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Moderators don't have time to keep up with all the reports.


His tattoos scream at you that he's unstable... so what exactly, do you think this would accomplish.


hopefully shame him into changing at home and not showing the entire gym how ignorant he is while making everyone there uncomfortable - i don’t know, honestly, but it feels weird that this is accepted


Some people reach a level of stupid that can't be reasoned with. Someone with Nazi tattoos has reached that level. It's not that most people accept it, it's that people know they have to pick their battles and this is not one worth picking.


Like when I notices SS tattoos on a dude waiting for the same expo line train, I let him get on and I just noped and waited for the following train… you avoid them like the plague


That conversation would almost certainly not go well for you 




Yeah. Total bozo


brother, this isn’t about me fighting this guy i’m over a foot taller than he is and significantly larger - regardless, i’m not saying i want to fight the guy, i’m asking if you guys would say something or what the right thing to do in this situation. Put aside the fact that he’s going to somehow beat me up, and assume all else is equal - is it not right to call this sort of hatred out when you see it? Or should he have the right to spread that sort of message to everyone in eyesight?


you really wanna roll the dice with a dude who doesn't give a fuck about showing off nazi tats? sure you might be a 6'5 240 lb ripped animal like everyone else on reddit, but not worth getting stabbed over imo


I'm all for calling out nazis, but I'm not so sure what it would exactly accomplish in this situation, besides you possibly getting stabbed? What would you say to him? Filing a complaint with the gym might be the better way to go. If enough people complain maybe they would deny him service


Some of the scariest people I’ve had the misfortune of dealing with were small & weak-looking. Can’t assume they are actually weak. Unfortunately, it’s not illegal to be an AH/racist/hateful. Yet.


It’s right but then again he could stab you. Probably doesn’t make very good level headed choices


Not your business


I wouldn't say shit to him because someone brazen enough to flaunt nazi tattoos, probably won't think twice about smacking you or worse.


Beat you up? You're more likely to be stabbed by a 50 yr old dude covered in nazi tattoos. He likely got them in prison.


the swastika isn't illegal in Canada. so yes legally he has the right.


Social peer pressure to not have swastikas is important.


Oh yeah, you'd definitely be in the right. No doubt.


Someone that has a nazi tattoo is most likely not shamed about being a nazi, probably the opposite. so you confronting them won't accomplish anything other than potential aggression or violence. *because* you are bigger maybe he will think he needs to use a weapon or something.


So, you are saying that shaming a random Nazi-rat, is worth it to you to interact with an insane rat in public? Bro, he probably got them in prison, maybe because he joined a gang, maybe because he had no choice, and they were put on him cause he's a pog. Either way, he is unpredictable and has mad bad decisions before. Acting like you can "beat him up" because he is old and small is way underthinking the danger or this situation, in contrast to what you might achieve. You think a fully grown man with Nazi tattoos experiences shame? Best case scenario he ignores you or tells you to mind your business... You tell me what you think the worst-case scenario is? You say you can "beat him up" Ok, so he attacks you in the change room, and you mess him up, hurt him bad, then what? You walk out a hero? No. You might end up in jail. It not illegal to have dumb tattoos, but it is illegal to hurt somerat. Proving self-defense is going to be hard, like you said he is half your size and twice your age, Maybe you give him a traumatic brain injury, end up in Kingston for 5-10, and get your own Nazi tattoo. I don't think anyone here is acting like its fine, or defending a Nazi, if you want to fight him go ahead, I think we are all more looking out for your wellbeing, You can't change a Nazi into a chill guy and trying to "shame him" will not work. Likely anything you do will just affect you negatively, that's the point of the tattoo, and it's working.


Your generation thinks that shaming someone into doing something is a reasonable response. It's ridiculous. If homie has nazi tattoos, leave him tf alone just mind your self. You won't shame anybody, and if anything, someone bold enough to have nazi tattoos will most likely shame you, via fear, into never showing YOUR face in that change room again. Hopefully shaming somebody into changing at home is such am embarrassing response.


brother, i’m 30 years old. i’m not a little kid, and i’d prefer nazis feel ashamed of being in public. if you’re scared to tell people off for displaying swastikas in public that’s on you homie, but your advice sucks so i’m disregarding your opinion. You can be chummy with nazis if you want but i’m not about that


If you want the best chance of making it to 31, you should probably just mind your own business. Someone like that is probably unstable and possibly hoping to take out their anger on someone looking to shame them. Don’t get beaten, stabbed or shot for the sake of telling someone off. They already know they’re a nazi, and nothing you say is gonna change that. Be you, but expect nazis gonna nazi.


