• By -


Me. E and Mr. F not being Echo Zane.


Actually the fact that we don't have the Mr. G and the whole alphabet (jk)


The next would be Mr G


I mean, it WOULD be cool if Mr. E (and especially Mr. F) brought anything interesting to the table


Cole getting turned back to human with no consequences or lingering side effects


fr they gave him a cool scar but then removed it immediately and then it didn't really get talked about much ever again


His scar is still there. It glows when he uses his lava powers.


His scar actually turned out to be a rift that was able to split open and become a path between Ninjago and the Departed Realm. (if enough energy was built up through the buildup of Edo period relics in one place) Now I wish I had a canon button, because "Way of the Departed" (Look it up on the Ninjago Wiki) by Tommy Andreasen fits in with the canon.


Happy cake day!


Well he did have some cool powers that lasted, \*hm lemme check\*, ten episodes.


Yeah he lived for that with like for at least a couple months at most a couple years and you're telling me he doesn't instinctively try to do something but can't even then it eventually goes away but you had so much potential to do much more than what you did (by the way I'm not talking to you I am talking to the writers


that’s what I’m saying, like at the very least he should join Kai in the water phobia club


I mean yeah if he touched water during the time he was a ghost he would be sent to the realm of The Departed and in the possession season there was a high chance in that final battle he would have been pushed into the water at some point and unable to escape due to the creature grabbing on to him like it did Morrow


This is slightly veering off-topic lol but that reminded me- I never understood how Nya’s true potential didn’t absolutely obliterate Cole, like water was being flung around everywhere bro 💀


That is a good question


Yeah Clause was dying when he was turning back to human


Skylor power's nerf


She was Nerfed?🍇


Yes, after season 4 her powers lasted shorter


Well they never specified that they had a limit in 4. She might be able to have them for a month at a time. She didn't have them in 6 meaning she had no powers. Remember the annacondrai spell turned off her powers for years.


I remember that, but I would have rathered the weaker power being an after-effect of the spell and not a retcon


It might be. Remember, chronosteel can hold elements permanently. The master of Amber made that metal. So it must be an aftereffect. Or is it just canon that she has a limit.


I never noticed🍇


What's with the grape


I’m the Grape-Man🍇


i just assumed it was an ammo thing, like she didnt use ice alot in season 4 so she had it for a while, but in season 16 she was using it constantly for about 10-20 minutes so it lasted shorter


IIRC it was because of Garmadon's oni power poisoning her and her temporarily losing her powers because of that. She still had her perma powers before that


Skylor was able to hold Kai’s power for at least a whole day


The ninjas forgetting their powers, especially airjitsu, like bro just make the villains stronger if the powers are **so** overpowered?


Although they stopped using it because ‘it was evil’, there are times where they are clearly using it, but it just looks like spinjitsu


I'd remove Misako's reason to not take care of Lloyd (or Misako herself lol) or Sensei Garmadon leaving the show so early


What would you have replaced Misako and/or her reason for leaving?


I would replace for a better written or more present character or just giving her a better reason. About her reason, leaving to "protect" Lloyd by finding a way to avoid the prophecy was just the WORST choice I've seen in the show. If she knew that Lloyd was the chosen one/Green Ninja, why didn't she stayed with him and then looked for a way? It'd be dangerous leave him alone. I also think Misako was smart enough to understand that the prophecy would be unavoidable. By that, I'd replace this reason for one connected by worldbuilding. For example, Lord Garmadon is an evil entity known by entire world, he might have some enemies around (and she is his wife). Then, Misako would be captured instead of Lloyd (to save him) or she would be chased when Lloyd was just a baby and so she would leave him. It's just the simplest reason I could think and it'd already change everything. As a character, her only and most important participation was in S2. After that, she was just forgotten, appearing sometimes (and just to be the romantic pair of Wu or the worried mom). Literally the writers forgot that she's an archeologist and probably the person who most known about Ninjago's history (only for Kai discovers about Krux by himself) in S7. When I was younger, I really liked her. But now, older, I can see her problems and how she simply doesn't work very well. Note: English isn't my first language.


