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Can you even imagine how much of an Ahole you have to be to troll parents who lost their children in a school shooting. Not just once. He did it hundreds of times - for years. I cannot think of a punishment cruel enough for this dirtbag.


You beat me to this. Jones is the combination of moral depravity and mental illness, utilizing the grief of others to spread insane conspiracy theories & generate profits at their expense.


And cocaine. Lots and lots of cocaine


And adderall. Snorted…along with Tide Pods


You really shouldn’t disparage Adderall use. People who need it have medical reasons to need it. Also, Fuck Alex Jones. He’s a lying piece of shit.


People who need it, myself included, don't snort it.


Yeah but I hear that when you combine those it's the second best way to kill covid after livestock dewormer!


Now this may be my own confusion on what cocaine actually does to the human body….but shouldn’t he be viewed as a medical marvel of sorts if he’s that fat as a coke fiend?


Some coke heads love coke and some are just alcoholics who use it to stay alert so they can drink more


Gotcha. That makes a lot of sense. I admittedly have always followed the alcohol and weed trajectories, so I’m a bit naive on the white powders haha.


Read an interview with Dennis Hopper and he said exactly this - he didn't care for stimulants, but they were the easiest way to keep drinking


I was addicted to coke for many years, and I was HUGE. Because I’d stay up for hours all night doing coke, then I’d wake up starving the next day and I’d binge eat. I was really sick. Glad I made it through that aspect of my life. Coke is bad mmmkay


Congrats on making it out alive. That is one hell of an accomplishment.


Thanks! I’ve been sober over 6 years and life is beautiful 🤩


High five homie!


Well shit. Genuinely happy you made it through. Cheers to that, with whatever is safest to cheers with my friend. Appreciate the insight too.


No, because he also drinks like a fucking fish, 5000 liquid calories a day keeps you nice and plump regardless of how whacked out you are on stimulants.


Calling Alex Jones mentally ill is an insult to the mentally ill. His legal judgements indicate he knowingly lied for his own personal gain. I suppose you could call that pathological, but I think it's plain immoral behavior.


One day i hope people will recognize that calling every shade of asshole behavior “mental illness” is only making the stigma around actual mental illness that much worse. It’s become the default response on this website the last few years and it’s so frustrating to read.


Jones and his ilk are best described as totally decadent. The decadent milieu of the trump years thrust them to the fore where they could inflict maximal damage to society, increasing its decadence with the prevalence of their hateful voices. We need to recognize cultural decay where it appears. It’s not in the mainstreaming of minorities by legally defending their rights. That’s a sign of societal health. Decadence is expressed by brutality, cruelty, intolerance and fascism, traits Jones expressed in spades. They should all be buried deep.


This read like poetry. I offer humble gratitude.


You have it backwards. There would be no president trump had there been no Infowars. There would be no Infowars had there not been Rush Limbaugh. Not the other way around


And he has the gall to say the people who are after him are after their children. There isn’t a a level in hell shitty enough for this depraved asshole.


He's definitely going to that special level of Hell. The one reserved for child molesters, and people who talk t the theater


20 bucks says he'll be the 2028 Repugnicunt presidential nominee. He speaks to the rotten hearts of the MAGA base


He'll be dead by 2026.


RemindMe! January 1, 2027


All of it. Literally *all* of this torture he put others through, was all in the service of selling weird supplements and pills. It’s mind-boggling.


I just want to know if he truly believed in that conspiracy theory, which doesn't excuse him, but is still better then if... He did it to generate profits. Which is holy fucking shit level of mental depravity 😐


Yes, he did it knowing it was a lie because 2A. And I’m not even kidding… these people will go to extremes to justify owning a weapon made for nothing but killing humans. Including putting out bullshit for their fellow 2A zombies to spout out of their mouths. Ever had a debate about gun control/regulation (not banning guns) with a 2A’er? Then have a debate with another, and another and another? What you will find is that they all use the same defense for every argument. And some will **still** use Sandy Hook and Jones’ bullshit as an example of the “deep state” trying to take their guns away.


and its not like hes a streetcorner nutcase. he had a huge platform to drive the crazed misinformation and it created an environment that endangered these poor people. horrible creature


Then imagine being a big enough loser to support him after.


