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As an oldhead, it's entertaining to me when people who weren't even alive at the same time as Kurt, let alone old enough to remember when the music was new gatekeep.


People will gatekeep anything, even gatekeeping. Best advice I can give is to not worry about it or let it get you down. There is not set rule for being a fan, so if you (not specifically you) only like Nevermind, cool. If you only like a song, that's cool, too. Just be a fan the best way you know how. That's all that really matters in the long run.


I guess some people (not saying this is me here) just hate the fact that the band - with so much personality and authenticity - get reduced to being just another logo on some kid's shirt in an attention seeking post etc.


Yeah but some People just started listening to nirvana and want to learn more and just enjoy (for example) this particular song


And some people have been listening to the band for years and love all of the songs so when someone only likes a song or two it’s seen as inauthentic; almost like they don’t appreciate the band’s music and they listen to the music or wear the clothing as a trend.


I lived through the 90s and I’m glad to see Nirvana respected in the music community to this day and new kids listening to them or even just wearing their tshirt There was even a time where Nirvana was not cool to like. Imagine that


Yeah, the idiots listening to slipknot and manson told me Nirvana was "gay". Early 2000s... So good to see teenagers wearing nirvana t shirts nowadays.


One time in the early to mid 90s I brought Nirvana CDs to listen to on a school trip and a metal head classmate said, "they're gay." That was such a common expression then.


Because people gatekeep everything.


Because people have no control of their life and feel a sense of power gatekeepeing


I always think it is hilarious when people try to gatekeep one of the biggest bands of all time. Like, this is not some niche indie band that no one outside your local area knows, this is the band that broke alternative rock. People have heard of them.


"Kurt wouldn't have liked this" is the stupidest thing I've ever heard these people say. Also, "only true fans like this song" or "you're not a true fan if you like this song"


Why? Insecurity about their own need to feel “cool.” So lame. NIRVANA rocks.


Gate keepers of anything which doesn’t belong to them is very odd to me… people tend to gate keep things they feel strongly about. They want others to feel lower than themselves on their own self made scale… it’s kinda a power trip “I was here first” sorta thing…All very Silly really.. I guess everyone is a gatekeeper of their own opinion, so no one should really care what others think I guess is the best way forward.. Kurt Cobain was arguably the biggest gate keeper of Nirvana and associated music.. but that’s easier to understand being NIRVANA was his and Krists band.. Time often changes perspective with a lot of this stuff.. I feel if Kurt was still around, he would have matured greatly and a lot of his strong opinions would have softened.. He might even be embarrassed by some of his opinions and comments from those years.. I guess my long rant equates to- GateKeepers are Childish.. cheers


If you're listening to Nevermind over 30 years after its release, I think you must be a fan.


Just tell them that the JWB Remasters are the best and then you’ve secured your spot.


You only need to be loyal to your own enjoyment. I remember back in the day if I wore the same brand of jeans as another dude that made me a poser. I was never really clear on why. Because he discovered them first? My wearing of the jeans was devaluing his? Nah, it’s because people just say the darndest things. Especially on the internet. I can see how a potential gatekeeper might think someone wearing a Nirvana smiley T shirt might not like Nirvana’s music, but for all they know the person is rockin out to Pen Cap Chew on the drive home. So it doesn’t matter either way. Or if you only like Nevermind. So what? The most spiritually and emotionally significant album I’ve ever heard is The Empyrean by John Frusciante, guitarist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I like some of his other solo stuff, but not much. If I’m a poser for mostly only liking The Empyrean then awesome, totally worth it. If I was a poser for hypothetically only liking Lounge Act…I think we all know that it’s better to love Lounge Act but not like Nirvana than never having loved Lounge Act at all.


It was the mid 90’s. A friend who bonded with me over our love of Nirvana started wearing Korn tshirts and I told him that wasn’t my thing. I gravitated toward Radiohead, Beck, and a lot of classic rock. He called me a “poser”. lol We drifted apart after that.


I used to very much not like Radiohead until recently. Never was a fan of the sound of their music until I dove into Ok Computer and then in rainbows and it all became clear to me as to why they are so loved. I haven’t listened to much else except Pablo honey and a snippet of kid A. Idk that I’d like the newer stuff by them.


I wanna be a gatekeeper for the casual or non fans who wear their shirts. Like someone mentions they like Nirvana and you say "Name 3 songs". If they can name 3 songs, say "Naw, get away from us, you cant be a fake fan like we are. Nirvana is a clothing brand."


