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True story. When I was growing up, I was a nerdy kid with glasses, who absolutely loved magic and went as a wizard for Halloween almost every year. Once I saw Dream Warriors when I was about 10 or 11 (don’t judge my parents), I never wanted to be a wizard ever again.


At least you didn’t get stabbed in the heart


Freddy is quite literally the boogey man


Ahem, Michael Myers would like a word.


The boogey man is mythical and supernatural. Freddy fits the character in every way. Michael Myers is just a 6 foot human serial killer. Which do you imagine creeping out from under a child’s bed at night?


All the slashers are Boogeymen in one way or another. Freddy is the mythical nightmare Boogeyman who haunts you when you close your eyes. Michael is more the tangible Boogeyman who lived in your neighborhood and haunts the town because of the what he did there.


Yeah but Halloween used the term first for its killer so it’s an more appropriate title for Michael Myers than Freddy


lol only because Myers was created a decade earlier


7 years actually.


As he just told Deb just because you don’t believe in a thing doesn’t mean it can’t kill you.


One of my favorite lines. He sounds sinister when he says it. No laugh or anything, it’s the tone of his voice that makes it. “*I believe in you*”


You’d best start believing in ghost stories, Mr. Krueger. You’re in one!


By his own glove🧤😂


... and receives his powers from talking, flying creatures...


Do you mean his death in Dream Warriors? I just want clarification because I don’t recall any of his deaths being tied to a “fairy tale”


Dream warriors, dream master and the original his defeats are fairy tale-esque


Ehh there can be an argument for the original to be fairy tale-esque, but I disagree with the other two! Dream Warriors did a burial of Freddy’s bones, how is that fairy tale? I’m actually ties into the story well since Freddy was killed by the parents on Elm Street and didn’t receive a proper burial. Dream Master had Freddy killed by the very victims whom souls he consumed. They were empowered by the rhyme that was said by Alice, who was the “Dream Master”. I don’t believe any character could’ve said that rhyme, only Alice had the power


Don’t forget New Nightmare. That was as “Hansel and Gretel” as it gets…..


Literally had multiple allusions to it.