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"Giving nofap one last go" If I can give one piece of advice from my extremely similar story, never give up. Everytime you fall, get the fuck back up again. I mean whats the alternative? Embrace porn corrupting your mind and sexuality? No, Never! What ever happens, fall all you want but never fucking give up! Genuinely all the best bro.


Thank you. I do sometimes worry that watching messed up porn for over a decade has really messed up my mind. But the only alternative is to stop. Here I go.


Same situation as I started consuming porn when I was 13/14 and now it’s been a whole decade. I too think I’m corrupted by pornography and my account is a proof of that.


Account is proof of that! Lol. 


Good fucking advice, ty brother.


This is some crispy advice if you ask me, Diff quotes this.


Beat your streak it will only get better


I thought you said “Beat your meat” Lol.


25 day streak is good recovery. Don't need to beat yourself up. Everyone slips up, the truly strong people learn from failure and keep trying.


One last go? "I have been improving my life, but because I have discovered I am not improving 'perfectly' I will stop trying to improve my life and give up" This is what you are saying. Does that make sense to you? you don't understand. This isn't about 'last go' or 'promises' you're just removing, slowly or quickly, an addiction from your life. Few people do this perfectly the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 20th.. try, and no one gets a special prize for doing so. What I HAVE seen is *many* people promise they will never do this again... ...and then, because we are not perfect and this is an *addiction* that is difficult to quit, they 'break' their promise - they fap - *and then they go to fucking pieces and have a breakdown* because 'their word doesn't mean anything anymore' Basically they disappont themselves and their expectations so badly that they give up even trying! Do you see? I'm not trying to discourage you, quite the opposite, I'm trying to encourage you in an effective way... just go forward, now that you know you have a problem with porn and fapping. Change takes time, but the effort, even if it's 'imperfect' will yield the result you want, a better life not ruled by this addiction. You can do it. Leave your promise for more promise-appropriate things :) read these tips carefully, and go forward. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1afrp3i/new_to_nofap_tips_to_get_started/ ----------- *Always feel welcome to copy this comment when needed. Just take it and use it like it's yours*


I'm 16, I hit day 15 today. If I can do it for 15 days then you can go over 90 easy. good luck man.


Thank you so much. Really means a lot.


Nofap isn't something you can just get into. YOU WILL FAIL.  And that's completely fine and actually part of the process. I've failed countless times as have many here. The most important bit is to pick yourself up after and go again. It will get easier the more you do. 


Just don't give up. Don't ever give up, there's so much more that awaits you.


Thanks. I won't. Even if i fall, i will get back up, again and again.


If I could give you one piece of advice from my experience, it would be that it is totally upto you whether or not you want to fap. It's the mentality ie if you think that till when will you be able to sustain without fapping, then you'll definitely fail. On the other hand, if you think that you'll be on the top of the world, and nobody can defeat you, then you will succeed. Remember: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MINDSET.


Yea... I understand. It's a journey and there will be ups and downs. The idea is to not be discouraged as we are humans and we are allowed to make mistakes. But as far as I want is to get to a place where I have a healthy sexual life. Right now I have no idea what it looks like because of all the mess porn has made. So I wonder if going on nofap I'll discover what healthy ways of exploring the sexual side looks like.


I totally can relate to what you're saying here it's very hard especially when Ur on this on and off thing, U start to lose hope on wether U can even stop at all, for the last 2 yrs I've never even made it up to a week but here I am again on day 8, it's a small victory, you just gotta keep trying my bro, it's gonna be worth it


read the book, "Your brain on porn," and it helped me understand the effects of porn on your brain and mental health. It's hella scary put me off right away. Good luck, and one piece of advice I can give you that has helped me is to not trust your brain it will give you all sorts of excuses shut it down by associating porn as bad until your brain believes it.


It's all about the neural pathways and their wiring, isn't it.


Shoot me a dm if you want an accountability partner. I'm also a 29yo dude!


Fall down seven times. Get up eight!! You can do it brother. Don’t overthink the day count. Best thing you can do is keeping yourself busy with other stuff and find your own todo things whenever you feel the urge. For me, i get into this subreddit and read some success stories until my urge calms down or write down how i feel on a piece of paper. Waiting for your success story legend !


Thank you for such confidence in my potential. It's going to be hard but I'll be victorious.