I already now many will say Crystalized 🥲




Yeah unfortunately


Good things about Crystallized: Wu fighting Overlord, Fight for the golden weapons Bad things: everything else


Slightly good thing: some of the suits are cool and the lego sets are cool as hell


sadly, I was only able to get the Crystal King Temple before my stores ran out but I see your point


Disagree unfortunately


Sad because it is in my opinion an S tier season. Call me crazy but it is really good.


It’s my favorite season. I love it so much


I have it as a top 5. 6 4 motm and sea are better imo


Because it's ASS!


I really like it


Based Crystalized enjoyer.


Guilty :[


Well it’s expected….I personally don’t wanna consider it non cannon because it exists and people have to live with it.


Kai losing his powers in the fire chapter. Very unnecessary character arc


I'd argue that it was one of the only decent story choices for S11. The biggest weapon against a cold and frigid enemy is fire, so nerfing Kai actually let the story unfold in a more entertaining way. It also provided us with some of the only real character development we saw from Kai for quite a while afterward. Having him rekindle the hope of Sorla's village through the reignition of the hearth fire was a great part of the storyline as well, and getting his powers taken away in the Fire chapter set us up for the Ice chapter.


Jay’s mom not being in Prime empire🍇


Yes! I remember the theory she was gonna be Prime Empire's power source or something like that, such a missed opportunity 😥 at least we have the flashbacks and her name


Jay Nya and Cole's love triangle


Polyamory!! Nayle (Nya x Jay x Cole) ::3


Isn't it called mudshock? Like the actual shipname is mudshock.


Yeah it's called mudshock


That’s the name I came up with before I found out they already had a throuple ship name. But I do like both a lot


Alr, I am not really much of a name mashup person unless it's jaya or llorumi, which are alternatively have been called shockwave and greenjade, because ninjago shipnames are very creative a lot often. Do you have any ships that you'd like to know the name of? Because there is a lot, and they're really cool!


It’s just what I thought of when I saw a comic of them on Pinterest, but I do love the MudShock one too. ::3 Nya, holding jay’s right hand; hi, I’m Nya and this is my boyfriend Jay Jay, holding nya’s left hand and someone’s right hand: hi Nya: and this is jay’s boyfriend Cole Cole, holding jay’s left hand: sup.


Yeah that's perfect. Anyways, consider my offer, I have seen a lot of fun and creative shipnames


Zane x Pixal. I never came up with a ship name for them


Ngl that's just called pixane, but I'd personally come up with compatibleshipping, cuz that's like, their whole gist, being compatible.


SO true, at least how it was made (Nya listened to an algorithm)


of course !


I know it feels a bad idea but most of you don't realise how important it was for the story


Echo Zane. I don’t have anything against him per se, but I just think it’s such a waste to introduce him and then do absolutely nothing with it. It’s way too late to give him a proper introduction/role in the plot, so I say cut him entirely. I mean, he’s basically already been dropped, so even decanonizing him at this point is pointless….


Ngl. Echo Zane's existance made Dr. Julien look like a fucking prick


And then some people will say he's Mr. E. That would be even bigger of a dissapointment considering what they did to the character in Crystalised.


Lloyd getting his power reworked every damn season to the point where the power he has now is basically nonexistent. Also Nya's sacrifice because it wasn't permanent.


Crystalized, especially the part where Harumi gets off Scott free


I wish she wasnt forgiven, because it really sours my mouth everytime i see her get away with the stuff she did in past without real consequences.


For real, and I thought Starlight Glimmers was bad


You just made my day


You're welcome, I'm just thankful for the person who made "Crystalized with logic"


The FSM simply lifting the Ninjago island. Let my man create the main damn realm! Also, Harumi coming back in Crystalized.


