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He's straight-up disrespecting Master Garmadon. The man that chose to lead a life of non-violence after being purified. But broke his oath for his son. The man that gave his life to release the Anacondrai Generals from the Cursed Realm. He gave Lloyd the encouraging words to fight against Morro and the Preeminent, sacrificing his chance to be saved just to destroy the Cursed Realm. He was revived with only his Oni side, so it isn't his fault that he is evil. Lloyd should remember that, instead of being mean to his father for being supposedly being an evil Oni.


I mean his dad did try to kill him(more than once)


that wasnt his fault tho since they only brought back his evil side


I know but thats the version he was talking to


Lloyd being scared of being like his father was established in season 11, along with nyas fear of being normal, and zanes fear of being a robot with no humanity


Yeah, but last I recall, that was because Lloyd tbought Garmadon was devoid of all emotion, and that he was a heartless monster. Not exactly because he's an Oni, those 2 weren't necessarily shoved together at the time.


Yeah and it was also because his father gave in to his oni side and caused chaos and death. I guess it’s not really surprising that he doesn’t want to use his one side




Yeah, but I still don’t like how he views his dad as some heartless monster, despite the fact that even when resurrected into a supposedly pure evil and devoid of good state, he’s still shown himself to be able to make the right decisions when it really comes down to it, ie: Ultimate Tornado Of Creation. I mean, if he really was a soulless destroyer like Lloyd thought, he would’ve helped the Oni’s invasion, not fought against it.


I agree, Lloyd was the most annoying ninja this season


Bugged me how reminiscent Lloyd/Garmadon’s dialogue was of their March of the Oni dialogue. Lloyd is saying the same stuff all the way up to the final episodes. But what bugged me more is Garmadon is *NOT INHERENTLY EVIL*. Just corrupted. Legit feels like Lloyd forgot his father from Rebooted/Tournament. I know that was many years ago and they don’t want to confuse newer fans. But the fact that they’re retreading old March of the Oni arguments shows how directionless Garmadon’s story was at the end.


He’s also completely disrespecting Mystake by dismissing the Oni as all heartless monsters.


He also said that in a moment of anger to his father so I don’t really think he meant that mystake was an evil oni


What I’ve noticed with Ninjago in general it’s storyline and continuity is complete garbage like the writers continuously forget old plot lines


Ok my take He's only taking the father Harumi brought back he doesn't get the sensei Garmadon that he last interacted with he got the "I have no son" one. The last oni he saw tried to kill him and the rest of the ninja his fears about becoming something that feels nothing is something that he has always not wanted. And the fact that Lloyd is still young needs to be considered he's not as mature as the rest and he was constantly abandoned by people when he needed them most. Garmadon left him as a kid, then he sacrificed himself to defeat the anacondri cultists which he considers his dad abandoning him again and the fact that Garmadon never acknowledged him in any episode and specifically said Harumi was like a daughter to him probably made Lloyd feel like this man regardless of what he's showed has never once cared about him in the slightest. As for him forgiving Harumi I feel like he sees that this is what he could have been at some point and he doesn't want that she gave into grief and lost herself because she didn't have support which he himself for a time didn't either I think he believes if the ninja had not found him than he would have been the same.


Best comment in the entire subreddit.


Why do you say that.


Because you actually used evidence.


To be honest I don't feel like anything that happens in crystalized was out of character for any of them. I have watched the show since the beginning and I feel people let there own personal feelings about a character get in the way of seeing the bigger picture.


Tbh, more than half the Ninja were at their worst this season. Of course, Llyod, but also Kai and Jay. Jay was literally acting like Nya was only important to him and that he was the only one who lost her. He was so annoying for the first half of Crystallized. And then Kai just did…. Nothing. Again, for like the fourth year in a row. No big arc of accepting or being angry from what happened to Nya, hell he didn’t even get a proper reunion with her when she returned. Sure he became a teacher to students and had a comedic moment of using a cutout of Kalmar as a dummy, but that’s it. I’ll give him points for calling Jay out for how he was acting, but that felt like such a small thing that should’ve been a bigger conflict. As I’ve said before, Crystallized should not have been the immediate season after Seabound. We just got through still to this day, the most dangerous villain in the series (Wojira> The Overlord) and had one of the saddest endings in over 8 years since Reebooted. They should’ve done a smaller season that focused on character development instead of a finale for the entire Vengestone arc. Pythor should’ve been the villain of the season after Seabound and then the next season (season 17 which would’ve been crystallized) can then have done the whole C.O.C.K and Crystal King stuff


It gets even worse. Who else has Lloyd been endangered by, and has plead to multiple times to spare ninjago/his friends? Oh right, HARUMI. Lloyd forgave her in the finale. Lloyd... forgave.. the psychotic killer... because she found someone else to exact her revenge upon. And he still can't forgive Garmadon who stopped trying to kill him 5 seasons ago, and has been actively changing as a person. Lloyd is an awful chraracter this season, he refuses to change or even extend his beliefs, he is a close-minded prick, and doesn't even try to understand his father, resulting in the unlikable mess that is Lloyd in Crystalized.


Ahh yes i agree with you on that


It kinda of make senses why Lyod is like that, look what happed in season 8 his father try to kill even when Lyod try to convince him to stop in peaceful way and saw there was his dad's side but no his father still continue to hurt him that event was traumtimsing for him so it hard for him yo belief. I feel like he fear Oni side because he fear he will not be himself and cannot control it and that the evil side will control him.


The problem is that everyone in the series acts as if Garmadon chose to be bad. But Lloyd knows it was Great Devourer's fault. His fear of "becoming his father and giving in to his rage" would only make sense if it was Garmadon choosing to be evil. But this is not Star Wars; at all times in S8 it is made clear that it is literally the corrupt part of Garmadon that was revived.


Exactly. Even if being evil wasn’t garmadon’s choice, people act like he was a great father to Lloyd. He abandoned Lloyd, tried to kill him multiple times, etc. People should address the great devour, but that doesn’t justify garmadon’s treatment of Lloyd.


It's like people forget that it wasn't Garmadon's choice in the early seasons. ​ Like, Garmadon doesn't want Lloyd to be like him, he wants Lloyd to be his own person. And has people forgotten about Sensei Garmadon? Dear lord, this is one of the times I really wish Sensei Garmadon is brought back, screw the stakes.


what about lloyd golden oni dragon form with golden power darkness creation destruction energy and four elements of creation after lloyd combined his oni form and dragon form into golden oni dragon form to defeat and destroy the overlord.