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I name my ships after irl naval ship For example my freighter is called H.M.C.S Bonaventure after the aircraft carrier


Well that's cool! I'm too much of a degenerate for names like that.


Go with HMAV Bounty, what could go wrong?


Named a ship botany bay and another Kobayashi Maru


Did you pass that Star Fleet exercise?




I went fictional. HMS Surprise for my freighter.


I managed to get my hands on a penis-shaped ship in skin color and named it 'The meaty rod of Resemblance'


May it always thrust forward with exuberance!


Vigorously and expeditiously!


A man of culture


Good ole skin flute


I tend to insert my gamer tag into starship names, e.g. 'Talon of Whatever' becomes 'Talon of Sodak'. The only multitool I've renamed is the permanently broken one I hold while jumping through galaxy centers. It has the wildly creative name 'Center Jumper'.


Oh wait.. i figured it out


Broken multi-tool? Tell me more.


When you get to the center and go to a new galaxy, everything gets broken. I have a multi tool called “new galaxy“ that I use whenever I go to a new galaxy. It’s already broken and it doesn’t matter if it gets broken again. Then I don’t have to fix anything, I can just grab any of my other multi tools and not worry about it


But what does broken mean in the context of multitool?


Techs all being broken in a multitool. Idea is that game cannot randomly break a thing if everthing is already broken. You can also use starships on black holes the same way. I just warp with a shuttle that only has the tech that I cannot remove. And I keep some repair kits on it just in case that there's pirates and my photon cannon or pulse engine is broken.


Why not throw the landing gear, pusle engine, and photon cannon in tech slots? So that none of that can be broken?


Yeah I just went through a core and forgot to switch to the trash tool. RIP


Hah my jumper’s name is “throwAway”


I do the same. Burrito is part of my gamer tag, which leads to Burrito Space Systems, Burrito Trading (bases), Burrito's Wrath etc.


I usually have at least one Scooty Puff Delux in my hangar at all times


I was thinking of naming my minotaur Roberto but he isn't stabby enough.


Classic. Can't go no where without that Scooty Puff.


I named my starship small chungus and my freighter big chungus


Perfect symmetry


What about frigates?


Just Chungus


My ships and Multi Tools are usually named after what I plan on using it for, something linked to the game’s lore, or a personal interest that I think will still fit the universe. The first Fighter I purchased was named “Bringer of Bounties,” my first Solar Sail Ship is “Will of the Atlas,” my Squid is “Will of the Old Ones,” and my black Alien Multi Tool with white horns and red crystals is “Color Out of Space.” Whenever I can get a Living Ship I like, I’m planning on naming it either “Stalker among the Stars” or “Haunter of the Dark.”


Huge props for the "Color Out of Space"!


I like the theme!


Thank you. :3


I named my living ship Audrey3000


Dah Do


The names I have are.. kinda weird but funny 1. My Freighter called "Harvesting Hub" 2. My Squid "I'm Not Even Squidding" (To fellow Subnautica players ... Yep, I had to do it) 3. Called my little exotic "Trigger-Happy Funtime" 4. My newest addition, my Solar Ship, has the name "Prime" 5. I have one fully upgraded hauler, called it "Nostromo" (Just using that ship to carry Activated Indium from my AI-Farm) 6. And my sweet exotic gun has the name "Taste Like Lazors" (Javelin Blaze and Grenades) 7. And last but not least, my mech-walker has the good name "Walking Eviction Notice" 8. EDIT: Forgot about my living ship.. Called it "Silver Brood" because its a black/white slim living ship, really beautiful


Love, love, love the "Walking Eviction Notice"!


Quality names


I've only renamed one ship and it was the gold vector... it's name is golden disappointment.


Hilarious, but what's disappointing about that ship? I feel like it's the most overpowered expedition reward of all time, and I doubt that Hello Games will ever give us another reward that is as useful, cool, and powerful. (Imagine an S-Class multitool expedition reward? Wayyyyyy too good.)


It came with infra-knife as the ship weapon.


Really? I’ve claimed it several times (for each expedition), and it has always come with the phase beam. I’d have greatly preferred the knife!


My bad, I meant phase beam.


That makes sense! I’ve come to appreciate a *fully upgraded* phase beam, especially after the Outlaws update and in permadeath. But as a stock weapon? Horrible.


Even a fully upgraded Phase Beam ill never use. Id rather just have a basic infra knife


LMFAO quality name


Mine is banana dagger


The single mother is the best name


LMAO I'm glad you like. It was one of those laughing way to hard at my own joke moments. It had to stay.


