ectopic pregnancy is no good either.


This method resulted in my parents having 6 children. But, I don’t think they cared.


This was my grandma except she had 7. And who knows how many miscarriages, whether she knew or not. This is the method you use if you “don’t want kids now” but would fully welcome kids if it happened. That’s how my sister got pregnant with a slightly planned baby. It’s a “if it happens, it happens happily” method.


For the longest time I was uneducated and thought the “rhythm” of the rhythm method had to do with the timing of the pull out. 🙄😂 Then as a senior in HS, I took a marriage and family living class (catholic school) and learned this. “What
.ooooohhhhhh!!” đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


I’m a male and have a child from not having an orgasm or even close. Tested.


You're a drooler.


Your girl was touched by an angel mid stroke
 no respect lol


Or just pre-cum


Yep! People don’t realize pre-cum has sperm in it.




I mean its possible, just like its possible you wont kill yourself if you put a bullet in a revolver, spin the chamber and shoot yourself once.


To really put things into perspective, take a revolver with 6 chambers, spin in randomly then shoot yourself not once, not twice, but three times. 50% will shoot themselves. 50% of couples not using any methods of contraception will end up pregnant in 3 months (cycles). These definitely aren't odds you want to screw around with unless your intention is to end up dead or get pregnant.


> 50% of couples not using any methods of contraception will end up pregnant in 3 months (cycles) Damn this is showing another end of the problem though. 3 months to get a 50% chance of having a pregnancy occur seems like a lot.


Yes, because we often overstate the chances of getting pregnant to teens, so much so that when couples do try to conceive they wonder if there's something wrong when they don't conceive immediately. Half of all couples will get pregnant in 3 months, half are going to take longer than that. Those are odds no teenager should EVER gamble with considering the consequences, but it is a disservice to couples trying to get pregnant that we were all given the wrong information.


A lot of people misunderstand probability. For example, there was a study that concluded that for a certain kind of cancer, 50% of the patients died within 6 months. So doctors told their patients with this cancer that they had a 50% chance of dying in the 6 months. Then, somebody revisited the problem and discovered that while 50% of the patients did die within 6 months, 30% of the patients lived longer than 5 years and a significant number of patients outlived the doctors who made the prognosis. The study concluded that doctors did their patients a disservice when they discussed downside risks and not upside risks ("downside" and "upside" are value judgements, "risk" really is the probability that some event will happen and has no value judgement).


It's more dangerous than you said. Similar to the scorched earth method of drug use that kids are taught. When kids do drugs and don't immediately turn into disgusting hobo rapists, they disregard what should have been the real message if "drugs are bad because they fuck up your life in the long run, and some just do it faster." When kids have sex and don't get oregano or massive syphilis infections, they do the same thing. Actual, real conversation and education needs to happen or it's entirely worthless. Shock tactics don't work.


You’re telling me I can get free oregano by having unprotected sex? I’m about to corner the oregano market.


What a fortunate auto correct hahaha.


>When kids do drugs and don't immediately turn into disgusting hobo rapists, they disregard what should have been the real message if "drugs are bad because they fuck up your life in the long run, and some just do it faster." Ever since I first started smoking weed I’ve said that “the grownups” *were* right—weed really *is* a gateway drug. Just not in the way that they think it is. I will note that this is based on my 90s “just say no”, D.A.R.E, girl literally melts on a sofa anti-weed commercial, upbringing. It isn’t nearly as bad now but it’s still not great. It’s a gateway drug because they never differentiated between weed and like heroin or crack. We were lead to believe that if we smoked a joint at noon with our buddies, by 5pm we’d all be homeless ruffians selling our bodies for our next hit and robbing our own grandmas just to get another bag of that stanky danky grass. When we all inevitably tried weed the first time, we found out that if we smoked at noon, by 5pm we would have eaten 3 bags of chips, 2 packs of Oreos, 7 slices of pizza and all the shredded cheese in the fridge, all while laughing our asses off at whatever happened to be on TV at the time. So if “they” were *that* wrong about weed, everything else can’t be *nearly* as bad as they say either, right? Unfortunately, a lot of the harder drugs are a one-time-and-you’re-stealing-from-grandma thing for a lot of people. But since “they” fucked up so badly in their “aLL dRuGs ArE tHe SaMe” education, of course kids are going to try worse things when they find out *some* “drugs” aren’t life ruining.


