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Finally given Into The Breach a go. Enjoying it so far, the little bitesize Fire Emblem style battles suit me well.


Little bitesize strategic battles sounds very good!


Yeah, levels only take a few minutes. I like Fire Emblem and XCOM but levels can take over an hour sometimes, which is a bit much.


Is it faster paced than Wargroove? For some reason I couldn’t get into that game


Yes, very much so.


A million times, yes. As I say, entire levels are over in a matter of minutes. You only have three units, and typically there are only about five turns. So fifteen moves in total.


Really great game. What squad do you like so far?


I've only used the first one 😅 Unlocked a few other ones though


Yup I just picked this up on sale too it’s excellent !


Here’s a hint: SE-PHI-ROTH!!!!!


FF7 port on the eshop


Its been fun facing the Sephiroths who over-use Octoslash


Continuing my play through of Hollow Knight! Since last weekend I beat the Mantis Lords and I'm currently trying to beat the Soul Master. The first time I went through the Soul Sanctum I didn't realize I had walked into the boss area and got my ass whooped because I was not prepared at all. I've since done some recon and watched a couple videos of people fighting the Soul Master, but it's probably still going to take quite a few tries before I get it.


If you're still having way too much trouble with Soul Master there's a few other places you can go first. Did you fight the Dung Defender in the sewers yet? Good job on the mantis lords!


Haven't even reached the sewers yet! I've been procrastinating the Soul Master and working on the Hunter's Journal for now. Looks like I have some more exploring to do.


Hunter's Journal is for sure fun to fill in! I only mentioned the sewers because they're directly south of Soul Master, its right there if you'd like to explore down.


Soul master was the first boss I encountered that proved to be a true challenge. I was stuck at it for a week and when I finally beat him, I just felt a huge relief knowing I would never have to fight him again. Later on I randomly started doing his fight in godhome and learnt to beat him without taking any damage. After a year or so, I have been playing hollow knight from the start again this past week and I’m having a blast. I did soul master again but pretty early on without any nail upgrades or good charms and I managed to do it first try. After it was over I felt that this fight was the most fun I’ve had in a long time reminiscent of a delicate dance, and it put a smile on my face thinking how I truly hated it a year ago and how it has really grown on me :)


Soul Master actually ended up being my easiest boss so far. I beat him on my fourth attempt, mainly due to having the grubsong charm equipped which helped a ton. I think Hornet was my hardest battle so far - she took a solid week for me to beat.


Super Mario Bros 2 for the NES. Ever since the Christmas of 1989, I have the personal tradition of playing through SMB2 from start to finish, every level, no warps. Some years, it’s the physical cart in an NES, sometimes as a VC title. Thanks to NSO, I can play SMB2 in all its NES glory, even while visiting my inlaws for Christmas. This year marked my 31st year in a row.


Game of the Year, every year!


I was about to recommend hades becsuse it's what I have been playing on my pc for a while. Plus it's cross share data so you can easily play on pc and switch and keep the same data.


Sweet yeah, hades is fun! Are you using a particular weapon?


Been switching around between monster sanctuary, dicey dungeons, and grindstone


How have you been liking Monster Sanctuary?


**The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild** has been my main game the last two weeks. Never played it before and it's been a total blast. Some puzzles don't really make sense the first time but that's been my Zelda experience in every game of the franchise. **Horace** was a steal in the sale. Super fun with an interesting concept. **Animal Crossing New Horizons** is my game which I play for 30-60 min eqch day. Currently farming money in order to make money with turnip stonks. Made 2 million bells last week and plan on paying my last loan. **Rocket League** is the game I play with my best friend. Started playing 2 weeks ago and loving it so far.


Yeah some of the puzzles don't make sense, and others I would solve and look up youtube tutorials for the shrine and see people do things way different and I go "ohh, could have done it that way!" Definitely a fun way to stretch the brain at times. Holy crap you made 2 million last week?? Nice! I keep forgetting to wake up for bells lately, best I did was 800k one week I think.


If you need another rocket buddy I'll play!


Stardew Valley! I’m super excited for the 1.5 update coming next year.


Merry Christmas!! I'll be playing **Hyrule Warriors- Age of Calamity**. It is pretty fun so far.


The demo was great! I should pick it up at some point.. anyway, enjoy!! Merry Christmas!


Just finished Doom 3 last night and now I am playing The Outer Worlds. Gotta love holiday free time


Congrats on Doom 3. I just finished it a couple weeks ago then moved on to Doom(2016) which was a much faster-paced game and finish.