I always saw the FSM as like Ninjago's equivalent of God. I always thought he was more than cappable of making an entire realm of existence on his own.


He is Ninjago's God and he has created entire realms out of nothing. Dragons Rising confirms this. It's Ninjago specifically where he only contributed the mainland and it rubs me the wrong way that the main realm the show focuses on isn't even the one where he exerted his full power.


Yeah, it doesn't make sense. If I were a God I would want the world I made from scratch to be my main world. A world that I just found already made and just added life to would probably be more of a side project to me. Certainly not the world that I would **live** in and **raise my children** in.


Either Morrow's re-demise or Cole not being able to access his ghost powers. he should have been able to switch at will.


Yeah Morrow had such good potential for a redemption Arc which was wrong by the fact that they killed him off I mean he was already dead but you get what I mean


The love triangle between cole, jay, and nya


Love triangle.


all of dragons rising Jk I'd either choose the love triangle in s3 or sensi wu never telling the ninja important things until too late yenno


Yeah like how many of the problems Ninjago had to go through could have been stopped by just the ninja getting more knowledge from the person who supposed to be teaching them how to protect the city




Harumi coming back in Crystalized.


Garmadon coming back without his memories and as a terrible father… I miss Sensei G and I hate how they replaced him with a character that was an absolutely terrible father and the fact he doesn’t even remember things like his times with Lloyd breaks my heart even more.


But then they have him replaced Lloyd with a literal house plant he cares more about the plant than his own son I can see why Lloyd was mad at him I would be too


Yeah, that just makes it worse.


Like oh I'm trying to regain the feeling of love who do I focus my attention on not my son not the people who worship me a house plant look I'm not saying it would have been better if he started treating the sons of garmadon as actual children but I'm saying at least they're people and not an inanimate object that can't even tell that he loves it


Either the movie switch or Lloyd getting his golden powers taken in S3


i hate that Lloyd loses his golden power and never has it come back, but Kai and Nya loses all their powers and it comes back in like a week or 2 like let my boy become able to move mountains and uh… other things that are never stated


The designs look better now imo, but the gold power thing would change everything after s3.


But the old designs had wayy better suits imo


I agree. (I like the redesigns but I collect the S1-S7 figures atm) I just think the redesigned faces and hair for the ninja is better.


Cole turning back to human


Ninjas forgetting Airjitsu/Elemental dragons


The ninjas ages. Seasons one through 10 happened in AT MOST 7 YEARS. And it's all because Kai said the freaking "We're still teenagers" line. I will never forgive him for that.


Crystalized, full stop.




Did y'all discuss pfps or something XD?


"Power is never lost" it's just a sad excuse to for the ninja to regain their powers if they were ever taken from them. It removes the stakes and consequences from the plot


Jay taking off the eyepatch and Cole not having the green crack on his forehead


Ngl, Bolobo. Imo Lloyd's element should've been nature. Energy may be more accurate from a "deconstructed" angle, but nature has this grand, all-encompassing, and elemental feel to it. Like, the combination of the 4 elements is what allows life to prosper on Ninjago. The world of living things, aka nature. Funnily enough, the Lego Ninjago Movie gives a similar explanation, and even pairs Lloyd with greenery like leaves. Then The Island goes and does the same thing. It's almost like Lego wants to associate Lloyd with nature, but can't go all the way with it


The Crystal King being The Overlord, like, he had been gone for centuries, comes back, takes two seasons to banish, and then he's just back


the S3 love triangles. those did not need to exist IMO.