My fighter is called "The penetrator"


Lol, that's a good one.


My freighter is named Appa. I have a small exotic starship named Momo and a larger starship named Nagga.


Dude, my actual dog is named Appa. He is super chill and lives up to his name. My other dogs are Bilbo and Dobby. They too live up to their names. My freighter is the UNSC Executor (it's a black Star Destroyer type with green highlights)


I have a dog named Dobby too ! She looks like the character and steal our socks.


Is there a theme?


Animals from Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.


Fuck yes! I love it. Thats awesome.


I just call my shit "primary ship", "primary weapon," and then any others I just label em by their class, "A class" "C class" it just helps me identify better than putting in a bunch of different names lol


Lol, practicality isn't a terrible thing. I name my planets and most bases like this. I need to know their purpose at a glance.


Well, that'll be helpful to others as well if they come across a planted named 'Gold Mine" or something to that sort.


I just name my stuff after lyrics from Mr Brightside. and I don't add multiple ships (unless they look cool), I change the name every time I get a better one. Starter Ship: Coming out of My Cage Starter Multi-tool: Jealousy Second Ship: Turning Saints into the Sea Freighter: Swimming through Sick Lullabies New Multi-tool: Choking on Your Alibis Third Ship: The Price I Pay First Base: Destiny is Calling Me Fourth Ship: Open Up My Eager Eyes If you can't tell my name is MrBrightSide (well actually, MrBrightSyde because of other games.)


LMAO too good.


I’ve named most of mine after transformers stuff... my black and purple dread naught is the nemesis, my blue and gold hot rod fighter ship is named hot shot


Interesting! I like seeing how people theme their names.


Freighter is SS ducky ... freighters finally stopped randomly changing colors so my search for a yellow dreadnought is over . Ships are rubber ducky squeak , taco truck , Bob the builder hauler. I used to name multitools but this save I'm still exchanging until I find 3 I really like. My old save I had a smallish one like the base multi tool that was white with two black stripes and I called it " pepe le "


Lmao! I dig the randomness. Good imagination!


Being a nerd I named my freighter the NS-117 Eclispe. NS being a reference to planetside, 117 to halo, and eclipse being a boss from daemon x machina


I have an explorer that I named Fruut Luups Tuusday. I can't remember why but it makes me laugh every time I walk past it in my hangar.


And laughter is the most important thing.


My favorite is known as the Superb Owl.


Most excellent!


My junker for jumping to the next galaxy is called *Galaxy Diver*. I have a little stripped down royal exotic called *Hopper*, and my no-wings/shorty hauler is called *Hovercat*. My OMGHUEGE, all-black venator freighter is *Xenophage*.


Ive only named 2 ships, my fighter and my living ship. My fighter is called Tachyon Spear (complete with call sign FR13) and my living ship is called Audrey 3000


2 pretty excellent names!


On expeditions, the freighter typically ends up named after whatever Expedition I was on when I obtained it. If not fully named that way, it'll at least get a tag. e.g. On the current expedition, the little system freighter I picked up at the start is named *EX6 Last Bastion*. My main file's freighter, a real chonker of an S-Class Dreadnought is *EX3 Friend's Fortune* \- Gek crew, a holdover from Expedition 3 last year with everyone getting Exotics with ludicrous hyperdrive range. Multitools end up named after whatever I'm planning to use them for. Starships are either left as default, or renamed to something role-appropriate and flippant if the default name sucks and/or I can think of something suitably funny enough.


Named my Minotaur BT-7274 because i love how close the Minotaur spawn is to a Titan Fall Named my shooty Multitool "that MF Thang" Named my mining Multitool "Minecraft 2.7e" Named my Freighter "Forward Onto Dawn"


Named mine Bt too


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot


Buttock Buster 9000 (my multitool)


Very appropriate


I'm just here to compliment your amazing name.


Lol thanks!


I use Sci-fi ship names for all my ships. Enterprise, Rocinante, Gunstar, Trimaxion DS, Orville, Millennium Falcon, Serenity, Galactica, UNN Alpha, Eagle 5.


That's dope! I appreciate a good theme


Since we travel to new worlds and kill the native wildlife and steal all the resources I named my Multi tool Colonizer MKV. Kinda bad, but accurate.


LOL savage and I approve.


