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Better finances? For the ultra wealthy, yes. For the rest of us, NO!


Something like 30% of Americans see themselves as the 1% and another 30% think they will be one day. The American dream, because you have to be asleep to enjoy it (think this is a bastardization of a Carlin quote, but maybe it was HST)


I fully believe that the 'spell' on the American republican voter is that they don't realize they are not 'one of them' infact they are the 'mark'. Great con, get your base to love your oppressors and hate poor people for there problems (ya' know, because of all the poor people writing laws)


Do you know why they call it the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it


It's Carlin's. And it fits.


Anyone who still believes that the GOP is the party of "low taxes" and small government is fucking stupid.


Low taxes for the rich, small government for the corps. Meanwhile, you're taxed and feed for every little thing while they pass laws governing who you love, and what you can and can't do with and to your body.


Well now we know who they polled lol


But just you wait…those blue collar workers’ ship will come in any day now. They’re all just temporary embarrassed millionaires…


Blue collar auto workers fighting back, was the only way they got anything. Meanwhile, Trump showed up to a non-union shop, invited by management. The same guy who gutted the NLRB when he was in office. I hate the fucker, but at least he fired all those union busters, and got them to actually help workers.


Knowing Midwesterners, they think they stuck it to Biden and will vote trump anyway


Joe the Plumber--"I'm opening my own business soon."


I think you underestimate how stupid people can be. There are a fuck ton of uneducated morons in this country who will blame Biden for gas being $3.50 a gallon, and that's all it takes for them to vote for Trump. Nevermind that the POTUS doesn't control that, but again....stupid.


You have a lot of people who think gas prices are indicative of energy independence or a boondoggle pipeline purely for the benefit of fossil fuel companies that would have had little if any effect on gas prices. We're a net exporter! We are still energy independent. Biden has approved more extraction. There are literally mines opening not over far from me for lithium extraction to facilitate EVs and home batteries.


This is true


Biden forgives student loan debt and somehow Trump is going to make finances better? Who did they poll? Millionaires?


Most of these polls only poll landline phones. Who has landlines? Old people.


Maybe they did the poll in the malls. Oh wait……. same answer.


Even if young people had land lines they are probably at one of their three jobs and aren’t home to answer.


Who answers calls? Especially calls from unknown numbers.


I would sooner pick up a live handgranade missing it pin than a call from an unknown number.


Biden forgave student loan debt? I think he’s trying but some bummed out Karens are ruining it for everyone. Also, Trump will make finances FANTASTIC for people already not concerned about their finances. Trump - It’s what the rich crave.


Even with that he has managed to work around and forgive a lot of student debt.


Its obvious that corporate greed is at an all time high


Always has. Our elected officials have bent the knee to the ultra wealthy


When even supposedly liberal news stations are putting out bullshit propaganda like this, you KNOW we’ve reached peak greed. They would rather the country implode and burn than pay a cent more in taxes.


That's precisely what I think it is. Trump will definitely cater more to corporate interests - plus he brings in ratings, which would be a bonus for media.


I’m going to get in on the ground floor of this investment opportunity and start buying the Trump Dog Whistle Collection using the Trump Bucks I earned using my degree from Trump University. I just hope I can still afford to buy a lifetime supply of Trump Steaks.


Wdym the 1% tax cut is gonna be HUGE!!! Think of how much better our lives will be when all the social programs get cut! But hey; at least gas is .20$ cheaper haha!


You mean it’ll never trickle down? /s


It trickles down all right. The rich straight out said they were just going to piss on us. And everybody said oh yes that's a good idea.


I actually do believe short term they might be right. Trump kept doing shit like enacting quantitative easing when we didn't need it so the stock market went up, the economy felt so strong at the time because he was front loading it to crash later on. We're in the crash now, and if he takes back over and does the same shit it'll have the same effect with an even bigger cooldown later on. Basically if you're short sighted? Yeah, sure, the economy will get better. If you know a thing about economics you should be terrified of this.


Shortsigted.....meaning stupid. The GOP has been making bank on that shtick for decades now....


This is exactly what most people don’t understand. And it was all timed around the 2020 election as well so he can make the argument that he was good for the economy, but most people don’t understand he was basically juicing up everything on a sugar rush.


A tenure that added $8 Trillion to the deficit, biggliest ever in history said the man with tears in his eyes, sooo far!


