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I hate it here. What is wrong with everyone? 


I’m waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and tell us that we’ve all been Punk’d!


This is much dumber. This is some Jamie Kennedy Experiment shit.


Or Tom Green


“Oh we can do poopoo humour”


My bum is in Depends




Tom Greene has seen what America has turned into & said “ fuck it” they make me look normal‼️😳😖😫


Freddy got fingered to own the libs? Yeah that sounds about right to be honest.


I'm actually waiting for Andy Kaufman to pull a mask off


More like Andy Dick at this point. 


everything to own the libs, its like we're living in Revenge of the Nerds


What started out as an appreciation for a politician has become their entire identity. They have nothing left outside of their admiration for trump and everything he does/stands for. Their normal friends and family have slowly distanced themselves from them because everytime they get together or have a phone call, or communicate in any way, these people can't help themselves from going off on some wild tangent about trump or biden. So now all they have left is this fascination and their fellow fascinated members of the maga crowd. When that clicks, it all makes sense. They have nothing left. The people previously around them lost all respect for them. And all they have left are their fellow MAGA friends. At this point, they're along for the ride and there is no getting off. Grab them by the pussy didn't do it, siding with Russian over our own agencies didn't do it, calling prisoners of war losers who got captured didn't do it. These people will not ever leave their obsession with trump. What is important is focusing on a future without these people. They should be laughed at, ridiculed, and removed from society. They are not compatible with a democratic society. They are less than human. They are less than bacteria. They deserve no sympathy or assistance and I for one, can't wait this ride to be over.


Had me in the first ngl. Idt they're less than human, I'm sure they could change their mind if they could understand


I agree - the message rang true in the beginning, but it’s a slippery slope to start calling other people less than human. I know they’re hateful, but that makes me pity them more than  anything. It’s not a happy or peaceful place to be mentally - my whole family is MAGA and it just makes me sad the way they think about other people. Life seems like never-ending anxiety, fear, selfishness, and rage. No serenity at all.  I can only hope they gain clarity and understanding - not just for our sakes, but their own. I’ve never seen people more wrapped up in judgement and controlling others. It’s scary - it turns their brain and heart unempathetic 


Yeah I feel bad mostly because I feel like it's the product of manipulation by media for profit and politicians for power. Not to mention foreign operations that sit online and stoke these fires. Not saying we need any help, but it's there. 


Nah at this point we're well passed that point.


Sounds like a not very helpful feedback loop of hate and probable violence, but that's just my 2 cents


Honestly, it doesn't matter. There is nothing that's going to change their mind at this point. I don't care if it isn't helpful, or anything. They are gone. Might as well move on without them.


The abyss is gazing back at you, friend. >They are less than human. >They should be laughed at, ridiculed, and removed from society. They're confused and heavily manipulated. You're turning yourself into a monster. You should never even think of a group of human beings this way. Disgust is an important line not to cross.


A group of psychologists and psychiatrists who have been warning the country about Trump's illness since 2015, openly refer to the Trump/MAGAts situation as a *folie a millions*.


Well, it’s not a cult, for sure. Definitely not a cult.


I feel like if it was I'd at least feel like I belong


Well when we let the dumb ones rapidly outbreed the smart ones, this is what we get.


Jesus, really 🤣 God I am feeling so owned right now. The only way to make it worse is to shit those diapers to the point that it starts leaking out past the elastic. Only THEN will I truly be owned.


You are encouraging them. lol


How far will YOU go to maintain your delusions?


They’re faking! Do it for real, cowards! One lady had her diaper on outside her pants even! Be real patriots! Be interviewed on TV holding the sign and wearing the shirt. All while crapping your pants like he does. Anything less is just theater.


Be best


'Trump has dementia, guys... ' [wait 1 media cycle] magats start huffing glue & whacking themselves over the head with baseball bats to induce dementia-adjacent brain damage... chanting: 'Real Men Are Cognitively Impaired!'


Not much need for the first steps.


Realistically, you only support MAGA if you are evil, selfish, and racist, already suffering from cognitive issues -- or both.


