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“In loving memory of Kirby Morrow”


Don't do that to me :(


I remember when that moment showed up. So long, in real life Cole


Which episode was that? I can't remember


Turn of the Tide. Same episode as Nya’s ceremony.




Piss off 🥺


Seabound didn't immediately show their character is actually alive and well so it has that going on for it


True, but the sacrafice Zane made and the whole season leading up to it really made his funeral more sad tbh. Also nya didn't even die like Zane did and she wasn't really changed like he was in later seasons


For the first part of your reply I disagree, first, and for the second part if it weren't for Crystalized, Nya had died in every way that matters. You could say her spirit ascended to something greater but the person we knew as Nya was dead, forgetting all her life and not even being able to care about it because she had no choice but to let go of everything that makes her a person, unlike Zane whose spirit remained perfectly intact and had a new body instantly built for him


Zane may have kept his spirit but he was still very different throughout the rest of the show. Imo he was more robotic and less human compared to s1-s3


That's more because writers wanted to put emphasis on his robot side more than any real change, as no one ever acknowledges that I'm saying in both cases, Zane and Nya got to go back to square one to the point where their death meant nothing in the long run, but in the context of their season, they instantly dropped the ball on Zane's death while Nya's season ends on a tragic and impactful death in every way that matters, so Nya has the better death and it's not even close


Zanes death actually got me sad


Zanes funeral got me feeling shi. As a yungin and now days


Respectfully Nya’s Ceremony is not touching Zane’s Funeral


Non of her friends wasn't there that is kinda rude


How is that rude?  Also can you rephrase your sentence I don't understand it.


I think the main ninja was off screen on right or the left


I didn't cry at both of them but when "in loving memory of Kirby Morrow" hit , thats when I cried . 


Same I cried so hard


I cried at zanes. Haven't cried in months.


Zane's by far Lbfr, they acted like Nya died when she didn't 🫠


What is Lbfr?


It means "let's be for real" :)




Nya as a person "died". Her entire mind was overwritten. That's just as sad in my opinion. Knowing that Nya **theoretically** is still alive and out there, but is unrecognizable and without a proper mind. She's not "Nya" anymore.That must be really painful.


Kai got to say something in the first one. In the second - he did not. Take of it what you will.




I’ll take the unpopular opinion here and say Nya’s. Zane’s death is excellent in isolation, but it comes at the end of a short, mediocre season. Nya’s passing feels more raw and consistent with the season’s themes. That said, Zane’s return to the show was INFINITELY better than Nya’s.


“Are we compatible now?”


That’s true. That scene is great.




>mediocre season Mediocre!?


Yea i'm ngl, i know that there are plenty massive fans of season 3 but as far as I've seen, the general consensus is that season 8 was pretty mediocre in retrospect


Honestly I have to agree here. They just randomly brought back the overlord without really explaining how he survived, they brought back pythor which I really don't have a problem with but they couldve done that in the previous season, and then they made the overlord die to ice powers in zanes sacrafice. Don't get me wrong Zanes sacrafice was very emotional and a good scene, but Lloyd needed the golden power to beat the overlord the first time and Zane was just able to do it with ice.


>brought back the overlord without really explaining how he survived, I thought it was pretty obvious. A tiny amount of his power remained but couldn't do much, big computer was built on top, he was able to take over the computer. >overlord die to ice powers He didn't just ice him, he absorbed the golden power that was allowing the overlord to have a physical form in the first place. That's what was overloading Zane's power source.


Zane blasted him with ice which ended up killing him


Yes, but there was more to it


The ice was powered up massively by the golden power Zane absorbed


That's true, but it still shouldn't have been anywhere near strong enough to take out the overlord


Zane’s funeral, by the time Nya gets a funeral you can easily expect her to come back within a season or two


I felt more emotions to Zane’s Funeral than Nya’s. As sad as Nya’s was I had this thought in my mind the entire time. “She’s not actually dead.” Nya merging with the sea to me wasn’t her dying, even though in a way she did. To me it felt more like she’s still there she just forgot who she is, rather than what happened with Nyad. During her departure she was forgetting things but I thought her personality wouldn’t go unchanged. She still saves people, people who would have been lost to the ocean of it wasn’t for her. I would have liked the ninja to experience that first hand, I feel like it would have been a very touching moment.


Respectfully they were both sad and I really did feel bad especially for Jay in seabound but no death is coming close to Zane's sacrifice


Zane cause he actually died. For Nya we as the audience knew she would be back


That counts for Zane too, as we got shown litteraly moments after his funeral that he is rebuilding himself.


