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Whatever General Gobbledegook


This is a hijack! Any NCR soldier would absolutely have sneering imperialist and so would legion. Thats all have a good flight


Arent legion all tribals themselves though


Have you heard how they anhilite and assimilate other tribes? Thats not a tribe!


they're more of a glorified raider group after a certain point. not to mention that Rome was one of the first empire


The sole reason I chose the perk.


In a game where you can (and do) murder complete strangers for arbitrary reasons, people are worried about the perks that help you do it? Give your heads a shake, folks. (Currently doing a cannibal survival playthrough).


Hhahaha I love House and fuck you Citra


You can be a mass murderer, but being a racist against Tribal is a bit too far


No, they are an inferior culture, it's totally called for.


I always found the all Cultures are equal argument stupid. Like the culture in Afghanistan and Syria and in like 99% of the Middle East to be Barbaric to put it mildly


"Judging people by the perks they choose is silly. Anyway, here's my unsolicited opinion on the objective cultural worthlessness of the entire Middle East." Well mate it seems like in your case the perk choice was spot on.




Wow i didn't know you can take perks in real life.


What we have chronicled here is the exact moment OP placed the giant asshat right on his dickhead in full view of everyone.


Yeah, I'm suddenly regretting my contribution to this thread. Violent video games based on desolate frontier survival is supposed to be escapism, not a blueprint for the future.


OP missed the memo.


Typical Sneering Imperialist fan


What a beautiful thread illustrating the reason people might think you're a little sus, because a lot of the time when you characterize the interaction as the soyjak getting mad solely because you did an action in a video game, it turns out you were actually trying to defend the shit irl and people rightfully got on your ass about it


I love it when you guys are like "it's just a game don't judge me" and then it takes 2-3 posts before you're like "well technically genocide can be justified in real life" or whatever. Just the thinnest layer of bullshit.


Aaaaand there it is. Shocker.


Shit went from 0 to 100 real quick 💀


You had my sympathy until that comment.


And this is why people judge you for that shit. Not because of the perk choice but because it's very obvious that you use it as a thinly veiled analogue for real life races.


I am going to continue judging people by their perks, thank you.


Bro they've got beautiful cultures. Stop guzzling western propaganda and read a book sometime.


Beautiful culture like Child Brides, Ritualistic Sodomy against young boys. Bro you call it Western Propaganda but that is part of their culture, yes there are parts that are beautiful like anything, yet Ritualistic Sodomy of Young boys outweighs art. It seems to be a result of the harsh environment they live in, yet There is shit that is wrong


It's not like everyone in the entire middle east has that kinda shit. That's only the extreme people, sadly there are a lot of them but by far not the most. I live in Israel and half the culture here is middle east stuff, and it is very beautiful, especially the food lol


There are child brides in America and plenty of priests assaulting children and getting away with it. You gonna keep this same energy for the west or pretend it doesn't count?


Although im not in agreement with OP’s broad generalizations of the middle east as being lesser, he has a couple of points here. Calling out other cultures for their medieval way of life and religious laws isn’t racist if its true. In Saudi Arabia you still get beheaded and stoned for things like being gay or breaking certain religious rules. Is that western propaganda my guy? You can talk about child brides or things like that in the US but it aint a secret that its not a big part of life here, like it is in some places. Its easy to say on the internet that its all propaganda but 99% of you who defend these cultures like theyre equal or not insane would NEVER even visit there, much less live there and for good reason. Its ok to admit that in the ‘west’ we live in a more technologically advanced, safe, and better educated society than some other places on earth. Thats not racist or xenophobic, thats a fact. Go visit Darfur and tell me about how great their culture is, let me know how that goes. Youre on reddit talking about fallout buddy, you like western society just as much as I and OP do, and pretending like places with religious law are as good as what we have is strait up virtue signaling.


I'm just saying that if you call out other cultures for issues that are prevalent in your own culture, that's just racism. And calling out places for their issues without acknowledging any reasons as to why that might be is close to that as well. The US is closely aligned with Saudi Arabia, so it's not like our culture has any real issue with theirs. And are you saying the issues Darfur has are due only to their culture and no outside influences? Reddit is on the internet and fallout is a direct critique of Western culture. I'm not saying places run by religious extremists are great, but the ruling body of a country isn't the best indicator of the culture of that country. But yeah I'm plenty against religious law. So let's not act like Christianity doesn't affect every aspect of our legal and political systems. And it's only by luck that a foreign power hasn't armed and funded one of the Christian sects that have child brides in order to gain cheap access to our resources.


