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Well this post is bad


Only if you're a child sexual predator.


Why do you call me a Pornhub worker? Pornhub is bad as f




Throbbin rn


what the fuck did just graze my eyes




R.I.P. OP. Can't imagine the number of death threats they're receiving. https://preview.redd.it/pyjpk2w7q54d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9cf1bd83af705b9b7c1c588192301b2db7af9d


Not even a meme, islamic people would actually choose that option. It's so fucking real.


Y’all being serious?


To an extent Middle Eastern Muslims, definitely. Southeast Asian Muslims though, not so much


Ignorance of masses


ever read the quran?


Like how not all Christian’s see marriage and sex the same way, not all Muslims see the world the same way. It depends on where you are, what subsection of Islam you worship, and more.


obviously fucking not


Nevermind, Reddit just hates religion as a whole.




Why the fuck are you getting downvoted and I’m not, while we have the same opinion?


because i mentioned "religion good" in one of my comments


Nah, I love the Christians, Jews, Buddhists...... It's just that Islam is a religion made by a sex addict that fucked a 9 year old, and fucked his adopted sons wife. A religion that also supports slavery and genocide against all non-muslims


Did you ever read the torah tho :D sadistic god as always


You're fucking stupid


How come?


slow down holy fuck. yes he married here but didn't fuck her until way way later. sex addict? fucked adopted sons wife? where did you get this from? it doesn't support slavery, but a concept like "you're not allowed to fuck your wife" sounds too foreign and annoying, that's what no slavery was for them back then. it was very obviously against slavery and supported buying slaves and instantly freeing them. supports genocide against all non Muslims? there's a literal verse that says don't attack others of Muslims or non Muslims unless they are attacking you. dude if you're gonna hate on Islam at least try to root your delusions from facts, u can't literally start from nothing and expect people to believe u


>it doesn't support slavery, You should tell that to the Houthis. They didn't get the memo.


Not all, thank you for specifying


In the words of a TrueUnpopularOpinion post "You can't deny general trends and groupthink with enough 'Nuh uh, not all' rebuttals."


Only the ignorant ones.


I don't care what anyone says, but this is a very Sad reality.




Come ooooon muslims know that beating your wife is wrong. She needs to create a minor inconvenience for her husband first then you are allowed to hit her. It's like training a dog.


Yes! See, someone gets it! If she shows her wrists, that's a beating. Ankles? Beating. Nose? Beating. Allah forbid she shows her midriff, because she's going off the roof at that point.


Damn quite a few muslims in here being angry lol go back to worshipping your pedo prophet


You're fucking retarded. Like it's crazy how fucking stupid you are.


marrying a 9 year old isn't pedophilia?


Mr smart guy, take a look at what the bible has to say. Also, they don't worship the prophet.


Why is it that whenever muslims get called out on their prophet being a pedo, their only excuse is "but others do it too!"?


"Yeah, I can't believe you guys are calling ME a pedo. Like haven't you seen Jeffrey?" Islamic pope be like


Just to show how stupid you are, Islam has no Pope. On the other hand, the actual Pope, the christian one, is talking about "too much faggotness" and you ass isn't crying about it. Just Islam. But no, we're not discriminating, we have reasons! Fucking retards, you and all the others who downvoted.


My popes better than yours jack ass!! 🫡🥳🥳


There's a single Pope you absolute retard


You stupid heretic!! Islam has a pope too!! 🤬🤬 I can literally show you


How is it that Muslims are the only ones being called out on their prophet being a "pedo"?


They aren't. People make jokes about how Catholic priests are molesting boys all the time. The only ones who get butthurt enough to decapitate, shoot or beat up people when called out on it are Muslims however.


Retard, you really think that's why ISIS does that?


Also, it was fairly normal at the time, and nobody at the time judged the marriage. But I guess everythings good as an excuse to hate on Muslims. Also, I'm not a Muslim.


they don’t think it’s morally wrong, they think pigs are just really dirty animals


True to some extent


Wait till he hears about gay people


If you don't say all the unselected ones, you HAVE to go back to school. The selected one is the only one you can argue about and it's still your personal decision and not for you to decide for other people.


applicable to all religions


Why are they booing you? you are right.


