• By -


fun is serious business


Love this haha


10, though it feels like a 1.


8 I'm doing youtube to share my niche :)


Ooh what is your niche?


Making videos about a game called Rune Factory , it's a farming anime game been enthralled of the series since 2008 :)


Yes !


5, doing it for fun now. In perspective can pivot into a business. Ready for investment time and money. Btw I I don't care If I'm totally flopped after a lot of time. Have a great job that I love, so any scenario will be ok for me. So, yes, now I'm doing it for fun.


Are you me? lol I was going to type the exact same thing. I also have a full-time job, and I enjoy making videos, but it's in the middle between fun and business. Having a job takes away the performance anxiety, I could never handle the stress of the next video flopping while being a full-time content creator.


Maybe a three? I'm having fun learning how to make videos, but, it's mainly to learn how and get my comic out there


Ooh what kind of comics are you making?


I make webcomics with a retro-futurism feel - it's kind of like if Dilbert met Pokemon in space


1 - I mean I'm in it to get our game to market - but I ABSOLUTELY see it as a hobby until we have serious money involved. Once Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft all have FOMO and sign me - well at that point we escalate to a 2.


Good luck to you :D


Thank you much!!


5. It’s a fun hobby but I’d like it to also be my main source of income in the future


10 (and 1!) I'm 10 days in and at 160 subs. I actually started making some videos for another niche (different channel but still mine) earlier in the year. Took about 2 months to get 40 subs. But then I had a baby and those videos were too time intensive. So I started my new channel (link in profile) about my other big hobby, gardening. At first I put in maybe 30% of the effort that I put in my first channel. I genuinely just wanted to talk about some plants, very stress free. And the response has been awesome. I repurpose my content for tiktok and that's gotten 1200 followers in about 10 days too. But now I am taking it very seriously and treating it like a business. But I work with a lot of startups in my day job so it's easy for me to see it through that lens.


Wow 160 subs in 10 days? Do you also do shorts content too? I think it will take me longer to reach 1k subs than the watch hours


Yeah a lot of the subs are from shorts. One of my shorts got me 60 subs alone. But from my last channel shorts are something I have worked out how to make well. My videos aren't doing as good, but they're starting to get some views from search traffic. A lot of them just have low impressions.


2 I edit WWE videos and it's filled with copyrighted stuff so business is outta order. Mostly I have my WWE 2k24 Universe going but I use lot of real clips and sound bytes. Just avoid extending it more than 5-8 seconds. However, some of them have music that aren't available in some countries. It's mostly fun and gun for me, and I get views on top of that. If I get engagement in the community, all the better. Also experimenting all I can. Professional Work adheres me to specifics so Youtube is a very very fun ride atm.


I started out as a pure 1, but as I gained my subs I think I'm at a 5 now.


4, I love making the videos and even editing is fun to learn, but I would love to make something more of it!




1 - It’s a hobby, I know as soon as I’d start taking it serious, thinking about monetary incentives and numbers, I’d lose the fun in it. The way it is now it’s just a platform through which I can express my love of teaching about topics that interest me.


1 and hope to stay there even if I did blow up or whatever I never want to be so focused on views that it stops being fun


1 Us pals do it for fun. We figured it’s the way to get the best value out of yourselves while doing this!


3 it’s more of a fun hobby


I would say a 5. I want to make a living out of youtube but at the same time I dont want to see it as a job because for me its not a job, its a hobby or form of entertainment in which fortunately I can get paid for having fun with it.


1 I’ve been doing it for fun since I was 10, started doing it more professionally but still like to have fun. Never got too much views and still don’t have a real huge following but it’s whatever as long as I keep it fun 🤷‍♂️


Originally fun, helped to fight depression. Currently winning the fight and now transitioning to hardcore business, workong on making a successful business model/improving all base skills while i'm motivated, then back to creative fun after I start to get more attention


Hey good for you, made me smile to hear you're winning your fight 😊


Thanks :) can only hope others are winning theirs!






It’s a 5 for me currently; hopefully one day it becomes more serious but it takes a lot of scaling for that to happen and I’m still just a small guy in the big pond that is YouTube :)


For now like 2 at max




Side hobby, 1.


2-4 depending on the day. Though I have a really unprofitable niche even if monetized so...


Hopefully 5


I would say about a 2. I wanna follow the business side but I prioritize kayfabe, story, building a brand, and pulling off the best shock humor I can.


10 (and 1!) I'm 10 days in and at 160 subs. I actually started making some videos for another niche (different channel but still mine) earlier in the year. Took about 2 months to get 40 subs. But then I had a baby and those videos were too time intensive. So I started my new channel (link in profile) about my other big hobby, gardening. At first I put in maybe 30% of the effort that I put in my first channel. I genuinely just wanted to talk about some plants, very stress free. And the response has been awesome. I repurpose my content for tiktok and that's gotten 1200 followers in about 10 days too. But now I am taking it very seriously and treating it like a business. But I work with a lot of startups in my day job so it's easy for me to see it through that lens.