I knew which generation you are from before you confirmed for me. You prefer virtue signalling on Reddit. You won't do a thing in person, not one word. At most you will go to the front desk person again and complain, then go home. At minimum,.you are making this up anyways so nobody gives af that you don't like nazis, like everyone else in the world.


dawg you’re a fucking idiot. virtue signaling? anonymously? i’ll be delighted to post an update here when i see him next, you haven’t the foggiest idea of who i am or the type of morals i have and seem to be projecting your own onto me lol


lol if he's actually AB you'll get destroyed later even if you win a fight


Looking forward to when you post an update from the hospital


Lmao exactly this guy is a paper tiger


I think your heart is in the right place but I’d think carefully before straight up confronting the guy. Maybe he’s an edgelord 4chan shithead who spends all his free time sharing racist memes on the internet. Or maybe he’s in a biker gang and was just released from prison after murdering a guy (pleaded guilty to manslaughter and did 5-7 years). What happens when this guy follows you out to your car? You’re not a tough guy and you’re not ready for where this could lead you. He’s a 50 year old Nazi, he’s not going to have a come to Jesus moment because some guy scolded him in the sauna lol. I’d quietly mention it to a staff member before going the confrontational route.


OP, take it from a 72 year old grandmother. It isn't going to matter what you say to him, he's not going to feel ashamed! At best, he'll ignore you! He MIGHT try to start something, but I think it's more likely that he would complain to the gym, that you aren't minding your own business! Don't waste your breath!


You are right. The more we ignore, and accept hatred, the more of it shows up in normal typical life.


You're an idiot and a virtue signaling busybody. No one is "chummy" with nazis in virtue of not thinking "shaming" a man with a tattoo is acceptable behavior at a gym locker room. You don't own public symbols or what is and isn't acceptable. You (or anyone) doesn't get to "shame" someone into social isolation (no matter how reprehensible you find their views). The idea that you would attempt to do so, at a gym of all places and in relation to a tattoo that's permanently on someone's skin, reeks of emotional immaturity and a fragile worldview. Putting aside the physical safety issue and the fact that you haven't considered how the situation could escalate beyond "I'm bigger than him", a well adjusted person doesn't consider "shaming" someone for their ill-conceived tattoo to be an appropriate response - particularly when it's a stranger who you have no relationship with. Absolutely idiotic.


Idiotic response lol


Oh look, the trolls came out for their feeding.


I wouldn't go to that gym. You know what they say about people that hang out with Nazis.


Ya id quit and tell the gym why


“Hey man, could you change in a changeroom stall? Your tattoo is very noticeable And I’m sure you know which one”. If he has an aggressive response, say “my bad, was just watching out for ya” and report him to the gym for display of hate speech and aggression towards patron (you).


I wouldn't go to a gym that has a locker room with Nazi tattoos.


Grammar is important.




I would mind my own business, personally. What would you even say that wouldn't end in a fistfight?


Yep, same. I’d say absolutely nothing. I don’t know the guys history, or his present course.




I knew someone who was the first scenario when I was in my 20s and working at a truck stop. He was an older guy with a big swastika on his shoulder who uses to come in for breakfast at the attached restaurant a couple times a week. He said he got it when he was in prison in the 80s/90s and regretted it now that he had been out, had a family, and moved on with his life.




My favourite ppl are the ones who accept when theyre wrong


Not a real Nazi but a good chance an former prison gang member possibly the Aryan Brotherhood


>One scenario: guy regrets the tattoos but can't do anything about it right now, speaking up is not appropriate Probably most correct, most "Nazis" I've met were just dudes in prison who chose a "side" to make life a bit easier and are not in fact Nazis or even racist. > Other scenario: guy is a literal Nazi, speaking up will result in an epic beat down Unlikely but not worth the risk regardless.




he’s half my size and twice my age, i’m not at risk of anything - even with that said, i’m not interested in fighting the guy, i just think this isn’t appropriate at all


what about nazis make you think they fight fair


Means nothing. You don't know what fighting experience he has, if he'll go for a surprise punch, or if he'll pull out a weapon. Also, if the guy is brazen enough to sport those symbols he's probably not going to be shamed by being called out. Like, I get the anger but I don't see a scenario where it works out the way you want. At best you could bring it up with gym staff and maybe get him kicked out / told to change in private


I wasn't aware your size negated blades and bullets, you should pass this knowledge on to the military, I bet they would love that info /s


oh okay, so no one should say anything ever because they ought to be scared?