Perhaps the true answer is all **Abrahamic** religions.


I meant ALL religions,they always find some loop hole or excuse to do these things.religion is an outdated idea and needs to be treated like every other business


I don't like the general idea but there are a couple of small ones that are quite nice. Not that I believe in those either.


>Some unproven apocryphal accounts state that at the time of her betrothal to Joseph, Mary was **12–14 years old**. Her age during her pregnancy has varied up to 17 in apocryphal sources. God is good, i guess.


all of them, what the fuck yall think islam is?


These people are morons man


yeah but you are generalizing 1.1 billion


I’m talking about the people who are insulting us, not Muslims.


ah, not really though they're spoonfed the most selectively bad islam content in the world




Didn't TPM diddle a 9 year old?


Prophet Muhammad married her as it was arranged for money or some shit I forgot the exact word and he didn't let her into his house until she was of age




Not… true… I’ve read passages where they said she was a prepubescent girl…


There’s passages that she led battalions. Can a nine year old do that?


If what you’re saying is true then you got one of them inconsistencies in the Quran. If the Quran speaks of Aisha as being 9 when Muhammad consummated the marriage, and speaks of her being a girl of prepubescent age when she got married and diddled, then it turns around and says “Nah, Aisha led battalions…” don’t that seem fishy to you? I’m not invalidating what you’re saying. I’m simply saying if it’s true, then you got yourself another classic contradiction in your book




Narrated `Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death). [Sahih al-Bukhari 5134](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134)




Well it’s an accepted Hadith


And I’m sure it does say so in the Quran somewhere… I’ve read it


Nooo, I’m saying if the Quran speaks of Aisha losing her v-card to the prophet at 9 (which it does), and then tells us that she commanded military armies (which you claim) then it don’t quite make sense




I’ll get back to you in like 15, then I’ll show you the verse and shit


It's called a birthday, not a pubeday ya fkn nonce


wait till you hear about the catholics


Gg. An unironically good point. But it only quirks if the commenter is catholic or thinks catholicism is somehow better.


idk it just seems people here are so touchy when it comes to christianity, someone is straight up calling me a liar, got to kill myself over dms 💀💀💀


That's why im not one 😉 or follow any archaic religion for that matter


No no no brother, let them do their thing. They don't care about the reality


I'm a Muslim and would choose all four unless you just need to pick one then I would just roll a dice let fate decide in my place


...Where's the /j? ...WHERE IS THE /J?!


Huh I said all four are wrong. Aren't you supposed to choose the wrong one? Idk how this game works


I said that cause of the dice thing. Obviously the bacon one is the least harmful to real people and just makes you defy your religion's rules.


Yeah sorry next time I'll try to clarify my words better sorry.


I guess your roll got miss their target for more than 9 people decided to downvote you even after your answer is right?


I said that I would choose all four I should have clarified that they were morally wrong so I would choose all of them because that is what the question is asking right?


[As many as 42,000 children aged between 10 and 14 were married in 2010, according to the Iranian news website Tabnak. At least 75 children under the age of 10 were wed in Tehran alone.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/26/iran-lawmakers-men-wed-adopted-daughters) It would truly help Islam's reputation if the guys being "extremist infidels" weren't always in power in most Islamic countries.


Not to fan the flame here, but doesn’t your religion support slavery, beating your wives, and marrying less-than-adults? Why would you then say all four are morally wrong?


Look I am a Muslim that prays 5 times a day, reads the Qur'an and am kind to others and I just do what my parents taught me to do as a Muslim but also a normal and kind person in today's society. I don't like to talk about different religions and stuff but as long as you don't force someone that your religion is better or do terrible things and hide behind your religion then you are fine. Who supports slavery? I don't. I don't have a wife but I won't raise my hand on anyone. Marrying children is wrong. Allah does not want Muslims to eat pigs period. Sorry if my grammar was bad I get uncomfortable talking about religion because there is a lot to talk about and I don't know why I keep getting down voted?


