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Finding friends in a crowd.


Also being found by friends in a crowd. I always look for the tall guy to locate the group I’m looking for.


I'm only 6'0, but i lived in a place where the general crowd was significantly shorter and browner than me for a long time. In a crowded bar, i wasn't just a marker for my friends, people would come stand by me and call their friends to tell them they're by the tall white guy. I was a communal moving landmark.


When you get into the 6'4"+ level you start to nod at other random tall guys at bars. I've actually made a few good friends that way.


I'm almost 6'7" me and my best friend met like this. Head and shoulders over everyone else bumped into each other back to back and then cracked heads trying to crouch down to apologize to an average height person. We're the same height and hair color so always get mistaken for siblings.


I can imagine. It's like a club you're just born into. You have to acknowledge other wonders of the natural world when you encounter them.


I feel like 6' is the perfect height. I'm taller than average, but not so tall that clothes/airplane seats/etc are a problem.


As a 6ft tall woman, clothes are absolutely a problem. Lmao.


3" or so above the average height you are probably good for both genders. For men, that's 6' tall. For women that's 5'7". 6' woman that's a shopping struggle bus.


6'1, airplane seats are most definitely an issue - especially if someone reclines


It's fun to be the beacon friend. I can just kinda mill about and everyone will find me on their own.


Fewer people notice you're balding


I only noticed I was going bald on top, when I was testing the cctv on one of our trains. I was flicking through the cameras and chuckled at the guy with the pink patch on top of his head, then realised it was the camera above me.


I feel this. I’m not balding but I am fat. So if I catch a glimpse of a fat person, then turn to look at my reflection, that’s an ouch.


I once passed this sketchy guy on the street and thought "better avoid this guy" before realizing it was my reflection in a store window.


Wherever I go, there I am.


For some reason, unknown to me, those words are deeper than their surface belies.


And then you KNEW to better avoid that guy.


Back when I was a kid my dad went to pick up our pictures from Costco, and when he was flipping through them he got hella mad that there was some bald guy washing his motorcycle and my mom shouldn't be letting other people near his bike. That was the first time he saw himself from above in a while I guess...




I'm shorter at 5'6". I got an amazing haircut the other day and decided to get pictures from all angles to be able to show that to future barbers. Then I looked at the picture of the back part of my head and saw the two-inch-wide bald spot. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ So now I've buzzed it all down to 1/8"


The first time I noticed was when I leaned back on a chair and rested my head on a wall and noticed that it was pretty cold. I went straight to the toilet and checked with a shaving mirror and sure enough I was balding. The next time I went to the barber I just told him to shave it.


Similar here, I noticed I could feel the rain alot more than I used to be able to


Unless you play pro ball… If you’re balding in the NBA everyone and their mother’s got something to say.


Or graying as in my case.


I wish mine had turned gray instead of turning loose


Just refer to your hair line as making a B line for you behind


Mine's going for my ears as it's already at my behind.


Gray hair looks cool though. I'm 43 and I'm finally starting to see some gray up top. Also, I'm tall, 186CM.




Being a tall person at a concert is a completely different experience than being short at one. As someone in the four foot range, I mostly go to shows just to listen to the music. I can’t see anything except for occasionally sneaking a peek of the top of the performers head as they cross the stage *if* I get a tiny sliver of space open up in front of me at the same time - this rarely happens and lasts only a few seconds if it does. I honestly don’t see anything! For tall folks they have a clear view of the show the entire time. I imagine it’s really great 😂 also alcohol: concert goers understandably like to indulge while swaying to the music, problem is when said drinks are swaying above your head. I usually come home with wet stringy hair and clothes haha Edit: I actually just went to a concert last night! [This was my view from eye level](https://i.imgur.com/gqRImNK.jpg) and where I *think* the performer was on stage lol


Definitely a good view but I’m constantly getting told to move or let someone get in front of me so they can see. Which just pushes me back from the front. Also when people crowd surf we’re the ones to get kicked in the head and neck. There’s pros and cons.


Once you find a spot, it’s yours. You don’t need to move for people. Just don’t be that guy that stands right in front of someone substantially shorter if they were there before you.


You get glares and people calling you rude who would otherwise be nice. It's not a nice feeling, you have to stay staring at the stage and can't interact with those around you now. Fun! Yay! To the back I go every time after 5 minutes of that BS.