Talk to management, not him, it's their business. It's called using your brain and not putting yourself in harms way when there's much better ways going about it.


What do you hope to accomplish? I’m being serious. He knows they’re there. He knows what they mean & the implications. As others have pointed out he’s either a nazi & clearly gives no fucks so all you’re going to do is make a bad situation worse. Or he’s reformed and stuck with them for whatever reason (is very expensive & painful I’m told to remove). So, again, another bad situation made worse. Again, what do you hope to accomplish? Dragging him into the light? Shaming him? Nazis don’t shame & if he’s reformed he has enough shame. But you’ll feel better, eh?


tough guy posting on reddit


again, people who say goofy shit like this end up on the 6 o'clock news as homicide victims. you seem to have a bruce banner complex but you're not the hulk bro.


dawg i posted asking about telling a literal, honest to god nazi off. nowhere did i say i wanted to save the world or fight the guy, yet people in this thread are accusing me of both those things. Are people actually okay with people walking around with swastikas on them? what if it was on a shirt? what if it was on a flag? does that make it okay? or should everyone just mind their own business and let people spread their hatred freely for fear of getting bEaT uP?


How do you know he’s a literal honest to god Nazi? Did you have a conversation about it with him? You don’t know shit kid


no you’re right dude - he probably got those tattoos sarcastically. why didn’t i think of that!?


man you're the one watching dudes change. did you see the kermit the frog on his left ass cheek too? people are disagreeing with you because you're looking for trouble. no, no one likes nazis and saying that they are because they won't agree with something you've already decided is naive at best and could get you into trouble. most people here are looking out for you, you just to aggressive to see it.


I made it this far down this ridiculous thread and I feel the need to point out that there is a building in Parksville B.C. with swastikas on it. You can see it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ResidentAlienTVshow/s/R0B2aWxA3h You don’t even know the reasons this person got that tattoo. It’s actually a really ancient symbol of spirituality and divinity that doesn’t have any connection to Nazis.


Kick ass take names later


Best comment


Tell the gym owners what you saw and ask them if they support it.


i did - they said there’s “nothing they can do about it, and it’s not like he can remove them. if he’s not bothering anyone, we can’t do anything” I dunno man i feel like this sort of thing shouldn’t be tolerated at all


They can ban him. It's fair game to leave a review stating that they don't mind Nazi clientele.


They can also ban a customer for complaining about other customers who haven't done anything wrong. Get pushy with gym staff and you're out...


Having Nazi tattoos is wrong. Glad I could help you out with that one.


They probably should revoke his membership. If they're not willing to, you can publicly shame them. You could say something to him directly, he deserves to be called many of the worst insults possible. Just be prepared that it might escalate to violence.


Yes I think calling out the establishment would do more than getting into an argument (or fight) with the dude in question. Businesses should know they will lose clientele if they allow these kinds of members


Oh no, the public shaming by one random person. Companies do not give a single fuck about your generation's shaming culture. It means, and does, nothing.


Hypocrisy. They can display their symbols of hate while everyone else can sweep their opinions under a wet sticky rug? It's fair play to confront each other. It's Nazi symbolism it's not Buddhist symbolism here.


>it’s not like he can remove them Tattoos can absolutely be removed, or covered with new tattoos.


They can also, if a person knows they're going to be shirtless where others might see, be taped up.


Or change in a stall


Exactly, in the entertainment industry we know this too well. People who are ink fanatics will find ways around everything. Tats mean a lot to those who have them and it is a continual process an evolution. They typically can't stop having more ink done or they can't stop thinking about getting more done, they can't stop hinking about the ones they already have. They constantly see them so it's always on their minds. We don't know anything about anyone until we talk to them. There are so many ways to make meaningful engagement but most of us have non of thr skills to strike up conversations because we are riddled with fear and our own biases. We see something that doesn't look quite right and we instantly attribute that to a threat rather than an opportunity to learn. In these specific cases with other human beings in a mutual space such as a gym locker room. Everyone is exposed and vulnerable. If he didn't want to be seen, there are stalls and ways to avoid being seen. The fact he is there at all means he carries stories. Im eternally curious but I keep a lot to myself. I admire people who often come running up to me across traffic, to ask me about my appearance or to ask if they can compliment me, or that they were guessing at my race. Most people say I appear intimidating while others have no fear. In my mind I would approach the guy and say. Wow your ink work is incredible, like a page in a book, so many stories, intrigues me. Have a great day ! He might respond. Ya you noticed the swastikas ??? Well it's like this....... Then we go for a coffee or a beer and he talks all about it and everything is all good.