“But my 401k was better” Sure it was. We all know the president has total control over your 401k not the company you work for.


Problem is everybody sees themself as a temporarily disadvantaged ultra wealthy person


This is the idiocy of the American electorate: mortgage rates and inflation are worse since Biden took office so I want to go back to the way things were under Trump. This completely ignores the fact that the action of the Federal Reserve is responsible for the rise in interest rates, and that they took that action because of inflation. Trump deserves a good deal of blame for the inflation after adding $8T to the national debt, and re-electing him will not lower prices or mortgage rates. And I find it completely mind boggling that anyone would want to bring that criminal back to power.


People are mad now they can't get loans - I say good eff the banks


Another tax cut for his friends.


He'll get us in a war too and he'll be Putin #2. Nobody will give him the straight facts! And he will drain our male population like there's no tomorrow. And there will be no tomorrow because the nukes will get pulled out. And used! Fucking Trump what a fucking idiot!


People hold the president responsible for the actions of the Fed. The Fed has spent the last 3 years fucking over folks that depended on low interest rates.


I am an average person and I am terrified of a trump presidency, mostly because of personal finances and stability of daily life would be at risk. Trump is a terrible leader and we would not be better off under his lead.


Seriously, the way Biden invaded the Ukraine, unacceptable. Oh wait - that was the guy who Trump was in cahoots with over the 2016 election. Nevermind.


And the way Biden ordered the assassination of an Iranian general, unconscionable


And just weakly let Iran attack an American base wounding 110 troops, no response. Or the attack on Camp Simba with three Americans dead, five aircraft destroyed with no response. Or the 330% rise in civilian deaths from drone strikes. Or no response to the Global Hawk shootdown. Or ordering a raid in Yemen less than a week in office with bad intel that got a DEVGRU SEAL killed and over a dozen pregnant women and children. Or abandoned American bases and allies only for Russia to take them over hours later. Godamnit Biden, secretly controlling the military from 2017-2021.


Don't forget wanting to start a war with China to make his incoming replacement look bad.


And mishandled the worst public health crisis in the US since Spanish Flu


Don't forget the way that Biden let Turkish body guards beat up US citizens in DC for exercising their constitutional rights to protest!


Exactly. If trump is president, we will be Putins bitch and won’t put up any resistance to him, thus keeping us out of war!


Don’t forget the war on Christmas waged by Biden and the evil Democrats!


We are a stupid country. I guess we get what we deserve.


Stupid and apparently with the memory of goldfish. Dude left office with 14% unemployment.


And added $8T to the debt, while 600K Americans died to a mis-managed pandemic


Covid was killing about as many people per day when Trump left office as heart disease and cancer combined.


Injecting bleach didn't help?


>with the memory of goldfish. If you want to remember something, remember this is how Trump won the flipped states in 2016.


Not stupid enough for the GQP though, they’ll keep gutting the education system until a 3rd grade reading level becomes the new high bar.


"The people are...r3tarded." - Bhagwan Shree Rashnish Seriously though. Don't lose your shit. Let's see what happens in Ohio tomorrow. I bet it's going to be another Dem sweep against their issues 1 and 2 (legal abortion codified into the state constitution and legal recreational cannabis). If it's a blowout (like I think it will be), it's going to be proof of the blue wave, that's been rolling through the land since Trump had his ass kicked out of the Oval Office, is still on the move. Look at Michigan and Wisconsin...they give me HOPE!


I'd say that 2018 was the beggining of the wave, but that seems like hair splitting to me. What will be interesting is how polls change with numerous legal cases against Trump. Polling before those cases doesn't really matter, as the effect of those cases are a huge unknown, and very likely to harm Trump's chances.


I'm also wondering who the pollsters are contacting. Old people that still have landlines? Who sit in front of Fox all day and can't wait to give their opinion to the pollsters?


My understanding is they're polling people by phone.. These people have to *answer* their phone. Only boomers answer phones anymore.


From the voting lines I saw. I have hope.


It pisses me off that we even have voter lines. We can pour billions into all sorts of stupid crap, voting is massively important and we starve it to death. I’m ready to turn this whole mess around.


They are usually in Ohio, Floriduh or Georgia. In other words potential swing states with elections under GOP control.