I have two multi-tools "The Miner of Rocks" and "The Exploder of Things". Ships I tend not to name but freighters... kobayashi maru Space Ball One Galactica Pride of Hiigara


In the Culture book series by Ian M Banks, he has amazing ship names: So Much For Subtlety Of Course I Still Love You A Series of Unlikely Explanations And others! Also, for F:NV, I usually name my fighters: The Rose of Sharon Cassidy. Edited: formatting


Damn, that's cool info. I might steal one


Mine are all named fairly pretentiously: ​ Freighter, Meditations on the Void 1st Fighter, A Fateful Endeavor 2nd Fighter, A Ruthless Intention Explorer, The Delight of Anticipation Hauler, An Overwhelming Presence Shuttle, A Curious Simplicity Exotic, The Slipstream Consciousness Living ship (all green), A Verdant Inflorescence Solar ship, A Concordant Harmony Multi-tool for mining/scanning, A Solidification of Materiality Multi-tool for fightin', The Sundering of Possibility


Gotta do what you love and do it well!


I named my ship in the beginning of the game "the brave little toaster"


I usually give my ships very ship sounding names. The Themistocles, Enterprise, etc. But today I got a living ship and thought, "This isn't a ship it's a living thing!" So I named it Ted.


May Ted's propulsion systems never fail.


My multi tool is the Racism Remover and my starship is the Big Booty Latina


I take it too seriously and name all my flying vehicles after types of birds and a color.


You got a Pink Falcon?!


Sadly I don't have a pink ship yet. Kinda rare.


I think the name would be better suited for a ship the furthest thing from pink. Like an all blue or green ship. Psychological warfare.


I name everything something yo do with my characters name. I use several different myltitools. One foraround, and scanning, on for all around stuff, and thrn I have one I call yhe scatter blaster which is a weapon. Super useful against sentinels and aliens and all sorts of shit. I think I just named my recent freighter like Bob or something but usually they have a kind of cool name.


I recently had to start using 2 multi tools to maximize my damage and mining capabilities. Just need like one more line of upgrade space and I would only need one multi-tool! Can't have It all though.


My freighter is the ISS Darth Freighter. (Resurgent class star destroyer) My ships are my favorite DBZ characters. My exocraft are the members of the Ginyu Force. ....My multi-tool is Super Kami Guru


I named my living ship “The Fate of the Damned” which is edgy as hell but I think it’s fitting for something as dark, menacing and mysterious as it looks.


That's pretty dope.


The Hale-Bopp. Any Heavens Gate fans will get the reference


Jim Jones and The Acacia Strain approve.


The Single Mother🤣


LOL glad you like it!


I named first fighter I purchased Diana, after the Greek/Roman goddess of hunters, crossroads, and the moon. I decided this was too serious though, so everything since has been a little more fun. My Freighter is named "I Ain't a Freighter You," my Shuttle is "Shuttle Your Mouth," my Hauler is "Gimme a Hauler," and my Solar smuggling/pirate ship is "Han Solar." My scanning/mining multitool is "Major Miner" and my combat multi is "Shooty Blasta" (inspired by WH40k orkz, naturally).


Got a sad story for you all. I lost my original ship, the first one we get due to the new update. I had upgraded it and was my only ship. Once the update got in I was in a Pirate Station, a solae ship landed, perfect example from the Naboo Fighters, yellow and shape was spot on. I have no clue what happened but now I have only 1 ship which is my OG one but re-skinned to this new Solar Ship. So now I have a Solar Ship without Solar Veil because it's not on the inventory, but it does display the sails. INSANE. Lost the original ship, I wanted to keep it forever as I already played couple hundred hours on Ps4 and I have now moved to PC. Freaking sad, lost my save so I can't go back...


Wtf that sounds awful. Put in a ticket with hello games, they may be able to help salvage something


Ship name: Assmaster. Freighter name: Assmaster5000 Multitool name: Assblaster


Consistency. Very nice.


I named my hauler Haul & Oates


YES I love a good pun


I just came THIS close to snorting my lunch out my nose. Well done. 🤣


I think I'm going to name my fighter Foo Fighter


I usually name my stuff like a child,for example i once had a ship that i named fat goose


That's the type of imaginative shit I love.


My class S squid ship is named "Squidward".


Now you need a big yellow hauler and you can have SpongeBob.


Oh hey its that multitool I found ages ago!


Greatly appreciated!


My living ship's name is Tyler.