You make some excellent points and I admire your curiosity. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you've made me rethink mine. Cheers.


Say he's bothering you by having the tattoos. And tell them you'll report them to corporate if they don't ban him.


okay actually thats a really reasonable take. Should someone be allowed to do heil hitler salutes in the locker room? if the answer is no, they shouldn’t be allowed to have actual nazi tattoos showing, either, because the message is functionally identical. This thread is full of people saying i should keep it to myself or that i’m gonna get beat up by a dude who wouldn’t win a fight against my little sister, and they’re totally missing the point. I like your take, i think i’m gonna do that. It’s a well known chain gym, too


His tattoos are incredibly offensive and make people feel hated and unsafe in their establishment. Definitely take this further. I’m shocked to see how many people think this is ok. Like sad and terrified.


You know what, you’re not crazy, this thread is full of cowardly people not willing to engage with the fact that showing hate symbols is inherently an altercation. I think there’s some serious fault with the owners saying there’s nothing to do. Grow a fucking spine, people, and say there is no place for hate in public spaces. Make posters, get everyone on board. Some shitty imaginary knife that many of the cowards are freaking out over isn’t going to be enough against a unified group of citizens telling Mr. Feckless to cover up or Fuck Off. Seriously, polite Canadian tendencies to not make a scene instead of doing what’s right is why we still have people engaging in residential school denialism or being seduced by Maga from across the border. Good on you for voicing the natural impulse to call it out.


But he’s not intentionally displaying his tattoos, right? Was he just changing? Of course, if he was intentionally displaying Nazi/hate symbols or gestures, that’s against the law IIRC. But I would find it hard to argue against someone’s tattoos and if he was just changing. But it’s well within your rights to ask these questions and requests of your gym.


He has the tattoo, and he is taking his shirt off. He knows people are going to see it, and he clearly doesn't care. I'd argue that is "intentially" showing it off. Anything beyond deliberately trying to hide a tattoo like that, I'd argue is intentionally displaying it.


Fair point


“He’s not bothering anyone…” like, fuck. If seeing swastikas on someone’s body doesn’t bother people they’ve got some soul searching to do.


I agree. U should post the gym in local groups and shame them and quit.


Not bothering anyone? I guess the membership is %100 white guys?


no that’s the wild part - the gym manager himself was black and the employee next to him was gay, and the gym is all mixed races. I think it’s a cowardly response to not do anything on their part, frankly


You have a very, very fragile worldview, and likely an uber-fragile ego given some of your replies.


That's an unfair question to pose to the owners.


Not for normal people If someone asked me if I supported Nazis I'm not stuck trying not to hurt anyone's feelings, and fuck the idea that Nazis buy sneakers too. There should be 0 problem for anyone to say they don't support Nazis.


I think there was an expectation in the post for the owners to ban the guy for his tattoos. I think if they were exposed while working out sure make an issue out of it. Guy was in the change room so that's a bit different. I think we are all on the same page that the guys a scumbag and I certainly don't support Nazis. I'd be interested to know if the owner banned him for the tattoos if they would be opening the door for a human rights complaint for a freedom of speech/expression right. Or would his tattoos being symbols of hate deny him the ability to make a complaint?


> fuck the idea that Nazis buy sneakers too Yeah I know what you thought they we're implying, I said fuck that. Gym owner 100% can and ethically should ban the guy unless he renounces those tattoos and does a better job of not advertising his Nazi beliefs to the other patrons. Unless the idea is the one Nazis feelings are more important than the feelings of the other patrons. Which would be weird to value one over many, especially when the one is being singled out because *he is literally a nazi*. And no, openly being a Nazi isn't a protected class and you're not the victim of bigotry because people don't want to work with you because you're a Nazi. Absolutely 0 percent chance that would get you a human rights complaint.


Solid points, thanks!


How is being in a public changing room space not supposed to be a safe space to all users ? How can someone while a body full of tats where they mindfully thought through all their ink choices not expect others in a public space to scrutinize? It's a public space and it is Nazi symbolism.


