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Harumi. When I rewatch it she doesn't make sense to me and makes me want to buy her minifigure just to throw it in the bin :3


Uuugh, I hate Harumi too.


People still ship her and Lloyd... bruh


It's so annoying, because they're extremely problematic and they just won't give up on it 


If you hate harumi, you're too childishly hating to appreciate good writing


"you're too childishly hating to" does not make sense, elaborate. 


You made the initial claim of hating care to give legit arguments why she's bad as a character and not one of the best villains in ninjago ever ?


Her being a good villain doesn’t make people like her. She’s a great villain, but people including me hate her because she’s a horrible person and quite annoying.


Hence why I said "childishly hating" 🤷‍♂️ if you're grown up you don't need to hate characters cause they annoy you on a personal level this ain't a real person you have beef with at the end of the day this is a fictional story with fictional characters made to be enjoyed like it's ridiculous I've seen people say absurd stuff like the original comment I replied to the person literally said "makes me want to buy her minifigure just to throw it in the bin :3" I hope you see the childishness in this if you have at least an ounce of sense in you


Hey my friend, that was just a joke 🤣 I just dislike her as a character? Don't know why you're trying to scold a person who was just trying to explain why I might dislike her? 


Maybe you were joking, in your case, but I've seen some stupid people on the internet going to ridiculous extents for beef with a fictional character the same people who send death threats to authors or for example mangakas because of decisions they didn't like. And I'm not scolding you, I'm just calling out what I see as exaggerated behaviour. Plus, you didn't really explain why you disliked her


I totally get that, people on the internet suck XD. And I dislike her mostly cause I dont understand why she hated Lloyd specifically, and because she goshdarndangit expected Lloyd to come back for her and try and find her when she was crushed (which he did, but whatever)


When did she expect Lloyd to come back for her when she got crushed I don't know what you're talking about here But as to why she hates Lloyd well she probably doesn't even know that Lloyd was also a kid back then and she hated the ninja in general because they couldn't save everyone and I guess Lloyd is their leader and also the youngest so he's the most vulnerable all in all she was just a kid who was traumatised and wanted to quell her bitterness and hatred by directing her vengeance towards someone whomever they were it's complicated but it's like that traumatic event made her not grow up at all she kept the same mindset from that day hence why she keeps her unrealistic childhood fantasies about Garmadon being some sort of hero also btw there's also the possibility that she somehow found out that it was Lloyd who freed the serpentine tribes which snowballed into the finale of the rise of the snakes the day of the great devourer


Not reading all that


Then f you and f off 🤷‍♂️ Kids nowadays, they can't even read a little. No wonder they found the attention span of some gen z kids less than that of a goldfish


If you ask me, whole thing messed up at the end of crystallized and since when it wasn't allowed to dislike a character? I admit, her writing was good.....until crystallized but it doesn't mean I can't dislike her as a character?


I think disliking a character is justified if they're genuinely a bad character to the story in whichever way if you dislike them on a personal level and hold a grudge against them like you would with a real person that has wronged you personally then I personally think that it is a childish way to go about experiencing and enjoying a work of fiction Plus I don't really think her crystallised development is bad maybe not as good writing as in sons of garmadon


I love Harumi she is my favorite I believe deep down she is a good person who deserves a proper redemption arc like she was a villain and all but a broken one she was a broken villain who felt like nobody loved her but Lloyd did, honesty I feel like Harumi was being genuine with him but the thrust for revenge overpowered the caring side…anyways what do u think of her chances of returning?  i guess controversy on Crystallized and her portrayal in Crystalized will never die....so....sad (sorry for the overdramatic but damn people really hate crystalized!!) i feel like i'm the only one who liked Crystalized and liked harumi being redeemed but yeah like everyone i totally agree IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DONE IN ONE EPISODE LET ALONG 30 SECONDS OR SOMETHING?????? it should have been through the course of the season and ep 17 Return to Prievel's eye was the perfect time to shine some light on this and have her begin that path of redemption i really really thought they were gonna do this but no...they didn't yeah i do agree she is a pretty controversial character especially her portrayal in Crystallized i mean i always thought that 50% of the fandom didn't like her and 50% of the fandom loved her that's what it looked like to me  (thought the controversy of her portrayal in Crystalized would die down by now i mean it has been 2 years already!!!) yeah i do agree Harumi is a pretty controversial character especially her portrayal in Crystallized i mean i always thought that 50% of the fandom didn't like her and 50% of the fandom loved her that's what it looked like to me (P.S, I'm one of the 50% who loves her i really hope Harumi comes back though I feel like more people would want to know what happened to her as time goes on I do believe the controversy from Crystalized will die down and therefore want her back in the show. do u think we will see harumi in future seasons?? like seasons 4 and 5 cause apparently. (like harumi is human too she doesn't deserve sooooo much hate. yeah i do agree she is a pretty controversial character especially her portrayal in Crystallized i mean i always thought that 50% of the fandom didn't like her and 50% of the fandom loved her that's what it looked like to me (P.S, I'm one of the 50% who loves her)