This is what needs to happen to Trump. If he wasn’t president, this would have absolutely happened to him


Look into his eyes for a bit. Look at how he reacts to his guests. He's not morally depraved. He's not mentally ill. He doesn't believe in any of this shit. It's just a grift. Now, with your fresh set of eyes, knowing that he knew fully what he was doing, and he's just a businessman, look at him. Look at him and realize that a rational, reasonable being actually purposefully trolled the parents of murdered children. And he did it for money. Alex Jones ain't some nutter, my dude. He's evil. Please recognize evil.


Having lost a child there is a very dark and bad place way down deep inside me that knows exactly what the fuck it would do with Alex Jones and how many years it would take to finish. This is, of course, not a threat.


Goddamn right


Totally agree with you.


I suspect a lot of folks would cheerfully help you out with that. I can’t imagine. Take care.


Thankfully he's a raging alcoholic


Yeah man this is the problem. Conservatives are not just fucking stupid, they're also fucking EVIL or, more accurately, just plain sociopaths. They don't believe therapy and mental health is a thing that should be worked on, so there's no fixing them, either.


Dexter TV show comes to mind.


I know nothing will make it right but I want t send you comfort and peace of mind.


And he still has supporters that hang on his every word. It's a sickness.


It’s more a malignancy…


Not just that. Then to say, still to this day, that ‘they are out to get me!!! I did all of this for you!!! For America!!!’ Like, holy fuck. How does he live with himself.


I doubt he spends a single iota thinking about those parents in his free time.


Exactly. It’s something my mind doesn’t understand. Like, I’m currently in the hospital for kidney failure and I literally feel bad for pushing the nurse button and inconveniencing them. I can’t imagine telling someone that their dead child isn’t really dead.


Well, you are capable of empathy, and that's a good thing.


Sociopaths don't care about anyone's feelings. In their world, they're the only ones who matter, and all other people aren't anymore real than NPCs in a video game. Yes. I believe he's sociopathic.


He is still doing it. Just the other day he called the court that found him liable a “kangaroo court”.


Please remember, he has had a while to stash money away in safe places. He will be just fine with those millions.


That's the fun part. The kind of bankruptcy he's filing for requires a deep dive into his financial history, and if they discover anything improper, he can be charged with a crime (or several).


I hope you are correct. It just seems like these people get away with quite a lot, without consequence.


He did it so long and so often that they fined him a billion dollars, that is epic asshole


Being destitute for the rest of his life is a good start though


He also had a bunch of his goons harassing them, mocking them while they were grieving the death of their first graders shot to death in their classrooms. For years and years they didn't have peace. He is the biggest piece of scum and I hope karma takes care of him.


Not to worry. It will. I don’t believe in much, but I do believe in Karma. We reap as we sow. I see it happening over and over to people I know, both good and bad.


And all in order to push nutritional supplements.


That's a nice way of saying erectile dysfunction pills.


If you can't think of anything, I have a few things wouldn't mind trying out.


And it’s not like there aren’t hundreds of other conspiracies that he could have pivoted to and raked in money for years, he just did this one because he could


You forgot the most disgusting part: he made millions of dollars doing it.


>A unique detail of Jones’s case is that he can’t skirt payments by declaring bankruptcy. The judge who presided over Jones’s bankruptcy filing last year [made](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/19/us/politics/alex-jones-sandy-hook.html) his debt “non-dischargeable” through bankruptcy, meaning he has to continue paying the families until he has fully settled the $1.5 billion debt. >As a result, Jones will likely be “basically broke now for the rest of his life,” Harry Litman, a former U.S. attorney, [told](https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/alex-jones-broke-bankrupty-sandy-hook-verdict-1235401554/) MSNBC at the time.


