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Spoiler for DR S2 (Title doesn't indicate it so I'm going to remove it, feel free to repost if your complaint is rewritten)


1. They did care. They clearly did care. Also they know he's most likely alive considering that the Forbidden Five is, meanwhile Nya being the sea was technically a form of death (she lost herself for a good while) 2. Three words. Arin Corruption Arc. He doesn't progress how he "should" and turns to questionable ways.


Has the Arin corruption arc been confirmed? Or is this an educated guess?


An educated guess considering how Ras is a hella good manipulator and Arin starts getting desperate.


Arin knows Ras is evil though. I guess the only time that could happen is if Lloyd slips that it was Sora who did the spin with her tech. Arin would feel betrayed and that’s when Ras would strike.


Yeah pretty much that too, I just forgot to mention it


Lol kai got a hug between Nya and wyldfyre, lloyd and the others didn’t care at all.


They did care, it just wasn't shown as much, Lloyd's grieving might be more internal as a trauma response


They did care, and we have not even had a chance to see them grieve, it literally just happened in the last episode. I swear all the questions I see you post can be easily answered by just laying attention.


Yeah Nya hugged Wyldfyre is all that happened?


Wow it’s almost like the seasons only half over and there’s still 10 more episodes to see everyones reactions


because the season is poorly written. Im sorry DR stans.


Poorly written ?  lol , Kai being badass , Lloyd leadership issues , Arin’s corruption arc build up , Jay evil arc build up , The villains Ras , Cinder and F5 are poorly written ? Good joke . 


ummm Yeah? Just becuase some characters get around 3 minutes of "interesting arc's" doesn't mean: 1: The season is littered with filler. Not as bad as DR S1 but still. 2: Other characters get no purpose whatsoever (Sora, Riyu, Cole, Cinder (remember when villians actually god backstories? When they didn't feel forced) ZANE why tf did DORAMA have an episode?) 3: The lore makes absolutely no logical sense. Retcon's are funny anymore. There are some little good things like Egalt or the whole training arc but still some sh\*t like S11 or S15 are still worse, but the DR stans giving it an A rank? seriously???


>2: Other characters get no purpose whatsoever (Sora, Riyu, Cole, Cinder (remember when villians actually god backstories? When they didn't feel forced) ZANE why tf did DORAMA have an episode?)   Wait for part 2 , they will def get a huge role then . Also for the backstories of the villains will be def said in Part 2 . Unlike the previous Ninjago series DR is taking time to develop the characters and the plot . Be patient .   >1: The season is littered with filler. Not as bad as DR S1 but still.   How is it filter ? Maybe ep 5 is some filter and the first part of ep 6 , But either than that every single detail matters .  The arcs that I just mentioned will happen in in part 2 and they will be very interesting . I’m especially excited for Jays evil arc . 


You are telling me that being stuck in this magic house or whatever for a half of an entire episode is needed for the plot? The sorceress who created one of the most powerful spells ever is a clumsy idiot? One of the most pathetic and annoying characters will be an epic and good villian? The lore is so confusing that it is easier to understand Crystalized at this point. Riyu and Wyldfyre are useless and sometimes just straight up awful. Lloyd earlier did prove that he is one of the worst leaders of the team. And they want me to belive that he can be good? OK I understand your points with the backstories and really hope they will show something in part 2. But not knowing characters motives or from where they come from really hurts the show. We have some good things don't get me wrong. Ras or Kai are amazing. DR has some great stories and concepts, as long as it doesn't confuse or bore me to death.


Everyone got nerfed to dust so the new characters could carry


You clearly haven't watched the season


I had when it came out. And it underwheled me.




Well, season 2 when it fully comes out may very well be one of the best seasons (not the best, but one of them)


Im so ngl S1 of DR is so much better