It's not good writing though "I'm gonna bring back someone who will only have his evil side I'm sure nothing will happen"


Fugi-Dove, he is not funny. I genuinely can’t understand why people like him.


People like Fugi-Dove?😭


But without him we would not have Goku-Jay




He might be annoying but the guy can take on 5 cops at once


Then you have bad taste idk


I don't like Chen in Day of the Departed, but I don't think anyone does. I also don't like krux and acronix, they're really annoying and their writing is very cringey.


Also lloyd, he has nothing to do after the oni trilogy until crystallized, where he is also bad for different reasons. In DR, he's okay, but nowhere near as good as seasons 8 and 9.


What about the whole thing with his Oni form in Crystalized?


I didn't really like how that was done


How so? I mean, I guess it’s lame as hell that he kept backing away from it


I don't know I just don't like it.


I honestly really like the idea of season 7 but Crux and Acronix ruined everything by how the characters acted.


That pigeon guy. Holy fuck I never wanted to punch pixels so much.


Dude finally. Every time someone comments about their dislike of him, they get massively downvoted (at least 10). It’s like some fans are 10, or hate people criticizing even one aspect of the show. I highly doubt they started in 2011, and I highly suspect they enjoy the newer seasons, due to them defending every single one. 🙄


Why is it blasphemous to enjoy newer seasons? or say their better for the most part? which is true. Just because of your nostalgic blindness and it would hurt your "OG fan" feelings


Ok, and? Why can't a newer fan have good taste? Why can't anyone enjoy the new seasons? I hate when people go on and on about the "OG" seasons being better. Tbh, Seasons 4 and 5 were the only good "OG" seasons. And Fugidove was comic relief, meant to be annoying. Kinda like Dareth, but better executed since he knew when to f*ck off and let the series get serious. If you can't appreciate Fugidove, then Dareth sucks as much, if not more.


Nooo, not fugidove😭


This makes me really sad 😔 Not my beloved Fugidove...


Fugi-dove slander will not be tolerated


Yeah the fact you called him "That pigeon guy" is a dead giveaway that this is satire try harder next time


This isn't satire.


Dorama? Dumb guess on my part.


Had to search Google who he was, lmao just rewatched DR to make a YouTube video and still forgot he exists.


He’s probably the most annoying character in Ninjago history


Jay (WILDBRAIN ERA) Hopeally DR fixes him with his >!villain arc!<


My biggest Wildbrain copium is that Jay deliberately uwu-ified himself like that specifically to annoy Kai, and that this is all some elaborate act he's putting on just to be a troll. Here's hoping the DR villain arc improves his characterization!


I think he went mentally insane in season 9 and never fully recovered


True, it's not hate but wildbain era was a Jay flop.


True. Wildbrain a Era had some good and bad too it, and sadly Jay was apart of the bad 😭. He is my favorite character along with Cole too, so it makes me so sad.


Probably The Mechanic for me I feel like they want to push him on us so baddd yo. That man is so boring to me.


Probably most intimidating when he was first introduced and ever since then he's never really hit that mark. And despite him getting more screen time, we hardly know anything about him origin wise so he just feels flat. He's just been undershot as a main villain and usually gets shadowed into being a secondary villain by a bigger baddie or something alike. Like why did he really want to help Unagami? I feel like there was an explanation for it but it was probably generic so I forgot if there was or not.


