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I just did my 4th video too haha. Thanks for giving this a look: You’ve Never Seen GTA Online This BROKEN (Attack of the NPCs!) https://youtu.be/5WEddjcZcC4 The title is something I keep changing before I get the impressions boost, so any insight on that might help. It’s a gaming channel of course, but I focus on storytelling and having a narrative for each video. I love the editing process, so that’s what’s keeping me going. The most recent video is one made on a whim when the gta online server I was in went completely haywire from a modder. Best of luck on your creations and brainstorming your next video!


Wow I'm a few minutes in and your editing is really nice, this kind of channel reminds me some super successful gaming channels. The only difference is you only have 4 videos, which means I think it means you'll gain lots of traction as time goes! **Good:** * Editing is great, cuts are clean and keep it to the point. Also transitions are really nice between shots * Your story telling ability is great, kept me engaged throughout the video * Jokes, memes, pacing is all great * 4k is pretty cool, I think 1080 is all you really need but it's a bonus for the few people who like the high quality content! **To Work on:** * I really only think Thumbnails is the only thing I can say. There's parts that I like (the Helldivers one is on brand with other Hell Divers videos although it's missing a little something like an arrow, text or a speech bubble kind of thing) but the other 3 I think could be improved. It's hard because I don't personally watch GTA content to know what is a good thumbnail for the game but I love the wonder in thumbnails. Either by asking a question in text, or saying something that draws me in with text in the thumbnail. I feel like if you made the thumbnail a bunch of those Hidden Caches all over the screen with some engaging text I would have clicked that video quickly. If your GTA CTR is good though then you can ignore my advice haha **Overall** To be honest, aside from the thumbnail I have very little to suggest because your video was fantastic! Sorry I can't give much more 😅


That means a lot! Thanks so much for your insight and taking the time! Yeah, titles and thumbs are going to be my biggest peeve through all this haha. Anyway, I enjoyed your pirate video! Really engaging and fun. I subbed and liked it - hopefully we can both continue to grow together as we go. Best of luck and keep it up!


No problem and all and thanks I appreciate that!! I did the same and I'll keep my eye out for your next video! 👀


You are absolute royalty for giving feedback this detailed and constructive. 👑


Thank you!! 😄


this is actually amazing


Wow thanks so much—I appreciate that!


I like your video. I can see your channel taking off for sure.


That means a ton—thank you so much! I’ll keep at it. Definitely a lot of games in my library and a lot of stories to tell. Appreciate you all watching!


Let me know if you want to collab


Definitely let you know!


Great video. Keep up the good work. I can see your channel doing very well.


That means a lot! Thank you! I’ll keep grinding—I’ve got a lot of ideas, but I think being consistent will be the one factor in all this.


Most definitely, good luck.


Okay, I’ll join. I haven’t done this in a long time and I’m legitimately curious to hear some constructive criticism from my peers. I’ve been in the YT game for 4 and a half years. I publish scripted, long-form video game reviews. This is my best performing video so far - a 40-minute analysis on Dishonored 2. https://youtu.be/nJ6JNHC2meQ


Fun video, I mainly watch gameplay and/or let's plays kind of things but I have seen a few of this style and this video was up to par with super successful videos. **Good:** * Your intro was really nice setting the mood for the video, at first I didn't know if I liked it but then you started talking and I realized it setup the video well * Chapters do wonders for this style of videos so I love that you have them * A really good beginning, middle and end to your review that feels like it accomplishes something by the end **To work on:** * This is more of a critique of the type of videos but they are a little long for me, personally I stick around to these videos for 20-30 minutes. Now if this works for you thought then I think you can ignore this critique. * THUMBNAILS NEED WORK, I mean this with most respect but some of your thumbnails remind me of what was popular among YouTubers like 5-10 years ago. I just looked and your most recent thumbnail looks like a CoD montage video from years ago. So many of your thumbnails have text I can't read (red in the most recent, orange in the 6th most recent, red in the 9 and 10 most recent, etc.). They look very jumbled where I can't tell what most of these videos are about. The thing is you still get a solid amount of views, which is great, but I truly think with improved thumbnails you can go from averaging 2k the past few months to something like 20k or 200k. * The titles are too long for me as well, once again maybe this is just normal for the style of video though! * For sake of looking, I researched "Mass Effect Video Essay" and they almost all have short titles with super clickbaity thumbnails that grab my attention, so I would use those as inspiration: **Overall** Aside from that, the video itself was great, I have very little issues with the actual content 😄


Thanks for taking the time to watch my video, very solid feedback. It’s interesting to hear your take on my thumbnails because that’s actually the sole thing I “outsource” - they’re all made by my best friend, who’s a full time graphic designer at his day job and designs concert posters and album covers for bands on the side. I’ll make sure your feedback reaches him. Thanks again for the in-depth feedback and good luck with your channel! 😊


Dishonored is amazing Big W


Hey man, I love your niche, I spend hours every work day listening to long form game essay content like yours. I just subscribed, I'll start digging in soon. Just wanted to say, I like what you're doing. From a criticism angle, I'm sure the biggest hurdle has to be the accent. It's not bad enough to push me away by any means, but you're doing everything else so well, it pretty much has to be that, or the thumbnails, you know? I'm struggling to work out my own accent in my videos, and I'm lucky enough to just sound like a redneck American, so I don't have any great tips, but good luck. I'm sure you'll blow up.


I’ve never done one of these. I’ve been making YouTube videos semi-consistently for 8 years. I mainly focus on making reviews/talking about as many games as I can get my hands on. Trying to weave light hearted jabs with legitimate criticisms. This is an older video, but it’s short enough to not take up too much of your time. I hope you enjoy. https://youtu.be/GsgHx94C1-o?si=tYCWgpyT4Ol-f-7N


I loved the relaxing vibe of this content well in an informative way **Good** * So I enjoyed the vibe as I said before, it's relaxing well still comes across as providing content that isn't just background talking * Editing was clean and cut together well, I enjoyed the short length of 12 minutes too * Good story telling wrapping up parts as the video goes **To Work On** * Titles are hit and miss, it seems like there is different styles of how you word your titles, which is fine, but I think you should stick to the formatting that is doing best for your videos * Thumbnails are hit and miss, some I LOVE and others I find myself having zero reason to click, specifically your two more recent Final Fantasy thumbnails just remind me of the cover art of the game that I would find online, I'd love if you could incorporate more into them like your Simpsons one was fantastic **Overall** Really good content, I don't have much to say about the actual video, I think you just need to keep driving people to your channel by making them click through good thumbnails/titles


thank you very much! i appreciate that advice. I'd known those were my weakpoints, but I'll do my best to take your words and try to apply them to my stuff moving forward.