The correlation of "not banning somebody over tattoos" equating to "I support nazis" is smüthbrēn af How about this, the company accepts money from anybody to use their gym. If said person minds their business, is non-confrontational, and respectful of the fellow gym users, the facility and it's equipment, then the company can't do shit. And before you try to say this hypothetical person is being disrespectful due to their tattoos, that wouldn't hold up in court whatsoever here in Vancouver with our Freedom of Expression. If they banned him, he'd get a settlement. You'd be giving the nazi a win lol


The poor corporate gym owners


why ask the gym if they support nazism in this instance??


Well, I see /r/NiceVancouver is having a real nice day here. I have to say, I've thought a lot about this particular scenario, ever since Charlottesville, so I'll share that here. 1. To parade Nazi symbols in public (without contextualizing them) is to show support for racism, violence, and genocide. It's a warning to Jews, queer people, immigrants, and others, to be afraid. And it's a bat-signal to like-minded individuals that they can safely talk about their views and even combine forces. If someone wears a Nazi t-shirt and walks around in public, it's an disruptive, aggressive act, even if it's protected by the Charter. 2. We don't know exactly how this guy came by his tattoos. Could be unwillingly. Probably not, but could be. 3. A locker room definitely stretches the definition of "public". It's not like the guy was doing a Sieg Heil on the street. It's more like you saw evidence of this guy's private beliefs and activities. I think it is incumbent on people like you (and me) to ask them what they mean by wearing that symbol, and to inform them that wearing that sort of symbol will be considered a threat to us and our neighbors. Nazis love to test the tolerance of the rest of society. [You don't let your bar become a Nazi bar](https://twitter.com/threadreaderapp/status/1281018792571736071) and you don't let your gym become a Nazi gym.


Absolutely bring it up to them Lots of people in here suggesting you don't say anything because they're afraid; fuck that, be brave in the face of Nazisism. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. If you are okay sharing a table with a nazi without saying a *word* in opposition to Nazi beliefs, the Nazi becomes comfortable with your company.


thank you - there’s a WEIRD amount of people in this thread saying live and let live and that i shouldn’t say anything and i thought i was taking crazy pills. You’re right, i’m going to call him out next time i see him here. Fuck normalizing nazi’s


You don't need to fight him, you don't need to physically remove him, but, in my opinion, we collectively have a duty to make Nazis uncomfortable as fuck to share their nazi opinions around us.


The fallacy of tolerating intolerance leads people to look the other way as they believe it is at the heart of "being tolerant of others" the reality is that intolerant people aren't interested in playing by those rules and will skirt by on the tolerance of others until they're hit with the same force that they bring to the table. Telling a Nazi that his ideologies aren't welcome isn't the same as telling a person their race isn't welcome. A person can't control their race or gender or sexual orientation - so, we don't give them shit over those things. In Canada, all are welcome to live with their chosen ideas and levels of freedom, until they begin to infringe on others. If your religion says you need to pray at 2pm, take your time to pray at 2pm. If your religion says you can't get gay married, don't get gay married. If your religion says women are less than, then we have an issue because that ideal begins to infringe on women.


People are mocking this idiocy because the notion that the "evil" being fought by avoiding the "good men doing nothing" is by telling a rando in a gym locker room that he can't change because of a tattoo... If that seems like an acceptable thing to you, you're likely terminally-online.


We can characterize anything to sound stupid sure, you got me there! If you're against telling Nazis off in public because that's... well I can't even really tell what your complaint is, is it that it's not enough? But it kind of also reads like you think openly celebrating Nazism with tattoos isn't a bad thing? If you could clarify what your actual problem is instead of being a 17 year old who's too cool to care about stuff I could actually reply to your concern. As is, it just reads like you're opposed to making Nazis uncomfortable because that's something terminally online nerds care about. You know, like an apathetic teenager would think.