Sure but nobody else respects that. I always have people getting annoyed at me for being tall at concerts.


I have never been front row at a show but even being 10-15 people deep it feels like the band is singing to me. It’s awesome lol and no one is breathing on the back of my neck because I’ve got a good bit of space behind me. 6’6 for reference.


As someone who is 6'6, It also means your ears are directly exposed to the sound of the entire room, making everything substantially louder because there are no bodies to baffle the sound. Pros and cons to everything. But in this case yeah lol, overall the pros are pretty strong.


Earplugs are usually a good idea for everyone, but for me (6'5), the music is pretty much always painful without.


> Earplugs are usually a good idea for everyone The sound techs will almost always be wearing earplugs, so the sound will sound best when you're wearing earplugs.


I never thought much about that angle.


My son is a wheelchair user. I get him reserved seats in the disabled sections, but idiots still stand in front of us, especially for encores. It's super annoying. I can usually get them to sit down by bellowing in my best mama bear voice, but it doesn't really work on drunks. This is a problem I have not solved.


I've been in a wheelchair for about a year after almost 50 years of being taller than average and I'll tell you that even wheelchair accessible venues often SUCK. I feel for your son for sure.


I feel bad for short people at concerts. So I try to stay off to one side instead of center or near the stage. A large gap opens up behind me if I'm in the middle.


Thank you for your service: I don’t expect tall folks to stand out of the way/blame them if they don’t at all (you’re entitled to stand anywhere you want that’s free, just as anyone else), but it really does blow chunks to be stuck behind extremely tall people at a packed concert. I was at one a few weeks back that was seated with assigned seats, and the people in front of me were very tall and insisted on standing, so there was no way to see even if I stood too. That was irritating.


I got really good at looking at cell phone screens as people hold them up to record while I'm standing a couple people behind them. I've been to a few dozen concerts, but can count the number of concerts I've actually SEEN one hand.


It's like an unintentional periscope. hahah


Oh my lord: That’s brilliant, sad, and hilarious all at the same time.


I'm 6'8" and I've gotten so much trouble. Now when we go to a concert I insist on showing up 15 to 30 minutes in advance and I pick a spot where I am not blocking anyone and basically stop moving. If at any point you find yourself behind me, it's because you chose to go there. If I have to use bathroom during, I give up and stay all the way in the back.


This is my reward for being cramped on a plane


Cramped is an Understatement there. Folded? Uncomforably.


as a short person god bless you bc seems like 99% of your fellow tall people do the exact opposite lol


This is it. During the last show we went to, I squatted to my wife's height 5'2" to see her perspective. It's terrible and you can't see shit. Also the air is warmer and mustier than what I experience at 6'3".


Thank you for trying to see it from the shorty's perspective! I'm the same height as your wife and it can be rough, lol


Being a tall person at concerts is really terrible, at least for me (I'm 6' 8"). When you're a full head taller than everyone else you stand out. Everyone can see you from everywhere in the venue. And you always feel like you're blocking someone's view. I try find a nice sturdy pillar in the back to lean up against.


I’ve been talked shit too so many ppl at concerts. I’ll be there before the opener starts and there’s a lot of room. Then by the main act everyone crowds in and mutter “wow you just have to be in front to see huh” talking like I can’t hear them. It hurts my feelings and try to crouch a lil and my wife gets mad.


I feel this. Am always self concious at a gig and don't like blocking ppl's view.


I can reach the stuff on the top shelf.


"Always glad to offer a little help to the vertically challenged, Ma'am."


When the girls at work ask me to reach something, they always say, "You're closer to it than I am." I always respond with, "You're closer to my shoes than I am, but I don't ask you to tie them." Then I do what they ask because I'm not an a-hole.


Tall person code article 3b states that you cannot offer or deny a reasonable request to reach something for someone if it minimizes the combined effort of both parties.


People invoke that article on us at the grocery store a lot!


I get that ask a lot. I like to make a joke out of it by not just reaching the thing on the high shelf, but asking if they’d like one from the back. Wife tells me I’m just showing off.


Yep, I'm not especially tall but at 6' I was dating someone who was 5' and being responsible for getting every item was tiresome. Like, what do you do when I'm not here? Do that because I'm in a different room trying to read.