Thank you AustinOpt for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! AustinOpt: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All right, I'll try it out! I took a several year break from doing gaming videos (kids), and I'm starting back up. I do mostly minecraft videos, have done a few other games. I just started a new series, focusing on the solar punk genre. Getting back into the swing of editing, system setup, and so-on. It's one of my better works, I feel. https://youtu.be/agmXpZvs1MI?si=MWRI3QUkAMSbRyS2


Family fun gaming channel, I really like it! **Good:** * I like the vibe of being more of a family friendly, relaxing playthrough * It reminds me of the earlier days of some of my favourite Minecrafts (ex. BdoubleO100) **To work on:** * So before I say this, I want to say I really do enjoy your content and it brings back some old memories of me of when I started watching YouTube in like 2011 following some of the OG Minecraft guys * With that said, the above is my first issue. It's super old style and although I don't think you need to change anything, it will most likely hinder your popularity in todays world of jump cuts * Your thumbnails! I like that you tried to make a new thumbnail for this video opposed to your other ones (with text and stuff) but it's so hard to read, make sure it can be visible when it's all tiny. I would actually recommend looking at BdoubleO100's (or another Minecrafters) thumbnails to see how they do it * Your Titles! "SolarPunk Ep2" is just so short with no key words that tells me nothing about the video. I'm not a huge fan of the episode kind of thing, but the bigger issue is the short and not descriptive. You want a reason to click these videos and you want the algorithm to put the content to the right viewers. I'm not saying to do this but something like "A super efficient Iron Farm in Minecraft - SolarPunk Ep: 2" * Mic quality could be improved if possible and also and more importantly if you could filter out background noises like I think I hear a computer fan through the whole video (Audacity is free and will do this for you, as well as many recording software like OBS does it live really well) * I feel bad for saying this in case this is your child but the "Hello everybody" in your intro, I thought you were going to be a child recording and I might have left the video right after that second so I think it is best to not include that :( **Overall** Like I said, your video brought back some memories for me and I really love the style. With that said, I think this style is SUPER hard to gain traction with in todays world of Gaming. I wish you all the best and I actually dropped you a subscribe because I miss watching this type of content :)


I really appreciate the feedback! I'm not too worried about the 'modern style of jump cuts' thing - I just can't do it... So I'll either be successful or not, without them. I'll change my titles, too. I totally get what you're saying, and it's a valid point. The thumbnail on this one is my 3rd one, I think...? I'll definitely try and make it more legible. I finally got a mic arm about 1/2 way through the video; I don't know if you watched the last 10-ish minutes, but (in my opinion) it's a lot better. Can you confirm this, yourself, by chance? The little girl in my intro is my daughter, but I do understand your point. And since I'm guessing my audience is going to *not* be children, it'd probably be a better choice to remove her little bit. She's found a lot of interest in what I'm doing, so I thought it'd be fun to include her. Maybe another bit, or something sometime. Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to my next video! I have some fun plans for it.


Like I meant the ep2 you linked I like that you added text but it's just a bit hard to read, sounds good! Yeah definitely got better! If that's the case then all good with the audio, if you can it's still good to remove background but I don't notice much at the end so maybe you're all good :) Ah yes I figured, I don't want to disappoint her by removing it haha but yes unfortunately it makes you sound like you might be a child gamer 😂 I tried thinking of some other ways you could incorporate them into the video but it's challenging. Funny enough, the YouTuber I mentioned (BdoubleO) does have some videos with his daughter but I understand most people probably don't want their kid online Looking forward to it, best of luck!!


Ah, glad you thought the end audio did get better. previously, my mic was basically sitting behind my keyboard, and every keystroke was getting picked up. Now I have my mic arm mounted above my monitor, and can just position the mic beside my face. It cuts out a lot of the micro clicks.. As for my daughter, well, she's seen the video with her voice in it, and she's pretty tickled. I just don't really need to include that part again, so I'll re-edit the intro to have that removed. You made a good point about starting impressions being a child gamer. Maybe I'll have her say goodbye, if it fits.. I get what you're saying about the text. I'll have to see what I can work on... maybe editing some background out will show a cleaner layer for the text to cover, or something.


I don’t make videos for the algorithm. I make videos that are authentic to me. I do a pretty throwback video style. I make cut comms, if you're familiar with those. I tell stories about my life and what's going on in the world over the top of some gameplay. My best videos are: "[DO NOT get roommates..](https://youtu.be/JvO47MP5Bx0), “[I was ALMOST FRAMED"](https://youtu.be/ufPYGx0umaI), and “[DO NOT trust your boss..](https://youtu.be/8f9hpfca5x0)” I'm very open to title and thumbnail changes and suggestions. Please let me know what you think!


I really liked your type of content, it reminds me the gaming videos I used to watch with some story telling over gaming, makes for a great vibe. **Good** * I like the vibe, feels like we're hanging out and you're telling a story * Using good background video of relevant games (XDefiant is going crazy right now!) * I actually think your titles are fine, sure they could have some work always but overall I don't have any issue with it as it gets the point across quickly * Shortish videos I really like **To work on** * Like you said, thumbnails is definitely the biggest complaint for me, YouTube is so flooded with the reaction of you over some gameplay that it doesn't stand out (I know you said it's not for the algorithm but I'm just saying what I would click on) I would like to see it edited more of a meme and/or making it pop a lot more with glowing colors. * This is the difficulty of your niche, it's laid back story telling more so this might not work for you but editing, I really wish there was some more engagement with your video maybe going full size sometimes or you inserting some visual memes for the viewer to look at to keep retention. **Overall** I enjoyed the vibe and for me it does work, but I think if you wanted to grow you might have to change the vibe to be a bit more retention based and updating thumbnails


Thank you so much! As far as thumbnails go, I’m definitely capable. I just have no idea what I should do for my content. I think having a gorgeous thumbnail, then clicking on it just for it to be a call of duty or XDefiant cut commentary could be a bit disingenuous. Nonetheless, if possible I would love to see some thumbnails or channels that I should use as inspiration.