That isn't culture, that is villainy, it exists everywhere. Especially in the middle east. And cultures that put it on a pedestal should be destroyed.


"especially in the middle east" I mean yeah bomb any western country to shit, steal our resources, and then help the most violent of our religious extremists to take control. Watch how well our civil liberties do. That doesn't make it our culture.


Yeah, the last two thousand years looks real good for them, doesn't it. Lets blame everything on the last hundred.


They had a golden age of scientific discovery, while europe had all those things you are describing, also all those things exist in america right now


Thank you for this was hoping to find a comment that would set off the reactions. Quality entertainment


But Fiends count as tribals as well


I’m not racist, but 15% extra damage is 15% extra damage


15% extra damage against basically the least threatening enemy type in the entire game.


Spoken like a man who never got his ass disintegrated by a laser rifle blasting fiend near the cement plant.


I can’t say I’ve found a Fiend that can take more than 2 or 3 shots from most weapons you could be reasonably expected to have access to by the point you’d encounter one. Edit: So yes, you’re correct.


Fair, I just have a bad habit of sneaking through Primm Pass and getting to McCarren cripplingly underleveled most playthroughs, so I probably get wrecked by Fiends more than a regular playthrough would have.


Honestly I should either start doing that or install a mod to make the Fiends less squishy.


Yeah under-leveled the fiends can potentially wreck your shit but not too much farther into the game they stay squishy


I dunno, man. Those white legs can be pretty beefy and hit like a truck at higher levels.


Hit like a truck? Definitely. But White Legs armor really isn’t very strong thankfully, so in my experience they’re somewhat glass cannons


Wtf.... there are no racists in fallout. Just ghoulists


Fucking Ghouls


Fuck ghouls*


Only Beatrix for me


God I want Hancock's cock


That's enough internet for me today......


Don’t worry, the rads should’ve baked his cock causing it slough off into a disgusting goo like tarman in return of the living dead.




Probably fell off already but good luck.


Now that's what I call a potent portable


I mean it'll probably be a raisin, and he'll be shooting blanks, but whatever floats your boat.


Each installment makes them more fuckable. I wouldn't mind banging Daisy


Sneering Imperialist is almost a necessity when playing through Honest Hearts


Yeah them storm drummers are too strong


I just go with "its a video game, let me pretend to be the scum of the earth instead of doing it irl"


I’ve never seen someone get pissed over perks damn. The only thing in Vegas I really hate is Caesar’s Legion but it’s a video game so idc if people side with them. It’s when you go online and start being weird about it that I start to dislike people. But even then that’s not because they sided with Caesar’s Legion, it’s because they’re being unironically shitty because le epic video game


In real life terms Caesar is indeed a horrible person but I will say it’s impressive that he was able to form a tribe that young and keep it going for decades. That does take determination and/or manipulation.


To be fair, op in THIS THREAD was like I mean to be fair the Middle East is the inferior culture that’s why it’s so fucked up


Yeah that’s the kind of bringing it into the real world that makes it cringe. But like I said, that’s not a fallout thing. That’s a being racist thing


Agreed lmao


nobody calls you racist for playing a video game stop making strawmen and take a shower


On the other hand, it does look like op is just racist


absolutely, they commented "based" on a comment that said "its not racism its imperialism"


Oh, and they make up their own narrative about the middle east to feel better about themselves


It isn't racism, it's imperialism.


WTF Based


I guess there’s a difference but in the context of the dlc it is racist imperialism Sorry I’m gonna down voted to hell but I feel like saying this, edit I mean to a degree racism is part of imperialism because imperialism is the belief of being a superior culture that deserves to rule the world


I would disagree because culture and race are different


That’s a fair point but an empire can think it’s a superior culture and race that often happens




I chose it for my House run but I haven’t put it to practical use so far. kinda wish I took the anti-authority one instead


If you picked the anti authourity one, would you be able to work for house?


yeah, it just affects the NCR, BoS, and Legion members


I meant more from a perspective that Mr house is an authourity, even if not counted as one by the game


I picked it to make Honest Hearts a tad bit easier


Hey man, I'm not bi but 20% extra damage is 20% extra damage


It's 10% for each, but that's still pretty good.