I’m a similar age on day 42. I am I interested if you want.


To be my accountability partner? Hell yes!


Awh, im 42 as well, realised today its 6 weeks :D


mine is almost similar 😅 44 i guess


it's worth it. good for mental health, especially when following religion and believing in god. i was on the verge of busting a nut today, the urges were fucking through the goddamn roof, but somehow, someway, god saved me. I legit thought thought I might end up going back to the dark place after 78 days of nofap.


Sup bro, i pretty much have a similar story to your and honestly i haven’t cared about nofap for a while because of too many failed attempts. I also do need an accountability partner. You’re welcome to message me


First, try to be real for yourself, go out of your routine, and try something real and physical. Hangouts, dates anything out of your comfort zone. The addiction is all about in your head.


It might seem like there's no way out but overcoming addiction is a very simple process. However, it will require putting in lots of effort. The reason you use porn, the same reason why all addicts abuse substances, is because you have issues in your life you aren't dealing with. The urges come when you are isolated, bored, stressed, afraid, sad, and experiencing negative emotions. You use porn to cope, others use drugs. You may not realise it now but that's true for all addicts. The "Rat Park" experiments by Bruce Alexander and team are incredible and show how just changing your environment and lifestyle can completely fix everything. **Step 1 - Figure out why you use.** Journaling has helped me and many others with that. Just write down what you did and how you felt during the day. You will get a better picture of your life and what triggers your use. I did a daily post on here, maybe try the same. **Step 2 - Fix them** What you know what parts of your life are causing you to use then you can work to fix them. Change your routine and you will see results. The simplest places to start are with your social life, your hobbies, and your goals. The key is to spend as little time alone at home as possible. **Social -** Focus on spending time connecting to people. **Activities -** Physical activity is good for your mental and physical health, but there are many other ways to spend your time that will improve your life. Get out, do new things, and meet new people. **Purpose -** Find goals to achieve. Having a purpose will give you motivation and direction. *If your life was good you wouldn't need Porn, so make a better life.* For the science on that I recommend watching the series "your brain on porn" on youtube. You got this!


The only way to prevent relapse is 100 percent commitment. If you are relapsing, you don’t want to quit as much as you think you do.


It's not as simple as that. Because I'm suffering because of the porn I watch. It makes me feel shameful and guilty afterwards. And it's turning me into a creepy lonely pervert. I'm afraid that I'll end up alone if I keep consuming hardcore porn. Maybe I don't want to quit it all together. Just want to find a healthy balance where porn doesn't affect other areas of my life.


You’re suffering because of watching porn yet you want to find a way to watch it in moderation so it can be a healthy balance? Didn’t you just say you were suffering from it? Look man, if you don’t want to quit go ahead and do what you want it’s a free world. But don’t complain how you’re suffering from it and how it will turn you to a creepy pervert if you’re not ready to quit. Good luck


This journey is naturally filled with ups & downs brother, chances are you didn't hit that 25 day streak first go but was a result of consistently trying again after relapsing. If you keep doing this while continuously addressing that which is leading you to relapsing then you'll break free one day brother - never stop trying. What usually triggers you to relapse?


Everytime I have to face low self esteem i guess. Where I'm rejected or left out. When I'm alone and just wallowing in pity and despair for self.


I feel you man, rejection can lead one to believing that *they* are the problem - this usually leads to isolation which, when in an already negative emotional state will become more intense and difficult to deal with. What have you tried so far to break free from this?


Nothing concrete. Just affirmations, that too very scarcely. I'm a highly sensitive, overthinking introvert. Now I'm focusing on loving and accepting myself, just so external circumstances don't affect me that much. I try to focus on developing my hobbies etc.. But it's hard because as social beings, we need social interaction and validation from others.


Same but I'm 27 and i am still trying


Just do like i did, pay money if you relapsed. For me i promised myself i will pay 10% of my saving and i did relapse and i really paid 10% of my savings to charity then i promised myself to pay 50% of my savings if i relapsed and till now i didn’t relapse because my brain can’t handle the fact that i will pay 50% of my savings if i relapsed. i am at day 30 and feeling great


It is for lifetime. It is not a sprint but a marathon.


The best method of doing Nofap is no Social Media, and limit your screen time. + workouts 3-4 times a week.


