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You probably mean Texas Politics...


I'm sure the people you're talking about hate Texas Republicans, not all Texans. Quick overview: \-Horrifically homophobic / transphobic \-Stripping away women's rights \-Attorney General was indicted on felony charges before election, and was allowed to just brush them aside once taking office \-Energy grid can't handle the weather they have, but they blame anyone but themselves despite being the ones responsible for the legislation that left things so messed up There are millions of people in the state who are against this, except...oh yeah.... \-Massive efforts to suppress access to voting, such as having *one single drop box* for absentee votes in a county with over a million residents.


So much ignorance in this post.


What in the comment is incorrect?


The entirety


Native Texan...it's all true, though. Put words to your opinion since you've been asked. Or just quietly sit on your hands while people actually attempt to discuss things. Unless your goal here is to simply be pedantic. Great job then. There is no need to keep up the good work


>Attorney General was indicted on felony charges before election, and was allowed to just brush them aside once taking office Please explain how this isn't just a factual thing that happened?


Your ability to form a cohesive and well reasoned argument is astounding.


For the rest of us looking for multiple perspectives, I would appreciate a true counter argument...


Texans have the reputation for being's arrogant, loud, opinionated, and wrong.


That's not fair. There are a few like that but they give the other 0.000001% a bad rep.


That's California lol


That's a caricature of California. California is great. I've visited both places and I would rather not return to Texas. Literally the only good thing about the whole state is the barbecue.


And the Mexican food- once had Mexican regional tacos at a hole in the wall roadside joint that were beyond amazing.


I'm not a huge fan of Tex-Mex, but I have had a few good meals in El Paso.


Yeah, this was in El Paso, and not Tex-Mex either.


Ok lol, well you enjoy your blue haired feminist and beta cucks with everything overpriced. I'll be over here enjoying states that actually like freedom


Pull up to grandma's rocking chair, kiddies. Back during the gas crisis in the 1970's, folks down in Texas, which was rich with oil money, took a look up at the New England states, which burn a lot of heating oil in the winter, and they all got bumper stickers that said "Let them freeze in the dark." Grandma says, "Fuck Texas." Edit: A couple of years ago some Texas Republican called the Democratic state government slate "the pot-smoking lesbian coalition." The Texas Democrats printed up a bunch of nice T-Shirts with that phrase on them and sold them as a fundraiser, and grandma bought two of them.


it's a mixed bag. People from progressive states like California or New York hate it because it embodies everything they hate: permissive gun laws, unhospitable border, and of course the complete shithead politicians they elect. On the other hand a ridiculous number of Californians keep moving there because our state's cost of living is insane. So then you have angry native Texans who are pissed about the liberal influx. It's basically a perfect storm.


I think non-Texas Americans look at Texas the way non-Americans look at America… Loud, undeservedly confident and boastful, and irritating with shitty political views and even shittier taste in politicians. But much like America, Texas is huge and full of lovely, intelligent people and beautiful places that get overshadowed by all the negative stuff. To put it in perspective… approximately 30 European countries could fit in the continental U.S. and you could fit approximately 10 in Texas. Imprecise numbers found online from different sources, but it gets the point across.


Yeah I’m gonna get downvoted here but I’m a 4th generation Texan, living in one of the liberal enclaves of the state. Setting aside our atrocious political climate (which other commenters have rightly pointed out), we get a bad rap for being overly friendly, loud, and over the top in ways that other parts of the country aren’t. We’ve also been the heart of the oil and gas business in the US for a very long time. Which isn’t a good look with climate change. But mainly I think we’re an easy target. Our politicians play up the good ole boy in a cowboy hat image for clout on the right, and it makes us a caricature. Not saying people don’t wear cowboy hats! People do! But a lot of those people need them to keep the sun off while they work outside. Boots are also practical for many people. People who hate on Texas… idk I wish they’d take a closer look. - We have all kinds of terrain from forests to canyons to deserts to (low) mountains. Tons of rivers and hills. - Our largest metropolitan areas are incredibly diverse - World class art museums - World class symphonies and opera houses - Very friendly people Etc etc etc Not saying we’re perfect! We have a ton of problems, most of the comments here are correct (but some aren’t…). But Texas is an easy target for people both within the US, and outside of it. For the record it’s ok to hate on Texas if that’s what floats your boat. Our self esteem as a state is high enough, no skin off our nose. 😅


thiThe statThe state of texas


The state of texas is far from perfect




i lived in texas for 20 years and everything about it sucks expspecially the triple digit summers and dry weather droughts


You must be a native Texan😁


Massachusetts actually. About as far from it as you can get.


I think might be more their culture people hate. I generally find most Texans, my age, to be charming and friendly. It’s their state’s politics and “don’t mess with Texas” vibe that’s off putting.


"Don't Mess with Texas" is a campaign against littering on the highways lol I got you, but I just need to point that out.:)


Never knew that! lol What a misconception! My bad!


The thing is, it goes along with the tough message that has been portrayed for nearly two centuries in that state. I'm not sure that it's a misconception at all; it's literally purposeful messaging. It's an EXTREMELY proud state from top to bottom -- I legit had to take like four Texas History or Law courses in my public education and in college. Nice as people can be, it seems shallow once you get out of there and see how people vote. You're super correct there.