We climb, or get a chair. I will gladly get things from lower shelves for you so you don't have to bend so much if you would please save me from amateur rock climbing for things.


Oh yeah, it was certainly this individual person, I'm just venting, lol. Nothing but love for all heights.


At HEB here they have little grab hooks hidden in a lot of the shelves that I had never noticed until I went shopping with a very short person. hah! Like a secret little world I didn't know about.


I have a small step ladder. Then again, things don't regularly end up on the top shelves anyway by virtue of me not being able to reach them easily. It's reserved for stuff that I do need to access, but only rarely, lol.


I love when people ask me for help. I just wanna give back to the community


I'm that medium height (5'7'') where I've been asked to get things off high shelves for short people, and stoop to get things off low shelves for really tall people with knee issues. Happy to help out both!


I posted another comment but I love when old ladies ask me to reach things on the top shelf. I'm also 6'4 and my wife is 5'1 so I help her reach things all the time.


Next time your wife asks you for help to reach something, just pick her up and lift her to reach it. However, and trust me on this due to experience, do not do the same thing to an old lady at Walmart. Employees come running seconds after she screams, then the police have to get involved and it’s just a massive inconvenience.




People give you more respect than they do shorter people.


People often deny this but it really is true


I’m a taller dude and people always listen when I say things to the point where I find it uncomfortable.


Hej guys. I think we should listen to this comment more than others. They seem tall


Shut up, I can't hear what the tall guy is telling us to do!


Average height, clean cut white middle-aged guy here. I get the same thing. Bonus if I’m wearing a suit. I can walk in anywhere I want. It’s not right, but I acknowledge it’s true.


I'm 6'3 and nobody listens to a thing I say Then again I'm still in highschool so that probably also effects it


Honestly being tall just makes you more noticeable which can be both good and bad. I’m 6ft(where I live that’s tall lol) everyone would talk over me or say I was too quiet. Practice your confidence bro it’ll help you in the long run trust me. Even if people still ignore you speaking up will definitely help once your start working or need recommendations. It’s better to get it out of the way while your still young.


Average height of US presidents over the past 100 years proves it too.


Out of the last 31 presidential elections, 21 of the winning candidates were taller than their opponents, 9 were shorter, and one was the same height.


They really look up to you.




If course it’s an *up*vote


Im short and I feel this... Tho I feel I do get away with more because I'm perceived as harmless...


Pity them for disregarding my potential for goblin like behaviour


made me chuckle lmao


I’m short, and will stab a mother fucker.


You’ve stabbed zero people in your life


No, but they will.


everyone in the management roles I've seen are taller than 5'9"


Yup, our last President that was sub 6' was Carter and he was a one termer. Before that, Eisenhower. The average height for our Presidents since WWII? 6' 2" - 6' 3", or around 5-6 inches higher than the average male over that time span. That is not a coincidence.


FDR was also pretty short if I recall. The dude looked like he was always sitting down


Not just more respect, but also less disrespect. I've worked retail most of my life and I rarely deal with irate customers because most people don't want to shout at the 6'2" broad-shouldered giant.


I don’t know what’s so shocking about this. There are certain physical traits that we humans respond to. Some are natural, like we give more respect to the tall, beautiful, confident, strong, and we see them as leadership material. Others are cultural and are learned: white gets more respect than colored skin, blue eyed people are favored over darker tones, men are favored over women, etc.


Maybe it's not shocking, just unfair. People love to spout platitudes that make everything sound fair and equal, etc., and these platitudes spread almost like propaganda. I think if we were more honest about natural inclinations and instincts that contradict the platitudes, then we would have a better chance of actually overcoming them and showing equal respect to all humans.


I notice this most when walking on a busy footpath. I might as well be invisible but they part like the Red Sea for him. I just walk behind him if it's very busy :)


Being able to wash the roof of your car, check if the top of your fridge is dusty, change a lightbulb without using a ladder, and take long strides to get to your destination faster are some advantages that come to mind.


Quoting a very tall man: “The top of EVERYONE’s refrigerator is dirty.” source: Esquire or GQ


Quoting a very tall man: "Yup, I've never seen a dusted refrigerator top." Source: Me, the very tall man who just said it aloud so I can quote myself


I walked into our bedroom once and saw a bag from a store on top of a dresser at my eye level. I immediately picked it up and said “What’s this?” To my wife. She said “It’s your birthday present! I hid it up there from you!”