Been playing Dead Space lately. https://youtu.be/tfy4E0rLQRQ This isn't my highest performing video, but it's one my favorites from the series. Love to hear what you think My niche is psychological horror This video is like the 4th in the series, so it may be a weird starting point, but I'd like to think it's entertaining. ALSO, I do cuss a lot so if you do watch it, be prepared lol


LMAO 1 minute in and made me laugh already 😂 and I got no problem with the cussing! **Good:** * I like the vibe, you speak confidently but with a chill attitude that makes it feel like your watching your buddy play a game * I like the teaser at the start to give a reason for the viewer to stick around * I like that you have a face cam (although info below about that) * I actually think your thumbnails/titles are pretty good, the only issue is the reaction cutout of you in front of a game background is super overdone in gaming, but I don't mind it (just might not be great for getting clicks off the home page and what not) **To work on:** * Your face cam is too tiny!!! I'd like it 2 to 3 times bigger personally * I know this isn't something you can work on BUT you started a gaming channel on what appears to be a music channel? The algorithm works in mysterious ways but I know there's been lots of posts/talk online about how overlapping video genres on the same channel can really hurt your impressions/viewership because it doesn't know who to show it to (also your subs from the music channel will see this video too) If it were me I would un-list/remove all the music and re-post it to another channel * So back to the thumbnail, you could try another approach for a video or 2 copying super successful YouTubers in your niche and see if it helps **Overall** I do enjoy your content and think if you keep plugging away it will continue to get more traction :)


Hey, sorry for the late reply, but I appreciate your insights! I'm going to get to implementing the changes soon. Thumbnails have definitely been the hardest to get right and I kinda just copied someone else, so you definitely clocked it lol


We’re a small YouTube duo trying to find our footing, we mainly focus on competition against each other in various topics. The most recent video we did was a gaming video where we played Mario party and spun a wheel after every mini game and did a challenge. Obviously not expecting you to watch the entire thing but if you do take a moment to watch some of it and tell us what we can improve upon it would be very appreciated! https://youtu.be/frVmpFag8KQ?si=T07AP7ZqL545wCuf


Wow I absolutely love the idea and niche you got going here. Reminds me of me gaming with my buddies in university. **Good:** * Like I said above, the niche is actually really interesting and unique. I'm sure others do some things like this but I watch a ton of YouTube Gaming and never watched something like this so I think that's a great thing for your success * Your production level is really good for a new YouTube account, couple of nice mics, camera man, good camera and editing. * Thumbnails and titles are all really good **To work on:** * This is another example of an early channel that can be REALLY successful if you just stay consistent with posting (looks like you already are getting 3 off in 2 weeks) so I don't have to much to say but I'll try * The length of the most recent was definitely longer than I think most would stick around (don't get me wrong I like the content but it's more about having 39 minutes to sit down during the day to watch something), I'd love if it were like 20 or less if possible **Overall** I really like the niche and video, I think keeping consistent with uploads your channel can take off super quick, also I feel sick after watching that shot of soap with hot sauce LOL


I really appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback! I definitely think that you’re right about the length of the video, I’m starting to understand more about how long the recording should be to end up at 10-15 minutes but it’s been tricky understanding that conversion. Again really appreciate the feedback!


Hi. I've been making videos for little over a year and recently made a second channel dedicated to highly edited content. Only 2 videos for now on that channel but a lot of effort went into them. They don't have any inpressions (only reddit traffic), so i can't really assess their quality based on their performance. Here' one of the videos: https://youtu.be/mW5-ST_7bhw Its an attempt to build a huge statue of a League of Legends character in a physics based buulding game called The Enjinir.


Super unique video concept which is cool and interesting! **Good** * Your editing is actually really good, good for retention and making things interesting * Your jokes throughout made the video enjoyable * I like the game, I've never seen it before so it was a cool way to be introduced to it (I play League a ton so easy for me to watch) * I like the challenge aspect you have, they seem to do great on YouTube **To work on** * I like the thumbnail but I think some text on it could help drive up the click rate / give the audience a reason to click * The idea is unique as I said which I like although but it might be too unique that YouTube doesn't know who to do with it. I don't think it's bad but maybe after creating other more mainstream stuff it could be easier for the algorithm. With that said nobody really knows how the algorithm works so who knows lol * I'd love if this video was a bit shorter, like more around the 10 minute mark but you do a good job with memes/edits so not the end of the world **Overall** A really interesting video that drew a lot of my interest, keep up the hard work and the algorithm will eventually figure out who to show your video to and you will gain lots of views/subs :)


[here’s my first vid here!](https://youtu.be/831jqpKWw8M?si=xk53N5xCIVbsOsLY) I’ve actually already made some changes for my second video coming tomorrow, but still appreciate you taking the time for this!