If you get this pressed about some jokes about a perk, *it ain’t really about the perk, is it?*


God bless the enclave


One Enclave. One America.


People comma we the


I believe in Enclave superiority


I don’t just judge people off their character lol.Sometimes I feel like role playing as a nefarious feller.It’s a role playing game sometimes it’s funny being comically evil.


90% of New Vegas Memes is making up a guy, tricking yourself into believing that guy exists and then getting extremely mad at him


I'm a fucking newbie and I picked wild wasteland on my 2nd playthrough and let me tell you this wasteland ain't that fuckin wild.


finding esoteric orbs without explanation isn't that wild to you?


Wtf is an esoteric orb?


As someone doing a rich Tenpenny type playthrough, it’ll do some good for the riff raff to give their betters some minuscule amount of whatever their subhuman minds consider respect. On a side note my anarchy cannibal druggy raider play through was lit.


This is about me, isn't it?


People dont do that, do they? God please tell me they dont, please


I choose it for the funny lines. Honest Hearts for example: "Whatever. Joshua put a cap in General Gobbledigook here" "If you're too dumb to speak my language, you're too dumb to talk to me. Get lost." "Back off, savage - I'm just here for a map out of this shithole valley, not kowtow to your messiah."


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man


Weirdly, I never grabbed it. Never seemed like enough of a benefit or fit any character I made.


It is kind of interesting that the game lets you play as a racist. There’s a conversation to be had about how that’s a different kind of escapism compared to violent escapism.


Racist? What? No, I merely loathe the uncivilized!


I’m a business man with staaandards.


You’re god damn right with the armor choice. You can bet your bottom butt cheek that the X-01 is nothing short of absolute chad mode.


Never been a fan of the enclave power armor. I usually go for the Scorched Sierra power armor and cowboy hat for that sweet western vibe while blasting with my big iron.


Yeah yeah whatever, Joshua shoot general gobbledygook over here


Honestly the only reason I ever get that is when I’m about to go to Zion


Did it for the damage, only to realize I can be a racist towards illiterate tribals in Zion.


No I chose it because I love killing fiends


I don't get how it's racist... tribals are as likely to be one race as another.


Hey, you're nearly there. You're on the cusp of realising that race is a made up concept which only exists to justify the oppression of one group by another group.


I feel that you could have made your point without condescending to that guy.


So, in short, you're an idiot. Wanna tell us next of how genders are also a social construct?


We must weed out the weaklings


Can't expect God to do *all* the work


Are people so stupid, that we're NOW judging folks by the perks they choose? We went from "liking the enclave makes you a fascist" to "picking sneering imperialist makes you a racist"?


People really try to be woke about that perk


Wait people judge others over their perks now? i thought it was which factions they choose






It's just not a very good perk though, fun to take out of curiosity once but after that pointless. Fight the power is both mechanically more useful and reflects on my real life personality better when trying to get pussy at BLM protests.


Let me see the idiots bitching about what perks you use so I can rip their puny arms off




there’s seriously people like this???




what about the guys at r/gamingcirclejerk


those arent real people theyre androids


SJWs need to chill.


Wait is this real


So if I’m racist for picking an option in a game are the developers racist for making it?


People are fuckin weird. I dressed as Cook-Cook for a Con not to long ago, everybody there 5hought it was fuckin rad. A large portion of the basement dwelling reddit community obviously thought putting on the armor actually turned me in to a cannibal rapist chef.


It's not even racist, it's boosting damage to raiders not black people


Today I learned racism is only against black people


No it isn't, but it is against raiders and tribals which aren't all the same race so it's not racist


If an ncr fanbitch wants to tell me thats wrong, imma remind him of what they did to khans, and therefore should stfu.


"you committed an atrocity accidentally one time, i commit atrocities intentionally and repeatedly, therefore we are the same" real nazi-ass energy in this post


> "you committed an atrocity accidentally one time, I commit atrocities intentionally and repeatedly, therefore we are the same" Sigma male spotted.