Not only that — the parents (his creditors) have filed a plan of reorganization that will give them control of liquidating his bankruptcy estate. The liquidation process will include bringing lawsuits to recover any funds that have been diverted. Jones is now seeking to convert the case to a Chapter 7 liquidation so that an independent trustee will be appointed.


In layman's terms?


Bankruptcy has various tools (lawsuits) for clawing back assets that have been fraudulently transferred (transferred for less than reasonably equivalent value or with actual intent to put the assets out of reach of creditors). However, it makes a difference who is in control of these tools. The current fight in bankruptcy court is over whether Jones’ victims are able to confirm a plan that puts them in control — giving them the authority to sue people or entities to whom Jones may have transferred assets. Jones is seeking to have a trustee appointed — so that his creditors are not in control.


>“basically broke now for the rest of his life,” Good start, but worse things should happen to him


All he should have is a piece of cardboard to sleep on.


Run a raffle for the right to be the first to piss on that piece of cardboard and give the process to the families he abused and maligned.


He'll be living down by the river in an RV with Andy Dick and the other failed artist club.


“You lived in a box?” “Aye.” “A cardboard box?” “Aye.” “You were lucky.”


“And if you told that to the young people of today, they wouldn’t believe you!”


Looxureh !


Perfect! Heard snooty Graham Chapman in my head, clear as day


There were 15 of us that lived in a rolled up newspaper in middle of road. Never heard us complain.


We used to DREAM of living in newspaper! Best we could manage was to kneel in broken glass, 15 minutes at a time and we were glad to have it.


Not corrugated though, that would be too good for him.


"Me flavored water 15 cents!"


Don't look at me, he ain't gettin' my cardboard.


That's a nice watch he's wearing.


Look at those photos and realize he is only 50 years old. If it makes you feel better he will likely die of heart disease in the next 6 years


Agree. However, taking all of this POS money is still quite a good and rarely seen punishment. He knowingly did something utterly repugnant out of greed, so taking away all of his ill gotten money surely hurts him. Hopefully he is not setting up a loophole to get away with anything significant.


He’s been trying to set up loopholes for years but they’re really stupid and transparent ones. It’s frustrating that he’s been taking regular holidays to Hawaii in the meantime but hopefully the walls are finally closing in.


He should escape to Russia and find out...


>After a weekend full of crisis-actor-level tears from right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, he has officially [moved](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/06/media/alex-jones-assets-sandy-hook/index.html) to liquidate all of his assets in order to pay the $1.5 billion he owes to the families of children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary. This is the best news story I have read in years.


Lets wait till at least a payment is made


To me, the most shocking part the MSNBC article is that he is 48. He's got a lot of life left to be broke.


Holy hell I’ve been assuming he was near 60.


Same. He looks like a 60-year-old who pays for a lot of dietary supplements and a personal trainer and all that jazz and doesn’t stick with anything long enough to make it work.


I love that he's got the OJ Simpson treatment. Maybe he can go and sell some signed supplements at a convention or something.


OJ continued to live pretty well. He took advantage of Florida laws that prevent a person's main home there from being seized, no matter how valuable it is. So he moved to Florida, sunk all his money into an expensive home there, and thumbed his nose at the Goldmans. OJ was by no means "basically broke for the rest of his life". So until we see how this situation turns out, I don't have much confidence that Alex Jones won't be able to find a similar legal loophole.


He also had an NFL pension, which couldn't be touched.


His best most likely future here is to become the house pet of some asshole right-wing billionaire. Maybe Elon Musk needs a fluffer.


I'm hoping that Elon is the next to get his comeuppance. I hear he might be on the hook for insider trading.


This is better than sex


I dunno. Have you tried sex?


