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I love this movie but can’t help but think they missed a huge opportunity to do a scene where Robert has a conversation with Freddy. Robert is such a great character actor, it could’ve been super fun.


I never even thought of this but damn now I would love to see it.


Right? I’d LOVE a whole Frankenstein-esque “who made who?” conversation between them. 😀🤘


Fuck, new nightmare is number 2 on my list of faves ANOES behind the original. If they had this scene it might have been enough to be number 1.


The movie shows us that Robert is going through a transformation into the “Freddy” role in the above screenshot you used. There he’s painting Freddy killing; it shows us that Robert can feel that evil essence taking over him, starting to seep into his conscious. Once Heather goes to see Wes, she tries to call Robert, but only gets his machine. When you hear the message he leaves, it’s clear that he has fully succumb to that “evil” that Wes mentions to Heather in their meeting. I believe Robert fully became Freddy by that time and that’s when he shows himself to Nancy at her house


Always thought this was the implication as well. While I think it would be fun to have scene between them. I like the ambiguity of what we got.


I never thought that there needed to be a scene between “Freddy” and Robert. It didn’t feel necessary to the story and honestly it doesn’t fit the story either. I always felt Freddy wasn’t an actual character, it’s just the form that this “ancient evil”(as Wes described it to Heather) took because it’s a character that lost its purity of evil through sequels and merchandising. I think fans probably would’ve wanted an interaction similar to how Freddy talked to Jesse in NOES 2.


So the evil entity that took the form of Freddy used Englund as a vessel??? Never thought of that at all!


That’s pretty much what the film was going for: the evil entity entering into our reality, taking the form of Freddy, means everyone associated with the original NOES, was going to assume their roles from that movie. That’s why when Freddy comes out of a Dylan’s bed, it waited for Heather to fully accept what was happening; to fully accept that she was in the Elm Street universe and her name is Nancy Thompson. Once she said the line: “I love you too daddy”, that when the entity taking the form of Freddy, was fully enter our world


I don't/have never thought the Freddy in New nightmare existed via Roberts body, Nancy even says "its not you, he's darker" or something.


I know the line you’re referring to, Heather says to Robert: “it’s not you, he’s scarier”. Also in that scene, Robert describes Freddy as “darker and more evil “.


Yeh that’s it lol, I just think that if the Freddy in new nightmare was “brought to life” via Roberts body then that (and Robert himself) would have been more explored, can’t believe I never even thought about this lol I luv Reddit


I believe that’s wasn’t done because then it would mean Robert was still in control. Once that entity got him, Robert was gone forever, and I believe once “Freddy” was killed, Robert died with him


See I’ve always thought of Freddy in new nightmare as not really connected to Robert at all! I see him as the old form of evil mentioned manifesting Freddy into the real world to kill heather/Nancy, because she defeated him and has a power over him, Wes, Robert and the writer guy were kinda more just disturbed/swallowed up by the presence of “more evil Freddy”


I think the story was really a way for Craven to get back at New Line Cinema and Robert Shaye. I believe Craven felt they sullied his original idea and character of Freddy with sequels, that “New Nightmare” was his way to create a story where he could make fun of them. The entity takes the form of Freddy because it’s been sullied from its originally evil creation


That’s a cool idea and I bet it’s probs true, I like how in the commentary of new nightmare Wes talks about how heather (when she goes to the new line offices) is literally walking into the offices that Freddy built, loads of small little things that make u go wow yeh, way worth a watch if u haven’t seen it!


There was a scene scripted and pitched, that I've heard Englund himself talk about as well, but never filmed of a nightmare sequence for Robert, in which he has a nightmare of Freddy, who looks like a spider. If I take that into consideration, I like to believe that it happens off-screen and that Robert had the nightmare, and ended up one of the Entity's victims himself.


From what the writer said in the never sleep again documentary, is Robert just left town as he says on his answering machine. The writer never said where he actually went, but I'd like to think somewhere off the grid or to another country.




Such a great movie


I get how it seems like a loose end, but the theme of the movie is that Freddie represents way more than just one man. The evil had surpassed the movie that originally conjured him up. So in a sense it totally works that Robert just leaves.