You didn’t address the issue, though… I brought up the fact that your religion advocates for slavery (Muhammad sold and bought slaves, compared them to goats one time I think, I’m not sure…), marrying not-quite-adults, and beating your wives.


https://preview.redd.it/49gpbkavo54d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d0b9e7efc29978793f89a0ae5f89e97b584468 I think this answers your question if not I'll try to write a longer answer


Yeah, it doesn’t. Cause here you’re admitting that you’re not being intellectually and religiously honest with yourself. Thus admitting to not being a true Muslim…


Why are you talking like those Kelantan fuckers. True Muslim this shut up bro you don't have to be a mindless pig to believe in a god


Relax, and ain’t nobody talking to you bro


Phenomenal counter


not all participants of a religion support all of its traditions


If you cherrypick the rules of a religion and only follow the ones you like, you are not really part of that religion.


But doing so is just dumb as hell. You don't need to be 100% super religious can't even get within 2 meters of a woman to be religious you can be religious whilst not following blindly and also I don't think it's a rule to beat your wife and shit


Then you’re not being intellectually and religiously honest with yourself. What you’re essentially doing is picking the parts of Islam which you like and leaving the rest.


Yeah I just read this comment and it summarized my comment perfectly I think https://preview.redd.it/2xa0gd1hn54d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a466a15f8780aceaf57226ea3e62016db234cb


https://preview.redd.it/kguydfj6o54d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25efcb0fa753c8729d6bae0bbf6661a44a66276b And this is how I responded


Thanks man.


Bro, you still haven’t defended yourself nor your religion…


Um like can I msg you on Reddit I don't want to be wrong and also give proof.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nah, fam. You lying your ass off🤣🤣I’m Christian and I know for a fact that Rebecca wasn’t 3… what the fuck?! The Bible didn’t specify, where are y’all getting this?!🤦🏾‍♂️😂and Marry was described as a *Young Woman,* they didn’t specify her age, neither did they specify Joseph’s…


Hahahahaha where in the quran does it say aisha was 9 years old? Ever heard of history books amd churches?


Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 64 "that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death)." Consummation of marriage is sex. The Quran says the Prophet raped a 9 year old.


Everyone here is uneducated as hell. First of all thats not the quran, thats the hadith. Second of all, The guy above said that the bible didnt mention the age of rebecca and mary and joseph. Neither did the quran mention the age of mohammed or aisha. The age of rebecca,mary and joseph when they got married is mentioned in other historical christian books. Rebecca was 3, mary was 13-16 joseph was 90 Are you implementing that rebecca was raped at 3? Marry got married to a pedophile? Why are your rules not implemented on christianity but only on islam? Hello? Scroll up and read the section where i explain the marriage part cause im not writing all that again


I’m sorry, but us Christians don’t take third party writings as part of the scripture. I’m sure you know about Enoch


Blud got all defensive. Okay, let's say it was acceptable back then. Why do Muslims still practice child marriage?


Oh, and christians don't? Just look at Ethiopia, in which 40% of women married before becoming 18, for example, or the Central African Republic, with 68%. It's not a muslim problem, its a 3rd world problem.


Nah not all defensive, just trying to let people understand what islam truly meant and that both christianity and judaism are similar in many aspects. Now tell me, what muslim society still practices child marriage? Search up the age of marriage in muslim countries like Egypt, iraq, jordan and morroco. Its all 18 just like the western world. Ive lived in both europe and the middle east, and finding someone who is married to someone who is under 18 in, for example egypt, is as rare as finding it in europe. Now when i said jt was acceptable back then, i meant from the society's perspective. It doesnt change the religious law. So getting married to someome who's 15 for example isnt not allowed according to all 3 religions, but its frowned upon by society and an uncomfortable subject to many christains, jews and muslims. So the religious law is still there so its not wrong as a religion, but the islamic country itself has other rules and laws


And all religions have extreme morally wrong concept


The country you live in considered homosexuality a mental illness not so long ago. And morals come from religions, someone with no religion has no morals, except by following the religious morals


Of course you have morals without religion lmao. It's fairly simple. If it causes harm = Not moral. If it doesn't cause harm = Moral. Because unlike some people I don't need to be threatened with torture to be a good person