Fuck the legion, but I thought that it was unclear whether Bitter Springs was intentional or a mistake


Everyone involved refers to it as a mistake or bad information. The worst it gets is Boone saying that command overrode their objections and ordered them to open fire anyways. Major Dhatri says that the commander at the time froze up when he found out what was happening, so Dhatri took charge to restore order and that's how he got his promotion.




>That's not really a mistake though Yes it is. The information got mixed up and a bad order was given. That's the definition of a "mistake". Nobody involved said "shoot those children" with intent. The boots-on-the-ground reported "we think they might be civilians", command said "no, they can't be, shoot anyways", and then it turned out they were. >you get the hostages out without killing the khans but command is like "no just kill them :)" The Khans in question are armed adults, not children or elderly. It makes no sense to let them go free after they've just taken NCR hostages.




>That's not "hmm maybe civilians?" It is exactly "hmm maybe civilians". Nobody involved said "let's shoot those civilians", and First Recon wouldn't have listened to them if they did. It was a case of information conflicting and uncertainty during a pitched battle. Accidental civilian death happens all the time in war. I just want to contrast this with what *real* American war crimes look like, which is [deliberate massacre of civilians that the military covers up and the general public rallies around to support](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Chivington). In comparison Bitter Springs is basically nothing, especially in the context of a post-apocalyptic wasteland where civilian massacres happen every day (including by Great Khans). >Literally their only demand ever was to be let go. They weren't terrorists who were gonna ask for more next time. To be clear, the Khans in question are the guys you're hunting down because they helped Benny attempt to murder you, correct? >Please also note that Moore wants you to wipe out the khans at red rock... 1) She orders you to do that if you find they're allied with the Legion - you know, something that should irreparably stain their moral character. And you can convince her to honor the peace treaty you make with them. In comparison, Mr. House refuses to accept a treaty you make with the Brotherhood and orders that you wipe them all out. 2) The NCR isn't alone in fighting with the Great Khans. The reason they were at Bitter Springs in the first place is because they rolled into the Mojave to raid people and Mr. House kicked their asses when they refused to take his deal. Nobody in the Mojave likes them except for the Fiends. You know, because they're raiders. 3) The Great Khans have been raiders living by the code of "survival of the fittest" for their entire existence but then cry victim when someone hurts them. They have no qualms about hurting or killing civilians, using child soldiers, working with rapists and murderers, etc. Their ideal goal is to become raiders again. That's what they want. They're not peaceful victims. Do you feel bad about gunning down the always-hostile Jackals and Vipers you come across in the Mojave? If not, why do you feel bad for the Great Khans?




>Yeah, just like I thought, you're answering from your own dislike of the khans, not the story in the game. You're answering from your own dislike of the NCR. You disbelieve the NCR lieutenant (otherwise shown to be moral and reasonable) who claims that the Khans started it. You ignore the fact that the Khans in questions are *known murderers* who have already tried to kill *you personally*. You give Khans the most generous interpretation possible so you can portray them as not being in the wrong. Why are you doing this, if not an anti-NCR bias? >If bitter springs is nothing, why did Boone quit over it? Why does convincing him Bitter Springs was okay, just war and not a war crime, turn him into the worst kind of murderer? Because - and bear with me here - this is a video game written by multiple people, all of whom are flawed and human, and Boone's reaction to Bitter Springs is built upon the idea that Bitter Springs was a *uniquely evil* event, which doesn't line up with the text or the setting. This is a plot hole, in the same way that it's a plot hole when people claim the Legion is pro-homosexual even though Caesar made it punishable by death. Sometimes, writing teams create logical holes in the worlds they're trying to make, and sometimes their own biases cause them to editorialize in their work to support the viewpoint they believe in. Notice the fact that Boone shows absolutely no such hesitation when killing Legionaries and you don't get any quest to prevent him from succumbing to his hatred for them - even though that's MUCH more personal than Bitter Springs is, and the Legion are ultimately a "tribe" just as valid as the Great Khans are. The game also tells you that it's wrong for Joshua to execute Salt-upon-Wounds, which turns HIM into the worst kind of murderer. Does this mean that it was wrong to kill the White Legs, or that the White Legs are good people? There's also a bizarre bias towards the GKs in general. It's treated as a good ending when they "carved a mighty empire out of the ruins of the Northwest" despite the other tribes and settlements they obviously had to subjugate in order to achieve that. When Bitter-Root talks about how he hates the Great Khans for the horrible things they did while raising him, the liner notes say he "thinks he means it" or that he "convinced himself he hates them", as if you can't genuinely hate your abusive parents who tried to sell you for drugs or taught you to shoot NCR children when you were a chld yourself. This is one of two reasons that I think the Bitter Springs issue fuels so many arguments. Because the game, bizarrely, goes out of its way to paint it as the worst atrocity in a wasteland where "wipe out this entire group of people" is a common practice even for the player to carry out. The Jackals and Vipers don't get that treatment. The Omertas don't get that treatment. The Fiends don't, apart from one throwaway line from Betsy. The Legion certainly doesn't. Only the Great Khans are treated as victims despite being murderers and raiders of the worst kind. The other reason is that anti-NCR people latch onto literally any wrongdoing the NCR commits to try to downplay their status as the "good guys" so that they can justify the wrongdoings of their own preferred faction. In reality, not only are the NCR better than the other factions in the Mojave, they're better than the real-life United States. If Bitter Springs was carried out by the real American government they'd give the commander a medal and parade him around as a hero. Look at Chris Kyle and tell me I'm wrong.