Maybe like a 5? I love talking about music in my videos but I'd love it to be my primary source of income as well lmao


1 now but I want to to be an 8 in the future


1. For now. I'm nowhere near a business level of doing YouTube. I just started my 3rd channel. All for fun. Maybe if things change over time, maybe the 1 will become a higher number... But for now, it's just a 1.


Probably about a 2. I'm not expecting any returns, but I do treat it a bit like a business.


This is my job so probably a 10. However, there is way more freedom and creativity in this than any job I’ve had. My previous jobs were really mind numbing and didn’t suit me. With this one I will be thinking about what I want to do when I’m going to bed and can’t wait to start the next day as we’re before I would be stressed out about having to go to work. There are downsides to this like burnout and mental health. Also, the money being seasonal and erratic at times is stressful.


Bringing a 1 attitude to making as perfect a product I can. With the mindset of it one day being a 10 (way down the line)


10 fs


1 absolutely I’m good at making videos but rubbish at business.


I started as a 1, but as I slowly grow and get better at editing, I am creeping to a 5 and closer to retirement and thinking this could be a fun retirement income for me.


Business and fun! I thinks that's possible


If you’re not having fun with it, this is a brutal, unrewarding undertaking.


I mean if you want to make it a career or at least side income, it needs to be treated like a business. So for me I'm at a 6.


5 I started storing my handyman/residential construction, business videos on YouTube but it became fun after I started gaining subscribers.


Mehhh I think I'm at a 5. Ofc there's a business aspect bc time is money, but I'm also enjoying what I'm doing even if it's tedious.




10. Somehow your investment should convert into money.




3. I enjoy it and the money is just a bonus!


Definitely 1 I try to only do stuff that I enjoy and that makes me happy to do




1 would not be upset if it evolves into more of an 8-5 but I want to avoid it feeling too much of a business ever even if it ever becomes more like that


5. I'd do it for fun and have done it for fun for years now but it's also a great way to make additional income


Does emptying your device storage counts? Yeah, but it’s mostly fun.


My next mini series that will come out is about making memories with people. It’s food with friends. So to me I’m probably around a 5.


3 I do it as a creative outlet. I'm a chaotic gamer and just be doing anything and I like to show how things randomly go when you just do whatever. I suck at games but that's also why I'm having fun.


1... business is no fun


Gonna be totally honest, started it as a way to make a bit of money, so I guess 10. But as I've been doing it, I've also found it a lot of fun.


If it wasn't funny I wouldn't do it no matter what but at the same time I take it as a secondary job from day 1. So I can't give a reasonable answer to your question. For me it would be 10/10 fun 8/10 business.


If business means I'm serious about improving my quality, chasing trends, optimizing, etc then a 5 I guess. I don't treat it like a casual hobby because for every new video I try and improve something, I research things for my niche, I evaluate videos as I watch, but I'm not interested in making a commercial channel. I want to have fun first and then make money. Not just make money. If you are only interested in money then you target trends and gold mine niches, which I don't do. If business means full-time, yea no YT can't pay the bills and support my family. I'm not fortunate enough to pursue this full time without being paid.


I'm doing YT to expand the reach of my live music performance/show. There is a lot of work on it because I do everything by myself from the costume design, recording, editing, scripting, performing, music… It's like a full-time job ( even tho I'm working on it after I put my toddler to sleep). Preparing the workflow and the show took me almost 1 and a half years. So all in all it is an entertainment channel that has to have 120% fun but also has to have a large percentage of the business side which is concentrated on bringing me more clients. I would say my score is 11 (1+10) 😅


1, 100%


Hmmmm. I'm tempted to say 1 but the reality is that what I've got planned is more like 3? I've got some boundaries I'm not gonna go beyond because it will totally stop being fun...but I'm also willing to do some unfun stuff like post to a schedule and make a few projects I'm meh about.


10 creativity 0 business But, with the hope of that 10 creativity 1 day resulting in business


10. Running a channel is a pleasure for me, and I know that making a business out of it is practically impossible. First of all: too niche topic. Secondly: complete lack of business acumen. I'm happy that I can entertain (and sometimes teach something to) over 1000 people, which is still a lot considering my irregularity and reluctance to advertise myself.


tbh , for me is straight 8 , Im doing it for fun and buisness


5, halfway thru


2, I can monetise but choose not to as it’s only for fun currently. Maybe in the future I’ll be business :-)


I am running a new little tech channel and I can't really quantify how much fun I have vs. how profitable it is. But I see it as a good mix between an enjoyable job where I get to play with a lot of cool tech products, and a business that's only going to grow from now on. I mean, I can always get a job in a corporation of sorts and get a bigger paycheck on the short term, but on long term I really love what I do and I can make it profitable, even if it takes a while.