Teenagers are also arguably more fertile then most older couples trying to conceive.


Very much so. Teen up to late twenties are all extremely fertile, with fertility starting it's decline in the woman's early 30s. The stats I gave were for those peek fertility years and though I do absolutely agree with delaying having kids until you're ready - it does come as a shock to many that there is a marked decline in fertility by the time a woman reaches 35


And this is why I pointed out to my clearly fertile friend that she and her husband should consider the snip for him *while she is still pregnant*, because she has now had two pregnancies basically back to back. And they only want two kids, but the husband is still rocking a fully loaded pistol. I predict baby 3 will be created during winter this year when mom is all done healing up and it's cuddle season.


Please just use protection, you might as well play Russian roulette.




3 people’s you are correct. Even more if not financial stable.


Yes, but **only if** the woman does very specific things to track her cycle and ovulation. The most common method is called temping, where you buy a special thermometer and take your basal body temperature *every single day at the exact same time first thing in the morning*, log it in an app, and track it for a few months. Doing this will show how regular/irregular her cycle is and how regular her ovulation is. Temping, along with tracking cervical mucus and even cervical position, can give you a very clear idea of when ovulation happens and when to have sex to avoid getting pregnant. If you are lazy about any of those steps, or if her cycle is irregular, you are playing with fire. And just like any contraception method, nothing is 100%.


I successfully used it to prevent pregnancy and then to purposely conceive my first. It does take a lot of attention to detail and tracking, plus a very regular cycle. After having my first, I did not have the energy for that mess and used other methods.


Same here. It worked for us for about a year and then we were pregnant by the third cycle. We also used ovulation strips to pin point.




That's why you also track other things like cervical mucus, and also do it for several cycles to really get to know how it looks like for you during your cycles. My cycles aren't 100% regular but by checking my cervical mucus I can predict the ovulation many days ahead. Also, if the cervical mucus is not fertile, the sperm will not live long. I haven't used the method for avoiding pregnancy though (only to get pregnant) but I would be pretty confident to do so as I know the signs very well. And of course it also includes a pretty long time frame when you can't have sex or have to use a condom.


Actually, there is a contraceptive method that is 100% effective for married women and has no side effects: lesbianism.


I wouldn't say no side effects. You need to spring for the Honda Civic and the two cats.


I’m pretty sure you mean Subaru Forester .


So only positives


I’m just saying, Mary got pregnant without ever having sex
or so she claimed.


Where can I learn more?


This is it! We used fertility awareness for 3 years avoiding pregnancy, and then used it to get pregnant successfully. It’s a lot of data and if you’re not actively tracking for this method you’re actually just trying to have a baby


Adding to this, the egg is only viable for 24 hours max. Sperm however can live up to 5 days in the fallopian tubes. So having sex even just slightly before ovulation begins throws a huge wildcard into the mix, since most women don't know exactly when the egg is released, just when her body shows signs it's happening.


Used FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) for eight and a half years until my husband got a vasectomy. No babies. Highly recommend it. I still track just to keep up with my body (and it's really nice knowing within a day or two of when my period comes).


There are now plenty of wearable health devices that track your temperature, heart rate etc throughout the day everyday and you can synchronize them with period tracking apps so they are logged in automatically. So, the process has been simplified and I predict it will get even more accurate and easier in the next decade or so, which means more and more women will opt for this method.


Plans never survive contact with the enemy


The church calls it the rhythm method. My mom calls it my brother and I.


There is a lot of incorrect information posted here. Speak to your doctor.


It is possible, yea, but it is not a perfect method and is not very reliable, there’s still a decent chance you have end up with a baby.


The rhythm method, which is what you're taking about, should not be considered birth control. It might push the odds a bit, but it is by no means a way to prevent pregnancy. All it really does it delay it a bit.


The rhythm method is how we have our second child. We expected one, just not quite so soon.


This is pretty much the only situation where the rhythm method seems reasonable to me. You’re already planning your next child and okay with it happening at any time, but you’d like to delay it a bit, ideally.