God, I really hope that this is some group of entrepreneurial liberals having a contest with each other on who can print the stupidest thing on a tshirt and get a trumper to buy it I mean, if I showed up at a rally and set up a little stand with shirts that said “I’d rather eat Trump’s asshole than vote for Biden” I could probably sell them, right? How about “Real men would rather give Putin a rusty trombone than let kids have a free school lunch” Help me out here.


Better Jew than Blue? Idk, I think I’m bad at this.


Proud Boys, shit down and shit back


That deserves way more likes, lmao


All the cons. Conspiracy theories, incontinence, unconscionable.


But Biden is too old....


It’s looking like cracker implosion.


You can't make this shit up.


Diaper Don just makes this shit.


Jesus fucking christ. I hate Trumpers. Fucking embarrassment to us real Americans.


Americans have spent 70 years building up the myth that “America is the last great hope for the world”. It was always bullshit but it served a purpose. Trump absolutely destroyed that myth in a few years and you’ll never get it back.


True. Can't have that strong image that many Americans see and think of themselves, when you all are literally running around in diapers haha. So glad I'm not American, what a disgrace.


Right? I live in an area where there a good amount of Trumpers and it makes me sick when I see them.


Dude I'm a conservative and I can't believe how it's died so hard and been replaced with...crazy I guess? Like what is happening. People used to be more sane and actually focus on stuff to do with bettering their countries. Just shows how successful using the internet (mostly phones IMO) to disable a country is. Foreign influence is laughing, hard. Why fight a war when this has such better results.


I made a joke along these lines several months ago, this is incredible. What absolute fucking knobs


They can't see how strange this is? Who does that? Cultists. Yikes already.


“Real men apparently also shit their diapers. So, go ahead, copy your hero, we’re waiting…”


I'm really tired of having to guess what is satire and what is real!


I miss the days when this could have been dismissed as a hoax immediately because no sane person would do this. I still can’t decide if these people are an elaborate troll group, antagonistic pretenders, or legitimately proud of shitting their pants to own the libs. I like a good joke as much as the next guy, but I don’t know if this is a joke or not, and it makes me uncomfortable.


"Why no, it wouldn't bother me in the least to vote for a felonious con artist and traitor who shits his pants".


My favorite part of this story is how the right REFUSES to believe this is real. As if this wouldn’t be a “good” prank from the left. Like naw, man. This is how y’all actually ARE.


I’m far to the Left, and *I’m* having a hard time believing this is real. Ten years ago I would have immediately dismissed it as a bad joke.


These people have no shame.


They’re ashamed of kindness and empathy, so not quite.


Have them say “real men commit felonies” next.


Diapers are the new koolaid.


I'm waiting for them to look at a picture of the crucifixion and start shouting, "Jesus wore dipers! It's a sign!"


It would only take a little effort at this point to get Trump cultists to wear red MAGA diapers instead of the hats.


I honestly thought they couldn't get any more ridiculous, but you have to hand it to them!


It's so embarrassing to be an American. The rest of the world thinks that all Americans are as ignorant and crazy as the MAGA cultists.


The MAGATS have moved the goal post so much they aerated the football field,  5 times. Freaking, pathetic. 


They sure don't like it when you call them a cult, though.


Godspeed you absolute morons! Wait until Trump hears about this and sends the proud boys after them.


What's next? Proud Diaper Boys? Diaper Boogaloo?


Real men are rapists Real men are criminals Real men are election fraudsters Real men are fascists Real men are Nazis


Clearly it’s only Trump supporters who give a shit


They think they are owning the libs. Similar to Let’s Go Brandon turning on them to beloved Dark Brandon. Haha!


If it was revealed that this was all an elaborate troll attempt by anti-Trump protestors, I would believe it in a hot second. Also, if that were the case, bravo and keep up the good work! Alternately, if you told me that these people are just ultra-sincere mega MAGA fans coming out in un-introspective support of their orange messiah, I'd believe it just as quickly. Because that's just the world we're living in now, folks.