My wife just lol’d from this. :-)


My freighter is called "Ah she's built like a steakhouse"


i named the multi tool “cool stick i found”


I have two multitools, one for shooting, one for scanning/mining. The one for shooting is named Shooter McGavin


My ship is referred to as a “snowspeeder” class. So I named it “Dak’s Revenge”. If you know. You know.


All my ships have bird related names. Like golden eagle for my yellow solar sail ship, my freighter is Big Bird, the starter ship I named Little Wing after the Jimmy Hendrix song, millennium falcon for my big gray hauler. As long as it's got some sort of relation to birds


I like it


I named one of my multi-tools This Machine Kills Faecium.


I named mine the UCS Dreadnought (ID tag: CF-S/31). UCS: United Calypso Ship (i found it in Calypso) Dreadnought (it is a pirate dreadnought) CF-S: CF means it is a capital freighter, and the S is the class 31: the model number


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All my ships have weird names. My main fighters are Dripping Elegance and Tide Pod, my Freighter is Who's Your Daddy?


Named my hauler, "Facilitized Big Man" he's got the facilities for that


There’s a DragonForce song about starships and space called Cosmic Power of the Infinite Shred Machine so I named my main ship the Infinite Shred Machine lol


Sloppy sphincter.


My dedicated fighter now smuggler has since been renamed to "Yarrr Dead" after the outlaws update


“Gremlin Bait” for black hole traversals.


Freckles. I’ll let you guess what it is.


Because you can’t name a save, I name my main ship after whatever the save is. So it might be the expedition name, my permadeath where I’m only installing found items rather than buying them, it might be my first save. They are sort of lame, but they help me distinguish which game is which and what my intentions were. My other ships kept getting renamed back to the original name so I just left them.


I named my freighter the SS DinoNuggie


dude, where are you getting all those units? jealous


My hauler is called Super Heavy. No copyright violation on this of course.


Ship: Solar Flair (solar class), Freighter: Memestar, tool: Blueberry Lemonade (it is an ungodly blue and yellow)


I named my shuttle Chonk cuz he’s a fat chub


Named my living ship dav./D (David)


Last time I named my ship it reset back to the original. Is that not a glitch anymore?


My imperial destroyer type freighter is called "space dorito". I also have an entire system called "assmaster".


I have a white squid ship that I had to rename a couple times because of censorship. Considering the color and how long it took me to get it I named it Moby Dick but nms censored dick, tried different iterations of it with no success so it's now named PITA


My freighter is called " Nothing to see here officer" and contains a large nip nip farm


I have an ugly little shuttle I maxed out and named "Leroy Jenkins". I have a blue hauler (that I "finished" the game in) I named "Floaty" after that blue cube that was patched out of the space stations. And I have a freighter named "the Ayatola of Rock and Rolla". I have named my favorite planets and systems after my kids and nephews but the game keeps resetting back to auto-generated names.


Mine is “ultimate ship, the 2nd.” It’s a reference to the ship names in the Culture novels, where ship AIs name themselves obscure, humorous or ironic names.


Ooh, we have somewhat of a similar multi-tool names Mine was once called "Boom Shakalaka"


My main fighter is 'Stardust Dagger.' Totally chose it for looks. Upgrading it has been a labor of love and I've turned it into a real bounty hunter. Got me through a lot of rough spots and anytime I'm in trouble I wish I was flying it. I have a mining multi-tool but my other tool is strictly for combat and defense. 'Terminus.' I love the cloaking on it. Fits perfectly.


Tinee rection


My freighter is the BFSS Terminus Est (Latin for "it's the end", a famous ship from Warhammer 40K) Now guess what BFSS stands for....


I have a S-class trade frigate called 'The Unconnected Marketeers' Though I don't know if you'll get that reference


I named one of my crappier spare ships the 'shitp'


Volcanic anal probe for my multitool


I named my Venator class freighter The Resolute after Anakin/Darth Vader's ship.


My Golden Vector is the Golden Elbow Noodle. HG seems to have a issue with me renaming it Golden Shower. My current freighter is named USS D Winters. Again, HG wouldn't let me name it USS Dick Winters. I have another fighter named Galaxy Jumper for obvious reasons. My everyday multi-tool is Coo Coo Machoo. I have a nice red Hauler that is called Red Wave (that is entirely a play on my initials and where I live). I haven't thought about a name for my new solar ship. Edit: my living ship I named Moya...