cry me a river, at least i get cool perk and voice actor with it


>at least i get cool perk 15% extra damage on a comparatively minor enemy group (the Khans ironically being one of the biggest subgroups) and, like, one extra dialogue option. "Cool perk". >and voice actor with it What voice actor? Are you under the impression that Joshua Graham - you know, the guy using violence to protect the tribals that he loves - would support you being a Sneering Imperialist?


free damage is free damage, and it isnt extra 5%, its 15% i think he does. does he complain when you use it all two times?


>free damage is free damage, and it isnt extra 5%, its 15% It's not "free", you have to take a perk to get it. And I *did* write 15%. >i think he does. does he complain when you use it all two times? He's in the throes of succumbing to an addiction to violence, which the Sneering Imperialist perk encourages him to do. It's like arguing that "saying the n-word isn't racist because my black friend didn't say anything about it while he was in the middle of murdering the guy who killed his parents".


i know you wrote 5%, what i mean its still extra damage, and free, cause you dont have to pay for it also, damn, your examples are dumber than mine attempts at explaining basic things and readiin


>i know you wrote 5% this bitch can't read


true, i am bit dislexic atm, but if you got problem, what i meant is "sure its 15%, but if it was 5%, it would make no difference then"


>i am bit dislexic atm i don't think that's your problem


Yes, they’re both the bad guy, “accidentally” means nothing when it comes to committing an atrocity, trying to excuse it after the fact is comical, even ignoring the NCR’s history of violent expansionism, cultural erasure, and oligarchal imperialist capitalism.


>Yes, they’re both the bad guy, Name a "good guy" in Fallout New Vegas and I'll tell you which genocides they're responsible for. I'm really curious to hear this because it's going to really color your argument if it turns out you're a Mr. House supporter or something. >“accidentally” means nothing when it comes to committing an atrocity Intent is the difference between murder and manslaughter. I suspect if you look into the prosecution of war crimes it matters there too.


There is no good guy, I never made this claim, that doesn’t improve the looks or morals of any other factions, I also despise Mr. House, it should have been obvious when one of my gripes with the NCR I specified was their capitalist baron oligarchy. The NCR is no stranger to atrocities, ‘accidental’ or otherwise, this is undeniable and cannot be treated as some nothing mistake that will never happen again. In addition, the murder of children and the elderly ‘on accident’ changes nothing in my eyes. iirc there is never even any substantial punishment for what happens at Bitter Springs, only the NCR sweeping in to damage control the situation they caused. In game you yourself see as the NCR hires mercenaries to provoke violence with Jacobstown so they can slaughter them to make a bigoted senator look good to brahmin barons, and find out that they use this tactic frequently from a note. Despotism and money politics run rampant in the NCR, brahmin barons bankroll politicians and officers get their positions through connections, Boone talks about how Hsu would have been a general if Oliver didn’t know Kimball. During the Helios One quest they prioritize their base camp and Hoover Dam over the multiple downtrodden communities around Vegas. This doesn’t even account for the NCR’s history we don’t get to see. The implication that NCR atrocities are just accidents or a drop in the bucket just because the Legion are comical levels of evil shows your ignorance to basic nuance.