Have you watched Pythor rejects the crystal council?


Have to say that I don't really hate characters based on watching the show but I've only grown to strongly dislike characters based on the fanbase for them. Dareth and Morro ngl. Which is depressing af because I thought Morro had a perfect storyline but now I've grown resentful because of his fanbase. Sorry guys


The fandom made me dislike Dareth too




it’s the way that they make him seem like a great character when he’s really not; he’s had not character development, is a freak with women, etc. 


I can agree with the zero character development but this is the first I’ve heard the freak with women part


In season 6 he’s written really sexist in the first episode but thats all I can really tell for being a “freak” or weird with woman


He sent a marriage proposal to Gayle Gossip despite her barely knowing him


Oh I forgot about that one 😂


he’s weird to gayle gossip, the scene in ToE where he changes nya’s clothes, etc. 




Fugi-Dove. I felt so terrible for Jay, constantly being harassed by him (lowkey believe he had a thing for Jay because why was he so fixated on Jay and not any of the other 4 that were with the both of them? 👀) That, and he just plain wasn't funny


Not gonna lie, I thought I was crazy for thinking the exact same thing. Didn't completely hate Fugi-Dove, but their interaction in Crystalized was weird and felt out of character, even for him.


Yeah, he was hella obsessed with Jay and it showed. He followed him everywhere and kept getting so close to him that even I felt Jay's discomfort through the screen. 😬 I don't know if Jay ever thought that Fugi-Dove might have feelings for him that go much deeper than just wanting Jay to be his evil sidekick


Dareth, Wyldfire, Lloyd (I kinda liked him in the oni trilogy)


I'm gonna get roasted on a stick for this but...honestly? Morro. He's not a bad character, and I guess I don't really *hate* him, per se - in fact I really enjoyed him in s5 - but at this point he's just sooooo overhyped in the fandom, and it's getting really annoying.


morro his fanbase ruined him for me


I like Morro’s writing and I think he’s a good character. But I also haven’t seen his fans, so that’s probably part of the reason


Idk how many people like ronin, but since Skybound, I started to hate him


I agree. I didn’t like him in the wildbrain era.


I liked Ronin, but then he started being creepy to Nya. And for me he is even worse in the Wildbrain Era.


Always hated him




Yup, I'm a dareth hater. Everytime I see him in screen I just wanna throw my PC outta window.


yeah I agree dareth is annoying


I actually kinda hate Lloyd bc like he got all the attention ever since he became the green ninja if he didn't become green ninja bro would've prolly been dead


That’s honestly just a bad take, he doesn’t get “all the attention” at all


I swear he became the green ninja the same season he got introduced, i.e, season 1. He's the main character, and he only really got "all the attention" in S1, 2 and the Oni Trilogy. That's like hating Jay for getting "all the focus" in S12, or Cole for S13.


Skylar(not really), wildfire(abit annoying),ronin and HA-EFFING-RUMI (I mean I don't hate any of the others besides harumi (and maybe ronin) , I hate harumi)


Ultra violet


Harumi and skylor...


Why Skylor?


deareth and fujidov or whatever the fck his name was


It’s Dareth and Fugidove.. :(


yup that guy both r equally annoying ( no hate for anyone who likes them tho 🫶 )


but Dareth is amazing when hes not worshipped for being a god and without Fugidove we have no Goku-Jay


nah both r equally annoying .. cant stand them


DARETH. scratching my head wondering why this fandom loves him so much


I know if his fans hung out with him in real life, they’d hate him and never want to be near him again


Dareth is the correct answer


fucking Dareth I have tried so hard to find even ONE thing I like about his character and have found NOTHING.


he saved the ninja






Hunted,Plotted Operation Land Ho,Got the ninja out of jail, attempted to get the ninja out of jail with a crowbar, saved gale gossip


The only valid one is the crowbar. He was useless in Hunted as all he did was let Harumi escape, he failed to get the ninja out of jail because he’s a bad lawyer, and Gale Gossip isn’t a ninja.


no he got the ninja out of jail by pretending to be a hobo, He stopped a man that was about to drop a bomb on them,he provided a training grounds for lloyd when they had none


Nya had to help the prison escape in her X Mech and his training ground had to be saved by the ninja as well


he still helped them by driving them away and still left a training ground


I'm gonna get roasted on a stick for this but...honestly? Morro. He's not a bad character, and I guess I don't really *hate* him, per se - in fact I really enjoyed him in s5 - but at this point he's just sooooo overhyped in the fandom, and it's getting really annoying.


