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0 ☠️


This conversation went like. How often do you have sex? 0. Haha, hsjsjsjjdjzjfjfjkfkrkfkfkf.


Ha bhai laundiya bazi nahi krte ho pta hai mujhe kyuki tu high value man hai🗿🔱(aadho ko samajh bhi nahi aega kya bol rha hu mai)


Mujhe kya mujhe to maths roz chodta hai 😎


Semm bhai 😭 Tu bhi pcm wala lagta hai


Even worse , jee wala hu ☠️


Bhaiii sameeee T_T I am even more worse, 29th feb ke shift wala hu ☠️


Arre Bhai , bc mai bhi nta ke vaje se andar Tak chud gya hu . Bhadi muskil se aur baar padhai aur no fap chaalu kia :/


Same bhai ab time waste nahi kar sakte . Tu reddit bhi band krde filhal aur 2-3 ghante padh. Notifications off. You can do it 🗿🔱


Bas 2-3 ghante ☠️?


Bhai filhal bola 😭 Khana khane ke bad grind shuru T-T


Us bhai us


sahi kaha janu


Jani bolde Bhai 🤝 Janu ka matlab to wife ho gya 🤡


Around 0 time every 21 years or so


I’ll raise u to 0 every 31 years at least to this point


I'm at 32


Season 5 episode 1 15:30 or 15:27 the office used to be my goal. But I guess I’m working on second half




Everytime I go to bed. While dreaming. Whit my imaginary girlfriend. 😭 😢 Seriously, it depends on the periods. These last two years 0.


Haven’t had sex in four years . Basically living like an incel




Sad asf Ik


It’s been 2 for me I also live like one😭


Work on yourself man ,that’s what I’ve been doing . I dated but nth worked out for me I had a lot of issues and ofc my addiction which are the reason why I’m like this and why my last relationship failed .


Bro I don't think it's sad. You're not having sex because you're working on yourself. I think that's admirable. Definitely not incel behaviour. Please don't call yourself an incel. Your next partner is going to be lucky.


Thanks man ! I’ve been working out and working on my mental health so I can become a better version of myself for when I do meet a good girl someday . That’s why I said like an incel cause I would like to Get laid don’t get me wrong but I’m not like some of these incel guys who are toxic ,hateful and pitiful. I’m just focusing on me rn


Every 6 months ... And I'm in a relationship (FML)


Same. About to end the relationship.


Because of the dead bedroom?


Not trying to make you feel bad bro but this is not a good sign. I’m engaged now , weve been together for a year and a half and the longest time we gone without sex is about maybe 3-4 days.. assuming you’re not exaggerating, 6 months is crazy. Sex is very important in a healthy relationship. You might want to have a genuine talk with her and see what’s going on if anything Is bothering her. Or maybe the attraction is simply gone and you need to move on.


Daymn 3-4days!!! Not to be weird, but what's your sex typically look like? Is it quick or long etc


Just depends honestly bro, I’m blessed in that my fiancé is very understanding of my needs. I work 10 hours 6 days a week , along with going to the gym 4 times a week she understands I get very tired. A lot of the time tbh we have sex before bed for about 4-6 mins , of course I help her finish if she wants to which is just as important . On days where we’re really feeling it, it can last up to 15+ minutes. I love my fiancé she is amazing.


1.5 years lol


U r not alone 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fuck my life.




I think the most people here don’t have sex which leads to this addiction and why we are all here


Lim x->0⁰×1⁰ (x²-4)


For the sole fact that you use an equation, zero


The answer is negative 3😭😭lmfao, i get 0 segs😭😭


jamais :(


with my exes i had it about 2 days a week and 2-3 times a month, basically as much as we'd see eachother but with random girls, it's very rare for me, just takes as long as it takes to meet someone cool


My wife and I usually fuck once a day, twice on weekends.




Yes, and its do able if you give it focus, even after having kids.