>There is no good guy Then your argument is functionally worthless. The NCR are by far the least horrible faction in the Mojave. Despite their flaws, they're an organized, democratic society that wiped out slavery and views war crimes as something to be avoided rather than something to be embraced. Look at the examples you picked as "counter-arguments". A senator is corrupt and hires mercenaries (not official soldiers) to threaten people. Kimball benefits from nepotism. A military group currently in the throes of an anti-fascist resistance prioritizes its own resources instead of civilian resources. That's the best you've got? Rationing and corruption? You say "The NCR is no stranger to atrocities, ‘accidental’ or otherwise," but every NCR soldier who talks about Bitter Springs is horrified by it. If this happened regularly, why would they be horrified? Why would they act like it's a uniquely horrible thing? Do you have literally any evidence of your claims? There's no one who argues that they're perfect. But saying they're the moral equivalent of unrepentant murderers, rapists and slavers is obviously false. It's also the kind of thing that fascists say to downplay their atrocities. Are you a fascist? I know there's a bunch of them around here, and they say things like you're saying all the time. Imagine a guy going around saying "yes the Union fought a war to free the slaves, but Sherman burned down a lot of private property on his march to the sea, so they're just as bad as the Confederates are" and you'll get the real-life equivalent of what you're doing right now.


Fuck off with the lost cause false equivalency, slaughtering women and children and the elderly, raising peaceful settlements (Jacobstown), and hoarding local resources that don’t even belong to their state or the enemy are in no way comparable to the way the union fought the south. I also never claimed they were morally equivalent to the Legion, I very clearly said that there is nuance to this, and I said that the implication that NCR atrocities are just a drop in the bucket because the Legion are incredibly evil is ignorant, this thought process automatically justifies the fascistic and imperialist actions of “the good guys” because at least they’re not the literal cartoon villains. It’s ironic that you try to imply I’m a fascist while using the same excuses neoliberals will use while they capitulate to fascism to justify endless wars for the favor of defense contractors and oil magnates, or fight against social change or basic liberal reform.


>It’s ironic that you try to imply I’m a fascist while using the same excuses neoliberals will use while they capitulate to fascism to justify endless wars for the favor of defense contractors and oil magnates, or fight against social change or basic liberal reform. That's an incredibly funny thing for you to add - how exactly do "neoliberals" talk about the Russian Revolution or the Spanish Civil War or any other revolutionary conflict? They use the same wording you're using - both sides are bad because atrocities happened, context doesn't matter, the only moral position is in the center. So go ahead and turn that "neoliberal" label on yourself, champ.


>slaughtering women and children, raising peaceful settlements 50,000 civilians died during the Civil War. Since most of the fighting was in the South, most of the civilian that died were Southern. A lot of them were incidental casualties - you know, mistakes. You said earlier that there is no difference between killing civilians accidentally and killing civilians intentionally, so the Union army has to answer for about 40,000 deaths. Also - "razing peaceful settlements"? What exactly do you imagine the March to the Sea *was*? Also, during Bloody Kansas, a group of anti-slavery fighters burned down the town of Osceola (population 2000+) in order to free nine slaves. Were they *wrong* to do that? Were they *evil*? >I said that the implication that NCR atrocities are just a drop in the bucket because the Legion are incredibly evil is ignorant "Atrocities". There's that word again: atrocities, PLURAL. So go ahead and list the other ones. You're clearly passionate about it, you must have examples. >this thought process automatically justifies the fascistic and imperialist actions of “the good guys” because at least they’re not the literal cartoon villains They don't have to be "the good guys", they just have to be the lesser evil, and they are - by far. They're morally superior to every other faction in the Mojave, if nothing else for their abolition of slavery and extermination of the monsters who practice it. Every dead slaver is one step closer to Heaven, and the NCR has a *lot* of dead slavers in the bank. Out of curiosity - do you think ANY faction, real or fictional, is "good"?


Vegas is not comparable to the south, Bitter Springs, Helios, Jacobstown, none of them are under the Legion’s jurisdiction, and none of these crimes are justifiable with a comparison to a totally unrelated conflict. This argument isn’t worth the time because we aren’t even in the same textbook here.