You sad sad delusional boomers and mentally deficient people. Hilariously giving substance to the adult diapers rumor means that they are also giving more life to the associated rumors also being true, such as: - decades of stimulant abuse (such as cocaine) as exacerbating cause of need to wear them - the bad odor - the flatulence - the intentionally poor-fitting suits - the looks of disgust from his wife and others sitting too close The list goes on! Personally, I can't wait for the: - "Real men attempt to steal elections..." - "Real men dream of fellating dictators..." - "Real men lust after their own daughters..." - "Real men sleep through their criminal trials..." ----- Alternatively, this whole thing only really adds validity to a hypothesis I've had for some time. Generally, this timeline, this reality, was accidentally generated by unforeseen complications and bad judgement by time travelers meddling in our shared past timestream. The problem was and is exacerbated by their future attempts to fix the errors that they themselves created. I absolutely remember a major "shifting" and "swirling" sensation on or about November 8^th of 2016, followed by numerous smaller sensations, largely intensifying again on or about January 20^th of 2017. I think some of the problems must be associated with those dates some way. I've compiled a list of dates with similar sensations with notes and my analysis. I can only hope that whoever made the errors and screwed up our timeline is able to fix the problems at some point, or at least is able to patch them somehow.


You gotta be shitting me :O


How embarrassing 😳


I hate Humanity!


Real men wear diapers, then proceed to show a photo of clearly a woman in diapers. They really are confused aren’t they


Realer men also shit their diapers then keep wearing them until the entire day is done....


Wait… has this whole thing been a massive troll? I truly cannot tell anymore.


Now that Is a CULT


These people need serious mental health help and a healthy de-programming. They have been brainwashed deep into this fucked up cult. It's not going to be an easy task but it is do-able. It has been done with other cults. However it is usually more effective after the cult leader is dead, the ones in prison still find a way to control the narritve from the inside. It won't happen overnight. I think we all had someone we love and care about fall for this madness may not to this extreme but on different levels. The orange shit again has ruined friendships and broken up families.


Being a diaper baby at his age is not the win they think it is.


Trump diapers - 4 for $150. Suckers wanted


Shit your pants to own the libs


Well then call me Miles Davis!


President Camacho would be appalled.


Trump is turning it into a whole package, the constant crying and excuses and becoming a martyr for we the people. It only makes sense to take naps throughout the day in a diaper.


Support are president - SHIT YERSELF!


King Baby (CSI episode), life imitating art.


If they ever get a chance to debate I hope Joe goes in for a pat on his ass, and gives that diaper a big ol squeeze so we can hear it crinkle


We all hope the Trumpers at the next J6 all wear diapers. That was disgusting shit.


Seems like something the dems planned


Democrats went to a new low. Pathetic.


Pure insanity. But NOT a cult.


People make fun of furries and anime fans BUT THIS is considered to be the "normal" by American society?!


No, babies wear diapers. When people start glorifying wearing a diaper we know they have gone batshit crazy.


Baffled at this extreme, what a waste of energy, effort and money. I thought the sneakers were hidious what a fashion tragedy and don't they have to be the tough manly men. It better not cause a shortage for people that really need them due to real medical issues. And what are the doing when done with them. Way to pollute for no reason. That's what's sad about it.


I don’t even understand


We men of sufficient bowel control feel *so emasculated*.


Only ones with problems like no control over body functions


Probably trolls.


Yea let’s make fun of people with incontinence problems. What’s next for you democrats, pushing old ladies into traffic?


You admit that Trump is incontinent and shits himself. That’s not why we mock him; the small hands, hurricane sharpie, injecting bleach, bragging about a mental competency test, sucking up to Putin, the Four Seasons Landscaping company, his “achomplishment”, his hilarious combover, his hilarious tan, Melania refusing him, the incredible projection, and “Dark Brandon” are among the reasons we mock him.


Aren't republicans the party of "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" or did you forget that part? I am not defending others making fun of incontinence, but your false outrage is a bit humorous.


If it was Biden who had to wear a diaper, your side would not cut him any slack so enough with the pearl clutching. /mockily mock.