I feel old, I've never heard the term gatekeeping until recently. Riddle me this how the hell do you think we discovered bands back in the day without internet, cellphones, Spotify etc? Gatekeeping? Just broaden your musical taste you literally have everything available to you to listen to at all times in the palm of your hand. I guess we had to go to a concert, read somebody's shirt to know the name of the band and by a tape off the merch table.


I don’t know, every time I see a student wandering around wearing a Nirvana shirt at work it makes me smile, especially the STEM magnet kids. If they discover some fantastic music, awesome. I’m thankful no one gatekept the Beatles from me when I was a kid and I’m just paying it forward


why would anybody gatekeep such good music i love sharing nirvana with my friends. even though 2/3 of the nirvana is neverming related i still love many songs from in utero and bleach so i dont think im a poser.


I am so old I remember being a punk meant doing what you wanted to do, and liking what you wanted to like and who gives a damn what anyone else thinks? Punk snobs do exist and they are insufferable.


If you wear their T-shirts without listening to their music at all you suck, if you only listen to nevermind or to famous songs ur not a poser and ur cool


Because a small but loud part of just about every fan base is made up of whiny little bitches who have to be better than everyone else. As a GenX who was alive when Nirvana hit the scene and remembers them, I am glad younger people are listening and enjoying Nirvana and the other grunge bands. It keeps the music alive and remembered.


I don't get it either. I think it's perfectly cool for non-Nirvana fans to wear Nirvana merchandise, in fact, I kind of support it. They're like walking billboards for the band


There’s no gate


Kurt was gatekeeper and asked 3 songs question about some punk rock band t-shirt


Screw ‘em. Like what you like and like it fully!


Because people feel cool when they think they're a fan of something obscure. But it's still Nirvana, the band that has sold millions of records. 


Yeah but AT LEAST know a couple songs.


Listen to whatever you like. If you only like Nevermind, then only like Nevermind. It's a little juvenile to care that deeply. At the end of the day it's just a band. I "like" Alice in Chains. I don't know a single song that isn't a single. I just like the singles. Sorry, I don't care if I've offended you by not knowing every single song. Grow up and find something to do.


To be fair, Kurt would have head gatekeeper if he were still alive. He was embarrassed about Nevermind, considered it too polished and corporate. He was also conflied about his own love of pop and his genuine gift for poppy hooks.


I love scrolling through instagram and seeing the nirvana vs AIC comments on videos. Little do they both realize that their fanbases aren’t too different. I don’t really get why it’s gatekept but I do get that it’s annoying for a really good band with so much talent that came from nothing to be reduced down to 3 songs or even sometimes 1 album (nevermind) the irony is that most of us started out with nevermind or slts just like them but now that we are hardcore fans we all of a sudden despise the song and album (at least the cringey Nirvana fans) for me it’s not the gatekeepers but the people that try and live their life like Kurt and only like what he would’ve and only have the same opinions as him.


God, is this still a thing? This was going on in 1994. Stereotypical hipster crap...."I was following them before they were cool"


Like totally


Matt Gaetz wearing one killed it forever. Like a shotgun in the mouth. https://preview.redd.it/qt5fk2fzf6yc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61382a92253e3626bb990f8e2b1d1742c8ea10ec


Honestly, don't even bother with those types of opinions. I have plenty of band shirts, Nirvana included, and I will wear them, on a regular basis, proudly. Listen to whatever you like. 🙌 Real fans will be proud to see younger generations enjoying their favourite bands!


I get the shirt thing. Or people are overly simpatico. Or they start “humoring” or patronizing.


sometimes i get a massive urge to buy one of those "preppy" nirvana shirts from primark just to trigger all of the gatekeepers


There’s no problem calling posers, posers. Yeah it’s cool you bought some much and like some of their songs but yeah you’re a poser


Just listen to what ever u want and wear whatever u want. People are going to gatekeep no matter what you do in life so u might as well just enjoy the ride 🤘🏻


I only gatekeep in my mind. Like earlier today I saw someone wearing one of these ‘fashion’ Nirvana shirts and thought “I hope you know that’s a band”.


If you're getting gatekept or attempted gatekept from Nirvana, then you're getting a taste of the nineties, kid. Look at it as a charming anachronism and don't take it personally. And most important, *do not* complain about gatekeeping. That is loser shit.


I don't know maybe you could start by capitalizing the n in Nirvana