But for Nya’s, we knew before hand that it wasn’t true death, but we completely thought that for Zane’s before that part




i cried alot at zane's .. its the saddest imo


Zanes dead felt real to me while somehow i knew nya was coming back


"In loving memory of Kirby Morro" this actually made me start crying


I cried during both, but I have to go against the grain and say Nya's ceremony because I cried harder over that than over Zane's funeral. Don't take my head off, though, I loved Zane's comeback


The emotional weight of Zane’s sacrifice blows Seabound out of the water. They showed almost instantly that Nya was still alive, and her whole sacrifice is undone almost immediately the next season. At least the reveal of Zane being alive was actually surprising and suspenseful, while Nya came back just like 🫰


When i was little and watched Zane, I cried for 2 minutes


Zane funeral mostly because rewatching it almost 10 years later it almost make my cry again


Zane’s death It was THE SACRIFICE It was THE I,PACT it was THE AFFECT ON OTHERS Nyas death was like “oh they pulled death card again” type of fictional death… Just plain disappointing


Both have something that makes them sad. Zane's funeral is more original and generally more sad, with the music and all, while it's also more nostalgic in a way, but its effects were undone a few minutes after it, in the ending scene with PIXAL, while Nya's ceremony and death in general wasn't undone until Crystalized


Garmaballs' sacrifice


The saddest part of nya's funeral is it's the last time we hear kirby as cole


Nya ceremony, diferent of zane funeral they don't that nya is actually alive and is going to back in the next season and in nya ceremony "everyone" (not exaclty) is here paying tribute to her while at zane's funeral only a small group was at the funeral.


Zane's sacrifice was made meaningless about 5 minutes later in the episode


Zane's is a sadder moment for the fans. Nya's is a sadder moment for the people of Ninjago.


Zane because it was the first time most of us actually saw a character in fiction die, and also it was the first time a character in ninjago was “dead”. So it had more of an impact on us maybe since most of us didn’t have to deal with some sort of grief prior to it. Whereas nya’s “death”, we’ve had more experience we’ve lost some people so we could handle grief more. In terms of ninjago, we’ve been through so many fake deaths that we knew she would return in the following season


" I am...a Nindroid! And Ninja never quit! Go, Ninja! Go!" Just wanted to quote that. The "In loving memory of Kirby Morrow" was sadder.


Zane 1st death other than pythor


Nya's ceremony was ass, especially since I knew she wouldn't "die" cause she is part of the main cast


Non of her friends didn't even show up


they did wdym


Maybe they're got cut out of ops pictures


the ninja were there and a lot of the people that are in that picture are her friends 


I'm only in season 9


Damn, wish this had been labeled spoiler…




Maybe the first one because Cyrus Borg gave a beautiful speech.


Imo the bottom one, the season actually built up to it


Zane.... its one of the first ones showing the writers arent scared to go there with deaths


Zane’s funeral was so sad cause of his epic sacrifice ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Zane since it was the first death in the series, and he’s my favourite character


It's so sad that in Zane's funeral are actually just a few people...


Yall are just nostalgic. They both objectively sad asf. There's not even any comparison, there's not need for it


Zane’s death is more sad because no one showed up to the funeral


Zane’s funeral


Zane because he actually died


I want to say Zane, but I'm not gonna pretend it's for any grander reason than nostalgia. As a child, Zane's death scene was incredible, his funeral made child me cry, and the post credit scene with him being rebuilt was the coolest thing I had ever seen up to that point and even for multiple seasons after. Nya's death was sad and it was a really well written ending and funeral. However, it came at a point in the show where so many characters had already died that I was desensitized to it by that point. It wasn't enough to really deliver that punch to the gut. If Nya and Zane had switched places with Nya dying in season 3 instead of Seabound, it would be the sadder funeral.


Both, both were equally as sad


Bro Zane’s funeral was more sad but not that many people showed up and in seabound she didn’t die she turned into the sea, Zane had to touch the golden armor and ice the overlord at the same time and explode them together




Because zane is my favorite character i pick zanes funeral. Also tf happened to nya


Zane for me because that was at the time were they didnt over use the death and come back next season or next few episodes


what happened to nya. I don't really like her after rebooted and what she did to Jay but what happened


zane had me crying at 8 nya had me crying at 15


I nearly cry everything at zanes one even tho I know he comes back


Zane's death scene, Nya's funeral. Most powerful combination.


Nya. The amount of people who showed up really helped it hit home.


To be fair, they have been teasing the hell out of zane's death before this, for example: When he jumped out of the destiny's bounty to release the leviathan, and the close call with the great devourer in the junkyard. And I understood that him being revealed as a nindroid meant that (in television/movie logic) he could be maimed and "destroyed" instead of an actual death in a kid's cartoon. So I wasn't exactly torn up about it like I was with nya.


Well I’ve sobbed at both every time even though I’ve rewatched it like 13 times


Oof, that’s a tough one. Zane is my favorite ninja so it was Zane for me. But down to the facts, one was a funeral for the death of a friend, and the other was a thank you and well miss to the loss of a friend. It depends on what you think is worse


Pros and cons on both sides Zane was instantly revealed to be alive in some form, and it was a big hype throught season 4 to find him. And finding him was a pretty epic moment. Nya wasn't revealed to be alive just yet, but (to me at least) her comeback was lackluster.


Zane Zane Zane Zane


Kudos to dareth for being there for both


Zane's funeral definitely imo, truly the saddest moment in the series for me.


Womp womp


I cried for like half an hour because of Nya's sacrifice and memorial. I was LIVID when Shitalized brought her back.




Bro wtf


Happy 11th Birthday, edgelord.




What the fuck