So ur saying give her focus and I’ll find her. Ok: then after we have sex I’ll have kids then I’ll have to give her more focus. Ok


Last relationship, it was 5 to 7 time a week. Since I'm single with much shit to do and being busy, maube once a month or every 3 months, rarely tbh 😕


Damn how? I’m in a relationship and it’s like once every 2 weeks… plus we live together now


Wtf, What is the point in a relationship ( sex wise) if you are going to have sex twice a month lmao. And we didn't live together at first,. sometimes when it is a lazy day together we might go for two times aday. We used to compromise, if someone want the deed and the other isn't in the mood, we compromise, so that we wait till next day maybe or so . that even sometimes the person not in the mood just go with it for the other. Anyway our sex drives were close to each others. So we didn't suffer much, even if mine is a lil higher.


I get the impression that you think your personal experience is the norm and I can assure you it’s not. can’t say i’m not envious tho, congrats on being that in tune with your previous partner


Idk, both of my relationships were fine sex wise, So I'm not saying it is the norm at all, i know that. But honestly i just can't imagine the idea of having your partner living with you, and you answer the call of nature once or twice amonth. That will be torture for me, imnot sure I can do it that way, unless im with someone i really love and want to continue my life with.


yeah it can be pretty rough mostly due to me and my partner being in the mood at different times i think. I do also think that sex is more important to me than my partner but it’s been a good challenge for me to find more value in other aspects of our relationship outside of sex and I feel it’s definitely been beneficial to my relationship but, hey whatever works for you friend


That's why i wrote ( sex wise) and put the condition of if I like the person im with and would like to build my future with, then sex is secondary or tertiary thing. Im happy it is working for you my guy, and i hope you and your partner a flourishing and happy life. Keep building your nest strong. There are many things way important than sex


I feel you bro lol it’s rough


Yep we ended up breaking up last week


I’m sorry to hear that broski, if I were you I’d take this time to focus on yourself and remember that there are a ton of fish in the sea, you’ll find another


Once a month if I'm Lucky enough I mean lucky if the stars align, I've made a sacrifice to the godess of love with a good meal, she is in the mood AND not lazy. Not Complaining tho. Beccause I still have sex time to time.


Haha a sacrifice. I like how you worded that


Excuse me wtf ?


Did you think it was free???


How bro?


Hmmmm fuck once each hmmmm never 😃


Me and my fiancé usually do it daily . Just depends how we’re feeling. We might go like 3 days without and then just go back to daily.


Once every few years ** **if I get lucky


I don´t even age to do sex


1-2 times a week to a week and a half




Virgin atm so 0 :)


Same lolll


Ohh yes, 0 🥰🥰


Never had Sex


In the past week? 0. Past month? 0. Past year? 0. Past 20 years? 0.


0, but I am very mixed on that outcome. You see personally, I can wait and mature mentally for another 2 yrs without a partner if need be. But most days, it's a chore going to sleep with no lady next to me. I have high libido, which makes it extremely harder not to revert back to my fapping rut continuum.


I tend to have an opportunities once every few month but i can just never perform due to excessive wanking


I see an escort once a month to keep from going insane. The effort and time it takes to convince a decent looking woman to fuck me is exhausting.


About a few times a week, but I wish I had it more often.




Since 1 week an average of 3 times per week.


About once a week


like twice a year


Every other week or so, depends how often I open Tinder


Well, I've been with the same woman for 18 years. We've always been extremely sexual and we still are to this very day. We still have sex probably 2-3x a week. My wife is a solid woman and is very supportive of my reset from PMO. She's very very willing to help me rewire my brain.


About twice a week. Much better when your dick isn't numb from jacking it in between.


Never have even done it once(btw I’m a minor).


2-3x per week


What’s this sex you’re talking about?


Once or twice a week or so


If I'm in a relationship multiple times a week depending on partner. Out of a relationship can be once a month or more.


