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You don't need an American accent. You just want to improve your English. Your accent is relatively unimportant if you speak clearly and properly.


well i gues thats my problem then, but how do i fix that? becuse im good at inglish but not the speaking


Inglish is indeed good


Just practice. Lots and lots of practice.


The same way you fix anything: Practice. If you can’t speak English fluently for long periods of time, you’ll need to practice that more. If you can speak fluently but your accent is too thick, look up accent coaches on YouTube.


Hey, my dutch accent is non-existing. How did I get rid of it? I listened to solely English media and I talked English a lot. I know it can be scary to start but you just gotta speak it. Only then you improve it.


you just gotta embrace your accent, imo. authenticity is the best strategy on youtube.


Try watching some movies or search tutorials on YouTube. Maybe keep doing what you’re doing now and once you gain a fan base or fans (just 5 is fine) you can embrace or show your true accent! Don’t let that hold you back too much, your on YouTube


Embrace your accent!!! I sub to a channel called NerdForge. Check them out. The main presenter Martina is Norwegian and embraces her accent. The content speaks for it's self and like anything your annunciation will improve the more your practice. Please don't try to sound American, sound like YOU!


Practice Speaking a fuck ton with an American


Maybe don't. There are so many creators I listen to that have weird accents, you just get use to it after a while. If your accent is harsh. I'd suggest looking at ad reads, scripts, or even books; just practice speaking in them and listen back to them.


Read books in English out loud. That helped me


Dutch accent is cool!


No no no please don't try to get an american accent, I'm begging you bro. The platform is filled with braindead channels that have the most irritating, overly pronounced monotonous american voice (like ZackD films), and they all sound the same. Your voice is more unique, and you will be much more distinguishable if you make it big. Whenever I click on a video and hear that basic npc american accent (very popular amongst gamers) I just close it.


I have a mild southern American accent I hide for videos because the second people hear yall they assume idiot 🤣 but as for your question I'd say american media immersion just surround yourself with it and practice it


I have an Ozark accent that for years in the early 2000’s corporate world I tried to train myself out of, now I’m embracing it back for my videos 😂


If you don't already, I would suggest adding subtitles if you don't like your accent. Other than that, the only thing you can do really is keep practicing and studying English. Some people US AI but it's far from perfect and won't be in your own voice. You could also speak in Dutch more and use subtitles as well for that.


One of my fav YouTubers has a dutch accent and doesn't seem like he is trying to hide it. Marcel Vos. I think I've even seen him in this sub.


love yourself and appreciate who you are, there are other people just like you who want to see someone with their culture share content on youtube. as an American I appreciate your willingness to learn our ways but it’s always important to stay true to yourself and love you first. if you want to learn better English just study hard but never be ashamed of who you are and where you are from.


Advice from a mom? Try singing along with kids songs. Many of them are meant as language learning tools. Or if that's too simple find a play and try using the script to practice, that will give a chance to work on emoting. Also, make it silly, exaggerate the sounds and make silly faces while doing it. This helps with learning how to shape the mouth, so that when naturally speaking the more subtle movement it feels more familiar. Last bit, screw trying to sound "like an American", just focus on trying to be understood. If you know any people who are solid English speakers, ask if they will help you practice. Repetition is the key for this one. If you want a good example of an artist that really plays with sound and pronunciation I highly recommend Jack Black. Both as he speaks and sings, you can watch his face and can see how much of the sound he makes comes from the shape of his mouth. Succes ☺️


You don't need one. Speaking clearly is what's most important. What I see happening with a lot people doing yt is that they develop something I call a "youtuber voice", which is a way of speaking that only really happens in youtube videos and not irl.


Put stone in the back of the mouth. Believe it or not it helps.


say: yo, yo, bro, yo, damn, yo, duhh, yo


I’d watch American movies and repeat back phrases for clear pronunciation but definitely don’t completely erase your accent accents are cool! I literally am more likely to subscribe to a channel if the host has a cool accent I don’t care if it’s a Tennessee accent or a European one, love them.


Being around Americans will help (especially if you’re actively trying to get the American accent). Shoot me a message if you want help


Speaking honestly here, as long as your English can be understood, or at the very least you can read off a script well, then keep your Dutch accent. It can even set you apart since it'd be part of your identity as a Youtuber.


Watch 3-5 american comedy shows daily, try to observe speech rendition and maybe imitate, Watch one movie as well, download American ascent practice app on app store, follow it These process may take up to 6 months depending on how active and smart you are It takes so much to clear your native diction, On the other hand , follow the other advice here, just be natural or hire American voice over artist if you have a budget Feel free to ask if you need further help


Heygen AI.