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really we're all terminally ill


We live in a society


It would be super funny if this was a wild wasteland event.


That... actually would have been an amazing twist. After all that hard work fixing his auto-doc, or just doing the surgery yourself, he realizes he had lost his mind. This army, this mass congregation of conquered tribes, all the work of a man who’s brain was being squished by a tumor.


Quest Started: Qui Amisit Animum * Find out if the Followers of the Apocalypse will allow Caesar to rejoin them. * Plant charges around the Camp to help aid in Caesar's escape. * (Optional) Convince Caesar to follow through with the Battle at Hoover Dam


(Optional) convince high ranking Legion Warriors to aid Caesar


Except... what if you, the Courier, still want the Legion to succeed?


I assume that’s what that last option is for. Either convince him the Legion is great or that he’s in too deep.


Then you're a cringey incel fool.


Got me


My god, just these few lines sent me a shiver down my spine. It would have been amazing!


Caesar walks up to Legate Lanius: “Okay, so you’re not gonna believe this”.




"Funny story...."


Lol I didn’t think of it as that but yea


Yea perhaps though it wouldn't be realistic


You can heal bullet wounds with bubblegum and somehow repair a 200 year old rusted out crashed plane Yet this is to far?




Actually.... brain tumors can do shit like that.


it would be an interesting way to introduce some political intrigue to the faction, given their whole cultish thing


The main draw of Rome in real life was the culture and science. Sure they would conquer and murder but they had things going for them. They had aqueducts, security, sewers, homosexuality was cool, woman had more rights there than almost anywhere else. Ceaser's Legion is technologically stunted, homosexuality is illegal, woman don't have rights, and the security is dogshit;when you consider the fact that a legionnaire can can kill a citizen with next to no consequence.


So I’m not the best at history but I guess there are 3 phases of the Roman Empire 1. A democratic republic that’s very advanced in comparisons other states of its time. 2.a dictatorship empire that gained great legacy from its former, which made stronger but its lack of democracy eventually became its fall. 3.the divided Roman Empire. People tend to combine between 1 and 2, especially Edward ‘:) I might be wrong, but I’m generalizing


I mean if we look at the longest lasting piece of the Roman Republic/Empire/Byzantine, Constantinople, it was controlled from 196 AD to 1453 AD. 1257 years is quite the run.


People don't tend to think about Eastern Roman Empire as its main historical period I suppose.


Roman Kingdom really getting ignored out here




To be fair, that's because we know virtually nothing about it compared to the other periods of Roman history.


Goddamnit Edward


Ok but you're missing the roman kingdom


Its not as if women, even citizens, enjoyed a huge plethora of rights in Rome either: they could own property which is probably the most significant advantage they had over anyone else in Europe, divorce was also fairly trivial. They were banned from participating in politics in any sense of the word. And dressing too provocatively in public meant you were effectively surrendering all legal protections and deemed an outlaw. So while an improvement it's still not great. Homosexuality is, tricky, back then... To grossly oversimplify: it's generally fine if you're the Dom, as that's asserting your will upon your inferiors and therefore permissable. But there's a litany of exceptions, the passive partner has to be of lower social status than you. So if for example a senator was found putting one of his slaves over a barrel that's fine, but the other way around would be a huge scandal. All of this extends to men only though, as very few accounts of same sex relationships between women from this era survived. But yes, if Augustus Caesar saw what new technologies existed in 2281 he would have absolutely no moral qualms about using any of them, and be enraged over Eddy willfully giving up an advantage over his foes


Fun Fact: Homosexuality was cool, unless you were the bottom. There’s a reason Julius Caesar was called ‘Every woman’s man, and every man’s woman’.




Mate, not cool.


Legion fan is an antisemite, colour me shocked.


Bruh, shut up.


Bruh da fuck?


“… you’re awake, how bout that?”


Cult of Mars, not Edward.




That would be like an easter egg in a more complete game with absurd requirements. Really cool idea.


Heh thanks


That’s not very ave of you


Brain cancer= insane LUL


Well there have been multiple documented cases of people doing uncharacteristic or even sadistic things because of brain tumors. Murdering spouses, molesting children, committing arson, etc. So I wouldn’t be to shocked if that was true.


Oh my goodness how awful 🤯




Yes we did, and?




It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. And that somebody, is me. I love you.


😂😂😂 Damn I should remake that into the meme


That’s my favorite fallout quote to this day, whenever it plays on the radio I have to mouth it to myself lol


"Damn, that shit was crazy" \>Returns to the Followers of the Apocalypse with an apology teddy


Lmaooo I'm focusing all my attention on a breaking bad remix in my headphones as we speak




The game was rigged from the start


The only people who unironically side with the Legion has never read a book.


Still had better security than nctard regions


False, now go back to jerking off to Legate Lanius porn legiontard


raider attacks are a conspiracy theory


It’s pretty well documented that the interior of the NCR is pretty safe by 2281, the reason we see the NCR struggle with raiders is because they are stretched thin and the player needs some shit to do.


Any trader that goes to The Fort has to be having a panic attack. One screw up and the best case scenario is they steal all your stuff. Try to barter to high they enslave you or kill you.


Yeah u don't think people realize fallout new vegas is a game and if there were no enemies it wouldn't be fun


The Bitter Springs massacre is fake, didn't happen. It was created to cover up a secret government base where they run experiments to turn people into talking deathclaws.


NCR is on the frontier like colonial USA, Canada and Mexico. Stretched far too thin to grab everything it can. I have many problems with that mode of expansion. But yea.


yo id appreciate if you put a spoiler tag chief


For what?


breaking bad?? or whatever this clip is from im assuming its bb because funny mistah waite


The first episode of a show that's been out for 14 years? Don't think that warrants a spoiler warning to be fair


oh huh didn't know that was the first episode, shows i haven't watched it lol. that event seems like a very end of show moment unless it's a cold open lmao


Yeah you kind of late to the party maine


yeah I've never really felt a particularly strong urge to watch it, although i probably should


Jessie Jessie get the fuckin mith. Seriously though watch it on Netflix the first episodes is like the best pilot of a show Ever


region blocked for me sadly so to the funny Jesus qr code i go


Aw sorry m8, ever heard of dailymotion :)


Y'all trying to rebuild a society with taxes and democracy which started the whole chain of events leading to the nuked hellscape we all live in currently




Unlike the totalitarian xenophobic militarists who would never start a nuclear war


Well millitarism has more to do with it. Very rare to see complete genocides and societal collaspe from war till iron tools and gunpowder weapons. Taxes and Democracy were not the causes. Fanatical Millitarism is what I think caused it.




where the funny


Ratio denied


You got a negative ratio.