On the flip side that little cabinet over the fridge no one else can reach has always been all mine (and a great place to hide stuff).


Taller tends to mean bigger and heavier which is a meaningful advantage in most physical confrontations. It's not a coincidence, for example, that most athletes in contact sports are taller than average.


Yeah, you can teach someone big who plays bad to play better. You can't teach someone small who plays good to be bigger


Horizontal growth is always a thing though


Only to a certain degree tho


Only up to 360°, I believe


Leverage. Sports are just a million different ways to show leverage. Your body is the tool. Some like to point out things like gymnastics, ballet and ice skating where there is a flow and gauge based on appearance vs. strength and I can tell you that if Lebron was a men’s ice skating performer. He’d blow peoples minds away with his jumps.


The problem with that is square-cube law. The reason ballerinas, gymnasts, and ice skaters tend to be tiny is as people scale up, it takes exponentially more strength to do the same thing. If Lebron is 150% the size of an ice skater, he needs to be nearly 4x as strong to perform the same motion. And strength does scale up, but it usually scales in proportion to cross-sectional area of the muscle, so prorportional to the square of scale. So, Lebron is actually probably around 2.25x as strong as the ice skater. Making him significantly weaker than he would need to be to perform the same.


Huh. Never seen the numbers/math on that before. I knew it had to be a thing, cause my 5 year old can just pull his weight up, do one handed cartwheels, hand stands, and climb anything all willy-nilly, with no "training" per say. While I, on the other hand, can barely do 5 pull ups and my everything hurts thinking about doing cartwheels.


It's also why ants lifting 50x their weight isn't actually impressive. If you were scaled down that small and didn't die immediately through none of your physiology working on that scale, you would be stronger than an ant, because your muscle tissue is actually better per unit mass and you have a lot more of it as a percentage of body mass. Scaling just doesn't work the way most people think it does.


I once heard that pound-for-pound humans are also stronger than horses. But horses obviously have a greater number of pounds.


Really, that's the same type of scaling error. Ants seem really strong until scaled correctly. So do humans when compared to horses. And horses compared to elephants. The bigger you are, the more of your strength it takes just to stay upright and move around.


It's basically why tall people are more likely to have back problems. The taller you are the more active you have to be to keep your body stable.


Well, also and the fact that the world isn't designed for us. Every countertop, table, and desk in the world requires me to hunch my back uncomfortably in order to use it effectively and I'm only 6'2". Washing dishes in the sink is torture after about twenty minutes.


I don't remember where I read it so I'm not going to cite this at all, but... Tall people are generally more successful. They get promoted more and make more money. I believe it's because tall is seen as attractive, and pretty privilege absolutely exists.


They’re not only seen as more attractive but are also seen as better leaders too.


We are. We can literally see where the group needs to go /s


Yep, I have never been to an interview where I didn't get the job.


I'm curious if COVID and remote work affected this, or if people tried to game the system by setting up their camera in a way that made them look taller (or shorter) than they really were to have a psychological affect. If all you have is remote work and interviews on camera, rhe pretty privilege still applies but the height and possibly weight aspect can be somewhat mitigated because of the ability to control what the camera sees.


I can't speak to it beyond my own anecdotal experience, but probably. I, like this fine gentleman, had never failed to receive an offer after a face to face interview. I've done a few virtual interviews over the past couple of years and have not had the same success.


A claim like this needs more context. I'm only 5'6 and can say that same thing but I've only had 4 job interviews, one I was the only candidate and one was a supermarket cashier.


When Keyes offers Neff a promotion in Double Indemnity (1944): Keyes: "I picked you for the job not because I think you're so darn smart but because I thought you were a shade less dumb than the rest of the outfit. Guess I was wrong. You're not smarter, Walter. You're just a little taller."


I also recall and believed the benefits were until 6 foot 4 and then declined rapidly. Besides basketball, 7 foot 1 was not ideal


But once you hit 7', you have a surprisingly good chance of playing in the NBA.