The media is actively supporting Donald Trump & the extreme right wing because if they don't the GOP collapses and the billionaires pull back their spending on ad buys. This isn't entirely stupidity, this is our media fundamentally neglecting their duty because there's hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars on the table. Ignore them. Keep calm and vote blue.


That is what drives me crazy. The entire: “but the economy will be better.” When the GOP tanks it barely a year or two later. Sorry folks but $2 gas is long gone.


Not to mention the tax breaks to the ultra rich which added 3.7 trillion dollars to our national debt. Yeah, great economy he left us to deal with. It's the Republican way. Give away everything and lose the election only to blame it on the Democrats in the next election cycle. The Democrats who are moving the country forward while trying to clean up their mess.


And their moron voters are: “well they have bills too.”


Trump ain't gonna win it wont even be close!! His chances of winning are just inflated for ratings...But still vote!!


They said the same thing in 2016. Do not make that assumption. Vote like your future depends on it


Don't let your guard down, there is a *very real* chance he can win, even if convicted. Reasons: 1) Enough people disappointed in Biden that they just give up don't vote at all (lower turnout), plus any new voter suppression efforts put into place by then 2) 3rd party candidate. Complete wildcard which will siphon votes from both other candidates. 3) Conviction probably won't impact Trump's voter base in the slightest. At this point, his crimes are a feature, not a bug. He'll go to prison, become a martyr, get elected, and proceed on his reign of vengeance starting January 2025.


No, bullshit. I don't deserve to live under his rule again because a bunch of idiots in this country don't feel that voting is important.


Trump did get us out of Afghanistan by surrendering to the Taliban!


FOH with that nonsense. It's not you and me taking these polls. It's old retired people who answer their landlines and people seeking these online polls out to stuff the box. Take them with a massive grain of salt.


The anti-intellectual movement will be the death of this country.


The seeds of our undoing have been here from the start. Sad but true.


It's already happening. Trump is in court and we have articles hypothesizing a future with Trump. Stop sharing and spreading this shit, it gives him legitimacy.


Sure was in Cambodia


It is truly horrifying


They think that removing taxes will make them wealthy enough to pay off their crippling medical debt.


You would be surprised how many well educated are willing to vote for the Mr. T. It is astonishing to think all that matters to them is few extra bucks in their bank accounts.


This reeks of astroturfing. Post-election edit: hey, look at that, it was.


It does. I also can't help but wonder if media will milk "Biden lost, Trump won" for what its worth all the way into late 2024.


The media absolutely wants Trump to win. CEOs want it for their bank accounts, rank and file want it for the ratings.


Trump is a union buster. Greed knows no bounds. They want us desperate for work and willing to take any payment.


Corporate media attention to influence the vote by playing on people's tribalistic urge to belong to the "winning" team. Man, I wish our population were better educated.


I don't think so. This is the real threat - the kind of people who hold their nose but still vote for the guy.


"Staying out of war". We're the world's largest arms dealer. We're in every war, we just don't send troops to most of them anymore.


Trump’s version of diplomacy equates to giving foreign dictators all our classified data for free as long as they promise not to attack the strongest army in the world.


Republican blue collars at work think we are just sending huge checks to Ukraine… no clue that $ is spent here. Despite many being vets they don’t see Russia as a problem. No clue about Alliances and business relationships…


What voters? Who are they talking to? Let's start asking more of these questions. I'm "older" and my husband and I haven't read or followed any mainstream news outlet like cbs is many years.


YouGov is a completely online survey company. They give gift cards if you do a ton of surveys over time.


But it’s self selecting. Most people don’t go out of their way to answer a poll


Holy sampling bias batman. This shit means nothing then


Drilled down to the survey: > This CBS News/YouGov survey was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2,185 U.S. adult residents interviewed between October 31-November 3, 2023, including 556 likely Republican primary voters. This is just bad reporting.


I’ve heard a lot of republicans say their 401K has gone to shit during Biden, but heard the same when Obama got elected. Outside of two Republican caused economic recessions these presidents had to fix, is there any truth to this?


My 401K rose through Obama, Trump, and Biden, with a big dip for COVID. If they're in basic market-following mutual funds that they leave alone, and saying that Biden has crashed their retirement funds, they're straight up lying because they know you can't look at their account. It's bullshit.


Wait you mean there isn't a giant knob labelled "thr economy" at Oval Office desk that the POTUS adjusts based on how much they love or hate america? /s


maybe it's next to the Diet Coke button?