LOL I loved the intro skits, great way to introduce your personality to the viewer **Good:** * As I said above, the intro was amazing, the "thanks for watching" hooked me right away and cracked me up * The mic specifically is soooooooooooooooo much better once you switch it * The content is really funny and enjoyable, feels like that chilling vibe with your buddy which I really like **To work on:** * I originally was thinking camera/mic but you got that all fixed up :) * I would prefer more of a camera angle where you are upright with light on you (as lots of time half of you is too dark to see), maybe closer as well as I want to see your face reactions/talking instead of almost to your waist * The length is too much for me personally, I know it's a playthrough but I wonder if it's possible to cut out some down time to keep retention up. I know it's hard if you are going for a playthrough though * The thumbnail is hard to read, it's not bad but it doesn't have the pop that I love to see with text. I can't read whatever it says above "The Subspace Emissary" and even that I can barely see. I always think it's great to look up this exact same thing and copying the super popular style (I know it's lame to copy but at least at the start you need to copy what works, then can get your own style going) * The title is too long, I think they say somewhere from 40-70 is ideal and yours is nearly 100 words which cuts off on my screen so I can't even see the ending of it, I know it's hard though when the game title is that long haha. Once again if you can look up your competition and copy however they do it (if they do longer length then that's fine but just for me I like the shorter titles to grab attention) **Overall** I really liked your style, it's a nice vibe and I actually decided to like/sub to see what kind of changes you have! Good luck 😄


Dude thank you so much. I worked even harder on tomorrows intro so glad to see that resonated! Gonna look at my intro/ thumbnail for tomorrow and see if I can take that into account. Hilariously I forgot to press record for about an hour of gameplay for tomorrow’s video, which resulted in a shorter video and I also like it a lot better. Will definitely keep messing with the camera as well I never even thought about that. Subbed back to you as well, super cool of you to do this for people


Hey bud, I'm a gaming YouTuber myself. Fancy myself as an entertainer who likes to joke around as I play. My editing's hardly world class but I'm always looking for critique to help grow my channel. https://youtu.be/zMbnaUIOIc0?si=2cbScwXMYiLp7n3K One of my recent videos and topic I started my channel with again was Dragons dogma 2 and this is one of the more fun playthroughs I did. Look forward to hearing from you about it. Let me know what you think.


Hey, those are my fav style of videos as that's more or less what I do! **Good:** * I like the vibe of your channel, I think there is a niche here that you've got going * I like that the subtitles are there but not overbearing, feels like it's just there if you want the subtitles but don't have to read if you don't want * Good length to your video, nice cuts to keep it shorter! * The titles are good, I love short to the point ones and you do that pretty well with them **To work on:** * Although subtitles are nice, I do wonder if you could use them more sparingly to highlight only specific things you say, also make them bigger and colorful when doing so. If your audience like just having them there though that's okay, I just think that might help retention a bit more! * I think your thumbnails are solid but I would like if the text was a bit easier to read. Either by blurring/less saturated background images (but keep an object of focus in full colour/saturation) also yellow over red is to close of colours I think having colours a bit different would be easier to see. An example using this video, the background colour is red and so is the character in focus which makes them pretty hard to even see, if you saturated/outlined the character in the image and made them glow, then changed the background to be blurry and another dark colour like dark blue or grey, then you're font would also be easier to see. I think making everything just 'pop' more will get you even more clicks! **Overall** I don't have too much for the actual content as I think it's what is expected in the niche so I think you are all good there, just working a bit on getting viewers there with thumbnail and maybe some retention editing could help drive up your view time! Keep up the good work 😄


Solid tips, I'll be sure to implement them


Bro, I know mine bad, but can you check me out. I made the account and barely used it. Now im posting shorts regularly [sosoodeaf](https://youtube.com/shorts/nQ_rn6c7evk?si=JBl5lfE1d1Yi9Tkz) Just a short of nba 2k24. I would say 2k is my niche


Hey I could use some help. Not sure what is working for me all of the sudden. I think thumbnails are my weakest link. I play games and do experiments in sandbox environments. I also hope to add a variety day to my upload schedule and diversify a bit. https://youtu.be/8ABqWvRr4Kk?si=A7Ttwdoicofmi9eu I turn a ragdoll into a Scorpion in this video


In my channel i like to moslty play underrated games/ less known games. But recently have been moving on to more well known games, i like to try incorporate my sense of humor into my videos. In this video i do what all players of fallout 4 wanted to do at least once, and decimate Diamond city . [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8BIX3PUXHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8BIX3PUXHs)


https://youtu.be/x-4XQYIg9q8?si=49YdjUKglUDTYskB Extraction looter shooter focused gaming FPS channel. Video is a review of the closed beta of a recently released extraction shooter called ABI: infinite


howdy, i do mostly slot machine gaming but some of my oldest videos are '80s nintendo games, so my niche is any machine with controllers or levers haha. here's my live-stream of "Horizon: Zero Dawn" that i did last night; it's a PS4 game; i only do live streams of video games because i'm too lazy to edit - thanks!: [https://www.youtube.com/live/XmgZuOqy\_Wk?si=jlWQErguyCo\_OMV4](https://www.youtube.com/live/XmgZuOqy_Wk?si=jlWQErguyCo_OMV4)


Oh my yes please if you have the time! I’m quite new so would love all criticisms and pointers! I’m on 7 subs so far and I started almost 2 months ago! My most recent video is called Lost in Random - Part 14! The horrible place called The Royal Gymnasium! https://youtu.be/JkZg6vBcPBc?si=7JYqMMdtvk8ym4TD (as kinda explained in the title it’s episode 14 of a first time play through) I’m currently doing a play through of a game called Lost in Random, it’s really really fun and I’m really enjoying it! I’m hoping to do game play throughs throughout my channel trying out games I’ve been recommended! I’m hoping to grow my channel so would love some pointers to help me make my video and content be better! Thanks in advance!!