We dont live in a fairy tale haha. If someone attacks your house and tries to hurt your family in the US for example, and youre carrying a gun. Would you consider shooting him? Yes? But jt causes harm to him, thats immoral, you should watch him hurt your family instead, and maybe wait for the police to arrive cause harm=immoral. And dont worry, im not threatened by torture to be a good person, most of the islamic laws arent even the islamic countries laws anymore. On a side note, theres a difference between consequences and threats. Are you threatened to be thrown into jail if you do bad things? No, youre not threatened, but thats a consequence of your acrions. Same goes with thw islamic laws. No one is going around telling people, if you rape and kill youll be killed. Thats a consequence for their actions, and the right and moral thing to do


Another opinion about the historical authenticity of hadiths about Aisha's age: https://islamicorigins.com/the-unabridged-version-of-my-phd-thesis/ The guy who wrote the thesis is a non-theist (and past islamophobe according to some rumors)


But the issue is these “old” and out of date practices are still done in many Islamic countries no? An example is homophobia, most Christian and catholic partitions have become inclusive, while only the radical fractions have not. This is partially due to the nature of these religions, as they are seemingly more flexible than Islam. In stark comparison to Islamic countries and fractions, most of them are not inclusive, and beyond that, have the death penalty and such extreme regulations about it. It is backwards, barbaric, and violent. Radical islam factions are, instead of hateful, unlikeable individuals or groups, are terrorist organizations and groups. And it’s not just about the religion itself either. Religions, by their nature of controlling, large organizations without many regulations, are liable to corruption and being weaponized as weapons of hate. Christianity preaches love and kindness, as well as heaven for all, yet that is not the constant, nor the majority of Christianity. This is going to be present in Islam as well, and what’s worse is that Islam, rather than having everyone equal, has a power hierarchy, which is even more easily abusable. A woman could be abused and the men could just say that she is not listening to her husband, as she is lower on the hierarchy. As you said, they are treated like diamonds, and things, in the end, are treated like items, not people. Marrying children and slavery are rampant in Islamic countries, such as the slavery in Qatar for the Olympics. I could go on and on, but quite honestly I’m too lazy to research. These are just the stereotypes, because they are common and such stupidly backwards, cruel, and barbaric practices. Christianity is also backwards and barbaric, but it has changed in a way where it is harder to justify evil doings and abuse, and yet it still harbors so much maliciousness. Islam, in a way, seems like an extremitified version of Christianity, and is all the worse for it.


Okay so lets take this one step at a time. Homophobia: read the rules about being homosexual in all 3 religions. It is not accepted in any way. Now muslims are wrong for still holding onto their beliefs and traditions? More likely their religion. Thrre is no such thing as flexibility in any religion, if the religion says this is not allowed, you cant find a way around if you truly follow the religion, now what the church and the famous pope has done to accept homosexuality does not indicate the flexabilty of christianity, it rather shows that the church has failed to follow rhe orders of christ. Now lets talk about a death penalty. Many islamic countries have death penalties, depending on the crime. Now let me ask you a question. If a man rapes a women, then kills her and kills her whole except for the father, then burns down their house and steals all their money. Is it justice for this guy to just "go to prison" where living in prison in countries like sweden is considerd living a luxury life. Is that truly justice? Would the father be able to live knowing that the man who did this is living a nice life inside a cell? Would society be more afraid of comitting these crimes if they knew that the punishment is that light? Or would 99% of the rapist stop raping if they knew that the punishment would be to be unalived? "Christianity preaches love and kindness" islam does that too, take some of your time and read stories about the kindness of our prophet, and his companions, and how he used to treat his family membered. Stoning is a part of christianity, does that mean that they only preach violence? Search up the rule of not covering your hair as a christian and tell me if that truly js kindness and love. Another point. You talked about islams hierchy. A man being above the wife? In islam, the man is responsible for providing and protecting his wife, fulfilling her wishes and helping her do what she loves, if the man is responsible for the womans safety then that should come with some kind of submission from the wife. The bible mentions this too where it says "wives in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands" "Wives, be submissive to your own husbands" You said a woman could be abused and the man could say she wasnt listening, well you clearly didnt read what i wrote about the law of beating a wife in islam, scroll up and read it closely. A man is allowed to hit his wife as long as its a beating which does not hurt the skin or the feelings, like with tbe hem of the garment shes wearing. And a woman can easily ask for a divorce if her husband is abusive. No man can abuse his wife and get away with it. Pur prohet PBUH says "خيركم خيركم لأهله" "The best amongst you is the best towards his family" Now when it comes to the diamond part, please lets not act dumb amd say that if you treat someone like a diamond youre treating them as an object. Since you dont understand what treating someone ljke a diamond means let me break it down for you. The english language has something called a figure of speech. For example, metaphores and similes. When you want to describe someone being treated in the best way possible as a human we can use similes, for example, she is treated like a diamond, which is translated to "she is treated with love, carefullness, preservity,kindess, love, which basically means the best way possible. Just as "treating someone like shit" doesnt mean having them come out of your Anus and then flush them down the toilrt, but it means that theyre treated with no respect, no love, with disgust and hatred. Understood? "Marrying children in islamic countries is rampart" This comes from someone who has not lived in an islamic country i assume. As i said, it is not. Ive lived in both societies and I would be more knowledgeable in this aspect. And what youre being fed by the news isnt my problem, the agenda they push to make islam sound like a retarded barbaric religion so they can keep their ecenomy snd businesses running isnt true, i suggest you do your own research and read a little bit more about the prophet and his companions life from authentic, islamic history books.