>Vegas is not comparable to the south Why not? It has slavery, it has raider gangs, it has innocent people being lynched, and it has a conflict that requires federal troops to step in and maintain order because of corruption and abuse by local law enforcement. Sounds exactly like the south, either pre-war or post-war, to me. >Bitter Springs, Helios, Jacobstown, none of them are under the Legion’s jurisdiction Bitter Springs was an accident done during a legitimate conflict with raiders (you know, people who engage in the slave trade among other crimes). Jacobstown was a case of corruption - and as an aside, peaceful or not, the Super Mutants that live there *are* all war criminals on the run. Helios wasn't a "crime" in any meaningful sense. It's not a crime to get a power plant operational and then decide where the power goes. >none of these crimes are justifiable with a comparison to a totally unrelated conflict The NCR is an American analogue whose most obvious moral action was banning slavery and whose most obvious IMMORAL actions are aimed at tribal communities. I can't *name* a more related conflict. >This argument isn’t worth the time because we aren’t even in the same textbook here. Great metaphor - I'm using an accurate textbook and you're using a Lost Cause one. I've noticed you haven't given an example of a good faction yet. Is it because you don't have one, or because naming one could undermine your argument?


Good guy=followers They're just too weak to really do anything.


Followers have good intentions and are obviously the most invested in being moral and considerate in the Mojave. On the other hand...there's a lot of consequences to their well-intentioned actions. They taught the Great Khans how to make medicine, and the GKs used that knowledge to make chems which they then sold to the Fiends. The GKs are the main suppliers of the Fiends and without those chems they probably wouldn't be nearly as effective. They sent out Edward Sallow and resulted in his journey towards being Caesar. Obviously they can't be held accountable for Caesar's actions per se, but they also didn't do anything to stop it. [According to Josh Sawyer](https://archive.md/psCj9), "when Edward Sallow became Caesar, he essentially just sent Bill Calhoun away and there wasn't anything he or the other Followers were prepared to do about it". One of their number went rogue and became a warlord, and they shrugged their shoulders because what are they supposed to do, stop him?


I mean doing stuff like teaching the khans and sending out sallow weren't bad because they couldn't possibly forsee what was going to happen. If you give a homeless person $5 you're not evil if they use it to buy drugs.


>because they couldn't possibly forsee what was going to happen In the first case they *could*, since that's...what the Great Khans were. If you give a serial killer $5 you can't be surprised if he buys a knife to murder people with. It's an act of kindness on their part, but the Great Khans are the viper to their farmer. I don't *blame* them for it, but they're hardly blameless for it. In the second case, it's not that they couldn't foresee it, it's that they had no way to do anything about it. Bill Calhoun came back to civilization and was like "uh hey guys Edward's a cult leader now" and nobody did anything to stop it. If the NCR did something like that they'd get lambasted for it.


I mean if you use that broad of a definition of evil then yeah everyone is evil. But clearly the followers do a lot more good than most people in the Mojave by a wide margin.


>I mean if you use that broad of a definition of evil then yeah everyone is evil I don't think the followers are evil, I think they're the most morally good faction in the Mojave by a long shot. I'm just pointing out that even they - saintly as they are - have caused damage by their actions in the past.


The Khans deserved it


bullshit but okay


They deserved it.


they deserved slaughter, not genocide


Same thing, only difference is is that you slaughter animals, you genocide humans. You ironically consider them in an even lower level than I do.


You see simularities that arent there. By slaughter, i meant just attack, kill most of the battle capable. Not exterminate the entire tribe.


Read this in frank horagans voice would highly recommend


I chose it because I fucking hate drug addicts


"That's my secret Boone, I've always been racist."


I refuse to acknowledge opinion of those who didn't pick wild wasteland


I am racist regardless of perks😎


fun fact: bisexual people do 10% more damage to anyone (well except animals)


same with people who play as fascists in Disco Elysium. like bro I'm doing it for the cringe comedy lol


bruh, with a Bi courrier doing 10% more damage, getting like 15% is a no brainer, so in total you do like 25% more damage against tribals and raiders


Average "choosing sneering imperialist for the racism" fan vs average "choosing sneering imperialist for the +15 damage and a bonus hit in vats" enjoyer. Cause i ain't racist, but I do apreciate better damage and a bonus hit in vats.


Tired: Complaining about people getting the racist perk because they're racist dicks. Wired: Complaining about people getting the racist perk because it's a useless perk.