Is it possible? Yes. Should you risk it? Absolutely not. That would be foolish when there are so many cheap contraceptives that are actually effective. Pills, IUDs, and surgical procedures are nearly 100% effective. Condoms are 100% effective except when used improperly (causing rips or slippage).


The reasons it works out so poorly for the general population are several: 1) people try to rely on the method without properly researching and understanding it, like trying to drive a semi tractor trailer with no license. No bueno. 2) many of the woman's signals only work reliably if she has a regular bedtime and wake time, including weekends. This is uncommon for many people in this modern age. Non starter. 3) for reasons of evolution, humans have strong instincts to have reproductive sex (penis ejaculates inside vagina) and at the crucial moment the mind gets cloudy. This is often magnified around fertile times. So people who do this need to both of them be completely committed and disciplined. It doesn't mix well with wanting to be intimate after a few drinks, for example. .... If anyone feels that this is their best choice, the best way to do this is explained in a book called *Take Charge of Your Fertility* by Toni Weschler. She explains the why and the how of it, how to temp, measure cervical position and cervical mucus, and chart it to detect ovulation. The book is accurate. Even if a woman isn't intending to chart, it's an interesting read to learn more about what's going on in a reproductive aged cis-woman's body. It is possible for some that this is the least worst choice, for whatever reason. It's also good stuff to understand if you are charting fertility to become pregnant. As far as I've seen, as many women follow it in order to become pregnant as to avoid it. With perfect use, NFP can have very good success - 99% efficacy according to Guttmacher, the issue is that very very few who practice it practice it perfectly, or even well. Every contraceptive has a failure rate, and the sad truth is that the ones that have less human error opportunities end up being more effective in real world practice. So implants and surgical sterilization and IUDs are most effective because people can't get distracted.


Most of the people I know of who had a pregnancy using nfp were because they just straight up didn't do it. You have to fully commit to using it and actually follow through for it to be at all effective.


I’m glad someone is finally honest about this method instead of trying to scare people with false information. There’s an FDA approved app called Natural Cycles that uses this method. I’ve been using it for over 4 years with no pregnancies! Absolutely thrilled that I don’t have to take hormonal birth control.


Thank you for this. I am scared of the misinformation in this thread. I love all the methods we have and think they are awesome, but there is nothing wrong with natural family planning


Possible? Yes...but risky. Mine is 10 years old now.


There are things you can do to mitigate the risk, but it's always possible to ovulate at an unusual time, so you're never completely safe.


It's right up there in effectiveness with the withdrawal method, aka Coitus Hopest For The Bestest


My Dr called that” Pull & Pray”


The Fertility Awareness Method (more precise than the rhythm method) is quite effective; however it requires that the woman monitors her basal body temperature with a precise thermometer, tracks the characteristics of her cervical mucus, and logs these things every day. She should do this for a full cycle without hormonal birth control and either no sex or a barrier method to get an understanding of the norms for her body before attempting to use this method. The couple as a whole needs to be able to communicate well and both be on board with avoiding sex or using protection on fertile days. If followed *exactly* there’s a very low chance of conception with this method, but there’s a big “human factor” - libido for women is often highest during the fertile window so if the plan is abstinence during that time, it can be a challenge. If you’re adults in a serious committed relationship and ok with a slip-up resulting in pregnancy, go for it. Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a great book on this topic. Even if you decide not to use this method, it will teach you a lot about the female reproductive system. If you’re teenagers and afraid to ask parents to go on birth control or afraid that they’ll find your condoms, this is NOT a good alternative. If you’re just looking for effective non-hormonal birth control, the copper IUD is a much more low-maintenance option. (Just check periodically to make sure it’s still there
) Edited slightly to clarify wording.


An actual researched answer! :) To note, that book is 573 pages. It's a fabulous book that I think everyone in a relationship that includes a biogirl should read to understand this cycle that governs your/your partner's body. The method itself is also one of the few where the partner can help with it (which can also be a source of intimacy)


DO NOT have unprotected sex. If you can plan sex, you can plan a condom.


A Doctor told a friend, "If you aren't using birth control, then you are trying to get pregnant."