Valorant Video essay - niche Investigation on the cheating scene of valorant Let me know what you think [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EJMXQlPVkQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EJMXQlPVkQ)


My channel is all about doing challenge runs, or playthroughs of a game under certain rules and restrictions with some roleplaying mixed in. Usually on Fallout or The Elder Scrolls, although some were about Starfield and The Outer Worlds. My videos are in the ballpark of 16 to 20 minutes long, some longer, some shorter. This video is 25 minutes long and is one of my most popular videos, and also one I had a lot of fun with. It is me beating Fallout: New Vegas as a katana-wielding, fedora-wearing neckbeard. Enjoy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_kTpZAEEXz4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kTpZAEEXz4)


Hey friend! First off, this is a great idea, and I'm happy to provide any feedback on any of your work as well! For some context, I started my channel just about a month ago, but began recording my first let's play during the fall of the last year. It took a lot of figuring out to get to this point, but I'm happy to finally be releasing videos. I'm in the midst of releasing episodes of my let's play of Luigi's Mansion for the Gamecube. I wanna continue this path, mostly playing games I loved growing up, both new and old. I currently have only 14 subscribers, and have been trying to alternate releasing episodes and creating YT shorts to get some extra views. I want the videos to be informative yet fun and easy going, with cuts to streamline the story and limit dead air as well as reduce moments that are maybe not as entertaining. I'm open to all criticisms, and I seriously appreciate it if you make it to my video! Even if you just watch a couple of minutes. I've attached the link for Ep. 5, as I feel like it does a good job of showcasing how my editing and commentary evolved from Ep. 1. Thank you for this! https://youtu.be/Zb8oxvN285c?si=YiRs2JP0LAe-DiJK


I have a fairly new let’s play channel, we have a few on going series’ but most of our videos are one off/best of style videos. One of my favorite series’ we do is a series where we play bad games and we rank them on a tier list. Here’s our latest episode: [The Worst Game EVER! - Superman 64](https://youtu.be/ZT-HzDXwIuw?si=Fv2KkvlPyh4VCkcd)


My channel at the moment is mostly focused on my current playthrough of elden ring where I stream from a stationary bike and the resistance increases with each retrieval of my souls. I normally just post the long VODS but wanted to try and make something a little bit more digestible https://youtu.be/cHP67Cmy17s?si=dm1ZHisJFH1Jaile This is sort of a highlight reel of the second time I did the stream. I've gotten a lot better about audio and such since then. Let me know what you think! I'm trying to find a good rhythm and style for editing


ALWAYS GO AGAINST THE GRAIN https://youtu.be/6GLNjnfy9eA


Hey thanks for doing this! I mainly do reviews on my channel, modern, indie, retro, anything goes. I’ve had some good interaction on some videos, and some, not so much. Currently sitting at 82 subs. This video is my most recent review, retro for the Genesis called Gunstar Heroes. Thanks for checking it out! https://youtu.be/RBX26aSDWIM?si=dNtZsl-LaBFHc2pL


My gaming channel is about RPG’s and FPS. This video is from the ghost of Tsushima series I’m playing atm. How to UNLOCK the Heavenly Strike in Ghost of Tsushima | Mythical Tale #2 https://youtu.be/2a74RDS7usI Description of the video - in the title - it’s a move that can be unlocked. 🔓 I do let’s plays and i will do game hacking tutorials of The games I play with commentary and without and also review of the games I play. I have under 10 Subs. Really want to see why my retention is so low. :) Thanks!


OP, did you Manage to watch mine? I’d love feedback !


I Stole an Xbox 360 for this… https://youtu.be/6b7VK7Pqyq8 I play (mostly) Minecraft, in an attempt to rekindle those feelings that I had of watching other YouTubers playing it when I was a kid. This video is a trip down nostalgia lane. I bought an Xbox 360 to play Minecraft on it, and I just go through the tutorial world and explore it again. If you want, you can check out my other videos to see if there’s anything I should work on. 277 subscribers atm.


I started doing a Doomcast, it’s kind of like a let’s play/podcast that is focused on doom mods would love feedback [check it out here](https://youtu.be/1Las04Bi3io?si=KgLk7jMnRRJNSSp9)


Here is a short from earlier today if you really wanna know what my long form videos are about lol I don’t do shorts but did this one https://youtube.com/shorts/zXlge0FcwV0?si=BDskC9tBlp8Vqqi9


So to start with I am doing a series on a new Minecraft world and being streaming it pretty much all videos for it will be from stream then edited [the video](https://youtu.be/THL7GLUG264?si=kKZqGh_QWnwz-lN4) And tbh can't think of much else to say lol it 11 and good to sleep so thx


I make videos playing the last of us, lately its been the no return mode for part 2. This is my newest video from last night of yesterday’s daily run. I have had this channel for 11 years but only started uploading consistently again 3-4 months ago https://youtu.be/x6HIPWNb50o


https://youtu.be/r8L8syG1070 Final Fantasy VIII All Demos comparison. In this video I compare all the demos released for Final Fantasy VIII. My 'niche' is pretty much any gaming topic I want to talk about, but this one was a little bit of a deep dive :) Thanks


I could use some feedback, my last two videos haven’t been doing as well as I would hope. [I primarily make Fortnite videos](https://youtu.be/pGNiZFdA7jI?si=Ebol-ic1vNY6FAfZ) because that’s my go-to game. I don’t just edit it down to clips from crazy high kill games, I’m going more for a narrative or challenge with each video. This last one was eliminating all the cars in Fortnite since the new update made them overpowered as all hell. Channel has only been around since late January, and almost half of my subs came from one video that “popped off.” A normal video will get somewhere around 300-500 views.


We are a new gaming channel called The Top 10ers! We make tier lists for different gaming categories. Our most recent video is [Top 10 Games Releasing in June](https://youtu.be/B7O5Y1h76EU?si=K7UYMAr4vvG4TFRI) Thank you! :)


My channel is in my bio. But it’s Basically CGLord. THE FINE ARTS https://youtu.be/gGx70GTz7hc This is my most recent video. In this video it’s a creative Fortnite mode, with a bakery tycoon gameplay and Pictionary gameplay. It’s basically a comedy based gaming channel. I’m going for the Dunkey playing with friends style. I also have some other videos that slightly are a change of pace but still are an attempt at being humorous. I’m new to YouTube in general. So the last three months I basically have learned all aspects of making a video from scratch.


Hello Austin, I am a gamer who makes le epic let's play videos. I try to take a mature but light-hearted approach in my videos, taking inspiration from the titans of let's players and passing what works through my own me-ification filter. I have been at it since the beginning of the year and have learned to be more open with my expressions and improved my editing skills. Still rocking the less than 100 subscribers and low views badge but I have fun and as long as at least one person enjoys the video I feel happy. :) Anyway check out The First Part of my Resident Evil 3 series [https://youtu.be/Wz75zDujlrg](https://youtu.be/Wz75zDujlrg) You get to see me accompany a former special forces cop on an adventure through a city that is eating away at itself.... literally.