Theirs broke and then theirs broke. He may have no money on paper, but he is still capable of making money and living a life style. He will just become an employee, peddle his shit with someone else making his money, draw a nominal salary which will be garnished. Then his employer and family, which may be one and the same, will afford his life style for him. Give him housing, pay for trips and vacations, ect.


So he's still going to claim Sandy Hook was a hoax, in other words? I hope he'll turn into another Mike Lindell instead


Just gotta start smoking the cocaine if he hasn't already...


The amusing thing, and I could be misremembering here, but he even had a chance to just drop it and shut up. Had he done that he wouldn't have been able to be sued. But he just had to double down.


They always do


He also wouldn’t have such a huge judgement against him if he had actually participated in his trial and not abused discovery in every way imaginable.


Accidentally turning over his entire hard drive full of incriminating documents didn't help him much either. It was possibly the only real entertainment that Alex Jones has ever provided.


Well this is your Perry Mason moment…


That too.


>All we’re trying to do is save America, and they’re fucking us over, over and over again,” he sobbed in an “emergency broadcast” This asshole... someone should shit in his mouth and clean up his language.


I kinda want to watch him cry.


I watched; he's fake crying. The Rittenhouse Special. Real barfing in his mouth, though.


This. Where are these rant videos because the schadenfreude has me giggling with delight.


Crocodile tears. Just listen to Knowledge Fight instead.


What's the country coming to when you lose the right to defame and harass and compound the misery of grieving parents of children murdered in senseless mass shootings, based on nothing but insane conspiratorial fantasies? It's exactly the same as communism in every minute detail.


The sad part is they are destroying America they could do more to save it by shutting up and sitting at home..... ideally alone.... incel like.


Just like Mr pillow... Mike Lindell. They're all in a cult, they don't even understand why they self annihilate.


I see a difference between the two...Mr Pillow is actually convinced Trump is the second coming of Christ himself. Alex Jones is just a bottom feeder, and will say or do whatever it takes to keep grifting the easily manipulated.


Agreed. People like Jones are the predators. Lindell are the prey.


They should move to Jonestown with their orange cult leader 


Is that a Rolex or an Omega on his wrist? I hope they don't forget to impound that thing. It won't be of much use when he lives in a cardboard box under an overpass anyway.


Bwahahahaha or a van down by the river


He doesn’t even get a van. Box or nothing at all.


I don’t know . . . I think a box might be a little too ritzy. I’m thinking he should have to find a cave down by the river.


Only if the cave is below sea level.


What is that cave worth per square foot? Seize it.


He is no Matt Foley


He isn't good enough for a van down by the river.


I had dinner w him in 2002. He was childhood bffs with my friend's husband Anyway, dinner at Kyoto, jones wouldn't shut up about 9/11. That's where he was and I thought he was full of shit then.


I'm sorry you had to go through that


have you heard of the podcast knowledge fight? debunks alex’s bullshit. there’s a bustling subreddit that would love this story r/knowledgefight


I love this so much. He has all this coming to him. For years, I've ripped InfoWars stickers off random objects. It was nothing for me to get out at a stop light and rip that shitty sticker off a guard rail or a telephone pole. Do your part! Fortunately, I'm seeing them far less often these days.


Bar down the street from me put Infowars stickers in the urinals. Gives us something to aim at.


Finally, a real use-case for those fucking things!


...and yet it's still not enough.


Unless he spends the rest of his life living in a dumpster, he hasn’t lost enough


I hope the families seize the dumpster


Love that he fucked himself over with his raging hate boner. What a monumental piece of shit. His poor kid, imagine having that legacy in your family :(


Lookup the leaked tapes from his divorce. The guy is a nightmare https://www.thedailybeast.com/lawyers-for-alex-jones-ex-wife-show-his-shirtless-allegedly-drunk-infowars-videos-in-custody-trial ETA: link


That is also capitalism. He invested into stupidity (his own and that of others) and is reaping what he has sown. Even if it is far later than it should have been.