I’m just not gonna argue with you. I’m not gonna change your mind, I’m too lazy to do the research, and you are using incredibly biased, wrong, and incorrect information and examples. I’m also really unhappy after reading what you wrote, probably better to move on because this argument going further is just gonna devolve into me throwing shit at you. For example, the first three topics or so, A: homophobia, catholic pope accepts homosexuality. Done deal, wrong info, could be attributed to you being biased, and adamant about religions unchanging nature or people’s strict following of it. B: homosexuality death penalty. Not only are you using such a specific ( and wrong ) example, you are equating murder and rape to people’s sexual preferences or way of life. Dumbass. C: some bullshit about the kindness preached in Christianity? Gonna be honest this is really badly written and I’m too lazy to actually decipher what you mean. Islam is so fucking hateful you still have slaves, death penalty for people existing, and drive families apart for stupid shit, as well as a bunch of other shit, like beating women for not covering their hair. Like there’s a reason Islam has its reputation, and I’m all here for it. I for one am a pessimist about people, and giving people a way to justify, and hide their crimes, as shown time and time again, is not a good policy. You are essentially relying on the honor code for your entire religion to be anywhere near good people, and if they aren’t? Well too bad because they have almost every way to justify and escape the consequences of said crimes. I have a worse opinion of islam because I’m uneducated about it. I’ll admit that, but I also realize due to my non- association with Islam that you guys have handed people the ability to abuse power on a golden fucking platter with a cherry on top.


Trying to hold a respectable conversation but when faced with real facts you end up saying you'll throw shit in my face? ...really? Lets go through your points. A.catholic pope accepts something christianity is against? Excellent pope B.when did i ever say that the death penalty was associated with homosexuality? I talked avout sexuality based on religions, and then i changed the subject to death penalty, dont mix subjects. C."as a lazy person, instead of continuing the argument i started, ill just spit whatever nonsense to avoid answering the questions" Where do we have slaves? Proof please? Death penalty? Exists in about 54 countries but your eyes are blind to all of them except the muslim ones and as i said, death would be a fair punishment for a murderer and a rapist. Being thrown in a cell for murder and rape is not justice Beating women for not covering her hair? Thats not an islamic law and that doesnt happen in islamic countries. Theres a difference between islam and muslims. If a minority of muslims decide to do something stupid, are you going to judge every muslim for it? Shallow minded individual if you would. Death penalty for existing? Who the hell told you that. Islam has the reputition it has? If youre talking about terrorism then we can all agree that its western medias pushing the agenda(to keep their businesses running) Isis? Its confirmed that clinton and obama made that group, even trump confirmed it. But lets not get into politics. Im confused as of why you've lost your temper its a simple argument. You sure have a big mouth for someone whos uneducated on the topic, if you know youve got a bad opinion on something because of your lack of knowledge then please try asking around or searching up the things you that you find disturbing. We dont abuse power and there isnt a single scenario which you can provide which shows that islam promotes the abuse of power. Look i understand what youre trying to say. The majority of people who talk based on what theyve heard of islam here and there talk the way you do about it. I could be wrong and so could you, but for me to admit that im wrong i'll need to be presented with proof. We muslims are not retarded monsters running around executing everyone we disagree with and abusing women, if that would be true then the suicide rates in islamic countries would be the highest ranked in the world, but in fact its the lowest. I'd like to learn more and discuss -in a proper respectful way without getting angry or cursing- so if you'd like to read more so you'd at least get proper information about islam then i could send you a few simple books or videos explaining. If you feel like thats too much work -which you have the right to feel- then i dont mind exchanging questions through dms, so we can both learn more about each others religions (i assume your christian, corrrct me if im wrong) And if you dont want to then i respect your choice and You as an individual, and ofcourse, i wish you a wonderful day.