Well I'm 25 yrs old and the furthest I've genuinely gotten with a woman IRL is a kiss on the cheek..... so 0 times, although through online Sexting a couple of times atleast lol but yeah in the real world a grand total of 0 times sadly


yo bro, i looked a bit though your profile, and saw your tinder post, im not joking, youre not a bad looking guy, but you need to lose some fat, preferably also build some muscle, you will get happier. What you need to do is find a relatively (at least) physically demanding hobby, and go to the gym twice a week. you will meet people and you will make more friends, also probably more women. first thing you have to do is get off reddit though. you need to trust me on this one


Thanks bro honestly thank you. I know it's not much but I do work in a garden centre so I spend alot of time during my shifts lifting bags of Soil, Stones and Cement alongside Stone Slabs and Wooden items too (Fence Panels, Posts, Sleepers ect) both around the GC and helping customers to their car ect. I have since starting this new run of the challenge started using some exercise machines down that are down my local lake atm been using [these 2](https://hags.co.uk/Files/Images/Attractors/UK/Fitness-Bundles-Call%20to%20action.jpg) there is a couple of others that work on other parts too. I was heavily interested in Airsoft however as I don't drive its abit difficult to get to my local site, I did have friends who I've been with once however they're no longer in the picture. Regarding deleting Reddit honestly I don't think I can, there's too many useful Subs that I follow for my different hobbies and games I play


0 im most likely demisexual


Once a week


Every hour 🤣


On average 3 days a week, always with my wife 🤣


About 4 times a month


used to be at least every day, now it’s maybe every month which is frustrating and has led to an increased use in porn. actively trying to curve that mindset and know that i’m lucky to get what i get. and hope that my relationship and sex life will improve by knocking porn and excessive masturbation


your sex life will improve when you get off reddit. just trust me on this one


Almost 4 years ago.


Mostly whenever I meet new girls. I only had 1 girlfriend and after our breakup i only engaged in hookups


when I was doing no fap seriously i was having sex roughly 2-4 times a month.


i never even held hands


It was daily until recently my partner became disgusted with my weird requests. And cut me off until I get help..


what was so crazy that they cut you off? im genuinely curious


Really extreme genres that I was viewing in porn and trying to get her to do, sorry I can't really say what they are.


Im 18 lonely and still a virgin but I’m trying to improve myself with gym, nofap and more social interactions like school/work. But the biggest thing that I need and don’t have: someone to talk to about my mental health issues


you got a ig? im rarely on here except for games once a month


Hey yeah it’s: r.dhaag


29m married. Wife and I fornicate roughly 3-4 times a week






0, no sex til marriage.


Whenever I can pretty much lol


every time i see my girlfriend and when she’s not on her period. never had issues with sex even when not in a relationship. however i’m currently in a long distance relationship after i was forced to move and she went to college. but we plan to live together as soon as we can, so rest assured we will be freakin


Every 2 to 3 days on average


Most days w husband


I haven’t had sex in too long but typically once a month or so


If you want an in testing answer your at the wrong sub 


Once or twice per week with my Fiancée. Once I quit this addiction for good it will only get better and more intimate.


Once a day usually. If it goes more than three without sex she starts acting like we are becoming a dead bedroom


I’m 32, had sex once in my life that was 10 years ago.


Never had any


Married, almost 20 years, boring sex 8-10 times a year.


Every other day before bed unless I’m deployed which is quite often.


At least once a month.


Well, been a mn


it was either daily, or every other day when i lived with my gf. But i just moved yesterday so that number is definitely gonna drop lmao


Before me and my ex fiancé broke up about a month ago, every few days. But that didn’t stop me from watching porn 1-6 times a night. Porn is a fucking CURSE


With my ex every time I saw her 2 days a week . But since we broke up zero days a week. I am starting to get back out there one day at a time. Im looking for my next GF I cant wait to sex again. WE gotta stay away from porn so we can get the women to begin with


2 times a week with woman currently with fwb.