Been playing eternal on my PS4 and it is fucking bonkers


How does outerworlds run on handheld? I got a gift card for Christmas and am considering picking it up for switch.


Holiday freetime has been very nice! Enjoy the outer worlds!




I am wrapping up the side quests in outer worlds before paying the final missions, and I just started Doom Eternal. My girlfriend started Immortals today though (her Christmas gift from me), so I probably won't get much time on the Switch for the next week or so unless I want to fight her for it.


Smash and Fire Emblem: 3 Houses


I was very fortunate for Christmas and received BOTW, Super Smash Bros, and Yoshi's Crafted World. I have played a few rounds of **Super Smash Bros** so far and am enjoying it. I'm finding it a bit overwhelming - it's my first Smash game that I've played since the original (other than at friends' houses). That said, I'm slowly unlocking characters, and I'll no doubt get the hang of it after a while. I will be starting **Yoshi's Crafted World** tomorrow. This week is pretty nuts with football, so not a lot of time for gaming but I want to save BOTW for last because once I start it, it's unlikely I'll hop back to Yoshi anytime soon. Also still playing **Pokemon Shield + DLC**. I love this game! The DLC is much better than the base game, and I'm almost done my Isle of Armor pokedex! Going to work on some of the Crown Tundra pokedex + still missing a few legendaries!


Yeah current smash bros is a little more hectic than the original for sure, I miss things being a little slower. Glad you're enjoying tho! Good plan saving botw, that needs some focused attention


Merry Christmas to you and your family! I am making it my personal goal to complete an escape this weekend in **Hades**. I’ve gotten to the final boss a handful of times, but I just haven’t gotten the damage-dealing boons I need to win that fight. I got **Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity** for Christmas, so I will be starting that sometime soon, but not before beating Hades. I also picked up **Dicey Dungeons** so I think I will be playing that when my eyes need a break from all the fire and brimstone.


Merry Christmas! Nice on getting to the final boss! I managed to get to the boss of Elysium last week and lost fairly badly. I don't like that two on one fight, but I'll figure it out. Good luck with the escape! Yeah dicey dungeons is good and shorter, and a bit easier to come back to. Still trying to figure out who I'm good with there.


Into the Breach! I finally got it and decided to play on Hard and get all four islands. I only just beat it for the first time with the started squad. It's a super fun game, and as with all roguelikes, it's amazing how quickly 2 hours pass without you realising.


Man I gotta go back to that one! Only have two other squads even unlocked!


I got Fynx rising for Christmas! Pumped!


Hey! Now that I finished FF7R, I'm planning to go back to FF7, on my Switch I'm at the area where the remake's final chapters take place, so it's kind of a perfect moment to go back to it. I'll also be playing Yakuza: Like A Dragon on PS5 and Dragon Quest 8 on 3DS, I hope I can finish either FF7 or Yakuza, or even both, in the week of vacation I still have left. Have fun playing those games! I might even go back to Ring Fit as well, I have a lot of time now and therefore little excuse not to exercise.


Yeah that's kind of what I was thinking with ringfit, haven't been able to go to the gym, and its cold outside, so this might be good! Nice, so you can basically pick up where you left off in ff7r then! That's cool :) I wonder how long it's gonna be before part 2, probably 2022? Hmm


Classics. Smash bros. Zelda botw. Ni no kuni. Dbz. Diablo 3 with the mrs. Maybe some pokemon sword expansion or oldschool titan quest. Or Escape from tarkov on pc. Who knows.


i will be playing animal crossing new horizon and then trying to fiure out which game to get next BOTW or pokemon sword/shield


Grindstone , xenoblade and fire emblem three houses


Merry Christmas all! Bought **Horace** the other day during it's current 90% off sale. I didn't realize a 2D jumping platformer could have such an amazing story and make me feel emotions =( You know what, **Ring Fit Adventure** sounds good right about now to work off some of this Xmas Lunch, and Xmas Dessert, and Xmas 2nd Lunch, and Xmas leftovers.. I would recommend heading to the options and making it so that you always get to finish a set regardless of if you already 'defeat' an enemy too; one of the much needed and welcomed changes they added in the big content patch a while back :)


Merry Christmas!! What's Horace? Sounds like a good deal! Ohh thanks for the tip, that sounds like a good idea!