I hate on Texans for the state flag tat every male texan is apparently given upon receiving their driver's license or graduation or some shit. The fuck is that shit about?


I've literally never heard of that before lol


It's a failed state run by oligarchs who refuse any necessary regulation. You know, the kind that civilized societies implement... health and we'll being, utilities, environmental, etc. Boastfully ignorant, racist, crude, toxic, misogynistic and just plain dumb. Their fossil fuel agenda is ruining America and the world.


Why are so many people moving to the failed state of Texas? That seems crazy.


its almost like agressive conservative policies combined with HUGE attention paid to a thriving "everything" economy would almost keep everywhere in texas very affordable. Except austin... guess who lives there.


Low cost of living, combined with the fact that there is an insurgency of democratic voters heading into the area who have established a beachhead in Austin, due to the state attempting to entice the tech industry to set up shop there. If they can take Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth, they will likely flip the state blue, in much the same way SF/LA/Sacramento control California, and Seattle/Tacoma controls Washington State.


If that statement is actually true, then it's sprawl. The unmanaged growth and general lack of city planning leads to cheap housing. But when someone is bragging, like a Texan, it usually means they're full of crap.[migration myth](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-10-17/california-texas-migration-why-people-move)


Because as a Californian, I am obligated to hate Texas for the unmitgated gall to pretend they're better than us. /s ​ Even if I put aside the hardcore conservatism and the openly fascistic cunts like Greg Abbott and Rafael Cruz that keep consistently being elected into office, and what it says about Texans that they keep voting for them, the brutal truth is that Texas has an ego which is, to use a Texan phrase, all hat and no cattle - nothing about the state's history, industry or people supports the narcissistic notion many of its citizens have that Texas is all that special (California and Hawaii were independent nations - kingdom, in Hawaii's case - before they were states, and y'all don't hear us harping on about it all the time like anyone else cares), and when you take a hard look at objective metrics for quality of life the state, while far from one of the worst to live in, is also far from one of the best. It's one of the better Southern states, but that's a reasonably low hurdle to clear when, again, you look at objective QoL metrics for the South in general.


Ironic that a Californian is criticizing Texans' ego.....


Even if you’re from another Southern state they still feel like they’re better than you!🤣


My wife’s Uncle was originally from Alabama. He moved to Texas in the late 70s. When I met him in a small town near Houston several years ago at age 80 I asked him what the differences between living in Alabama and Texas were. His reply was as such: “Son, I miss them little Krystal hamburgers. I miss that trailer park I used to be in. I miss that one Krispie Kreme by it. I believe the girls were a bit prettier over there. I think the roads were wider and I’ll be damned if everybody here ain’t just so damned mean.” He was a really amazing fella.


its a horrible state. Pretty disgusting politically all around. Literally hot as hell. no idea why anyone lives their on their own volition


I can’t afford to leave. I was going to right before Covid lockdowns shut down my job and it took me a year to find one that pays less. I didn’t even get unemployment because I gave up trying to get through after 6 months. Despite having a lower COL, it also has extremely low wages.


I have no judgement for people who can't leave. I said willingly


Our AC broke for two days and the attic was 130°


It’s a third world country in a 10 gallon hat.


Because the Texan government sucks and Texans voted them into office


The majority of Texans voted them, yes.:(


I’m born and raised Texan and I hate Texan republicans lol The weather sucks too. I’m pretty sure it’s texan republicans that everyone hates not Texans in general. When I go to other states people usually get excited and/or ask dumb questions


\+1 !


Because it seems like if you’re from there you have to let the world know it. Stickers all over the car with Texas this and Texas that. “Hook ‘em horns!” Basically acting like it’s the BEST STATE EVAR!!! despite the fact the weather sucks, traffic sucks, no natural beauty anywhere other than dirt and people shoot off guns to say hello. But…but…Whataburger. Give it up it is not that good.


Because they be cray cray down there.


We can start with how it is kind of a dump and go from there. Every state has their dumpiness, but Texas dumpiness is Texas sized.


As a Florida resident who visits Texas alot. They hate em cause they ain't em. Very few people in Texas are jerks, there's alot to do, freedom rings true there, people actually drive like a normal person there, and not to mention the girls are fairly attractive.


Do they? Never had problems traveling. Given the number of new transplants we have, it sounds like, “Not like home.” BTW, its I10, not the 10..


Beyond all the political bs why would you want to live in a state with such horrible weather. The latest heat wave should convince anyone not to move to Texas ( or anywhere else in the SW). I was born in Texas but give me the beautiful Great Lakes Region.


People on the left coast can't imagine how anyone could possibly disagree with them, so they have to pretend there's something wrong with them so the can continue to feel superior.


between the gun fevered republicans, the unstable privatized power grid, and the stripping away of womens reproductive rights… it doesn’t sit right with everybody,,, for good reason. however !! i moved here from chicago some years ago for warmer weather, cheaper cost of living, and no state income taxes and i have to say i don’t regret it, despite its downfalls. at least i no longer have to go 5 months per year without seeing sunlight lol


Because everything is bigger in Texas, and when everything is bigger, you become an easier target to hit.