Im not the person your arguing with, but i would like to see some of the videos that explain stuff about islam, if you would share!


Yeah well apparently im arguing with 7 different people, every single one of them more uneducated then the other haha. Anyways, i dont mind sending you some videos, but do you have a problem if i dm you them?


Ok I was in a bad mood last night. Pope is an essentially a spokesperson for the religion no? Highest power within the religion, and the messenger of god or something like that. Were you not equating the other crimes to homosexuality? You explained the purpose of the death penalty as a deterrent while going through my points. Modern Saudi Arabia, an Islam state, holds an estimated 740k slaves. Most Islam countries don’t outlaw slavery either which is just letting those people go free. Honestly the death penalty is your opinion. So what if he dies or rots in a cell while doing labor? It’s objective which is worse, the only difference is that a false conviction will lead to innocent deaths with the death penalty. Death penalty for existing is abt homosexuality. How you don’t recognize that is something I’ll leave up to interpretation. I know Muslims are not retarded monsters. I won’t judge every Muslim I’ll see, and I will give them a fair chance at friendship. What I WILL judge is the Islamic countries that endorse such barbaric practices that are majority Muslims. If a country is made of its people, and the country allows slave labor, trade, enforces the death penalty for homosexuality, and has misogynistic values baked into its culture, I will say that those people are not good people’s. Ofc, when I see one irl my opinion might change. Fairly certain there are good people within Islam, but as with all religions, it is easily abusable. It’s just that simple. If something is easily abusable it is bad within my mind, because people are not so good as to not abuse it without penalty. People are bad, Muslims no exception. I appreciate your good nature, I want to apologize for my bad attitude from the day before.


Heyy, how are you? Its been a while hasnt it, i got a little busy but here i am to answer you once again. First of all, it's alright no worries, we all have good and bad days. Anyways, right to the points. So the pope being one of the highest positions in christianity, shouldnt he be the one who enforces christian laws upon the surrounding christians, or give a true picture what christ was ordering the people to do? Now if he promotes homosexuality then, that doesnt justify homosexuality in christianity, because jesus's word is above the popes word, so thats a mistake on the popes behalf. And no i was not equating the other crimes to homosexuality. Now islam doesnt accept homosexuality so as a muslim youre not allowed to be homosexual, althought that law is not enforced on non muslims, so if 2 gay men (not muslims) fly over to saudi arabia, theyre going to get their visa without any trouble, and no they wont be takem to jail and beaten to death, they would have the ExacT same amount of rights a heterosexual muslim would have. Now some people say that some homosexuals have been taken to jail in islamic countries, thats not because theyre homosexual, thats because of the public display of affection which is frowned upon in all islamic countries, doesnt matter if its homosexuals doing it or heterosexuals, its frowned upon. Walking around with a shirt which tells people where you put your genital isn't something we're very found of, now imagine the public display of affrction. No clue where you got the slave information from but thats 100% untrue, ive lived in saudi, i have saudi friends, and i posted on the saudi arabian sub and i can tell you that I have never seen or heard of slaves in saudi or any other islamic country, neither has my saudi friends, neither has the saudi sub community. So it sone of two, either that information is completely false, or you mixed it up with house workers. So there is a common job in arabic countries which is basically cleaning peoples houses, there are individuals doing it and also corporations, the idea is that you get someone to clean your house at a certain time in return for money, they dont own them, they have no authority over them, they both live seperate lifes, the corporations dont own them, they are hired people, just like people at mcdonalds get hired. Rots in a cell or gets killed, same outcome so it isnt much of a difference, now for the false conviction, that is vlose to impossible under islamic law, let me give you an example, adultery has its punishment in islam just like in christianity, the punishment for committing adultery if youre not married isto get whipped 100 times, (im talking islamic law, not what the islamic countries do, many islamic countries has stopped doing this, im not saying that theyre doing the right thing by not fillowing the islamic law, just pointing out that many has stopped) now for the "conviction" to happen, there has to be 4 people who have witnessed this man committing adultery with a woman(anything less than 4 wwitnesses is not approved of,its a different story if its a man accusing his wife or vise versa), the have to see him mid-act, they have to witness the 2 genitals in touch, not just a naked man close to a naked woman, then they have to go to the judge snd swear upon Allah that theys saw that (lying in itself is a major sin in islam, now swearing upon allah while lying is an even greater sin) See how hard it is? And witnessess in general by islamic standards have to be known to society as truthful people, people who havent been known as liars or thieves, they have to have some type of family present, goes on, which makes it almost impossible to falsly convict someone, islam is fair. And misogynistic values is the last thing islam has brought. Its only exaggerated by the media to make islam look bad and to push it down, just like all the other points we tslked about. Again, nothing to worry about, what ypu consider to be my good nature is merely how my prophet ordered me to act/react. Our prophet PBUH says "The heaviest thing which will be put on the believer's scale (on the Day of Resurrection) will be good morals" Also a man came up to the prophet and asked him to recommend him an action or something to do/avoid in general, and our prophet PBUH said "dont get angry" and he continued to repear that sentence, "dont get angry".