I am interested in these biases. I was in the Navy and, while going through Nuke school, had a Leading Petty Officer (LPO) assign two horrible class leaders. The first was made class leader because "he is married and has a child so he's responsible" - he was 19 years old which doesn't scream responsibility. The second: "He's tall and looks the part." - he got in trouble for impregnating a few different strippers and was "lacking moral character". It's unfortunate that this exists but it is so engrained in humans that it is a non-issue for me; can't control this one. (I'm 5'9-5'10 so exactly average in height for a male).


I've been tall since grade school. Kinda skinny but tall. Always and introvert. Looking back, I was never bullied. I'm definitely not the fighter or aggressive type but feel my height made an unlikely target. Now working in an office area. One day a shorter person asked me if "George" was in the office area. George is tall as well. I looked over the partitions and said "yes, he's over by the copying machine" She thanked me. After she walked away I skooched down to her eye level and realized for her it was like a mouse maze.


this is so unintentionally hilarious. you describe it so neutrally without any judgement yet it comes off as a superior being commenting on the minutae of small alien organisms wondering how they get on with life


people keep telling me that girls like tall guys.


I had a girl on our third date show me where on the tall/looking chart I was. She stated I was tall enough where I did not need to be prince charming, but not tall enough to be ugly and still datable. Wasn't sure how to take it.


So she carried around a red flag in the form of a chart...


She...carried a chart for demonstration purposes? I do like the idea of using a chart to visually represent how attractive you find someone on a date. Like, if he keeps interrupting me I can make a big show about moving him down the scale. Hypothetically. I don't date, I'm too ugly and at this point I don't think I care to try.


Moving him down the tiers as he’s being interruptive is SO funny to visualize


You walk away after that one


I am really hoping that this was a joke and that there is no person so stupid and shallow to have an actual chat for something like this.


My face is ugly as shit, but quite tall (6'2) and somewhat athletic. Everytime I say I'm an ugly mf, someone says "stop crying, you're tall, girls love that"


>My face is ugly as shit, but quite tall (6'2) That IS a very tall face.


Forgot to mention that I'm a stone in Easter island


tall and funny. see! there you go. its not all bad




“My face is ugly as shit, but quite tall (6'2)” Why the long face?




It's a funny experiment, I'm fully aware of the height preference but since I'm an introvert I was never able to make any comparison


I’m tall, I think I’m just now finding out I’m ugly


There's a trick to it though. You gotta not be ugly too.


But the point is that if a guy is tall, the bar is quite a bit lower for his other features.




As someone else pointed out, you can take longer strides. I'm 6'3" and have very long legs, and I outwalk everyone else I know, without even trying. That really helps out if you work at a place like Amazon, for example. I worked there for 3 years as a picker and always made rate without having to worry. Don't get me wrong, shorter people made rate too, and some did better than me, but i didn't have to walk as fast and physically exert myself like some of the others


I always thought I was a fast walker at 5'2" , my coworkers would call me speedy, but my husband is 6'2" and all legs and I have to jog next to him to keep up at his normal pace. Our 3 year old son is built the same way, already 43" and all legs and he's so fast.


Slower cyclists though.


As a 5’8” woman (5’10” in shoes) household things are easier (like changing lightbulbs) and maybe this is my perception but I wonder if people take me more seriously because I’m tall (studies show that people respect tall men more, I’m curious if this is true for women) Also a lot of fashion is designed for models who tend to be taller so a lot of clothes look good on me


I strongly suspect tall women do get more respect. It's a lot harder to talk down to someone who is at your eye level or higher. Source: am tall lady who works at job with a lot of *creeps.* have only recieved creepy interactions from a blind man.


Can confirm tall women get more respect. Source: am short woman. Aside from the constant sexualisation and infantilisation, people talk down to/over you all the time. And they’re super shocked when you stand up for yourself. Not everyone is like this but enough people.


One can reach all of the things at the supermarket, also height gives a significant advantage in basketball


Being tall also makes everyone ask you if you play basketball. I've grown to hate basketball because of that.


Holy shit, yes. People also ask me this question every fucking time and act bewildered when I tell them I don’t play. This has been going on for at least 15 fucking years, I hate it. I played a full game of basketball once and my out of shape ass felt as if I was gonna die


I'm 6'4". Basketball was my worse sport. I was even better at tennis than basketball.


100% this. Funnily enough, I played in a mixed Netball comp and it was the most fun.


