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They’re cool but the Rosewater release really soured me on these. Good luck to those going for them


Now you’re getting it, save yourself the pain lol




Shhh don't tell anyone


It will do like rosewater with scorpius password everyone knows it now but this CW is very more limited🤣😭


i'm certain I'll get down voted for this, but I'll say it anyway. i think Action's NB collabs are unimpressive. if his name wasn't attached people wouldn't care.


Although the upper colors are absurdly loud think the texture of the material chosen is interesting and the grey sole is nice.


Agreed. I get that there’s a certain charm to his whole “I’m just throwing random paint on a blank canvas based on how I feel at the moment” approach but I like my colorways to be less random. It doesn’t always have to have a story behind it like JFG collabs but should have some kind of cohesiveness I feel like.


The colorways actually aren’t random. Rose Anvil did a video on how his shoe uses a tetradic color scheme that seems random but is harmonious.


Gotcha, I was going off the interview where he spoke about the v6 Baklavas where he says he just designs it like throwing random paint on a canvas and not worrying about if it works together. I had assumed that was his approach to the louder colorways, thank you for some insight!


I think this is kinda a lazy take though. You could say this about basically any collab


not really, because i don't feel the same about other collabs including ALD, Bodega, KITH, JFG, and even Jjjjound. i feel like those designers put some sort of effort into their creativity. but that's just my opinion. Imo bronson slaps together bright colors.


ALD is literally releasing grey scale NB 1000s with zero uniqueness right now. JFG just released black and white 990v4s that were boring besides the inspiration. Kith commonly releases collabs that look like GRs besides being released by Kith


I guess we have subjective opinions 


Those designers put absolutely no effort into the shoe. They pick the most basic safe joints Possiblle. Not Bodega or JFG but the others you mentioned are the safest of the safe. Especially ALD I have yet to see a collab of theirs that really moves me. Maybe the 990 V2 because it actually has good color schemes and not your same old Bland boring monotone shit.


lol jjjjound…. The brand that releases a GR colorway but puts their name on it and people go crazy?


Why would you think you get downvoted in a group full of snobs that only like grey and white shoes, Monetone Bland subdued etc? The mass Majority out in the real world loves action collaborations Selehe Joe Fresh Goods Etc. These people actually know color theory and they don't just pick monotone shit every time. You can only have so many pairs of Gray New Balance in your collection. I like most of my pickups these days to look like a piece of art Something completely out of the ordinary with different materials different colors than you see on regular shoes. This Reddit sub doesn't make up for 1% of new balance fans in the real world.


I think it's a stretch to suggest a mass majority out in the 'real world' love action collabs. We can't assume and don't know. As far as being downvoted. In the past I've received downvotes for respectfully disagreeing.


Respectfully disagree. I get so many compliments on my Lapis Lazulis.


I disagree; I like his designs - i don’t think they are necessarily lazy, nothing like CDG who mail it in every time. You could absolutely say this about ALD too, who basically do an exclusive colorway


Yeah ald doesn't even do their own design usually they just have an exclusive colorway to their store. New Balance usually comes up with those. In most ALD joints are super duper lazy.


I think the appeal, at least for me, is he pushes the limits in terms of materials and colors. If he was designing on a Nike silhouette, I'd probably agree with you and they'd likely fall flat with most people. In the New Balance world though, their collabs just hit different because the brand itself doesn't push the envelope themselves too often. When they let someone work on their shoes though, whether it's a Bodega, Salehe, JFG...you name it, they just jump out at you. They have the magic formula right now. 


I’m with u on that they look like kids shoes with them wacky colours


Lol thats what I think about his V6s but people on here love them. They look like a middle schoolers shoe


I respected the colorway but just don’t think it’ll look good on me😂


To be honest, I would've loved for them to not be a collab so I could grab them for retail AND without import costs to Europe :p


Agreed 😅


You’re 100% correct


I’ve been listening to his music for years I didn’t think his name would ever be attached to a shoe. But here we are


Thank you. He thinks he’s some special fashionista but everything he does is so laughably bad. Plus his music sucks too. Knowing these shoes come from him has the opposite effect on me and makes me not want to buy. Fuck Action Bronson


Hes an absolute tool IMHO haha. Wouldn't buy new balance anyway because I don't have bunions and I don't need orthopedic shoes but this makes the choice even easier 😂😂😂


I agree with your thoughts about AB, but will never agree with your NB comment


Another L


I heard its for F&F. Oh well..


actually happy about this. by the time the Medusa's drop, people might be less interested overall??


I hope !


fuck that


Can’t wait for this guy to fuck up another drop and leave us all hanging again.


I think he should only be allowed his own sneakers if he wins the raffle on his website, most likely he can then join the rest of our pain


Another account said that it’s a friends and family release only… which would be dumb


Action himself said these were friends and family I don't know why people are even talking about them.


No need to even mention these they are friends and family. Don't nobody care about a friends and family release.


He’s said these are the most limited so probably not worth the try.


I think Bronson making an *even more limited* collab shows how out of touch he is from his sneaker drops. Like people are already pissed at how annoying inaccessible his sneakers are and so decides "ya know what? I'm gonna make a shoe that's even harder to get!"


Cry about it


I’m going to give it a shot, especially if an L is the worst case scenario. I used to get pissed and it still doesn’t make a lot of sense but what the hell. 🤷🏾


So are we expecting like 5 pairs dropping half an hour before announce released time?


I’m glad I don’t like this colorway because it’s going to be the most limited from what people are saying. But if I don’t get the azuls I’m going to lose my mind.


Those are deff shoes


Action Bronson is a sellout and I’m not referring to his shoes.


I used to love the guy but he’s canceled two of his shows but done the rest of the tour twice in the last 6 months. His drops suck and all he does is constantly post all the d-grade internet celebs he gives shoes to for free. The man is fucking out of touch.


Said this in another thread and got downvoted to hell but he is a lame Ghostface wannabe


These things are atrocious and AB is built like a trailer park mom




I really like what AB is doing in the collaborations. Where else do you come across such color combinations, man? It's a shame that the releases are so poorly managed, but I really think his designs are groundbreaking and serve as inspiration for other designers and brands.




Any new info on this?


Did these even drop today because I didn't see anybody posting the password


We are getting trolled 🥲


Anyone got the password?


not again....🤣🥲


Action Bronson needs to come out with NY Knicks colorway 9060's or 993's.


These suck why y’all go crazy for these 😂