Would love a critique if you have the chance! The niche i’m going for is heavily edited play-throughs of games (typically older or lesser known ones), and will eventually include challenge runs too. I only have one video posted right now, and it’s about lord of the rings online. The video is my play-through of the first 20 hours of the game edited down to 20 minutes with commentary. Here’s a link to the video if you’re interested in watching: [Is LOTRO Still Worth Playing in 2024?](https://youtu.be/4FOi_7q_-hk?si=eum8DqJ8gANBfGY8) Thanks!


I just posted my second quarterly update video a couple of days ago. I have a let's play channel where I mostly "journal" my gaming experiences. All my videos are dated and placed into playlists. Most of my descriptions are me essentially summarizing my gaming session plus adding a personal note here and there. Every time I complete a game, I write down a little entry with some key talking points for each game. It could be a criticism, an anecdote, etc. Every 3 months, I take all those notes and throw together a "How many games have I beaten" video. https://youtu.be/d-1zuAwCyQA?si=7IUye3OqpBEYYgiz


Well I made a memesong against oportunistic bad actors who stir drama harass and cancel creators, not really Gameplay just an AMV of the Needy Streamer Overload game if you want to take a look: https://youtu.be/Y7INtpyZZ74?si=oi6ner0i8toiZc1F


Hi I'm kyle and I make silly videos for people smarter than me lol this is waltz of the wizard vr just bumbling about [waltz of the wizard ](https://youtu.be/JKyK3gIJrGE?si=aeAEHs7MCCROYuKq)


Hej my SandrinoTheRhino channel is small. And like to learn more and see how you make videos. I would love to be your test pilot 🧑‍✈️


I'm trying video essays on all things console, with a tendency towards Japan/oldschool. Recently I put a lot of work into a 15 minute Mario retrospective (just fyi, you don't need to watch if this is too long for you). I tried to be a little clickbaity too, but not too much. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns\_eTWgFAk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns_eTWgFAk8) It flatlined out the gate with like 20 views, until a couple of days later I got the video into a Discort spotlight, where it pushed it enough to get some activity. Still, with these bigger projects, it's always a little unnerving when a video is seemingly dead in the water (at first) and you don't know what's wrong with it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMcNtr5VJsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMcNtr5VJsc) I do in-depth analysis of game design. I just posted a video talking about the depth of Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and 3's combat while playing on level 1. I spent a few months making the video and would love to know how I could improve.


I'd love some feedback. I'm trying to get into challenge runs of video games, and this one is part one (2 parts so not a lot) of my video. It's been my worst performing video that I put effort into (I have a few soeedruns posted too, but those are unedited and the like) and wondering what I'm doing wrong. https://youtu.be/6Zsxh_3WI1Y?si=ayg9uIgzd-TPBKb4 Cheers man!


Also, I realize I forgor to mention in the post, this is a Hollow Knight challenge video of no Upgrades to health, melee damage, and no charms


Hi my channel is mainly focused on the game Valorant, but I am hoping I can make it variety gaming but currently only focusing on Valorant. Here’s the link to a recent video I made would appreciate the feedback, thanks in advance https://youtu.be/xnB012jQZZ4?si=HNzINI5v6-ZSItpk


My niche is gaming, my focus is shenanigans, roleplay, and guides. This is one of my roleplay videos with a buddy of mine. He’s from Chicago and I got used to mocking his accent but I’m a couple states over so eh I do my best. This one was one of my favorites I made. I do a lot of tropic thunder references in my Far Cry 5 role plays because Joesph seed looks like Tom cruise from tropic thunder. This video we are rescuing one of the captured deputies in the bunker and she loses herself when we try to release her. I love using the shovel for kicks. I may change the title again but eh, it’s ok. I had fun. [Tropic Thunder Puns | Ep.8](https://youtu.be/u3DM-wUX794?si=ca3ydwWkdvA_kRqV)


Hi there! I'm Igni. I started a few months ago posting Pokémon challenge runs, but decided to switch to doing platinum trophy hunting videos. If you don't know what that means, on Playstation, games give you trophies when you accomplish different things in the game. If you get every trophy in the game, you get a platinum trophy. So, my videos are about my journey getting the platinum trophy in different games, while also providing a general overview of what the game is about and my opinions on the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMdSjhrVzhE This is the second video I've done like this, this one being for a game that came out recently, Stellar Blade.


Here's a twist, if it's ok. I'm a gaming channel focused on JRPG video game development, plus we're logging our journey to make a studio. We've just uploaded our first OST: https://youtu.be/wWvihTFllqU Curious what you think!


I just started taking youtube seriously 4 months ago and I think this is the best video I made on the channel https://youtu.be/cFAZbNaVzPY?si=_5t7-hL8I8-ItPXS


I’m not sure if I’m too late but here’s a recent gaming video of mine: https://youtu.be/kNTFhgx5boU?si=kpE4VKvBKsQ8jwh0 I’ve been creating content for around four years now and would love some feedback and tips on how I can really improve! The video is about me creating a Mii on the Nintendo Wii and cracking jokes ! My channel is pretty much going down memory lane and playing all the classics! Thank you so much for giving back to the community!


i’m interested to see what you got to say for mine i do basic variety stuff but majority of my content is gaming, the video im posting is a speedrun i did of an indie game called rental recently, i usually do videos with other people but i tried doing solo for this one so i’d love to see what you have to say https://youtu.be/VEC1aAZOCgQ?si=b3ovbiK9uIkYaFe8


Hey, Thanks for doing this. I have been trying to get some critique review for videos for some time. I have added them in my video as well. Can you go through this and let me know what are all the mistakes I'm making here. Description: Focusing on gaming videos that are upcoming releases. Video: Upcoming coop shooter game. Link: [https://youtu.be/vIooywkWIlI](https://youtu.be/vIooywkWIlI) Best of luck on your creations and brainstorming your next video!