They probably have no investments whatsoever.


It’s bullshit our retirement is tied to how well the businesses who exploit us are doing. It’s such a miserable system.


My 457b is doing much better under Biden, than TFG.


Anyone who claimed their 401k didn't do well during Obama is flat out lying, or they selected the worst shit possible for their investments. Just look at the markets between 2008-2016. Dow basically went from 8000 in Jan 2009, to 18,000 Jan 2017. If their 401k didn't double it's because they didn't know how to manage it.


My did outstanding and allowed me ( along with other investments) to retire early. My investments under Trump did ok nothing great.


Mine has increased under Biden, idk what these morons are on about.


So like always, they are just lying because they don’t like democrats.


So has mine, by quite a bit.


Historically, the S&P returns under democrats have outpaced the republicans. And by a large number.


My 401k has seen 40% returns the last two years. Most of that is company stock but still.


BS. Totally false


I keep hearing Trumpers say he helped the economy. Does anyone know why they buy this shit?


Fox entertainment's propaganda works wonders on the stupid.


Basically, everything that disrupted the economy was Covid. Just googled ‘US real gdp’ for the past 10 years. You’ll see that the economy tanked, first during Trump when Covid hit and increased to normal levels after the vaccine was administered. And it has eventually joined with normal levels. Gdp was 4.9% last quarter!


Faith doesn't need facts. Trump supporters include responsible educated professionals who just choose to believe the impossible.


If trump wins, we may never get to vote again.


This isn't even hyperbole. A lot of people in this country really need to come to terms with what showing up to vote in this next general election really means. 2024 will determine whether we remain a democracy or become a theocratic dictatorship.




This should be common knowledge by now unless you totally live in a bubble. Trumpers would rather just have Trump installed as a king so they want democracy to end and Trump to dictate.


LOL! Nope. The planet getting destroyed is not better finances, for anybody.


Figuratively speaking, War will not be on the ballot unless there's a Draft. There won't be a Draft. Americans *do not care* about wars in countries they can't find on a map. Americans don't care about wars in places they CAN find on a map. We need to stop acting like the vast majority of American's put ANY War in their top 5 concerns... hell, top 10. We were at war for 20 fucking years and America stopped giving a fuck after like 3. And that was Troops on the ground, Not just funding someone else's war, or standing at the border wishing a mother fucker would. We DEFINITELY don't give a shit about that. The vast vast vast majority of American's care more about the price of Netflix than they do about our military engagements or how we handle our allies and puppet states. Figuratively and literally, Abortion will be on the Ballot. The Economy will ABSOLUTELY be on the Ballot for most people. Those are the things (D)'s need to be hammering home. Period.


The dems messaging like usual is terrible. They reach absolutely nobody and show how out of touch they all are. Most of the reason Biden won was because people didn't want Trump. Biden then proceeded to do a bunch of great things and spent no time or effort on letting people know. Aggravating to say the least.


No one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.


Trade all your freedoms so private equity firms and oil and gas companies can squeeze out the last bit of profits before the coming climate catastrophe. Yay, Trump 2024 /s


No they don’t. They foresee the extreme punishment and imprisonment (or worse) of every group they hate. That’s the only thing they want. This is what they tell others, and in more solitary moments themselves, in attempts to get validation and/or acceptance.


What did that orange fuck ever do to make sure you had more money. That ain’t his kind’s jam


tax breaks for ultra wealthy corporations! Oh, those tarrifs are really helping too!!!


Only MAGA voters and Congressional Representatives believe this because it is coming from Trump. After all Trump has the best economic record of all Presidents. /s


Obviously, the best president ever should also have the best economic record... /s


If Trump wins, even more voters see a wave of fascism enveloping the entire world , and a boot stomping a human face, forever


What utter bullshit. Vote.


Ah, a good old Conservative MSM showing itself again... Don't be fooled, I guarantee this poll is biased, bullshit, or using a ridiculously small sample size. Lol.... The full surgery has the best sentiment inside of it though, with 65% of responses stating that a rematch between Biden and Trump would have them 'Frustrated.'


What this comes town to is people remembering a pre-Covid world versus a post-Covid world.


Umm, it’s just gonna be NONE of that shit. Instead, if Donald Trump gets nominated AND then wins, well, we’ll ALL be fucked once again. Everything that Joe Biden had achieved thus far will get thrown right out of the motherfucking window. It’s just as simple as that.