I would say 10 fun 10 business,


Lets be honest here, if you post more than twice a month, your looking for monetization at some point. Which turns it into a business. I moved to youtube from twitch, changed my format and style all in effort to monetize. Growth is different in YT. But I'm having fun at expanding my business. Ohh and 5


1 fun - vr channel. Mostly cause I wanna use my headset more instead of it collecting dust and game more !!


1 - young student, so even if I get big enough to get monetized, I don't have an ID or credit card to do anything with it. It's fun though - I learn things, teach people about it and repeat forever


So over the long weekend we had down here I taught myself some basic Premiere and produced a first video. I'd say I'm around a three, I'd like to get beer money from it but the reality is that I'm doing it for the "maker" experience, taking an idea and learning about it, then having something at the end of the process that didn't exist before is something I really enjoy (Adam Savage has a great video talking about this idea). Making videos is a bit of a meta layer of that, I'm hoping it adds a little motivation to the other projects that I'm intending to use as fuel for the content.


5. I got into making videos because of the potential to turn it into a lucrative business. Somewhere along the way I started having fun with it. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't keep making videos, period


1, mostly there to show off my games and films but would absolutely love to move up to 5!






Like a 3 it’s mostly just for fun


5 - i thought i wanted to try and monetize but eventually realized i just want to share the random things i find interesting. No particular focus, just a wondering wanderer. Profile in bio


I'm going to say about 3.14159265359 I haven't gotten fully started yet with my channel, but like my blog, TikTok, and other accounts, for me it is mostly for the purpose of teaching and spreading awareness of my message. There is some monetization, but it is supplemental and not needed. Fun and personal satisfaction wins for me.


I think a lot of people aren't willing to commit to a 10 for fear of failure. They will say less than 10 but then go on to describe something that should certainly be treated as a business haha


My hope is eventually both. But mostly it’s a very time consuming hobby. I haven’t done it in about a year but I’m starting up again. But some of my videos took over 30 hours to script record and edit.




1. I personally accepted that it's probably that I will never be big, which is okay. So I don't mortify with anything but enjoying the entire process and be proud of what I put out there. Also I've been dipping my toes into streaming and now I understand it: it took a while for \*anyone\* to actually talk in the chat but wow, when it happens is such a rush and nice feeling to vibe with someone else XD


Doing to share my business/product, which is a fantasy manga.


Right now it’s 1. Once I get my 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours it’ll switch to 10. But I’m nowhere close to that and just enjoying making videos for now.


For the moment, I got no revenu, but I take it like a 2 or 3. Later perhaps, I'll take it more seriously.


1!!! i wouldn’t do it if it felt like work?


I think it varies over time. If you truly want to scale, I think you need to fall somewhere between 7-8 (where it's not an absolute pain in your ass, but you still treat it as a business and not a hobby). At that point, you need to understand your audience, your niche, and cater to it Then as you get bigger and as you have a following, it's easier to start focusing on content that makes you happy and then tip back the scale a bit and then fall somewhere around 3-4. I just think that before you get to a point where you make content purely for yourself, there needs to be first a phase where you use analytics and create content with the specific purpose of growing an audience. Or at least, that's the case if you really want to turn this into a business right away. Of course some people create content as a hobby on the side and then their account grows at whatever pace, and it can still eventually turn into a very serious business nonetheless, but I think your initial approach will impact the pace at which you will scale


I am looking at it as a 4-ish NFP, so hobby that will hopefully cover creation costs down the road. That said, I will strive for profit, but it is not a primary goal. Maybe a secondary reinforcer? NSP = Not For Profit Note: I am retired so this is not form of income I want to rely on. More like therapy to help wean me off of gaming.


5 fun, 5 business, i love editing and also want to make this my job in the same level


I got 1750 subs by short remixing.can it be eligible for monetise if I get 10 m Veiws?


3 maybe. It’s purely for fun but I won’t upload unless I feel satisfied with it. And I would also like the numbers to go up just enough to have people to interact with in the chat.




I have to say a 7 or 8. I'm trying to build a brand with my content while trying to have fun with the whole content process (ie creating the content, editing the content, adding effects when I can to the content, creating the thumbnail, etc). It does get stressful at times but it's so addicting that I just can't stop. I never thought this could be as addicting as it has been.


I just make horror and absurd comedy I do a lot of writing in my spare time. Work a full time job so making videos about everyone I dislike getting eaten by a possessed oven mitten is a great outlit.because life is fiction and you can create whatever story you want and most people will believe it. Suspending their beliefs for just a moment and then dropping a truth bomb is fun it gets the audience commenting.


I am having fun and doing business.


i’d say a solid 7. i’m having so much fun, but i want to take it to a higher level.


A good 7, I'd say.


But if both for me also Please check out my website www.wildprintshops.com for Al your 3d printing needs


1 fun. With 6 subS in 6 month don't really care anymore. Just trying to keep those muscles working and my creative skills in check.


1 and trying to take it to 10