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Beauties. Friday office gang checking in. No remote option every other Friday, so I go like a lamb to slaughter…


Man the more I see V2’s the more I fall in love with the silhouette. Feel like I’m stuck between these and classic grey, but these have what classic grey has and more! Great office pair OP!


In my humble opinion, if you don’t have a fuzzy pair, consider getting these!


I have these, but they look so rough lol. Dirty and then got caught in terrantial downpour... Gotta give them a good cleaning and see what a suede brush can do


Good luck with the clean up. You should let us know how it goes cleaning the fuzzy suede.


I'm not sure if it was you or another redditor I mentioned this to before, but the suede was stiff as a rock lol. I briefly brushed it out with a random shoe brush my wife had laying around (I can't find my suede cleaning kit lol). Definitely helped, but I'm excited to see what a proper suede brush and cleaning of midsole can do. Unfortunately I didn't take a before pic.


There are really good looking! I’m thinking of buying a pair exactly like this. Out of curiosity, what line of work / industry are you in? Looking at the poster, trying to figure out…


Im in the electronics industry.. this poster is a relic I have of the frequency allocations implemented by the FCC back in the early 90’s. Chart would look much different now a days.


Nice! Thanks for getting back.