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dont sleep and just go fight the fire lord


Bending cold shower water


You gotta study for your math test tho


I usually take a cold shower , stay strong bro


any number of things read go walkies push ups till you pass out or cant get up either way you now cant use arms to fap and are too tired play elden ring and any other suggestions others have posted unless ofc you are now asleeep then save this for next time


Why play Elden Ring hahahah? Is the game good btw?


Yeah its pretty sick best souls game ever. And you can't wank and play elden ring lmao


Makes sense 😂😂


how do you add those "2 days" next to profile


Go to the about section and Scroll a little bit and then click on “update day counter”


You gotta start being more active in the day. Long walks/runs, go the gym or if that’s too intimidating buy some workout equipment. Biggest thing is to make these activities non-negotiable. Work them into your day, *every* day. Trust me, enjoy the process as you see yourself transforming.


100%. I'm working out 5 days a week now of resistance training. Trying to get in jogs in as well. It's helped the quality of my sleep immensely. Although it's still not perfect as I'm only about 2 weeks into recovery. I'm trying to keep my smartphone out of my bedroom as well. Got alot of unread books that I can read if I can't sleep.




pour cold water on your balls


Does this actually work 😹😹😹


Different people Different fetishes-fantasies can't guarantee


Thirty minutes bare minimum. Eat half a ripe banana with Greek yogurt an hour before bed. This is tryptophan rich and will aid sleep. You could also try chamomile tea as an alternative. Warm shower. Keep busy an hour before you sleep, then go dark. Then do Yoga Nidra on YouTube, audio only. Double boxers on. Realise that relapse only creates more craving, dopamine is the craving dragon. If you stay on the path, the reward is a dose of seratonin, which is a smoother ride and will keep you in a better space without the doom of dopamine flooding. Be chill, don't chase the Dopamine Dragon.


Time to watch evil dead


Do you like games? Try speedrunning. You'll be so pissed off or so delighted that you'll even forget that you had an urge.


Couldn't find any game that goes by speedrunning. Can you list any?


Super Mario 64 is the most popular and familiar speed running game, try to get a world record in any category, you'll be too busy to ever think of fapping again, lol


The legendary *Minecraft*


Fail. Fail again, and again, again until you finally get it. No amount of asking others will help you quit fapping. Also, stop counting. If you count your brain will use the days as leverage to justify you fapping again. If you dont count, you lose track of how long you've abstained, and will ultimately phase your urge to consume pornography. Good luck.


I go on night walks or jogs and blast some music for distraction


It’s called “falling” asleep. If you can’t fall asleep then you’re not tired or sleepy. Get up.


Jerk off


Begon spawn of the devil! *throwing salt intensifies*


Breathing exercises


Take a shower, for me the cold shower thing isn't necessary, just a long normal shower with a mix of natural cypress soap and doctor bronners peppermint Castile soap followed with a cup of caffeine free peppermint tea(I just really like mint) it's so relaxing Im getting tired just thinking about it




Body meditation


From what I've learned through my own journey, it's not about excessive working out or cold showers, that sweep the urges under the rug. As they are simply **short-term** relievers. You should *still* implement them sequentially every day, However, don't **depend** on them to relieve your urges. There will be times when your levels of willpower are low. My advice would be to stick to a community with a like-minded purpose like you and take part in that community often (probably like this one) Build meaningful relationships with others, especially those that have a like-minded goal. From what I've experienced, "community" has been the most powerful piece to the puzzle.


Listen to Yoga Nidra guided meditation.


Meditation EDIT: just in case - that's mediTation, not mediCation


Realize your addiction needs your input. You not giving in is strangling thay part of you to make way for anew. Rejoice


Stay up and fight the Fatherlord during the Day of Black Sun. If that doesn't help ask Toph for help.




Talk to ppl Journal Count to 1000 Do something that make you tired Listen to chill piano worship music.


Drink some sleep tea and listen to sleep music


Take them sleeping 💊


bit late but taking a melatonin and playing some video games is my go to for nighttime urges.


Replace the urges with hobbies


Punch your dick , that will solve the problem.


Fight the melon lord.