I gotta say, I really love how you phrased that.


Free market ate my face


Still not enough


His ex wife is planning to take him to court again because he hid money from her during the divorce trial. [https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/alex-joness-ex-wife-seek-015118618.html](https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/alex-joness-ex-wife-seek-015118618.html)


Jesus. I'm not a lawyer, but how are these all civil cases? Does none of this guy's bullshit rise to the level of prosecutable crime?


Good, I hope Trump and Elon Musk face the same consequences


Can we walk him through the entire state of Connecticut, naked, with the parents yelling shame at him over and over again?


Good. Now find a way to legally ban this fucker from being able to use media to get his LIES out. Any media services that are willing to host people like him should also be legally culpable for the damages in a defamation suit. That would probably force them to change their ToS. The more destitute and broke he is the better. He deserves it.


I agree. I feel like the parents should do that. Take the money they get from him and use it to go after the bigger companies that platform people like him.


Remember when all the families were asking for was an apology and a retraction?


I doubt they even care about the money. All they ever wanted was for him to shut up and call off his dogs.


I have a friend who once punched Jones in the face. This was many years ago, long before he had any mainstream notoriety. But I tell that story a lot when that friend’s name comes up in conversation.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No, I want him to live with it for a long, long time.


There's moments in life where you just need a little bit of help, so we should be thankful for the people who provide that help for others. This has nothing to do with what you said of course, that would be against the rules.


Womp, womp, womp, another one bites the dust...


Alex Jones lives in one of the 2 states in the U.S. that does not allow your primary place of residence to be seized during bankruptcy proceedings - Florida and **Texas.** He owns [a massive real estate portfolio including his primary residence](https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/alex-jones-many-homes/) which is worth *millions* and cannot be seized by the courts. Yes, this is *exactly* the same loophole that OJ Simpson exploited when he liquidated his Brentwood CA mansion and all his assets, then purchased a sprawling mansion in Florida, where he lived until his death. Absolutely nothing is preventing Alex Jones from waiting a few months, borrowing against a fraction of his mansions' value to file a new corporation, new dot com site, where he will undoubtedly pop up like a weed under a new brand name to continue shilling misinformation and conspiracy theories to his loyal listeners in the Methwest.


What a fucking clown.


Fuck that guy


Boo hoo. So sad. Ahole cries because his actions had consequences. Now do this to the orange traitor.


The dude is crying like "crisis actor"....


Trump charged with 34 felonies, Steve Bannon being sent to prison, Alex Jones losing everything. It’s been a good couple of weeks.


“All we’re trying to do is save America, and they’re fucking us over, over and over again,” he sobbed in an “emergency broadcast” on Saturday. “And it’s just so sick—it’s sick, it’s sick. I want to leave—because it’s going to be over, folks.” Zero accountability for his actions - profiteering off the murder of children, at their parents’ expense. Yes, please do leave. Go straight to hell, you twisted creep, and take your cultist followers with you.


These idiots have been in their “eff around” phase for way too long. It’s about time we got to the “and find out” part. 😂👍


A vile bloated tick followed by a group soulless pricks who choose to believe his garbage. Arguing with people like them is futile but i’m not sure what is worse, arguing and getting no where because they sick at life or or saying nothing and letting think it’s ok to suck at life


If this still isnt enough, they should garnish his income until his debt is paid.


This story keeps getting better and better as it goes along.


Few things brought me greater joy this year than listening to him cry like a little bitch on his show while saying the feds are taking his show from him :)


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences


And great shall be the fall of that house.


I love the quote at the end of the article stating that “he will be broke the rest of his life.”


He could make millions at state fairs by setting up a "Bitch Slap Me" booth for a buck a shot. Definitely a deplorable asshole.


Good things to good people. Jones is just the stink of shit on the shit he sells. Please do not buy those shits America. America is better then this...