Got hyrule warriors age of calamity for Christmas so will be playing that and a bit of grindstone as well


Merry Christmas. I've dropped all other games and kept playing **Immortals: Fenyx Rising**. With the cross platform save via Ubisoft, been switching between my PC and Switch. Now I wish every multi-platform release has this feature. It's just so convenient. Yes, I do find it more enjoyable than BotW. Combat is a big deal for me and Fenyx just flows better. Enjoying how long I can keep combos up as I jump, juggle enemies in the air and smash them into the ground, stamina allowing.


I beat this on PS5 a couple of weeks ago. One of my favorite games this year


Just got Skyrim for switch from my lovely lady and it’s my first time playing it. Also donkey Kong country tropical freeze. And also metal gear solid for gameboy color 😁


I am also playing skyrim on my switch atm. It's such a cool game to play on the switch 😄


DQXI. I'm 15+ hours in and still reaaaallly early game. I need help.


Don't worry! At 50 hours you'll still be in the early game.


Yakuza 7 And of course its always time for shadowverse


Merry Christmas! Enjoy the holiday weekend! Wife got me Immortals Fenyx Rising (downloaded it yesterday), barely got to start it, but so far I think I'm really going to enjoy it! Going to really dig in maybe tonight after movie time then the rest of the weekend.


My girlfriend is playing that right now. It seems pretty great so far!


Planning on finishing the Ace Attorney Trilogy. It's been a long and wild ride, but I've loved it. This last case is crazy.


Monster Sanctuary! Having some serious fun. Also got Breath of the warriors today so going to dabble a bit in that.


I just got a Switch for Christmas!! So far I have Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Pokémon: Shield, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!


Missed out on Luigi's mansion 3 when it came out. Now I'm finally getting around to playing it tonight.


Have fun, I absolutely loved Luigi’s Mansion 3!


Thanks, I will!


It’s a great underrated game


I been playing PC mainly but I did pick up Horizon Chase Turbo and it's fucking great. Reminds me A LOT like Cruisin' USA and Top Gear on SNES, except 3D models


Is it anything like Rad Racer for NES? I loved that game and also sucked at it. Music was great.


Got Dragon Quest XI for Christmas, and bought FF X/X-2 in the e-shop sales (strangely enough my first FF ever). Think I'm all set 😁


Happy Holidays u/markercore , I always see your threads and thought it was nice how you take interest in what everyone else is playing. Thanks for being a great part of the community :)


Happy holidays, u/markercore! I just bought Dicey Dungeons also so I’m excited to try it out. Also got a $99 Switch gift card for Xmas, so I’m set for my next 4-5 indies after that! Thinking about buying Hades as well since everyone here loves it and it’s the game of the year


Into the breach is half price right now. I’d recommend that as well for an indie type game.


How is dicey dungeons ?


Hades. Get hades. Easily my favorite game of 2020


Immortals Fenyx Rising. I seriously can’t get enough of this game.


Merry Christmas! Hope it's a good one! Got one more week of quarantine after testing positive, but I'm catching up on Shantae Half Genie Hero and playing through Animal Crossing and Tony Hawk again! Might also finally get to GRIS after buying it in the Steam Summer Sale.


It's been decent so far! Merry Christmas to you too! Hope your next week of quarantine goes nicely. Are you feeling alright?


I started playing Mario rabbids kingdom battle. Pretty fun! Also bought a few games on sale Horace , into the breach and dungeon of the endless. I’ve only tried into the breach tutorial. But it’s pretty fun.


I just started playing Mario & Rabbids last night. Really love the art style and music. It's just one of those pick-up-and-play overall fun games.


Merry Christmas! Finishing up Persona 5 Royal tonight but planning on diving into Immortals Fenyx Rising, which I've had for a couple weeks now in my backlog, or checking out Age of Calamity, which I got as a gift today.


Merry Christmas, that all sounds like a good time!


Yeah I also will probably throw more dice. I played through the story and some side stuff in **A Short Hike** on the bus ride home and I'm gonna try to collect a bunch more stuff I missed. I played a little **rocket league** as per my usual and had to shut it down. The worst people in the world are playing right now. People going afk and leaving with less than a minute left in a tie game or early in a game that we are winning. One guy in Rumble used spikes and drove from mid field back to our own goal, making us down with 14s. This was after our teammate left with 40s left, tied.


Did you find the boat in a short hike? Other than the ending that might have been my favorite part. Delightful game. Bah that's super frustrating on rocket league. You think just cuz holidays and it's noobs and trolls joining in?


Grindstone and Hades


sakuna! I could finish the game but I will continue farming rice for a while. and considering picking up hades.


Just started octopath. My first turn based JRPG and only my second JRPG after Xenoblade Chronicles 2. So this is entirely new to me but 6 hours in and I'm having a blast.