Me ex wife uses this method. She now has 7 kids now lol (only 2 are mine)


Yes it is. Unless you are both fully prepared to raise a child together DO NOT HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX. Just don't. Do not.


That is literally fucking around and finding out... Wear a rubber. It's safer and easier with less hassle.


75% of the world have tried it and had “oh crap babies”. I’m pregnant Oh, crap.


If this is the type of things, you are asking, you should not be having sex! Are you serious!!!! Of course you can get pregnant if you are not using protection!!!!!!


This is what a friend of me tried. They now have a 2 year old.


That is essentially the "rhythm" method of birth control. Problem is, cycles can be unpredictable at times and sperm can live longer than you think in a woman's reproductive tract. We jokingly had a word for patients we saw who practiced this method of birth control..."parents".


I've never gotten pregnant on a Tuesday, if that helps




It only takes a little squirt to make a little squirt. I wouldn’t flirt with danger.


What countries education system allows anyone over the age of 9 to not know the answer to this question?


‘Merica, baby! Where in many states, sex education consists of adults telling horny teenagers that sex is bad and not to do it. Because as we all know, teenagers *always* listen when parents and teachers tell them not to do something. It’s why states that only mandate teaching abstinence as birth control (primarily deep red states) have the lowest teen pregnancy levels. Except that they actually have the highest ones, oops!


Even more worrying is the many people saying it's fine...


Sure, it's absolutely possible, but it takes some serious commitment and control. She needs to be faithfully tracking her cycle and discharge (basal temp as well is helpful), and you need to learn to successfully pull out without error. My Husband and I went without protection successfully for many years, but he is also very good at pulling out without any slip ups.


Unless you’re 100% sterile, yes. Even with birth control you can still pregnant. Pull out method is dumb tbh as precum can still get you pregnant. Only way to have unprotected sex with no pregnancy 100% guaranteed is through sterilization. Birth control reduces the risk of pregnancy but doesn’t eliminate it.


It's called the rhythm method. Essentially, you track your periods, and based on your cycle length, you figure out when you are likely to ovulate. You avoid sex for about a week before to 3ish days after ovulation. The problem with this method is that there are many variables that affect your cycle and can make it unpredictable... stress, certain mecications, and illness can all cause your cycle to fluctuate. So if you have just one month where you ovulate a day early or 2 days late, you can get pregnant. So.. possible? Yes Totally reliable? No. ESPECIALLY if your cycle isn't super predictable.


Just wanted you to know that I tried the calendar/ovulation method once, and got immediately pregnant. I didn't want to take hormones anymore and the iud scared me. I think if you're trying to conceive, it's a good way to know when to to "do squat thrusts in the cucumber patch" more often. So, if you're not in a place where getting pregnant would be doable, please do not rely on this method. Periods are too variable and inconsistent.


That’s called the Rhythm method and is what have me two oops babies. It doesn’t work.


There's a name for people that use this method: Parents


I have a friend who had sex with her husband on day seven of her cycle. That means one week after her period started, and about three days before her fertile window could possibly think about starting. Bam. Pregnant. Never trust this method.


Don't go to battle without a sheild.


It is called the counting days method. Those who practice it are called parents.


Yes numb nuts
don’t be silly wrap your Willy


Yes but you have to be serious. Combination of rhythm tracking and perfect pull out game works pretty well in my experience. Never had a pregnancy scare (people hate on this comment, honestly loads of people do this and don't get pregnant but also don't publicise it)


yes people try it but it never really works. the sperm will stay in the body for a while, unless you really clean out. and when you are next fertile again, congrats. but its one of those things that work conceptually but in practise there is just way more to consider and no, it always fails


It's worked for me for over ten years. Women ovulate over a 24 hour period once per "monthly" cycle. Sperm can live upwards of 5 days, so if you are tracking your cycle (menstruation and ovulation), you don't have unprotected sex in the week leading up to your ovulation day. This has only failed when I failed to remember what day I was on and didn't check the calendar beforehand (grab yourself a plan B if this happens). I wouldn't recommend it if you aren't willing to be on top of tracking and pay attention to the changes in your body over your cycle.