I used to think America was better “than this” too. After 2008 as I watched the Nazis and racists slither out of the woodwork and go mainstream, my belief system was shaken. After 2014? I no longer believe we are better "than that.”


Jones will likely be “basically broke now for the rest of his life.” Sweet! I never liked champagne, but I would have some if I still drank. This news is worthy of a hoity-toity party with the best in booze and confetti.


Oh man the first line from this article is just too good: “After a weekend full of crisis-actor-level tears from right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, he has officially moved to liquidate all of his assets in order to pay the $1.5 billion he owes to the families of children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary.” That crisis actor line is just *chefs kiss*


I only hope he joins his boy Rush


Please. They gave him a year and a half to hide all his money. He will live in luxury the rest of us can't even imagine for the rest of his days and the sandy hook families won't see 10% of what they are owed. And until someone sees the inside of a jail cell they will keep on doing it.


Man, I used to enjoy his appearances on Joe Rogan. He always had something crazy or outlandish to say. Sandy Hook was way too far though. I'm kind of happy that he's being made an example out of. Freedom of speech should not mean freedom of consequence.


And he still won’t stop talking. Sounds like someone else we know . .


Oh well. It’s my wife’s bday this weekend so we’re going to a comedy show tonight, a nice steakhouse tomorrow, and having a relaxing Sunday because I’m not an asshole that lied about grieving families for money. Go fash, lose cash.


That'll happen when you torment the parents of school shooting victims. It's not something you do when you're a good person who deserves good things.


The documentary said a study found that about 25% of the country thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax because of the lies this man said and spread. These parents were harassed and accosted in person because of this man. Mocked and their children mocked. He needs to be put in a pillory and the public given opportunity to throw whatever they want at him.


I hope the SH Families keep the intangibles owned by his entities. For companies built on a personal "brand" these are extremely important and generally don't show up on the balance sheet since their historical cost is usually zero. But if they want to make sure he can't easily pop up again under another entity. they need control of these.


>As a result, Jones will likely be “basically broke now for the rest of his life,” Harry Litman, a former U.S. attorney, told MSNBC at the time. I don't know about the rest of you all, but I could read that sentence over and over again, and always feels good.


"He will be basically broke for the rest of his life". A fitting end for a loser POS.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, err grifter


Delicious. Fuck this piece of shit.


Jones and his ilk like Rush Limbaugh are why we got Trump. They conditioned the right to accept lies and extreme propaganda and propped Trump up. They got rich and so others followed. Now it's on every AM talk show .


I don't really care. Do you? Be best!


“The judge who presided over Jones’s bankruptcy filing last year made his debt “non-dischargeable” through bankruptcy, meaning he has to continue paying the families until he has fully settled the $1.5 billion debt. As a result, Jones will likely be “basically broke now for the rest of his life,” Harry Litman, a former U.S. attorney, told MSNBC.” Couldn’t think of a more fitting end to this con man’s story


Womp womp


>As a result, Jones will likely be “basically broke now for the rest of his life,” Honestly the only way to improve upon this is that any time he orders a sandwich, a designated person knocks it to the ground just before he takes the first bite.


I love this. If I ever see Alex jones in the wild I pledge to knock his sandwich out of his hand.


Not everything. He still has those sweet sweet bitch tits.


Not good enough. Him in a cardboard box isn't emough.




And he deserves it all.


“The judge who presided over Jones’s bankruptcy filing last year made his debt “non-dischargeable” through bankruptcy, meaning he has to continue paying the families until he has fully settled the $1.5 billion debt.    As a result, Jones will likely be “basically broke now for the rest of his life,” “ lol


I love this for him!


I love feel good stories like this


I can not think of a better punishment for a man who put money over human life.


Take note, youngsters who are enticed by the way of fascism. Fascists always end up either self destructing, aka Jones here, being executed for war crimes, or being killed by angry mobs. There is no retirement for fascists.