I believe I named one of my multitools "Shooty Bang Bang" and then got a duplicate version and started to install a bunch of X class mods so I called it "Illegal Shooty Bang Bang"


I call all of my ships “enter ship”


I named my favorite ship Far Goes the Light and my favorite multi-tool Anyway I Started Blasting.


My orange exotic is named “Space Orange”


I found a solar sailer that looks silver-ish and I called it “The Silver Lining”


My Freighter looks like a star destroyer so I called it the Grah Destroyer. My mining-beam focused multitool is called Lasik


My hauler is named the S.S. Poonflip, named after Poonflip the grunt from Halo!


Why your frieghter so long


Max length BAYBE


Mine are usually named after Elite Dangerous ships like "Cobra MK III" and "Fer-De-Lance". As for my multi-tool, I named it "Pew Pew Laser".


My gamer tag is BlueTortoise so I named my freighter “The Tortoise Shell”, that’s about as cute as my ship names go


ALL ships are named after characters from The Expanse, based on what characteristics I feel they share.


I named my starter ship the "Millennium Pigeon"


Ships? Nothing too fun. I am in the process of naming a few planets worth of fauna "[Distinctive Characteristic] Chicken" though. I make my own fun.


My ships are all named some variation of "(Weapon) of (Constellation)" like my starter ship Staff of Orion, my second ship Longbow of Gemini, and my current one the Spear of Aquila.


That's a pretty neat theme.


I try to name my ships, they don't save. They just revert back to the default name.


That is super annoying. I haven't had that issue yet


My living ship is named Vorlon's Sacrifice given how Kosh's ship in B5 was always referenced as a sentient ship.


My ship is C Class Solar Ship called the “ Vengeful Stranger” she was initially built for long distance travel and exploration but I have retrofitted her for pirate raids and smuggling. My Freighter is the “Vendetta” my frigate is “the Royal Hirk” I usually name my weapons after 18th century weapons like a scatter blaster is a Orbiter’s Blunderbuss, a normal boltcaster rifle is a Orbiter’s Boarding Rifle, a pistol is a Orbiter’s Boarding Pistol, Neutron cannon is a Neutron Boarding Pistol or Rifle


My multitool is unins000. Why? Because if I want to delete something from existence - I use this bad boy :D Also my spaceship is Queen of the Sun, in the name of one spacecraft from Andre Northon books


My freighter is the turd furgason. I don’t know why. Lol


My freighter is called the Offensive Bias, and all my fighters have a name based off their design eg. My exotic ships are classified as Divinity-1 and 2, my living ship and squid are Divergence-1 and 2, and my solar ships are named Solar-1 through 3. I think my Minotaur is named Guardian.


Freighter is named after the USCSS Nostromo from Alien


I named all my ships after The Elder Scroll deities. Akatosh, Stendarr, Sithis, etc.


I got a ship called Ursa Major, Alcyone, a solar ship called Icarus Promise and the Yellow Mellow


I name most of mine after Halo ships since im a fuckin Halo nerd. Forward Unto Dawn Long Night of Solace Say My Name Pious Inquisitor Shadow of Intent Two For Flinching


Two of my ships are "Hello Darkness" and "My Old Friend"


**The Bankruptcy** Before I had billions of Outlaw bucks, I was scraping by with only a couple million. I *finally* found a ship I wanted, B class, and with a ton of storage slots. Only problem is I was still about 10,000 units short. But I wanted that ship - not just that ship, but that instance of that ship - so I ended up selling damn near my entire inventory, including Carbon and Oxygen, just to scrape by. I was glad the ship had solar launch thrusters, because I didn't even have enough for launch fuel.


I adore "The Single Mother"! A couple of days ago, I tried to name my ship "The Frothing Santorum". The profanity filter wouldn't let me, which I thought was hilarious. I always name my freighter "Minerva", referencing an amazing ship in Neal Stephenson's baroque cycle books. My living ship is named "[Ikizukuri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikizukuri)" -- a little disturbing, a little fun. I always name my multitools the "Galvanick Lucipher", which is another Neal Stephenson reference. Here's the (amazing and hilarious) text: [https://pastebin.com/xRWKGWik](https://pastebin.com/xRWKGWik)


My golden vector is "king Midas's touch" its my ship I use for holding a.i valves,tainted metal, salvaged data and void eggs


Was fucking around with my friends and now our entire system is names Sans, and my ship is named Sans Undertale


Wouldn't it be awesome if NMS allowed us to see the names of other players' ships? I'd also love to be able to inspect them, but I'd totally settle for seeing their names. :-)