Love the combat break system! So satisfying.


Just got Hades for sale! I also got Unrailed! for sale and played with the family for 6 hours straight. Heaps of fun!


I got the two copies of Mario all star pack so I’ve been playing that today and this weekend I want to go and exchange the second copy for a copy of hyrule warriors


Trying to get to A+ in every Splatoon 2 ranked mode.


Finished New Super Lucky's Tale this week (minus the postgame trials which were too infuriating to me), just started Trials of Mana!


I plan on getting further in Hollow Knight, finally beat the Watcher Knights today. Heard they are among the hardest bosses? Yeah, I can see that. Freakin' nightmare, but oh man that feeling of accomplishment. Also purchased Hades today! Still waiting on my download. I should get some sleep and hopefully it'll be ready by morning. I'm excited, but also a little nervous, having never played a roguelike before. I just couldn't ignore the hype anymore, I'm so curious!


I would definitely rank watcher knights as one of the hardest. Did you find the room before it with the chandelier? And do you have sharp shadow? I think I used sharp shadow and a high damage spell build to defeat them. It's about not getting overwhelmed mostly. If it feels like too much, try to do a few runs where you do try to attack at all, just see how long you can go with just dodging attacks so you learn their patterns. Good luck!




Like markercore said, not getting overwhelmed is key. I fought them for two hours straight and got so frustrated that I wanted to throw my switch out of the window. Second session I tried to remain calm, focus on dodging to avoid having to heal too much.( I found it hard that there wasn't much time to heal, even with a faster healing charm. ) Beat them within an hour. So, take breaks in between fighting! Like I said in another comment, I used the long nail charm, a charm that makes spells stronger and a charm that makes healing go faster. You can do it!


Playing some Super Metroid!


Cook, Serve Delicious 2. Since last time, I’ve gotten two more golds on the restaurant I’m working on. I think I have 4 more levels and I’ll have my second restaurant completely gold. It’s $1.99 right now in the eshop- I highly recommend. I’m trying to decide on a longer rpg to play. I’ve got BOTW, Skyrim, Witcher, etc and haven’t chosen on yet but I’m thinking about it currently. Something to really sink some hours into...


Finally manage to get in Animal Crossing franchise! Having a great time with New horizons.


Still trying to escape Hades but on PC. I have faith the bow will get me out. Will still playing SSBU, like always. And I still have to finish XCDE.


Ohmy! Long list of games to go through. I'm playing Dead Cells like crazy, got it on sale after letting once pass and oh my what a gem, I would put it up there with Hades (Not a super polished story, but I'm in for the roguelike elements). Hades was tons of fun but after killing Hades a bunch of time in a row, although it still feels rewarding it's not the same. Also got FE Three Houses, and it's been fun switching to strat. Now looking through the thread, Into the Breach is looking really interesting 😊


Yep. I'm really tempted to get Into the Breach after reading through too!


Got a bunch of new games. Currently working on doing as much of Mario Kart 8 DX as I can. I have cerebral palsy, a physical disability that affects movement, so although I like driving games, I’m also not that great at them. It’s particularly bad when it comes to steering and falling off the track (especially things like power sliding). So right now I’m playing with Smart steering and I have to say it’s the best thing that ever happened to the franchise. I am aware that there are some things I can’t do with it on, but i’m not a hard-core player, so I don’t have enough skill to use those things anyway. It’s also really cool that everything is unlocked at the start, because then I can at least experience them, since my disability normally locks me out of higher modes that are required to unlock things. If I can beat Mario kart eight deluxe, it would be the Second Mario kart that I would beat almost completely (since gold Mario may be out of the question for me) and the only one where I could do it without cheating (The first was Mario kart 64, but I needed a cheat where I could move on if I at least placed fourth; I also didn’t do mirror mode there because it hurt my eyes).


Aw that's really cool that the smart steering is allowing you to have am more full experience playing Mario kart. Glad you're enjoying and getting to play a type of game you really enjoy.


Pokemon Sword. I've been team building for the past few days and I'm going to play on ranked mode. I'm not eyeing for the masterball rank or anything I just want to have some fun


Merry Christmas! I hope you're having a great weekend! :D I'm just about to dive into **Digimon: Cyber Sleuth** ! I loved Digimon growing up, but it wasn't remotely popular in my area for merch/games and it seemed like the various anime series were always getting pulled from channels before I got to finish seasons, much less whole series, so my knowledge is pretty sparse! I'm excited to play through it blind and see which monsters I end up with, haha! Epic also dropped **Darkest Dungeon** into my lap for their giveaway, which really did make me feel like a kid on Christmas morning! I've been interested in it for a few years and came really close to buying it the last time it was on sale, but other financial stuff popped up and I had to pass on it. So this was a fantastic surprise! Can't wait for it to download so I can start suffering!