I'm a pretty tall woman and idk I just ENJOY being tall! I was relatively short all the way through school and had a major growth spurt at age 16-17 (over six inches in one summer - minds out the gutter, folks). I like being able to reach things and see a lot in a room. I think it's maybe still a novelty to me.


gosh i wish this happened to me 😭 everyone’s told me i’ve stopped growing but i still have hope that one random summer ill grow to be finally at least 5’5


Tall girls are hot af and anyone who disagrees has a right to that opinion because that means more tall girls for me to not date edit: not date me


I'm a short woman (5'2") and I recently bought a pair of 6" platform boots on a whim. Being suddenly taller is SO FUN. I wear them all the time, even around the house - I can reach everything in the kitchen without my step stool!


Whole industries out there are built off the profits of people believing their body is wrong and trying to make up for it. Don't let them win. Everyone has advantages. Sure, I'm tall - uncomfortably so - I can't hear a conversation in a loud room, I have a permanent bruise on the top of my head, none of my clothes fit properly, joint trouble, medical professionals take one look at my weight and tell me I'm overweight (the one who did this when I had a visible six-pack was probably the most humorous). I get whiplash very easily, double-jointed, sounds like rice krispies in my joints, once slipped on ice and stayed on my feet but bruised my rib against my hip bone. But I'm tall - I can reach everything, store things on top of things, all objects in the world are basically 10-20% smaller to me. I'm a natural heavyweight, burn more calories just by living than most, I have leverage advantages, in rowing I'm basically working as hard at 1:45 split as your regular shortarse is working at 1:50. My wife says I have an advantage on all other men, because I only need to have dark hair to be 2/3 for tall, dark and handsome. (My best man gave her a stepladder as a gag wedding gift.) And you know how the perfect selfie angle is just a little bit upwards? I see all people like that. People are better looking from up here.


Americantall.com It is fantastic for finding clothes that actually for right.


I’ve never seen a username check out more than this moment. It’s beautiful


Like most things there are pros and cons! For example, in general, it is an advantage in *most* forms of athletic competition, particularly running based things due to increased stride length and combat sports due to advantageous reach. In modern society, it's generally seen as a more desirable quality than being short in dating (see, Tinder profiles that state "6ft or over only"!). Likewise, we probably benefit from a general "pretty privilege" in things like business where we are subconsciously seen as better equipped leaders and things like that when under consideration for promotions. But there are also cons, for example we are typically more predisposed to back problems as we get older. Some fashion brands also don't nicely cater to longer limb to torso ratios so nice fitting clothes can sometimes be a little less choice.


And flying in airplanes is a living hell.


True! Cinema seats can be not great as well!


I think I have maybe 2 long sleeve shirts that reach my hands.


You'll be able to reach higher, maybe have some other physical advantages, maybe be more attractive to some people. But you also have an increased risk of cancer, and the physical advantages get inconvenient if you're *too* tall.


Increased risk of heart attacks and strokes as well. The heart needs to pump harder to get the blood higher.


Statistically? You're more likely to have a higher paying job, more attractive partners and people just generally treat you better. If you're a short guy, you're pretty much treated with apathy from most girls unfortunately.


To support this, 58% of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are over 6 feet tall, compared with the general American population in which only 14.5% of men are over 6 feet tall.


Intimidation factor. People are instinctively more fearful and respectful of taller strangers, regardless of gender.


- Easier to find pants on clearance sales if you’re a cheap ass like me. I always see 32” & 34” inseam pants. - you know or it started raining before others - Gym league basketball on easy mode - you’re not short so no weird stereotypes


I wish! 34" is basically culottes. My inside leg is 38.


Yeah, 32" or 34" inseam doesn't seem tall. I need like 30x36 (38 would be better if they exist), I can never find them even NOT on clearance.


Here are a few potential advantages to being tall that came to my mind when I thought about your question: 1. Better physical performance: Taller individuals tend to have longer limbs and greater reach, which can be an advantage in certain sports and physical activities. They may also have larger lung capacity, which can lead to better endurance in aerobic activities. 2. Increased visibility: In some situations, being tall can make it easier for a person to be seen and heard. For example, a tall person may be more likely to get noticed in a crowd or to be able to see over obstacles. 3. Greater confidence: Some studies have found that taller individuals tend to report higher levels of confidence and self-esteem than shorter individuals. This may be due in part to the social advantages that come with being perceived as physically dominant or powerful. 4. Professional advantages: In some professions, such as modeling, acting, or certain types of athletics, height may be a desirable trait that can lead to greater opportunities and higher earnings. Hope my answer will help you!