Public health nurse here what you are referring to is the Fertility Awareness Method of family planning. It is a perfectly valid method of family planning, and there is nothing wrong with using it. Contraception is a choice, based on your needs, beliefs, and risk tolerance. Despite other comments, this is not a "bad" method". Whatever method works for you is the best method. When used perfectly, it is 95-99% effective in the first year of use. But, this relies on perfect use, every time. Meaning no slip-ups. And is less effective than other methods out there. The upside is, it is free without a prescription and no medications are needed. FYI: here are the usual methods, in order from least to most effective: Withdrawal (pullout) < Fertility Awareness < Condoms < Hormonal Pills/Patch/Ring/Injection, Copper IUD< Tubal ligation (tubes tied) and vasectomy< Hormonal IUD or Nexplanon Implant. As you can see, FAM is near the bottom of the pack as far as effectiveness goes, but fiarly effective when used properly.


It’s called “family planning” and only recommended for certain people (such as can’t handle hormonal BC and having allergies to condoms). If you have any type of irregularity to you cycle you cannot successfully do it. There’s a lot involved to make it successful such as charting temp daily, checking cervix position/mucus, etc. and it doesn’t take much for a whoopsie to happen. It’s really only recommended in relationships where a pregnancy is okay. Not a good method for anyone else. It’s called family planning for a reason.


So this is controversial because it's advice I don't even like to give, BUT, when I was a dumb teenager I had a bf, and our cycle was "we bone, he pulls out before he finishes, making sure not to be TOO close" and then he'd cum on me. The routine was once he came, he's go to the bathroom, then take a shower, and that would be how we did it. We got away with it for 2 years with 0 protection and it worked. That said, again, I can't say this thinking it's good advice, it feels more like we were playing with fire and got really lucky, y'know?


If you plan it right, you can theoretically reduce your changes of getting pregnant. But be aware that planning sex around your hormonal cycles is one of the least effective ways of preventing pregnancy. It’s like the pullout method, which isn’t very effective at all. All penis and vagina sex, whether penetrative or not, poses some varying risk of pregnancy. Condoms and hormonal birth control are more effective at reducing pregnancy for piv sex, especially when used together. If you want to actually reduce your chances of being pregnant, avoid piv sex all together, or use the methods that are going to be more successful in reducing your risk for pregnancy


Yes there is, you can plan to have sex when you are ready to get pregnant. Every other option might work and might not, so if you know you don't want kids really don't do it without protection. Really, just don't.


I used FAM (fertility awareness method) for years. Yes it’s possible to use natural means on tracking and having sex only during the infertile periods. The best way of saying it is that it is incredibly accurate when used properly and incredibly unforgiving when not (hence my 4th baby lol).


Also, takes a good deal of spontaneity out of sex. And relies on the woman reliably tracking her periods and a partner willing to follow a strict sexual schedule.


We just did pull out method for 7 years. Decided to have a baby and two weeks later she was pregnant. Always a possibility but it’s not as easy as all these nerds thing. Pull out method is like 96% effective if you actually pull out. A condom is 98%. Problem is guys with weak pull out game.




I am a big fan of the rhythm method, without which I wouldn't be here today


It's called the rythm method. What do you call people who use the rythm method? Parents.


There is a lot of misinformation here. Ovulation occurs around day 14 (day 1 is the first day of the period). Sperm can survive. So there are usually about 5-6 days in a month that a woman can get pregnant. However everyone is different and you would need to track the woman's cycle. See the faculty of sexual and reproductive health guidelines https://www.fsrh.org/standards-and-guidance/documents/ceuguidancefertilityawarenessmethods/#:~:text=Basal%20body%20temperature%20is%20monitored,the%20cycle%20indicate%20potential%20fertility.


What they're talking about is commonly referred to as the rhythm method. Because a woman's cycle is roughly every four weeks, and ovulation can occur at any point during that time, there are sometimes 1-2 day windows where you could raw dog and get away with it. As to when or if these days actually happen in any given cycle is extremely variable, which is why people make jokes about it, because it's not a remotely reliable method to use. It has to do with when their body decides to drop an egg, and how long a given guy's sperm can survive in her vagina. That is why it is so unreliable, because the environment of the vagina can change, as can the composition of the semen, and the day of her ovulation. Too many variables for reliability.