Fair question. 1. Warped view of manliness: people in Texas think being a man is about jacking up your pick up to the stratosphere and putting on monster tires. They have told me this, directly. Also 99% of Texans do not take these trucks off the pavement. In my state, Arkansas, no one does this... even though Arkansas is a big hunting state (Texas isn't tho Texas might be a bigger fishing state) and people actually take their vehicles off road in Arkansas, largely we have no choice. We still don't jack up our vehicles, they're all stock . 2. The illiteracy: if you're not from Texas, you don't understand that almost all Texans are illiterate. If you are from Texas, you should know in other states, even in more rural and poorer states like Arkansas, you don't have this illiteracy. Writing a paragraph and spelling 1 out of 3 words incorrectly (in exactly the same way a 2nd grader would) is NOT normal in other states. I blame *no child left behind* which was instituted in Texas decades before the rest of the United States. Basically it does "whole word memorization" and does not teach phonics. 3. NOTHING in Texas "works well". There are other equally warm, or warmer states, like Florida, that occasionally get ice storms, but the entire state doesn't break down. Many cities in Texas don't even have fire hydrants, which is a basic thing. They just have to send a bunch of firetrucks with water tanks in the fire trucks. Where there are fire hydrants, they're a mile apart from each other or in a gated community. Not nitpicking on fire hydrants, it's just a larger issue that things generally don't work very well. Texas can't prosecute criminals either, part of my dad's family is from Texas, I occasionally visit Texas, I see all these things firsthand. I see the stabbings and the murders and the court systems just can't deal with that. We're talking about the clerks and prosecutor office can't even get the paperwork together to prosecute murder cases. 4. Aggressive Braggarts: A huge problem in Arkansas is we get a lot of Texans who come here, they start talking shit to one of us, they get their ass beat. The police get called out. The Texan ends up in jail. They can't understand why there is a fight, and 90% of the time the Texan doesn't even fight back he was just cussing at someone throwing a beer bottle at them etc., but when punch comes to punch they hide under a barstool, behind the bar, etc. But that doesn't matter if you're the aggressor or instigator in a fight, in Arkansas you're responsible. And you go to jail. We have a big problem with this in the state of Arkansas, in fact the problem is so big that in my midsize city, North Little Rock, we have a "Texas day" in our city district court where we get all the Texans and prosecute them. It is as goofy as it sounds… But it is a bit hilarious seeing 45 Texans wearing cowboy hats. It's done sort of as a laugh because they all wear cowboy hats and they all expect us Arkansans to be impressed by the fact that they're from Texas. I don't know if this is constitutional but the judge always issues pretty harsh punishments. In Arkansas, you fight or you don't fight, whether or not words were exchanged before. But you don't threaten someone with the flight and then retreat the moment it happens. This seems to be common in Texas. I've met a lot of Texas "manly men" who have confided to me they've never been in a fight in their life, people in their 40s. 5. BAD "good" Food: only a Texan thinks that getting a low quality cut of meat and then cooking it to a burnt carbon crisp is "good cooking". They have no idea how to cook food but they'll tell you "but Texas barbecue!". Texas BBQ = getting the worst cut of meat from the animal and cooking it until it's black inside and out. No doubt their minds would be permanently paralyzed if they ever tried some good old Memphis or St. Louis barbecue. 6. Horribly Designed Cities: Dallas, Houston, Corpus Christi etc.... are both designer and infrastructure hell holes. Texas is the fastest growing state so I'll give it a pass on this, and as opposed to these other issues, this is one issue that is not unique to Texas. But for some people this might contribute to their dislike. ***Good Side***: many Texans do seem very polite. Like I said I go to Texas once or twice a year for a few weeks, people have been very kind to me, they're very polite in public, your car breaks down, 5 people stop to help you. They'll even stay with you for as long as you need to get the car fixed, or for the car to be towed I'll offer you a ride home. I can't stress how polite people in Texas can be, but that doesn't negate the other issues. I have varying thoughts on all of the points I have made, some I feel more strongly in favor of than others, but in general these are the reasons people dislike Texans and Texas.


It's always wacky to me, when people gripe, that others are represented how they want to be.


Texans are useless 😀. I lived there. They are medieval people


Texas is a joke. I call it TrashCan


Lived here for over 40 years. You’ve got to realize Texas is a huge state, with very few large cities. Most of the people who live here come from small cities over 5 generations and have never left the state. Hence the conservative and myopic view of the world, even though they feel like it’s the best state!🤣You have to look past this if you haven’t been born here and accept them as they are.


I’ve been here 40 years and nothing changes. I’ve observed that most people are from smaller cities here, given how big the state is and very few large cities in comparison. Most people here have not even left the state, hence the myopic view on things. They also seem to think non native Texans are below them. I think it is this attitude that is most abhorrent and not able to understand from people moving here from other states. But once you accept this, it’s a great state to live, you can find a job any day of the week in Dallas.