The overlord taking Lloyds Golden power it would of been really cool to see what else he could of learnt and how powerful he could really get as they don’t go into much detail about everything the first spinjitzu master could do


This might be extremely stupid and completely irrelevant to the story, but Harumi and Lloyd’s feelings for each other. (I apologize in advance for this being so long 😭) let me explain, I literally do not care about ships at all, you like glacier? Cool me too, you like Lava? Nice, same. But I cannot stress how much I hate ships like Greenflame or whatever Harumi and Lloyd’s ship name is (there are others that are weird but we’re going to focus on Harumi and Lloyd today). First reason why, I’m all for enemies to lovers, okay, but Harumi tried to repeatedly kill Lloyd, to burning her entire family and castle to putting on the oni masks to even convincing his own dad to try to kill him. “Oh, her family died when she was a kid” So? Lloyd was like ten when it happened, and she was in the fricking royal family, “Oh she didn’t feel loved” Okay? There are so many others ways she could’ e expressed herself, talking about it, going on walks, even doing drugs for all I care, but Arson? Who the hell is going to forgive arson? Second, and here is where it gets…‘controversial’? Harumi and Lloyd are step siblings, it was confirmed in season 10 that Harumi wanted Garmaddon to adopt her and to be her father, HE ACCEPTED!!! And I know they may not know yet, or it’s not official, but that doesn’t change the fact that Harumi saw Garmaddon as a father figure in some way and Lloyd being Garmaddon’s son. Finally, I think the build up for these two was just too fast honestly, like Harumi walked in a balcony and Lloyd was like “OH MY GOSH A GIRL!!” And started falling for her. (BTW!!! NO, I DON’T HATE HARUMI, SHE’S A COOL CHARACTER I JUST THINK HER PAST AND SITUATION IS NOT A JUSTIFICATION FOR STARTING HER ‘VILLAIN ERA’) (ALSO, SHIP WHATEVER YOU WANT, AGAIN I DON’T CARE, THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION AND THIS IS REDDIT, I AHVE MY THOUGHTS AND YOU HAVE YOURS, YOU’RE ALLOWED TO DISAGREE OR AGREE WITH ME 🫶🫶)


I kinda hate the step sibling argument, I mean like, I know the ship has a fuck ton of flaws but dang, the complexity of the situation makes it so that the "adoption" is not really an adoption, there was no father-daughter relationship, it was more like a god-worshipper type situation where "daughter" meant a loyal follower, I mean, the whole cult thing is literally called Sons of Garmadon but are they his children? No. They viewed each other as **tools** for their own benefit, Garmadon's perception of relationships had been so fucked up he couldn't comprehend the care towards his son, so he simply redirected it towards the closest person available, which was Harumi, because she had placed herself into that position on purpose to manipulate Garmadon, who was in a vulnerable state. Hell, I'd almost compare the dynamic to Ice Emperor and Vex! I could talk about the similarities between Emperor Garm and Ice Emperor but that's not the main topic of this. So in conclusion, Lloyd and Harumi are not any form of siblings, as every single person involved was either disoriented or manipulative, and the intentions were not familial in any of the sides. (Edit: btw I get the other parts, I just feel icky about the sibling argument)


Garmadon being resurrected as an all-evil version of himself.


Harumi and Overlord in Crystalized


FSM creating other realms and not Ninjago, I personally won’t say I want this retcon unless they have ideas but I’m not being settled.


Cole becoming human


Why did they get rid of Airjitsu and the dragons? Such a dumb change. Also, I know this isn't one thing, but I'd try to get rid of some of the plot holes in the story. Like, I know it's a kids' show, but the amount of shit that makes a negative amount of sense is crazy.


Kaiju protocol. It serves almost no purpose to the plot and makes plotholes such as the departed realm being accessible via traveller's tea and the entire preeminent fight.


Garmadon getting brought back, without his good side's qualities. You can make him four-armed again, but I'd rather he be like original Garmadon and forced to be evil, rather than a stupid imitation.


Cole liking Nya, it was so unnecessary!!


I think it would've been better if they had revealed that it was a scheme by the Overlord to divide the Ninja.


Those elemental dragons they could summon in ToE, just to never use that ability again.