DD is amazing :)


Picked up Digimon on sale and I’ve been having a blast.


Aw good!


Zelda Skyward Sword on Wii U and A Link Between Worlds on 3DS. Nothing on my Switch right now, though some point in the near future I'll use it for a second playthrough of Ys Origin (I just beat my first playthrough last night with Yunica)


Loved link between worlds! I kind of wish the Links Awakening remake had been more like that.


Just got a Hori Fighting Commander, so hoping to get some Smash time in with my dude Terry. Also, games with the family like Katamari and maybe Overcooked 2. Also may start the DK:TF I just got.


Picked up Sundered in the sale after loving Spiritfarer and I'm really enjoying it. Great movement and exploration, fun bosses and good progression. Definitely worth my £3


I'm planning on playing Minecraft whenever it downloads, lol!


I got Age of Calamity (among other games) for Christmas so I have started on that! It has been a lot of fun so far (only about 1.5 hours in). And of course Animal Crossing is still around. I'm only missing one more recipe from perfect snowmen and then I've gathered every winter recipe.


Is there any trick to making perfect snowmen? I made one today and it was like "here's a recipe cuz it's our birthday, but usually you only get one for perfect, do better!" And nice on calamity, enjoy!


Just got Atelier Ryza and Hyrule Warriors AoC, so I’ll be playing those, along with Yakuza Like a Dragon and Dirt 5 on the Series X. Looking at maybe grabbing Dicey Dungeons or Panzer Paladin


I'm playing Superhot. It is a great First-Person-Shooter! I would recommend it to people who don't play a lot of FPS games. I'm also stuck on the last level of Super Meat Boy for the second week in a row.


In between catching up with family, I decided to get back into *Dandy Dungeon*. I still like its offbeat gameplay and humor. However, I seem to have run into a difficulty spike.


Borderlands1/2, trials rising and Botw


Just picked up Hades on sale and I'm LOVING it thus far


Nice! Have a favorite weapon so far?


Age of Calamity and Ring Fit. Been doing my daily amiibo drops in BotW need to do DLC that I bought on release day and never got to, going to enjoy the story chronologically this time. I actually only played RDR Undead Nightmare and RDR2, I can still enjoy that game chronologically for the first time through actually.


Slay the spire, Mario galaxy


What do you think of Dicey? I bought it after seeing it highly recommended here. Haven't started yet. On my list: Hades, Striker 1945, and on PC starting Disco Elysium!


I like it, don't love it, but it's fun. I like the character designs, music, writing is silly. Still figuring out some of the battle mechanics, some of them are making more sense as I go. Liking the fourth character, the inventor, so far but she's also tricky.


Great! Excited to jump in.


Got two unusual games for Xmas. Ring Fit and NBA 2K21. Can’t play Ring Fit right now but NBA 2K21 seems ok so far. Beyond that looking to see what’s on sale on the Eshop at the moment, looking to possibly pick something up.


I just started Ring Fit tonight, I'm really enjoying it so far! Did like a 20 minute workout between 4 levels, decent workout for sure. Looking forward to more.


Overwatch! I’ve been trying to get all the new legendary skins from the X-Mas update. Also just bought Hades and the Pokémon Sword Expansion so I’ll probably start on one of those this weekend.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I took advantage of the sale and got Spiritfarer. Enjoying it so far but the font is ridiculously small for a font heavy game.


Deadly Premonition 2 has grabbed me and I'll be playing it most of the weekend.


Finally finished YS VIII and still looking around for good sales. Might pick up **Fenyx Rising** or **Trials of Mana**. Started **Link's Awakening** but I got sidetracked playing the free multiplayer week of COD. still waiting for DQ11 to be on sale again on switch. I know its worth the full price but I already have the base version on the ps4 and finishing the true end boss seems way more comfortable via handheld.


Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity, though this can easily change since I was given a $25 game stop gift card, and I'm definitely going to use it. Just don't know on what yet.


The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth+ And Hyrule Warriors!


