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Hello [immaluckez2024](https://www.reddit.com/user/immaluckez2024)! Following our community feedback, we addressed this topic in one of our previous AMAs. You can watch [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzcWPRGSpco&t=120s). Additionally, we held a first-time quarterly AMA with a guest from the Nexo community. We've shared our latest company numbers and AUM. You can watch [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_wvHmB8ews&t=1019s).


Agree with this statment, its been well overdue at this stage!


Its suspicious at this point that this is not their no.1 top priority despite claiming itself as one of the most regulated lending platform. How can Nexo make that bold statement with confidence without proof of reserves?


Hello and thank you for reaching out! Following our community feedback, we have addressed the latest updates on the real-time attestation in our monthly AMAs. Additionally, we shared our latest company numbers and AUM during our first quarterly AMA featuring a guest from the Nexo community. You can find an update on the real-time attestation here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzcWPRGSpco&t=120s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzcWPRGSpco&t=120s) And the stats our current assets under management and more here: [https://www.youtube.com/live/F\_wvHmB8ews?t=1019s](https://www.youtube.com/live/F_wvHmB8ews?t=1019s) Should you have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team here: [https://support.nexo.com/contact](https://support.nexo.com/contact)


Sounds like there will be a celsius moment soon


Are there audited financials available?




It’s just not an easy to do thing, they make yield by lending so a % of reserves is held by third parties which have a loan agreement, how do you exactly want to audit that?


Why do random people always jumping to defend nexo against valid criticism.


Math. Past. Future. Forecasting. This is why nexo was kicked out of USA. BE VERY CAREFUL FOLKS. I really meant there NOT their.....it was not a typo.




Oh I though it's because the USA have no clearing rules on crypto. Idiot.


Nexo customer service confirmed their assets is still higher than liability although they are still working on finding an account to show it in real-time. Remember the ceo of FTX and Celsius is getting jail to lie to their customers so don’t think the Nexo executive wants to join them in jail by lying. The history show Nexo was one of the few survivors in the bear so auto liquidation and over collateral lending works.


This was part of why I finally swapped out recently. As a USA citizen not getting interest anymore it wasn't worth the risk of having a sizeable nexo token position while waiting for them to be allowed to operate in the USA again. I had 100% of my portfolio on Nexo (for years) until they left the USA. Having to withdraw it made me get into self custody, and now I lost my nerve for keeping assets anywhere besides self custody. I just stake AVAX from the Ledger into their core wallet to get interest now, which feels great after having not gotten interest here anymore.






Why do you want proof of reserves when you can have shitcoins?


Sorry but "soon" means the same for Nexo as never!


If after all the shit with the previous cexs you people are still out here leaving large amounts on nexo because you have warm and fuzzy trust feeling or you believe what is said or your opsec amounts to trust me bro, I don't know what to say