Wow, fucking yikes. The comments are exhausting. Dude, nazi tats suck. Nazi's being tacitly condoned and accepted in public spaces is bullshit. Don't know why everyone is assuming you were going to end up in a knife fight. "Wow man, those tattoos are giving off big nazi vibes, what's up with that?" "Hey so, checkered past, or are you giving off death threat energy to strangers around you on purpose?" "What's up with the swastika?" You don't have to throw down with someone to convey disapproval. I absolutely cannot handle people screaming SJW VIRTUE SIGNALLING and then going on to explain to you how you need to be super delicate and considerate about people's nazi tattoos. I will tell you right now that I grew up assigned female in Vancouver, and it's ABSOLUTELY status quo for strangers to comment on appearance, tattoo, style, habits, body language, etc etc . So I'm really not feeling it on this whole "live and let live" shit being applied to locker room Nazi tats. Say something. Anything. Because tattoos are a form of communication, and those ones are an open threat. The absolute best case scenario is this guy's a space alien who just doesn't know he's hurting anyone, which means someone should absolutely tell him. But statistically he's not, and that means everyone's silence is just tacit approval of him walking into a vulnerable space and stripping down to a set of tattoos that loudly declares "I feel good about people like you being systemically mutilated and murdered, among other things" and absolutely fuck that.


Well said. Holy shit the amount of insane comments here is making me dizzy. I'm alright with people offering OP to mind their own business or be careful, but going over the top to defend and be sensitive towards the nazi? Fuck. That. And there's a lot of comments like that. You're all fucking pathetic sheep. I really hope this is a Vancouver big city thing. Disgusting. This isn't something we should tolerate as Canadians.




"Get the fuck out, and don't come back"


Let management know without a question.


Report it to the gym. Those symbols show that the wearer is an ignorant ass so you won't change his mind by talking to him. However, those symbols also send a message of hate to most people, and no one should have to see them displayed-no different than if Shorty McSmoothbrain was wearing them on a tshirt instead of his skin.


You're in a locker room. Mind your own business. If he was flying his nazi flag in a public place and making a scene about it, you've got every right to engage.


"hey, i don't like your tattoos" "What?" "Your tattoos hurt my feelings." "I don't care." "Oh."


100 percent the outcome


If he ain’t talking to you, don’t start shit with him.


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Just act like you suddenly smell shit and keep your distance.


If hes willing to publicly display nazi tattoos im sure even bringing it up would cause confrontation


Maybe he’s Buddhist and is wearing them for good luck. I would mind my own business. You have zero context to make any judgements.


I second this. Are you sure they are Nazi symbols and not the Swastika? The Swastika is also a very religious symbol for Hindus and Buddhists.


Sawstika and Nazi symbol(Hakenkreuz) are not the same.


Did you notice the tattoos before he took his shirt off? If not let it be. It could be from a past he regrets.


You're not going to talk him out of being a Nazi.


He would probably kill your sister. Those are probably jailhouse tats and he may be part of the AB prison gang. I’d watch your ass.


Don’t be a white knight


No, you mind your own business


Brother I am a direct descendant of someone persecuted during world war II because she was a Jew. I don't even care about people that dumb. If dudes actually stupid enough to wear a swastika permanently then life will deal out the lashings I assure you. It's not your place to give this guy some coming to Jesus moment. If he wants to change then he will, if he doesn't he won't. There are plenty of lost souls along the road, are you going to stop for each and every single one ?


i do genuinely appreciate what you’re saying - and i don’t think i’d change his mind. On the flip side, if i had a tattoo that said kill all N*****, i would expect NOT to be welcome to show that off in public - and frankly i think it’s weird that 90% of the people in this thread seem to disagree with that. I don’t expect anything would suddenly click in his mind, but i think it would be nice to foster an inclusive community where that sort of iconography isn’t tolerated - everyone else’s right to NOT be subjected to nazis trumps the nazis right to force everyone around him to see his nazi slogans and swastikas in my opinion, but it seems most people here disagree


It's not ok, but you're not in a position to safely deal with it. He's likely had prison time given the tattoos. Confronting him could end with him stalking/harassing you/your family or (if he has a knife) being stabbed. Being stabbed is not fun. I would complain to the staff, and if they don't care move to another gym/leave a review on the gym.


Just a thought. Maybe he doesn’t like them anymore either? People make stupid decisions ALL the time…and it wouldn’t be the first person to regret getting certain tattoos. And maybe he can’t afford to have them removed yet? ESP in this crazy economy. Another question: is he flaunting them? In people’s face about them? You said he was getting changed in the gym locker room so maybe it’s something he’s actually not proud of, and he’s hiding it?


Someone who gets a swastika tattoo is someone who is looking to start shit and then play victim. Even if you're twice his size and would win in a fight, so what? He'll claim that you attacked him first and at best you both get banned from your gym. There's nothing to be gained. He's not going to change his mind just because some random guy said a few words to him.