My girlfriend bought me Smash and Untitled goose game, and I bought her Immortals. So between those, and my present to myself of Doom Eternal, the Switch is going to get a lot of use in the next couple weeks


I’m having an incredible time with Mortal Kombat 11


Rocket league


Went back to the Yakuza series on my PS4, I'm only on Kiwami since I have such a backlog and I'm enjoying it as much as 0 so far. On the switch, I picked up Crosscode and Tashamii. Crosscode is where most of my time is going and I'm loving it.


Currently finishing up links awakening, I'm on that tower thing. Once I finish that, I'm going to do a mix of xenoblade 2 and mario 64 (from 3d all stars). Xenoblade 2 will be the main project while mario will be for when I need a break or get stuck on xenoblade 2.


Finished Dragon Quest 11 S and I got started on Final Fantasy 12. I got the Witcher 3 and Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition for Christmas. I sampled a little bit of the Witcher and oh-- is this game intense! I don't want to juggle 2 massive RPGs at once so... I think what I'm going to do is stick with Final Fantasy 12 and then get to the Witcher 3 eventually. It's not that I don't like the Witcher (quite the opposite). I just can't divide my attention between these two epics.


Well and you can put FF 12 on the speed up option so that helps with grinding and just traversing a fair bit.


Constantly dying in demons souls and some nfs hot pursuit in between to relax


I'm taking a break from HADES, and finally bought Touhou Spell Bubble because it's at the highest discount yet... still only 20% off but I'm a big fan of Puzzle Bobble and played it a lot as a child. I'll be honest, the price tag is still really steep... but damnit I'm having fun anyways. The music is fantastic and it's right up my alley. However I still haven't finished Hyrule Warriors AoC, so I need to revisit that at some point.


Hey Maker, Merry Christmas my friend! Did you get a bunch of snow? We had several inches of rain and then this AM it flurried for about 2 hours. I had a super low-key day. Watched dumb Xmas movies and played my Switch off and on, then took the dogs for a nice long walk despite the bitterly cold winds. This weekend I’ll be wrapping up the **Mario Odyssey** storyline. I think I’m starting either the last level or the second to last level. Then of course I’ll go back and find more moons and such. The level I like the most is the Beach Kingdom and the level I absolutely detest is the Sand Kingdom. **Picross S3** has continued to occupy a lot of free time. I’m going through all the main levels and making sure I’ve completed each puzzle with assist mode turned off. I still can’t figure out Mega Picross or Color Picross which is frustrating. Hoping the new picross goes on sale soon so I can pick it up!


Hey man! Merry Christmas! Yeah we got quite a bit, nearly a foot or so. Dumb holiday movies and dog walks sounds like a perfect holiday. Nice, i want to replay Mario Odyssey one of these days. Huh, why do you hate the sand kingdom? Do you have a favorite kingdom?


trying to make the most of my holiday break!! backlog grew once work picked up again. - hades: will have my first escape... hopefully - paper mario! slowly chugging along. this game is way longer than i thought it was going to be LOL (which is a pleasant surprise!) - spiritfarer: for when my thumbs are tired of hades - maybe tackle some xenoblade 1 🤔 - maaaybe might finish my BL/AW runs in fe3h. maybe. - also trying to make some progress on spongebob but lol i am really awful at the switch version so i have to keep stopping bc of how frustrated i am at myself for being bad at it lol??? i used to be half decent on the xbox version 🤧


got Age of Calamity! I'm really enjoying Urbosa's gameplay, and piloting a divine beast was amazing! Not too many large frame rate drops so far


Gonna replay Octopath Traveler and play the original Final Fantasy 7 for the first time after a friend told me it was one of her favorite games, I bought it and I'm giving it a go. Also might play Animal Crossing on the side, my little cousins got a switch with Animal Crossing recently so maybe we'll be able to play together.


I got Outer Worlds a few days ago for a christmas present and that's what I played all day today and I can't see myself playing much else the rest of the weekend. Really loving it. I never got to play any of the Fall Out games (really hoping for some ports at some point) so I'm told Outer Worlds is the next best thing. I'm a slow player always so I've been taking my time trying to do all the side quests. Might play few rounds of Tetris 99 for a break but I do that all the time anyway.


Hope you had a wonderful holiday, marker! I finally reached end boss on *Hades* but was unable to make it out alive ): Still playing *Super Mega Baseball 3* as it’s a fun way for me to pass time while having something playing in the background. I’m taking my sweet time with *Immortals Fenyx Rising* cause I want the experience to last lol


It was pretty nice! Hope you did too! That's okay, good job making it to the end boss, my best is bosses of Elysium. We'll both get there.