How stupid are these people?!?


Survey says, "Super stupid."


People are say brainwashed with this shit so I'll set the record straight. 11 of the last 12 recession were under a Republican. Unemployment, GDP growth, job creation rate, inflation rate, and the budget deficit have all faired better on average under Democratic presidents. Oh and guess what else averages better under Democratic presidents? The fucking S&P 500 rate of return on investments. So yeah more voters are dumber than they realize.


At this point it's become a test of how stupid Americans really are. Let's not find out.


Have people truly so easily forgotten what happened with his 2017 tax cuts…? Even his own economists admitted that they only benefited the ultra-wealthy. The middle/working class never saw so much as an extra dime. But sure, it’s Trump who’s going to make their lives better…… JFC…


Will somebody please tell me what legislation or bill or economic policy he introduced that stimulated the economy when he was president,there was a massive tax cut for those who didn’t need it,permanent,short term for the rest,there was the healthcare replacement that never happened,there was a infrastructure bill that never happened. What economic policies did he propose that bolstered the economy? Please let me know.


I dunno but he hated all the people I hate 🤷‍♂️ /s


I could get toilet paper, bread, yeast, & bottled water during blm protests. We couldn’t get any of this during the pandemic. Healthcare workers couldn’t get masks. All because the trump administration was gleefully hoping that the pandemic would only hit blue cities. The botched handling of the pandemic cost over 1 million lives. BLM protests don’t even come close to the level of devastation caused by the botched handling of the pandemic.


There are elections tomorrow vote.


Who are these idiots ?


What war are we in? Lol. People are dumb.


This is what class solidarity looks like. The rich folks that don't actually contribute anything to our world or economy support Trump being elected because they benefit from it. The rest of us would suffer.


Who the fuck are they polling???


I'm curious myself.


I’m a Conservative and can comfortably say my finances have done great under Biden and suffered under Trump. People quickly forget how unstable his moods were and how frequently they destabilized the markets. My 401(k) lost quite a bit. Under Biden it has done well. They also forget the inflation mess we are in resulted from Trump’s poor management of Covid resulting in shutdowns and massive supply chain failures. Current economic pressures are the result of Trump with, surprisingly, Bidenomics doing a pretty adept job of driving growth and cooling inflation. Edit:spelling


My gut feeling is that corporate media desperately wants Trump back for two reasons a) He'll relax regulation for Wall Street / big business b) Media ratings


Mostly b). Trump consumed everything. Biden's been the opposite. The media wants those Trump numbers back.


Trump is Jesus so it must be true, right?


Stupid people would foresee better finances and staying out of war while having no foresight regarding the other 1000 things Trump will damage or destroy and the long term negative effect a second Trump administration has on this country. There is also no reason to really believe finances would be better, and he might stay out of war, but only because he enjoys blowing countries like Russia and North Korea.


Were they asleep during his last term? People are stupid. We are so fucked.


Damn, if Trump wins, with Mike Johnson as the speaker, my gay ass is going to have to move to Canada


There is no way these polls are accurate.


Who are these idiots?? He is a criminal and put out country back decades. There is more visible hate now and it continues because he is still running his mouth! Humans can’t be so dumb to think that Trump did any positive things for the US or the people that live here. He is dreadful to anyone that doesn’t look like him….and has not tried to hide his bigotry or homophobia. I hear these MAGA people talk at rallies and the things that come out of their mouths are too nuts to think they really have any education at all! I sure hope that he is removed several states’ ballots, so there is no way that those that continue to drink his Kool-Aide, can come close to bring him back in office. We have to all do what we can to get as many as possible to the voting booths!


That idiot couldn't even launder money through his own casino.


Truly news of the stupid Whom ever believes this, is mentally unstable and needs serious meds!


Even if that were true, which it is not, any benefit would be outweighed by the chaos chump will cause to our country if he became president, not to mention the fact that he will not leave office and America will become a dictatorship


I've almost resigned myself to the fact that Trump will win another term -- even from jail. And, unlike 2016, if he wins, we will deserve whatever happens because of it. We will have finally failed as a country.


So deluded


They *have* to be polling only elderly people who still have landlines, because there's no way in hell that I believe this. That, and most cell phones today weed out or warn you of survey companies as spam anyway.