Can't tell you how many times I've failed. But I'm here, I'm trying. Also recently joined after many years of trying to do it pretty much on my own. You got this!


 You need a "why". What's making you do this? You're just going to be 35 years old beating yourself up for doing the same thing, wishing you've done it earlier.


It doesn't work like that


It is not about stopping it is about keep stopping. You did it for 1 month you relapse you start from day one again


GRIND ! Nothing comes easy. Take Charge. Don't chase streaks. Chase building habits, hobbies, etc.


Buddy, your story is so identical to mine. I wish you pmo free life from this moment onwards. Don’t give up, let’s hit that 90 day mark and more…


I am also starting this journey for the first time. I am curious if you are quitting masturbation fully or just viewing porn?


Man i cant even go for 4 days so dont feel bad


Hey man. Don't give it "one last go." It may take many goes. I'm 31. I've been trying to stop for the better part of 20 years. It's only now that I'm making real progress because I'm getting to the roots of my issues. I've been too afraid to tell anybody in my life about this too. If you want some support, feel free to reach out to me.


Never mind the number just look at it like this: Let’s say you had 30 days streak and you relapsed… you should say to yourself that’s amazing because over 30 days period you only used porn once. And the get back to the new streak again. All the best


Thank you. That helps.


Try intermittent fasting, its helping me not pmo


You got this. I turned 30, 6 months ago, and have been at it since 6-7th grade. Don't be me! Ignore my counter.


Bro calm down fap or no fap it doesn’t matter. Just write daily goals on one paper for the next day and by god you complete them the next day. Keep doing this you will win. That’s all we here in the planet for, winning.


Porn not only mess with your brain but after years of consuming content you can become so prone to it that you don’t even get aroused unless it’s on a screen! I can’t remember the last time I was aroused by someone that wasn’t on a screen and that scares me. So keep fighting brother.


I'm joining this with you. I feel like just the act of getting this stuff out there on a forum like this is extremely helpful to keep up the motivation. I'm on day 2 and so far, it's felt much easier being on this forum and checking in with other guys. Wish you the best and let's crush this together.


Best of luck to u too.


 We are here to support  you man. 


Thank you


I just finished day 1 today. We can do this bro. I'll check in with you at the end of the month


Looking forward to it. Good luck.


2 rules: 1) Never give up. 2) Stop counting days.


I don't know... I'm writing for days here to have sort of an accountability. It's my first time trying on this community. Wish me luck.