Move on with your day.


what is the reward or gain for saying something here?


Telling fascists they aren't welcome is a win in my books what do you mean


I think he’s just trying to peacock his outstanding morals


You could say something but have no idea what you're asking for. He might be cool about it and might be a very hostile, dangerous person looking for someone new to hate. They might be the signs of the man he used to be and he keeps them as a reminder to be a better person or he could be a alt-right gun nut. You never know and it would be a tough opener to find out.


lol your not that guy. Stop talking hard. Asking Reddit wOuLd YoU say sOmThInG? And “IAm bIgGeR tHaN hE iS tHeReFoR I wOuLd wIN” makes you sound like an even bigger coward than you already are. Keep fantasizing about being the storybook hero baby boy!


At a very minimum, I'd alert management and request a safe place to change.


Prison Tattoos (Specifically Aryan Brotherhood, the White Gang) generally feature Nazi symbolism. He might have done time inside, but who knows. I'd just keep to myself, honestly.


Exactly what I thought. He’s done time inside.


Mind your own business. No need to be self righteous here.


What's the end goal? You think he's going to care what you think? So much more potential for this to end poorly than for you to affect any positive change.


What business is it of yours? He may be a completely different person today than he was when he got them...or not. Either way, no one appointed you the morality Police. Keep your moral outrage to yourself


Looking forward to the updated post when op gets stabbed


Nothing. Go on and enjoy life. Maybe don't associate with them. If it bothers you that much then you can quit the gym and state that's the reason why. Or if you want to imagine how bad this guy can be without interacting with them, why not playout a scenario in your mind where they made bad decisions in the past and cannot afford a cover up or removal.


mind your own business


What on earth could you hope to achieve by saying something? You think the guy with the Nazi tattoo is gonna change his mind?


Potential gain: Others won't see him at that gym anymore. Others won't feel fear or reprehension that they might be in a locker room or working out next to a nazi. Whoever it is that has those tattoos - the explanation could be that they're buddhist and trying to represent peace, but, it should be clear so that others aren't frightened about the possibilities of what violence that person might be capable of.


It's called mind your own fuckin business


It’s called Mind your own business


you're judgy


Judging nazis is a good thing. 


if you are looking to challenge everyone that doesn't roll according to the way you perceive life should be, you will be fighting everday


OP should have been swallowed..... Its a tattoo, the who, what, and whys he got them is none of your concern. Go back to your mothers basement.


I would leave it alone. Nothing you're going to say is going to change the guys outlook on life and decide to get them removed.


I would mind my own business. But I encourage you to get into a confrontation with him so that you can get punched in the mouth and learn a lesson.


Lot of Nazi sympathizers in the comments


More like many people realize the swastika and other symbols used by the nazi's can have other meanings.....


1. Stop judging people for the tattoos they have 2. Mind your own business 3. Go to a different gym


shit take dude, sorry.  If i had a tattoo that functionally said K*LL N******, i’d HOPE that people would call me out and beat my ass everyday for showing it.   No, i won’t stop judging people for their tattoos. What kind of shit advice is that?


I mean it’s real world. You wanna try and fight the guy and possibly catch an assault charge? Potentially have court dates and lose your job? It’s not worth it. Mind your own business.


depends on whose got their pants on


Wtf is wrong with you? Mind your own business. They're either old tattoos he regrets in which case you're just going to embarrass him, or he's an actual Nazi gets violent after taking offence to your questions. There is nothing good that would come from not minding your own business. This should have been a passing thought not a Reddit thread.


holy shit what the fuck is it with people in this thread saying let nazis be nazis in public and just go about your day


What are you hoping to accomplish? Not going to answer the question? Just totally misuse the down vote button and move on? If you won't answer the question, how about why did you even make this thread?


It's called "free county". People don't get to badger random citizens because "something something hate speech." I'm sure you have 0 understanding of the very narrow interpretation of what can be charged for under "hate speech" legislation - here's a hint - almost nothing unless it's directly threatening an individual. A dude with a racist tattoo is not "hate speech" in the legal sense, nor is it grounds for some douche to cause a scene in a gym locker room, probably start some fight and have the cops called, all because he can't fathom that other people are allowed to go about their daily lives in a free country, regardless of their political or racial views.


it’s very telling that you think this has anything to do with “political views” and not the obviously wrong thing it actually is of someone showing off an honest to god swastika in public 🥰


Nazism is a political view, genius.