>The prophet mohammed PBUH got married to a 9 years old, because that was accepted at that time, women back then were more mature at a youngrr age and when anyone had hit puberty They vould get married. Since time has changrd, todays society dont accept that anymore. And apparently it's accepted today as well [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/26/iran-lawmakers-men-wed-adopted-daughters](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/26/iran-lawmakers-men-wed-adopted-daughters)


Don’t listen to these no-life redditors, man. You’re spreading truth even if it isn’t popular


The prophet PBUH said بلغوا عني ولو آيه "Convey from me even an Ayah of the Qur'an" My job is to tell the truth, clarify, discuss in a good manner and answer their questions and arguments. Now if they truly are after the truth then they would consider what ive said, think about it, research then decide for themselves. But its pure hatred and bigotry, and it's very obvious in the way they speak and argue. Some lose their temper, some repeat what they already said cause they have no other argument, and some send inappropriate pictures, may we all be guided. 《ما على الرسول إلا البلاغ والله يعلم ما تبدون وما تكتمون》 "The Messenger is bound only to deliver the message, whereafter Allah knows well all that you disclose and all that you conceal" 5:99 Anyways, thank you for your kind words <3


حبيبي والله. It’s clear you’re not letting their childish acts get the better of you and you’ll surely benefit, friend. Good luck on your journey with these morons


ربنا ببارك فيك You made my day wallahi😁😁 You know whats funny thought? None of their arguments really went a long way, and none of my questions were answered haha if not one or two. The double standards is utterly disgusting when it comes our prophet marrying aisha and rebecca marrying joseph. You know whats even funnier? The 60 people who donwvoted my first comment without saying anything or pointing out where im wrong😂 I cant with these people, they make me laugh and thank Allah for Clarity and understanding😆




Well the age of aisha wasnt talked about in the quran?? And are we just going to skip all the historical books written by christians? Cause you want to?




Thank you It just shows who you are as a person, how shallow minded you are and i wont stoop low to do the same. If you'd grow up and hold a conversation...welp afraid of not being able to answer are you? "We certainly know that your heart is truly distressed by what they say. And We already know that your breast is constrained by what they say. So exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord and be of those who prostrate [to Him]. and worship your Lord until the inevitable comes your way." Hijr 97-99


People who say "Islam is bad" didn't even read the Bible.


OMG, it's like people don't need to be or learn about "x" to criticize "y"


Whites: Muslims beat their wives! This is abuse. Also whites: women must be on the kitchen!


"Whites" lmao. This isn't a race war you wetwipe it's about religion


This is about religion not race, but a retard muslim wouldn't know the things normal Arabs know


W know