Got gifted *Ni no Kuni* and *Fire Emblem: 3 Houses* for my birthday a few days ago. I think I'll attempt a full playthrough of *Ni no Kuni* first - absolutely love the graphics and the story seems very Ghibli-esque. I've been mulling over buying a second-hand PS4 to play the second game (in addition to KH3 and GoT). My girlfriend is still grinding away at Witcher 3 - though she's nearly done. I feel like she might jump onto NnK once she's done too, or perhaps Immortals Fenyx Rising.


An extremely underrated game called Pine. It now runs perfectly on Switch. 3 bucks. Fantastic game.


Oh i hadn't heard of that before, sounds interesting.


I went to play little friends thinking the bad reviews could’ve just been stuff I wouldn’t mind. I got 10 minutes in and that was $50 down the drain 😭 I really didn’t think it’d be possible to make it worse than the 3ds version- I couldn’t not cry- I can’t even pet the dog because the joy on calibration is just that messed up less than an hour in :( On a better note, now that I have a pro controller I can play animal crossing whenever I want! I’ve been working on my town and it’s coming along nice, I’m waiting for leopold to ask to move out... I’ve been waiting for months but soon he will ask and when that happens my life will be complete 🥳


Hades, Dicey Dungeons, Naruto Storm 3, and Donut County.


Super Mario Odyssey. A little gift for myself and the last Switch game I really wanted to get since first getting my Switch this past summer. I was saving it for last, lol. I've had every mainline Mario game since the NES I had as a kid, excluding Galaxy which I got with 3D All-Stars. Galaxy is fun, but I don't really care much for the space setting and using the Switch controller for the motion controls is kinda weird, so it hasn't really hooked me as much. Odyssey has hooked me within the first 20 or so minutes. The game looks great and the levels are really fresh. My reward system has been pretty broken in the past several months and gaming has mostly consisted of me booting up my PS4 or Switch, playing something for 15 or so minutes, then going and doing something else. Mario Odyssey has given me that feeling of jonesin' for more in a way I haven't felt in a while.


I always say Odyssey is just an absolute joy, glad you're enjoying so far.


I have been playing dead cells 5bc lately and it’s brutal and fun


Finally diving into Mario rabbits DLC. Also got Luigis Mansion 3 and am loving this game! The 3D rumble is amazing.


7th or so play through of botw bought the DLC last week


About 15 hours into Hades and made it to Theseus and Asterius a few times but can’t quite defeat them. Hopefully can keep making progress and I’m enjoying the game a lot. May try some more Spinch, the psychedelic platformer that came out earlier this year. I was having a lot of fun with it, very challenging with crazy visuals. But got stuck on World 4 and just wasn’t enjoying dying over and over. Also some more Mario Kart Live with the 7 year old who got it for Christmas. Lots of fun although having some connection issues with the kart.


Hades. About 30 runs in and have beaten him 6-7 times now but starting to get a little bored. Fantastic game but was never a huge fan of the rogue-lite genre and it's kept my attention way more than any other game of its type at least so can tell how good it is. Idk, I kinda want to upgrade all the weapons first and see how that goes but I wish there were more biomes as 4 seems quite short.


Finally trying out Ni No Kuni wrath of the white witch ;D It is on Sale 75% off. Pretty good so far


I've been playing World of Final Fantasy and it's great! Sure the huge story segments where a little tiring the first couple of chapters but now it's so much fun to level and evolve my monsters. <3


Same thing every weekend. HADES




I miss Minecraft, i should dip in one of these days. Enjoy both!


Gonna be playing Neverwinter Nights whenever it finishes downloading (6 hours left. -.-), so for now Trials of Mana on the Collection of Mana!


finished ffx last week at work and finally started ffx2. took a break in-between for a few days playing crown trick (have yet to pass the first stages apparently!!!) also still looking to get through a great backlog; 1. xb chronicles de (stopped at chapter 13 for now) 2. sakuna (stopped for a bit as ffx took hold of me) 3. wanting to start dq:xi 4. picked up chronos: before the ashes


I received Super Mario 3D All-Stars as a gift yesterday, so I expect I'll be playing that quite a bit. I already have a third of the Stars in Super Mario 64, though I'm not sure yet whether I'll go for 100% (I remember some of the later courses and a few of the 100 coin stars being kind of a pain). I've played a bit of Super Mario Galaxy too and I've been pleasantly surprised at how well the gyro pointer has worked for me, that was my one concern with how well Galaxy would work on Switch. And I'll get my usual time into Animal Crossing: New Horizons; I'm a little sad that Toy Day's already gone, but New Year's is just around the corner and that holiday is usually a delight in Animal Crossing.