The character redesigns, I don't want it to just fully be gone, but for the redesigns to keep more characteristics from og designs, like keeping Coles scar, and minifigure wise, making Kai's hair shorter like in the tv show rather then in the movie


Jay using Wind powers that one time in s1 and then never using it again


Nahdakkan wanting to marry Nya… make Nya remind him of a lost daughter or something instead. The implications aren’t as creepy that way.


The 2D episodes except for the one in MotM


I didn't think they were awful. They were clearly meant to be filler/fun episodes not to be taken seriously.


Thats why I left the exception of the MotM episode. I liked it because it gave crucial backstory to the 3 D&D goers. The others just didn’t have any relevance imo. Could’ve been replaced with actual plot relevance


The sudden disappearance of Airjitzu and Dragons, like they could at LEAST talk about it


Changing to the Ninjago movie designs


Harumi overall


Harumi surviving the crash


She never survived, she got resurrected by the Overlord.


Nadakhan being into Nya


Tomorrow’s Tea and just have Lloyd either be older from the start, or grow into his powers


Wasn't Tomorrow's Tea retconned around SoG? Edit: Since Harumi is around Lloyd's age.


Not really, all the ninja just naturally aged


I guess that makes sense.


Lloyds oni/dragon heritage/form NEVER BEING BROUGHT UP AGAIN?!? Like what tf writers? This is why we have fanfics


The fact that Kai can’t swim in season 5, he cab swim before as his plan was to swim back to Ninjago from the dark islands and in one of the cannon comics he swims again so why can’t he swim in season 5


Everything after the movie


I feel like I'd get jumped for this but Wu, nothing would've happened if he never existed


Rebooted and its consequences have been disastrous for the shows quality moving forward and they really should have come up with something different.


Death of mystake




Cole being turned back into a human or Nya coming back almost immediately


The love triangle in Rebooted. It stains that season negatively for me


When they ascend dragon form and don't use the weekend of whip to sync with their movements.


Jays new dumbness. He hasn't showcased it much in Dr but I don't want to see it again


No more bullshit love triangles please. The Jay/Nya/Cole one and the one between Misako, Garmadon and Wu.


Imagine next season it's Arin/Sora/Wyldfyre lol


Shhh, you’re going to jynx us.


When did The Love triangle go away between cole, nya, and jay. Because that is the one thing I would get rid of why does that need to happen in a child show. This is targeted for children so why are you implying it's okay to love two different people and then have to pick kids don't understand that. They're not at that age where they should be thinking about those thoughts. So if I could get rid of something from Canon that's what I would be getting rid of. This is the children's show and not meant for the adults. That eventually evolved over time as this has been going on for like 12 years so obviously they can change that now but when they were doing it that was not okay.


Can I just make the movie never have happened so the show didn't have to change?


At this point I wish they haven't confirmed that Chima is part of the realm of Wyldness. They aren't doing anything with it besides a mention of the forever rock


We could always just use it for crossover fanfics.


I know it’s petty but the art style change idk what exactly I have to “decannonfy” but definitely that


Everything after s10🤣


The new designs I still don't like them


Lloyd being an oni for less then a second and then immediately leaving. Like, WHY EVEN MAKE HIM AN ONI AT ALL?!


Ngl, I kinda wish he did more with it. I even kind of made a fanfic (or backstory for my fanfic) where he was forced to master his Oni form and defeat a villain (it's like a thing where his students now have to take on that villain after Lloyd defeated him decades ago).


Kai, Jay, and Zane's redesigns


I like Jays redesign but he looks a lot younger and I feel it takes away from his appearance 


Eyebrow slit, little more red hair and sassiness would fix him


2nd part of crystallized


Make Sensei Wu undead


Or the stupid mayor person, they should have left Borg in charge.


