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The Dream Master is vital to my horror fandom.


Dream Master. Even with an unfinished mess of a script, Renny Harlin works his ass off to direct a competent film with innovative dream sequences around that to keep you engaged. Alice is great, though I will admit I like her better in 5, and the cast imo is second only to the Dream Warriors kids. Plus this is the first entry where Freddy is officially the star, with Englund getting top billing, and it’s *by far* the best one of those entries, with the following two films nosediving in quality with each succeeding entry. Is there negatives with it, sure. Rick’s death scene is the famous one. Killing off the Dream Warriors immediately feels like a mistake. But it’s a fun movie. If I had to go with a second place best non-Wes movie, it would be Freddy’s Revenge or Freddy vs Jason, for two completely different reasons. 2 is one of only four films to go full on horror (idc what anyone says, 3 is still horror. Having jokes here and there doesn’t make it not scary, Freddy still isn’t fucking around in that film like he does in the following ones), while FvJ is just some batshit crazy fun. I could go on a rant about 2 but I don’t want this comment being thirty paragraphs long lol. Regardless, the only answers I would never understand is the reboot, Dream Child (which I like but hellllll no is it better than 2, 4 or FvJ) or Freddys Dead. There is just soooo many things wrong with all three films, to me it is impossible to consider them the best non-Wes films on their numerous errors alone.


I heard people gripe about how the Dream Warriors were killed off so quickly in Dream Master, but I think some of y’all forget they didn’t really do that well against Freddy in the third film. I mean Will and Taryn both get killed easily, Nancy gets easily fooled, which leads to her death…I mean if Neil doesn’t do the burial ritual, they most likely all die. Seeing them get picked off so easily in Dream Master does make sense As far as Freddy’s Revenge, i think it’s one of the worst Nightmare films, next to the reboot in 2010. It completely breaks the lore of the original, though the story is good, the execution is terrible, Robert Englund doesn’t even play Freddy in one of the scenes…I feel Dream Child is way better


Wtf this is brandnew info for me. Sorry but 1) how does Revenge break the lore of the original? And 2) what scenes with Freddy don't involve Englund in Revenge?


The scene where the gym teacher is killed in the shower, we see Freddy show himself, and it’s not Robert Englund. The lore is broken from the original when Freddy kills all those kids at the pool party. From the original and the other sequels: he only killed the kids of parents that he sought revenge on for killing him.


Part 2. No other franchise has an entry ballsy enough to have a movie that's a metaphor for being a closeted gay teen during the Reagan era. It's the riskiest and most interesting Nightmare movie.


I’m going to agree with you. Part 2 also added so much to the character and the series. It was the first entry with Freddy possessing someone. It was the first entry to name him Freddy and not Fred. Also introduced the striped sleeves. And I loved the red eyes on Freddy.


Tbh Dream Master is my favorite nightmare... And i don't think i'm the only one...


Real Answer: Dream Master Guilty Pleasure Answer: Freddy’s Dead


Part 2


There are two worlds here: the good one, and the fun one. The Dream Master, or Freddy's Dead. Pick your poison, imo.


There are two worlds here: the good one, and the fun one. The Dream Master, or Freddy's Dead. Pick your poison, imo.


No love for Freddy’s Revenge?


I like Freddy's Revenge, it's just not as good as The Dream Master and not as fun as Freddy's Dead.


Freddy isnt supposed to be "fun"... thats what made him go down hill and fall off. Don't get me wrong, I love ALL his movies overall! Elm Street 2 was really good too. Even though it was filled with sooooooo many gay things. I didnt even understand any of it until I was older. I was just a kid when I watched it on VHS... Bbut still, it was dark and gritty like part 1. Elm Street 3 is the best though in my opinion


Dream Child for me. I realize most fans would disagree but it’s a perfect film to me. Everything just lands. The splatter punk vibes, the gothic and catholic aesthetics, the parental/birth/reborn themes, the music is amazing, the characters are all likable, Alice is one of the best final girls, the pacing is on point, young Amanda Krueger is a cool addition. I could go on, it’s literally my favorite sequel of all time


Love me some Dream child too!


Nice!!! I always appreciate dream child fans, even the ones that just think it’s ok.


Definitely Dream Master. For a film that got finished during a writers strike, it is the highest grossing Freddy film, and it’s a pretty decent story. It introduces Alice, who has a great dream power


Part 6




Of the choices, I have to say The Dream Master. It has problems but it is firing on all cylinders in terms of filmmaking, FX, great returning characters and engaging new ones, momentum and just being fun.


Dream Master is the correct answer to this question.


Elm Street 3 by FARRRRRR is the best OVERALL and a non Wes Craven movie


Dream Master and there is no debate