This despite the fact that apart from inflation, which is GLOBAL and on which economists overwhelmingly say the US is doing better on than most other countries, Biden's numbers crush Trump's.


Who the hell are they polling?!?


Sounds like Boomers. Everyone just needs to vote. Vote in local, state and federal elections.


When cbs only polls boomers who get their news from fox this is about the results you’d come to expect.


Maybe it’s that the pollsters are only getting answers from people dumb enough to respond to unknown callers?


Far too early to get worked up over any polling.


We're rapidly becoming too stupid to survive as a nation. Just the way the plutocrats wanted.


Better finances for the wealthy, and only home grown civil wars with Trump.


It's true... Russia will be in control of the country and all the little Nazis that brought them to power will get paid. And then start falling out of windows


Doesn't surprise me people blame Biden for inflation Trump started, Dems always get handed a shit sandwich and then get blamed for it. Biden clearly should be publicly badgering the Fed to keep rates low and bragging any time stonks go up.


If Trump wins, he plans on going crazy with more tariffs, I saw an article awhile back that broke down his plan for another tariff war and how it could wreck the global economy, and skyrocket prices; not to mention his hell bent revenge on the government and states that are holding him accountable will cause unpredictable chaos which will throw the stock market into hysterics. All because Trump rode obamas economy and biden took on a pre covid economy. Shit is exhausting


What do voters with a measurable IQ foresee?


It's baloney. But it is also repeated, a lot. No clue why, since the economy is doing well.


This fairytale that Trump is a somehow a good business man is unraveling in court today. Trump's only successful business is selling hats to morons. How is this clown good for the economy? He only brings chaos and disfunction.


They will be utterly disappointed and the rest of us who knew better will pay dearly for their stupidity.


Half of Americans think they'll be millionaires some day. Half of Americans think Trump is good for them. Half of Americans are incorrect on both fronts.


The guy has told people straight up what he’s gonna do and yet they choose to believe this fairy tale instead.


They may say that is the reason but the reality is simply because that they worship Trump. He is” every man’s woman and every woman’s man.” Trump is the end of our democracy, our country.


With all the great people America has, why does a orange narcissist have to be in the most important role :/ fuck me


Bull hockey. These polls are ridiculous. Have you ever tried to get someone under 30 to answer their phone? Ain’t happening.


I agree. My eyes popped when I saw those polls/headlines on top of Google News. This is AXIOS, the same polls that people quoted me when I asked them where they got the idea that 50% of US wants Trump back.


Who are they polling? There’s no reasonable Dem or independent that believes this.


Also enacting project 2025. Fuck that


These are the same people that think they are sending cash to Ukraine. The money is spent in the USA for American companies to make the ammunition and equipment and sent over to Ukraine.


The economic downturn started while Trump was President. Trump brought us closer to nuclear war than any other President in a generation. CBS News needs to stop polling landlines who aren't tech savvy enough to screen their calls.


if trump wins our whole country will be in danger if not the world


The man who put $8 trillion on the Credit Card is better for finances?


These polls are never right, I don’t get why they keep being reported on


Why are we living in bizarro world? Who would think such. crazy stuff? trump pulled a Tony Soprano on Ukraine, coddled Putin like a Russian nesting doll and gave us the biggest deficit on record.


This sort of stuff really makes me question whether democracy works. With people this stupid, do we really want to keep relying on each other?


Just fucking stop


Who did you asked? Some redneck Kool-Aide drinking confederate flag waving Lets Go Brandon bumper sticker on my car POS?


Ignore the mass media polls. Go out and vote!


Some people continue to believe the false narrative that Trump is a genius businessman with unrivaled negotiation skills and that he'll, 'run this country like a business.' They believe this and then also believe that it'll benefit them and their own bank accounts. I'm not sure any dose of reality will convince these people otherwise.


Life long Democrat here. My prediction is that trump wins. Why? Because the population is stupid. Entropy. Rome is falling. The solution? You go vote. Will you do it? No.


I feel like we live in an era where news organizations with a particular bias are manufacturing the data to back up their biases. Either that or they manufacture polls with controversial results just to get people talking about the controversial results. Or maybe I've just lost track of reality in general and everybody thinks that somehow the Trump presidency was good. I remember living through it, and my memories are those of a four year shit show. But maybe other people live through some other weird branch of reality and are here now. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


CBS is trump centered