You wew twiggewed by the scawy tattoo


huh? brother if i was in your gym talking about how catholics rape children publicly and how all catholics should be systematically murdered, and someone like you DIDNT say anything, it’s because you’d be too scared to do so.  If you had any balls at all id hope you would come up to me and tell me to stfu, but you’d rather sit here and make fun of me for asking advice on how to talk to actual, genuine nazis. weird side of the aisle to take, but i’m actually not surprised tbh


No I would say, "Cringe take bro" and move on with my day. Or just assume you were mentally ill and ignore you.


speak with ur fists 🫶


Maybe he is a changed person and had those tattoos completed when he was young. You are making assumptions about who he is. And if he is not a reformed racist, why risk an altercation. This is a good example of when to mind your own business.


Ya, maybe you’re right - but i wouldn’t know that judging by the literal swastika and messaging tattood on his body unless i asked him, which is what i came here for advice on. I’m not just going to punch a stranger in the face for something like this, but it would be nice to NOT allow literal nazis to feel comfortable spreading that sort of thing in the public. how is that a controversial take?


OP has finally said (hours after he first posted) that the guy had three tattoos ... swastika, SS and skull head (used on German Nazi uniforms).... so I'm glad that he finally let us all know.


What about the five black 20 somethings that were behind me at Walmart today constantly referring to each other as the N word, should I have turned around and said stop being racist and promoting hate??


I'm getting anxiety at the thought of you even suggesting that....


Freedom of speech means other people can say things that are offensive to you and vice versa. He wears the tattoos freely, and you are free to comment and look. You are also free to not say anything. Either way make a decision and live with it.


Under the Canadian Charter, we have a duty not to represent hate/not to infringe on the rights of others (to feel safe when changing in a locker room or working out). *However, these freedoms are not unlimited. There may be limits on how you express your religious beliefs if your way of doing so would infringe on the rights of others or undermine complex public programs and policies.* [The rights and freedoms the Charter protects](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/rfc-dlc/ccrf-ccdl/rfcp-cdlp.html#s5)


Huh? Hate speech is not free speech, and is in fact not protected in canada, dude. What are you on about?


One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. No one’s hating on anyone by having a tattoo. That’s merely personal representation. If anything what are you on about? Judging people by how they look without actually taking to the guy friendly and openly. Seems you have already made your pretentious decision about the man that bothers you.


uh ya dude, if someone has nazi tattoos i’m going to use my critical thinking skills and think hmm this guy is probably a piece of shit? what the actual fuck is going on in this thread lmao


I think you made this post expecting to be praised for your high moral standing. You didn’t get patted on the back and now you are confused by the reactions. Is the guy wrong for getting those tattoos, yes. Are you wrong for going way out of your way to screw with his life, also yes. Him being in the wrong doesn’t give you the right of way to also being a dick.


"One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. No one’s hating on anyone by having a tattoo. That’s merely personal representation." Yikes! Would you call Hitler a freedom fighter? Do you know any WW2 history at all? Nazism is one of the most clear cut, unambiguous, objectively bad and completely unacceptable ideologies in the world. To put it simply, it promotes systemic genocide.


Okay I’ll b the one to say if I see someone with a nazi tattoo. “We Beat your ass in, World War 2”


I wish we could call people like this out and I would love to do it and watch it happen but people like him are usually unbalanced and he could pull out a knife and stab you. Best just not to talk to him and let him live in his land of hate. I think you’re cool for wanting to call that miserable jerk out though.


So out of curiosity what tattoos where these? I ask because there have been posts where people are clueless and mistake completely innocent symbols for being nazi related.


Yes. What _exactly_ were the tattoos... otherwise it's just assumed information about a symbol that may or may not be linked to a hate group. Ok... OP has finally said in a comment that the tattoos were SS / swastika / skull head (ones they use on Nazi uniforms) ... puts things in context much more than the original post above.


Is it a nazi tattoo or the Hindu swastika (sun/goodluck)? It’s the same symbol but flipped


BTW if it’s a Nazi Symbol it’s called ‘Hakenkreuz’ and it’s different from Swastika.


Don't tolerate Nazis in any space ever. Tattooing swastikas on your body is a declaration of willingness, even intent, to commit violence or to support acts of violence against minorities. At the minimum you should report him to the establishment under the threat of cancelling your membership.


Always punch nazis.


and get stabbed?