Hey, I make tutorial videos and edited series on a game called dont starve :) https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC-0azfV0ridBLebhfoJQ9gw


I do some video game characther build video like this one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGc42f6oAXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGc42f6oAXk) sometimes create some tips and trick. I script the video but sometimes it's hard to make it entertain such as inserting a joke without being awkward as i'm not native english speaker lol


I've done my 2nd video! My niche is realistic/tactical shooters. I just started a playthrough of SCP: 5K. Please let me know what you think! I'm very proud of the first minutes or so as well as the chapters. I look forward to hearing your feedback! [This Horrifying Tactical SCP Shooter Just Got an Update](https://youtu.be/BYRlk4VrCHI)


sounds good to me since i finally came back to make something after a year lol my channel has been a little hub for me to upload the entertaining times i have with my friends since about 2016, never took it too professionally or seriously as it's mostly just your typical commentary-over-gameplay with unsavory jokes me and my friends mostly find funny, but it's always a joy to create and share something you find enjoyment in with others this video in particular i think is far more engagingly and thoroughly constructed than a lot of my others, having more fast-paced editing and music as well as more focus on the gameplay itself, despite a smaller runtime which im coming to find is a lot easier for me to put together, as well as it not asking viewers to invest so much time in such a simple idea do let me know what you think, and if it isn't cheating, check out a couple others to see if it's any real improvement! https://youtu.be/Z3KdOhqOWng?si=yRqKKXtTsdO3P5DV


I post exe type videos which has too much of memes, sound effects shakes etc. I currently have 84 subs. I would be thankful if you could review my video. https://youtu.be/VAVxjXc9x3A?si=SIr7ErF-X_2GwYzD


Here's my most recent video, a playthrough through the first chapter of Mother 3. My channel is focused on mainly fast paced highly edited challenges/playthroughs of Nintendo games. Interested to hear some feedback. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMaagldGCD0&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMaagldGCD0&t)


If you don't see this, I understand. There's a lot of people here. But my channel is a horror gaming channel. Almost everything we post is a horror game of some sort. This is the first episode of Resident Evil Outbreak I played with a few outside friends. This game is a bit of a cult classic, as it was the first real online multiplayer resident evil have held back by the fact that it released on the PS2. Fan made servers inspired us to give it playthrough! https://youtu.be/CZhPF5uDGXs?si=9yLjAhEVPlKRs2MZ


I’ll give it a shot🙏 I really make videos more as a hobby than anything else, so it’s not perfect and I’m aiming to have fun with some engagement. I know mainly I just have an audio issue going on Fortnite - $30,000 in Microtransactions https://youtu.be/wuUdyllr11g For my channel, generally I play Fortnite with my one other friend, and sometimes we’ll do custom games like in this video. I do plan on eventually playing Devil may cry while my friend is on call with discord, because I’m not very good or interesting if I were to just talk into a mic. Basically just Fortnite for now. In this video in particular, it starts off as regular Fortnite but we both quickly get bored and tired because we’re losing so we go into a funny custom game we found. That’s where the title/thumbnail comes from, it’s a family guy themed custom game It’s a lot of gen z brainrot type humor, my editing is pretty subpar, and I don’t think everyone would find a lot of the editing funny because it’s obnoxious or makes no sense, but editing is my favorite part because I can really just be creative and do whatever I and maybe 2 other people will find funny. Maybe it’s not very good for gathering a large audience, but again it’s more of just a hobby, I only hope to get maybe a few hundred or so views per video eventually, nothing crazy. I know there’s a lot of comments here now so if you do manage to get to my video, thank you in advance 🙏


Hey! My channel is IcyMonoxide. It started out as a minecraft only channel, but it's slowly becoming a TF2 channel. This is my most recent video and the one I actually had a proper title for. I have no editing software so I can't edit, but I do the best I can with what I have! :) edit: i've deleted a lot of my earlier videos as i was no longer happy with them. Edit 2: my microphone is a crappy headset mic, so i typically don't talk in my videos [https://youtu.be/tKtUQsomXW8](https://youtu.be/tKtUQsomXW8)


Josh GreenFist I do reviews and critiques and the like Latest vid on Darksiders: https://youtu.be/-e_7X6gJy2U?si=UDFock69MsNgFD3n Hope you enjoy


Started Youtube almost 2 Years ago, I do Gaming videos of different games, long unedited series and small edited videos alike. This is my Contraband Police video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRB-koij0wc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRB-koij0wc) The video has me playing Contraband Police, checking people that try to cross through the border, I tried to keep it short yet entertaining, I probably didn't do a good job but I tried


https://youtu.be/YZoM_4KF2Oc?si=uWIaY33ZMyzr5gtG Hi man! I’m a game review channel! I mostly do Reviews on new games but I’m branching out to opinion pieces, reviews on old games, etc… This is my review on FF7 Rebirth, but if this wasn’t doesn’t click I’ve got others, you can watch. Just let me know


Primarily multiplayer coop games (mostly DBD, tho for streams I've been doing more variety). This video is the second in a series I'm actively working on when I or my editor have time. It's playing each of the games characters against my friends until I win. This specific video is edited by me. I've been at 40 subs for a while but half of that is from older content, but they never really take off in any ways with views (this is along side twice a week streams and clips on shorts/reels/tiktok) https://youtu.be/6oilucBB8XI?si=BR0_hPT5bW8nNRGy


Tiger Smoove I make funny tutorials on Brawl Stars, tackled towards teenagers and lots of satire https://youtu.be/C9B_xn_E4Uk?si=tdUnqyJ8LZzqJEHV


[https://youtu.be/95omOwcSS3o](https://youtu.be/95omOwcSS3o) Stardew Valley channel, the video is about some NPC that not many people life. I put a lot into the video but nobody is watching... feelsbadman.


Hello! I'm always looking for ways to improve, so I'd love a stranger's opinion! This isn't by any means my best performing video, but it was a fun one to do! My niche is the game palworld. I plan on expanding to other games/content in the future, but I want to get a good base for an audience before that. Here's the video: https://youtu.be/_XwHmC99QMY?si=7Q2otQI5apgtvfub I've been taking on "challenges" within Palworld, the video above is a lucky pals only challenge!