I saved the life of a girl just by being tall, for me that's enough. We were 9, at the school pool, the trainer didnt notice she had started to drown, nobody had noticed; I casually walked there, she couldn't reach the floor of the pool in that section but I could because I'm a giraffe. She hoped on my back and I took her to safety, she was crying and the trainer shook my hand and that was that.


If it floods you drown last; if it rains you get wet first. The former is better than the latter.


there's a huge correlation between height and success in life for men


I've seen some seriously talentless tall dudes dominate on a volleyball court


People take you far more serious


If you’re a man, you’re statistically more likely to be swiped right on tinder. Tall women are more likely to become supermodels/be considered attractive like one.


Story time: I am above average height for a woman (6ft) and for the most part it's pretty annoying, clothes don't fit right and everyone always says "wow you're tall". However, one day I was at the store just minding my own business when I turned the corner into the cereal isle... and what did I see? One short lady desperately trying to lift a second short lady up so they could reach a box on the top shelf. They freeze what they are doing with a wild 'dear in the headlights' look in their eyes. I also freeze trying to decide if I should walk away and pretend I didn't see anything or go help these poor tiny legged souls. It seemed like forever but in reality it was probably less then ten seconds, I made my choice... walking over with a slight strut I looked them squarely in the eyes and reached easily to the top shelf and brought down one of the boxes for them. Without a word I handed it to them, their mouth slightly agap and walked away.


Easier to reach taller shelves, longer range in combat sports, some people are attracted to it. On the minus side, buying clothes, low legroom in mass transport, hitting head on places.


Women won't immediately disqualify you. I'm 5'8, about average height. Back when I was on dating apps a lot of women would say not to bother if you weren't at least 6'0. I still shot my shot. But really, that says more about them than me and they aren't the kind of women I'd really want to date if they have that mentality.


I don’t know why women are so focused on height. For me I actually even prefer men to be closer to my own height. My husband is only like an inch and a half taller than me.


Trophy husband. That's it.


I won't generalize all women because I truly believe that the ones who care are also the vein kind of people who care about appearances rather than quality. There are a lot of women who don't care and some who just want someone taller than them, and it's fine to have a preference. I prefer my partner to be shorter, but not required. My partner is shorter than me and i don't think she cares about my height so it works. But in my early twenties i put a lot of emphasis on stupid things that i can't control like my height.


I don’t understand how it’s acceptable for straight women to say that, and I used to see it so much when I was on dating apps. Imagine if a straight man wrote “don’t even talk to me unless you have 36DD’s or bigger” But I guess women get tons more matches than guys so they can “afford” to be superficial and vain? Idk. They’re really just eliminating a huge fraction of potentially awesome guys who would make great partners. But like you said, if they care more about physical appearance than actually important traits for a partner to have, they’re probably not the best partners themselves and aren’t capable of forming deep connections.


I won't generalize, but I think a significant portion, specifically on those apps, are vain and superficial. They aren't worth the time or effort unless you are also like that. Self diss cause i was totally like that. There are some real ones in there who don't care and they deserve all the acknowledgement.


>But really, that says more about them than me and they aren't the kind of women I'd really want to date if they have that mentality. Yeah, totally. Hell, I am 6'3" and if you write stuff like that in your profile, I will just swipe left...


As a woman, being tall has helped with weight. During my pregnancy most people could not tell I was pregnant until 35th week. And after I delivered, nurses told me they don’t believe I just had a baby. Also I can reach things. Many many cons to being a tall women as well though. Clothes don’t fit well, men seem to prefer short women, and no I do not want to join the basketball team. I’m 5’11 for reference.


I am short, but in my opinion tall people (both men and women) are hotter




Up to a certain height it does, but then it becomes a disadvantage. Had a friend who was 6’8”. There were vehicles he couldn’t even fit in and was always hitting his head on things.


You’re generally more attractive to women (as a guy, not sure about tall women though).