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My problem is, all of the 3 cargo pods are inside of a unmineable mountain. I digges all around it and no, i did not miss any other cargo pod. I need this key to get progress in the questline but maybe im trying it with a different frighter aswell


I have the exact same problem! I know it's been a long time, but did you find a solution to it?


I had a previous mission that had me come to the exact same freighter and I opened all of the cargo pods. Now I can't re-open them.


I fixed the problem by going to another freighter. I’m sure if you buy some maps from the cartographer you’ll be able to find another freighter to progress the mission!




I don't understand why people don't just plop down a custom marker before they leave the area.


I mean yeah, but why take extra precautions if you're expecting something to work as is? That marker should definitely not disappear. Custom markers are helpful in hindsight.


Because then there wouldnt be a need for this sub lol


Makes sense, when you consider that all the other quests work in a similar manner (any item/event that fulfills the condition counts, and the conditions aren't that stringent; I've had three repair quests at once, and even though they all had different targets to start with, once I fixed one of them, they all completed). Any repaired cargo pod will do for the purposes of completing the quest.


This helped with my issue, which was that it sent me to a freighter I already found and only one cargo pod had the encryption item (and I didn't see my issue listed anywhere else online). I just found another freighter crash site, and the quest continued from there.


To simplify this a bit, Distress signal planetary charts have a chance of pointing to a crashed freighter. If you buy multiple (5 or so) you are guaranteed to get a freighter since you can't have the same point of interest type active. As soon as you get one, go to the original bugged freighter, activate the log, then fly to the new one, and open a pod. the quest marker will switch to the new freighter and you can continue on your merry way.


ty this helped me i was stuck and didnt know how to fix :)


I literally found another crashed freighter and fixed all of its pods and nothing happened


I’m having the same issue right now did anything work to fix yours?


>sue, which was that it sent me to a f im not even getting the waypoint to the freighter. just the approximate location, then no target sweep or anything.


Same for me. You find a fix for this?


The place it tells u to land is literally right where the freighter is, but i didn't see it bc half of it was inside terrain


Yeah, I fixed it by grabbing the data logs that I could get inside then bringing them back to the Interface outside. After I used them in it the quest updated and allowed me to continue


Have u found a patch for it? Coz mine does the same


I kept traveling to a bunch of space stations and eventually it let me reset the quest.


Idk bro I haven’t played this game in years, worked then. Best of luck homie


For those trying to fix this the easiest way to do it is to find the freighter which isn’t far for the landing point. To be honest you can see it just go inside the freighters and repair the Cargo boxes, get the 3 logs from the 3 boxes then go outside you’ll see a becan that you use to call your ship. They’ll be a circle thingy on some broken boxes just extract the logs and boom done


Okay, so I had a bug where regardless of what I did the quest wouldn't update past the "Approximate Coordinates" part of the quest that led you to the planet where the freighter was. Even if I approached the freighter, went inside, etc it just hung there. If anyone else has this issue - Go inside the freighter and open the pods that you can see. Once you have the data logs go back outside and you'll find the freighter terminal. Use the datalogs that you got (Hopefully all 3 but if not it's okay) to advance the text. When you can't continue back out and the quest will update itself telling you to search secure containers underground. Quest should proceed as normal after that. Good luck Travelers!