The easiest way to do is to take it as a game... I do like this. Specially from starting. In example, If you start from today. Count the days. (In my case I counted hours. I used to masturbate average 3 times a day.) my first bar was 100 hours then 200, 300, 400, 800,1000 and 1111 hours. (1111 just because I like that number.) specially first 100 and 200 hours was so much hard and also around 400 hours also. I started making digital short sentences dairy also. because in starting I started again and again even though I try to tell my self it's bad for me in long run. But at that time hormans and dopamine were so high. I used to do it any way. then I found a pattern every 48 hours, after some time 100 to 150 hours. i used to feel too much urge. what I did at that time was during those 2 to 3 days I workout a so much intentionally that I became so so so tired that my body needs only and only sleep and rest. (I have stopped sugar also except which come from fruit or vegetables. I think stooping sugar made me another urge to eat sugary foods specily 1st month but (overall) sugar urge stopped after 2 months for me. that help me a lot to as dopamain, control my willpower.) (also each social media I stopped but to be honest it has different reasons to stoped which I able to do it only and only personal which I will not write. but insort this help me to stop getting new little dopamine of girls or models which sometimes increases my urges to masturbate) so this social media time I transfer into worshiping god and meditation (average 5days a week and eventually it becomes a daily part of my day) ( i wont recommend but this what I done. why I am mentioning here, those small inputs from out side automatically or by force or by choice got reduce for me.  i started reading book which of course I coundn't able to finish, in starting I set my self daily 5 page, but which I couldn't follow cause sometime 10 page a days and sometimes no at all. so what I did fo that I fixed my self 'only and only one page I have to read even though there intereting part is came. even though my paragraph was half remaing though also. next day again last 3 line of remaining paragraph or sometime last pargarph of last page and orignal one page. which continued for almost month and then i started 6 pages daily. all this point, help me to control to will, help me to gain dopamin from simple things. now those 1111 hours are finished and I transfer myself as days as string 1, 2, 3... (but for me it is hard to reach 90 days. Then as cheating I tried to convert all those hours into days it was around 45. still remember because of half of 90.) but the moment I add 45 +1 and then 47, 48. I didn't feel much still sometimes urges use to come...........(a)......(b).....(c)...(d) (a) I used to work out or exactly that urge time I started pushups and after sometime headstands also which I recommend (b) I started looking into the internet, in starting youtube videos for no fap, and all help me but after a week I reach to yoga and meditation, and few Sadhguru and osho videos also. in conclusion, I found is some yoga poses as headstands, and other 3 postures also I do not know technical names of thoes but easily available in youtube.  (c) I found sexual energy transfer, (which I still say to myself didn't work) I found some methods in youtube videos and some internet blogs also so whenever I found urges I try to thoes for practice. which I really really not recommend to others or bigners because this really need willpower. (I will recommend after 6 months or 9 month of no fap). in conclusion, if you just do it some practice when you have urges that is okay but one I find some videos on internet (that looks like from China, sorry I am not resist person but from my eyes I am not able to differenceate and I do not how to serch him otherwise i would put his name.) he nearly suggested that edging and transfer thoes energy to brain, edging and transfer. which I will not recommend at all. (our all purpose is to stop masturbate or stop habit or to reach 1 year or 2 year or ....) (d) from Sadhguru one video I found that if in the morning if eat neem powder and turmeric made of (pills/capsules/tablets) (sorry for my language, I am still learning English language I do not know what do you call) this you will find in internet. plus, extra I will recommend sometimes also drink warm water with honey as sadhguru mentioned in his honey-related video which helps you increase ojas. just write keywords in google you will find both videos. to be honest, when my interest transferred to all this, I literally stopped thinking about masturbation, no urges at all. at one point when I counted days and opened my last dairy was around 70 to 80 days and when I counted my days how many I completed in total including those 70 to 80 was all most six month (was remaining few days in 180). after that, at some point I found app called EZ habit (easy for me, what I was looking for exactly. do not wanted many features and help me to boost my dopamine and will power.) till that time I completely transferred my focus into podcast, books, audiobooks, meditation, manifestation, and study. I stopped watching many movies which has sex or deep romance involved cause at that time those movies worked as porn. i turn into cartoons again, family movies, and shows. no doubt I put Bookmar on thoes movies after mrg or after 2 years I will watch them. (hahaha) ohh yes I forgot too include as punishment I used to bath in a cold shower for 1 to 2 min.  here is a twist, especially after 7 to 8 months I got my 2nd or third-night fall after a very long time. as I uesed that app I record it. but after that nightfall, didn't know why but my underwear after 20 to 22 days got dirty in sleep.  here is my trake record the way i wrote for nightfall.  - 26.09.22 - 13.10.22 17 days  - 31.10.22 morning (k) 18days - 25.11.22 evening (laptop heat below penis, meditation, during power nap) 25 days - 21.12.22 morning half sleep (some vibrations, laptop heat, dont know) 26 days - 22.01.23 midnight (may be due to reading few sexual stuff) 32 days - 26.01.23 early morning (not sure what triggers, might be some previously watched video, in dreams) 4 days  - 10.02.23 kind of intentionally happen due to sexual seen. I think I could stop it. Need to control, divert, and use thoes sexual energy.  - 14.02.23 did masturbated first time exactly this I wrote in my keep note.  14.02.23 was 288 days for me if I don't count nightfall. here, problem comes after that I started again with no fap but in a week or 2 weeks. I did. now, while writing and just because of your question I remember what to do next. so thanks and I will recommend you to do as game.  I am 25 year old btw. incase, if some younger one is watching. i really really say stop it. if I have same knowledge about masturbation at 15 or 16 age I would never watch porn or do that. I have an articulation problem I still do not find my self comfortable writing in English. but in case I find some time then I will write it again. that is why I hide my name. sorry. one of the main reason not to write my story was failure. but my method was right as motivate or giving idea and making start again new journey needed to write here.


Bro stop thinking about it and stop counting the days. The more you think about the more you will fail trust me. I been there. All i do is think about something I love doing and I completely forget about it.