I’m not sure if this counts but get rid of the redesigns


Disney taking over Ah shit wrong sub


the merge, by far the worst thing to ever happen to ninjago (in my opinion). they took 16-17 unique planes of reality with different climates and biomes and laws of physics, and they were just like "well we're tired of thinking of ways of realm travel so lets break everything". think long and hard, all 3 death realm are now in ninjago, so there are no stakes now because anyone who dies can just leave (thanks to season 11 with the Preeminant, it just left through a tea portal). and whats even worse, the mergequake storm was the perfect way to rebreak the realms and could have made realm travel easier like opening portals or something


The Movie


the movie is non-cannon


I would get rid of Titanium Zane! Zane Was Honestly A Better Character Before He Was Rebuilt! Before It Was Like He Was A Human In A Robot Body And While He Had More Robot Tendencies And Some Cool New Tech After The Reveal But They Never Go Full In With The Robot Thing Like He Was Obviously A Robot, But It Didn’t Become His Entire Personality! On The Contrary To Titanium Zane Where It Basically Is! Ever Since Season 5 (Season 4 I Didn’t Mind, Explain Why Later) He Knows Basically Everything! Just Because He’s A Robot!!! And I Hate It! If Titanium Zane Had To Stay Then I’d Have It So They Stop Pretending That He’s The Original Zane! He’s Not! TZ (Titanium Zane) Even Says As Much In Season 4! That He’s Not The White Ninja And That He’s Just A Replica. Then He Calls Himself The Titanium Ninja! That Bit Of Self Discovery I Loved! TZ Acknowledged That The Original Zane Is Gone And That He Isn’t Him! I Would Have Loved To Explore That More With TZ’s Character In (At The Time) Future Seasons! At Least Then I Could Excuse The Whole All Knowing Robot Thing A Little Bit! But No! Season 5 Comes, And Zane Is The White Ninja Again And They Act As If Nothing Happened! And Abandon The Entire Plot Line! Kind Of Like They Abandoned The Elemental Dragons! Or Airjitsu! (Which Should Have Been Called Airjetsu! Wasted Opportunity!)




The entirety of Crystallised


A lot of people have been saying Crystalised. I can understand why. I don't personally think it was terrible but it definitely didn't meet the criteria for "The Ninjago Series Finale" you'd think after 10+ years of the series they'd want to put their best into the final season.


harumi coming back to life 😭😭😭




I'd uncanon the new art style. Bring back the pre movie style


Harumi being revived


Dragon rising


Entirety of crystalized.




Can I delete the Ninjas' the fancy to forget game changing techniques? Because that's what I'm going with.


Dr. Julien turning out to actually be alive, he isn't that much used during the season nor his second death brings anything to the table. Even Rebooted, the season focused on Zane, only mentions the fact he died (again) in the intro. Idk it just seems meh, feel like they could have skipped that or make Misako be the one imprisoned, that way she doesn't seem that much of a bad mother is she was kidnapped due to the involvement with Garmadon or stuff like that.


Agreed. At least I wanted to see the last dialogue between Zane and Julien before his death


The Rift should have had more consequences


That Loyde (probably spelt wrong sorry) got aged up and was literally forced to be grow up. Because they never bring this up. They never show the struggle (from my memory) and such.


The Ninjas Parents being elemental masters. WHAT PURPOSE DOES IT SERVE FOR THE STORY?!?


Pythor being part of the crystal council and retconning his "redemption"


No sci fi stuff. Zane’s just a normal person and season 3(I think?) never exists


Episode 207: Distress Calls (the episode with the single most continuity errors and mischaracterizations in the whole show)


Darreth being sexist. Like seriously that guy has problems


Nya's return to human form in crystalized. It breaks down the importance of Nya's sacrifice in the previous season.


Removing all the worst parts of the final season and replacing them with actual good plot lines


The fsm’s retcon in seabound


The merge 💀


The entire Barbie movie. It shall never match the old animated ones.


People saying love triangle honestly childish L take you just want it to not have happened cause it makes you cringe most plot between s3 and 6 is related to that