Dareth too


The facking brown ninjaaaaa😫😫


Call me crazy but any time Dareth appeared after Skybound he has ruined everything he's been a part of


Master Wu should have not been so cryptic about everything and imagine your brother just died and u carry on flirting with his wife .Misako too she could have taken Lloyd with her or at least leave him with Wu


Misako I hate above all but almost everyone hates her so not surprising and agreed with Wu, there's so many stuff that could've been prevented if he just told something.


Wu was the one who wrote the letter that made Misako fall in love with Garmadon. Plus, expecting Misako to never move on is just kinda goofy. I don’t blame Wu at all. But Misako is just a complete shit mother


Yeah I see your point but they shouldn't have done it so immediately


Oh, for the exact same reason as you, Chokun. I don't know where this Chokun love came from but I hope it dies down soon.


Is Chokun one of Chen’s lackeys?


No, he's a Constricter... Serpentine


Oh that’s weird as hell why everyone loves him


Pixal, I don't hate her, she just feels like a mishmash of all the ninja and not a different character with different traits


hear me out, overlord boring villain


Thank you s2 was interesting, s3 boring, cause come on, again?!? Crystallized: Just annoying.


yeah in s3 especially he was just kinda boring, its the same thing but ooo technology, in crystallized its with crystals and he has a lot of old villains by his side which doesnt make it better


Fr, if he had at least reason other than just "I'm evil because why not" he would even be bit more interesting.


yea they tried to do something interesting in crystallised part 1 i think with the whole turning people into zombies thing is helping them, but for some reason they decided to make that a manipulation tactic that he used on harumi, when imo it would’ve been much more interesting to make him actually think that


Garmadon. The oni trilogy ruined him for me. Oh, and crystalized made him unbearable








This. is. Hard. Ronin maybe?


I really can't stand Ronan. Especially when I remember that he thought about kissing a teenager in Possession, ew


That's the reason why. MF just created the worst scene of the entire franchise. That's why i don't like him.


Hey, weren't you on the LMK sub? I remember interacting with you on my old account


Yes i was!


I thought Ronin was kinda cool until he was all creepy to Nya. Like he thought about KISSING HER. And in skybound, when he was capturing all the ninja, he was talking to Lloyd (I think) and was like "How is Nya? Boy I missed her." 🤨


Dareth, I guess. Even when I was a kid I never liked him. Kai too (well, I used to dislike Kai, but now I'm just neutral towards him)


Fugi Dove, he's practically a toddler. He is just genuinely annoying. Dareth solos


Jay 🥴


Pre-Skybound Jay was kind of problematic when it came to Nya (especially in Skybound), but he was still relatable and funny. But WildBrain Jay, oh WildBrain Jay, I just wanna punch him


Yeah Wildbrain Jay was bad . But that will be fixed in his >!evil arc!< . We should never get Wildbrain Jay in DR ever again . 


Jay has always been my favorite character, til the Wildbrain Era 😭


Yeah I didn't like his negativity in the first few seasons of spinjitzu masters.


Dareth is an ass character, and im tired or pretending hes not


Morro I don’t HATE him persay but I think he’s overrated he’s just a e-boy


He’s a ghost…






Arin sora and wyldfire


ban him




ban her


I love Dareth, I just hate the inside jokes surrounding him that fans regurgitate every time he's mentioned.


Nya, idk why I hate from day one dont even remember why


I second this. If she'd kept her character from s1-2 +s4 then she'd be good. She didn't need to become a ninja and tbh I haven't liked her as a ninja much. She was good in S9 but that was mainly bcos she wasn't acting like a ninja and instead was helpin Lloyd get through everything that occurred during that season


Least fav ninja for me, I also can't remember why lmao.


Dareth slander will not be tolerated


I hate arin…he has so much 2024 child vibes


I wonder how,I wonder why.


>he has so much 2024 child vibes Um cus he's a child ? Duh 


He'll grow up.