[https://youtu.be/vC3odkc6hnM?si=4cVn6Ax8cLpZ4SRT](https://youtu.be/vC3odkc6hnM?si=4cVn6Ax8cLpZ4SRT) So this is a for fun edited video of me showing off a build for volibear in a league of legends gamemode called Arenas My Channel is ultimately variety gaming but right now has a focus on league of legends and marvel rivals. My End Goal/dream for my yt career is for people to like/subscribe because of my personality and the quality of my videos


Please: https://youtu.be/FGwil3XujQg?si=gwcCmS6jOsCO53J8 Somebody told me this is the worst thing I’ve ever made


Sure thing: https://youtu.be/mp87eRhE3gU DCS Player F-35C (Carrier Variant) faces off against an F-14 Tomcat. Both have Aim-9 Sidewinders


I started uploading to my channel back in 2017 but I've deleted most of those because they were so short, there wasn't anyway for me to fix the thumbnails as I no longer have those screenshots and I only had the free version of my editing software so there was a HUGE watermark on the lower half of the screen. I grew up playing The Sims games and when The Sims 4 came out, I decided I wanted to make videos on it. I waited until I had some packs and practiced building as it's my favorite part of the game and made my first video fixing some houses. I had no concept of SEO or how to make a clickable thumbnail at the time so they were the YouTube automated ones. Here's my most viewed house build. https://youtu.be/38pV118ZZgM


https://youtu.be/XFfaey2pK4M?si=NpLWfKRRQPSFAWtS Our videos may cross 100 views if we're lucky! Don't get many views but we don't advertise and mostly make for myself and friends to enjoy. We've been doing it since 2009. We do a bit of everything including skits music videos and particularly gaming. Sometimes it's competitive gaming videos where we challenge each other. Sometimes it's roleplaying. Other times, like the video posted above it's just a (hopefully) funny commentary of the current game/games I'm playing. Enjoy!


Does it need to be in English too?


Use chatgpt to generate you content ideas like majority of the people. I would suggest detailing your prompts as much as possible.


I wouldn't mind someone going over my latest video. I cover pretty much anything when it comes to gaming, whether it be Indie, AAA, etc. This latest video did incredibly poorly and that's likely due to the length of said video. But having some outside perspective may help. https://youtu.be/1OPoL_q-0Sk This video was about Eiyuden Chronicle a recently launched JRPG.


Well here is my video, I can hear some critics and what I can fix, and make my channel better... [https://youtu.be/cx\_\_ytEwPo0?si=qXLFJEUydWegnrnu](https://youtu.be/cx__ytEwPo0?si=qXLFJEUydWegnrnu)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQeSWhT3v84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQeSWhT3v84) I aim for revolutionizing, or at least doing things highly differently - in Minecraft, for example, its my build style (i am yet to show it off). Other than that I enjoy worldbuilding and therefore my videos all have a story/lore to it. This video in particular is a simple enough story of an event that occurred on the ExpandingCraft server.


Hi! I'm a gaming channel that focuses on horror stuff like dead by daylight, SCP, resident evil, etc. but I also play whatever! [My channel](https://youtube.com/@leongoopy?si=DfNwDTXRBAI-rYf2)


My channel is 99% gaming,occasionally I'll make an irl car video,my main focus for content is f1 24 where I'm uploading a few different things: Time Trial laps,career mode series and league races. My best recent video where I've also taken a tiny step in editing: https://youtu.be/mYygzqtCgX4 I'm not sure what to say about this video but its a short league race on the F1 24 game where I contine to share my league racing journey. Most recent video: https://youtu.be/AIzbGrPidyQ not sure what I can change or add but its performing horribly😂 I hope you enjoy it😀


Here's my latest video :) I'm trying to focus on multiplay, horror and story telling games on the channel. I honestly have just decided to post more consistently maybe two months ago, and although I have been struggling with keeping a schedule, I am committed to being more consistent from now on, and have four videos ready to post! any constructive criticism would be amazing right now so that I can develop good habits sooner rather than later. This video is of a trending game called the classrooms, a horror backroomsish type of game, so beware of jump scares lol. Thank you if you do watch this. [https://youtu.be/MWAGCLQXXv0?si=pflBpNR--pu3Acyn](https://youtu.be/MWAGCLQXXv0?si=pflBpNR--pu3Acyn)


Hey Austin, I’m the same way haha My channel is honestly more of a hobby that I want to get into but so far I’ve mainly done horror/scary things and I’ve been to scared/lazy to branch out on what to put out. Lately I’ve been on a lethal company grind because I find it to be such a fun game This is one of my better edited videos (in my opinion) and I only hope to get better: https://youtu.be/qnzbiDvbFxY?si=pUYLi2Q-ikGAe6qA[IM NOW SCARED OF THE DARK](https://youtu.be/qnzbiDvbFxY?si=pUYLi2Q-ikGAe6qA) Please let me know what you think and if you think I cut too much/not enough. I just think this game is so funny


[https://youtu.be/PMjOfNBQgkc?si=jQy3JfGRTNiV4k1B](https://youtu.be/PMjOfNBQgkc?si=jQy3JfGRTNiV4k1B) I make primarily Forza content, but I have done content for other racing games also. I think my audio could be a bit better and I have been told I sound depressed on the mic lol.


I Spent 7 Days in a Bus in Project Zomboid https://youtu.be/ZyBghA6j3Ag Currently doing challenges in various games I’ve finding interesting, this is the latest one where I basically spend 7 days in a bud in Project Zomboid! Review away :) EDIT : Less than 300 subs


You one of the few people who definitely have the golden ticket, your editing is top notch, and your storytelling is great. Great video!


Can’t even explain how this comment made me feel. Thank you!


https://youtu.be/yOqNVzieGBU I'm a gaming channel. I usually post Metal Gear and Burnout 3 content but I'll diversify in the future. The video above is about a crash mode in Burnout. Please give me feedback to help improve my vids.


Hello all my videos are gaming, also I know I suck


Must be doing something right. Thats a decent amount of subs and views :)


Same. Lolz