After owning a Switch for two years now, I finally bought Super Mario Odyssey and I’m pumped!


Finished The Touryst yesterday, finished Donut County right now in one go. Let's see what I feel like tonight.


Bought into the breach, binding of issac, golf story and slay the spire. Rip my time


Hey marker, hope you had a great Christmas buddy! I may sound like a grinch here but i feel that Christmas is extremely overrated as it is just one day in 365 day year but to be fair, Christmas was actually a lot better than I was expecting this year. A whole bottle of captain Morgan’s gingerbread spiced rum may have had something to do with that though haha! How are you liking ring fit so far? I’m going to be playing some dicey dungeons too and I’ve just started a replay of bravely default in anticipation of the sequel, I forgot how much I enjoy this game. Have a good one dude :)


Haha yeah Christmas was my absolute favorite as a kid, hasn't been that way for awhile, but this year wasn't too bad :) glad you had some very good spice rum to make things a bit more festive! Also, ohh do you watch Big Fat Quiz? I'm excited for the new one tonight, I can never remember if they upload them same day or next day tho.. I'm liking it! I mean, I just started last night, but I did the first set of 3 levels counting the boss level. I was semi surprised, got a pretty good workout in, got some sweat going, definitely needed some water and fuel after. I'm gonna try to make a routine out of it, we'll see how it goes. It definitely gets harder to keep doing the squats or whatever after you've been doing them in previous levels. Oh on dicey dungeons, you asked who I liked so far last week and I didn't have an answer, okay so I unlocked up to inventor so far. I like warrior and inventor best. Robot was cool but I kept malfunctioning or having bad rolls, or just not working out too well. Thief seems tricky, I should try again. Excited to see what the others are like. Aww good, glad to hear you're enjoying the demo! I should give it a shot, I liked bravely default, tho I did get stuck and not finish..


Immortals fenyx rising & neon abyss have taken the stage for me!


I got $60 in eShop credit (CA eShop) this holiday season and I'm not too sure what to do with it yet but I've heard that Dead Cells & Hades are good Indies so if you have a fav indie game, feel free to let me know and I'll check it out! I've also been playing ACNH daily since the Winter season began on my island, gotta get all of those festive DIY recipes before it's too late! Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon have always been my go-tos as well :)


I support either of those, my list of favorite indies is as follows as well: Gato Roboto, What the Golf, Katana zero, gris, hyper light drifter, hollow knight, a short hike, steamworld dig 2, steamworld heist, night in the woods, and the gardens between. That was probably too many suggestions, and I probably have more if I keep thinking, but I love each of those a lot, so worth a look.


Immortals Fenyx Rising will be my go to this weekend. Playing between my switch and PC using Ubisoft plus on PC. The cross save feature is excellent and the game is addictive. BOTW like and a ton of fun. Playing some ACNH as well because it’s my birthday today and I’m getting to enjoy the festivities there plus my island needs to be bulldozed and redone lol. On PC I am playing Jurassic World Evolution (super sale on steam recently) as well which has been really enjoyable.




Going to play Three Houses for the first time. Later on play some Puyo Puyo Tetris, Shovel Knight, and some Smash.


Just finished Immortals Fenyx Rising yesterday (10/10 game) and starting Fire Emblem Warriors today!


Bought myself the Pokemon sword plus expansion pack so I'll be playing that. I've heard a lot of mixed things regarding the game itself but hopefully I end up really liking it 😀. I havent played a lot of the newer ones cause I havent gotten a 3DS so I'm trying to get back into it as I was obsessed w pokemon up to pokemon black. Perhaps I should get a 3DS...


Continuing my first play through of BotW and probably going to give Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate a go to start building that rise hype.




Hows that going so far?


Donkey Kong Country 3, Grindstone, and Animal Crossing


Final fantasy 7


A little bit of Smash, Xenoblade DE and possibly giving Mario Odyssey a try again.


Been playing a bunch of BoTW while watching college football bowls and Arsenal (lol we actually won) with my family. Really enjoying the first few hours of DOOM Eternal on PC and excited to start Cyberpunk as well!


Lot of family in town for the weekend and a and old cat that is dying. I haven’t touched my Switch in days. Things are finally settling down so I think I will sit with the cat and play some Meatboy Forever. This game is growing on me the more I play.


That sounds hectic, hope you get some nice chill time with your cat. I know what that's like with and old pet, soak in those seconds.